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Heresy, burn the witch!! tongue.gif

I agree with the Christian one though, Edge is just shite. Especially now, with his unfunny promos/insults.

ECW was some fantastic wrestling mixed in with complete and utter shite that didn't even make sense half the time.

Mania is very over-rated. People get carried away with all the hype. Obviously you get matches like Taker/HBK, HHH/Cena but when you consider it, there are better PPV's throughout the year but just because they don't get the hype that Mania gets isn't as good.

Edge makes me cringe these days. When he first became the Rated R Superstar he was brilliant, but he's boring as sin now. Christian is always entertaining, I just wish theyd turn him heel. Oh and at least when Christian tries to be funny he usually is, unlike Edge.

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Unpopular opinons? i'm not sure if they are all quite as unpopular as such, just never really discussed.

Matt Hardy isn't actually that fat.

The Radicalz coming to the WWF was probably the single most exciting moment of the attitude era.

Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect and the Million Dollar man all should have been given runs with the title back in the 80s.

JBL was a superb champ and brilliant on the mic.

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ICW will be taking place on Wrestlemania Sunday and then will be showing the PPV itself in the Walkabout. Incidentally, this will be the first time it has been shown LEGALLY.

Johnny Moss completes Total Mossdown on Christopher Rampage.

I've always had little doubts about Rampage, but he managed to get rid of them pretty well last night. His firey attitude worked just as well as a heel as it did as a face and he came across looking good even though he took quite the beating from ICW's resident mauler. The highlight of the match was Rampage getting thrown over the wall into the back of the seating. It was the usual crazy Mossy match. Is it any wonder why the ICW fans love this guy?

Rob Cage seriously needs to be the mouthpiece of Absolution. Not much else to say about the promo other than it got the point across.

Liam Thomson df. Andy Wild via pinfall.

I didn't think it was quite as good as their match at the last Maryhill show. It was still a really good outing though. Lots of good chain wrestling at the start as well. That was probably the highlight of the match. Liked the ending as well.

Kay Lee Ray df. Carmel via pinfall.

They managed to better their good match down in Kilmarnock this time around. Carmel remains one of the more entertaining things in Scottish wrestling at the moment. It's a shame that there aren't many women in Scottish wrestling right now, as I'd love to see these two against more opponents.

Lionheart's promo was good fun and set the tone for the evening as far as The Gold Label goes, and also gives them a new enemy to deal with. Someone said to me "putting four main eventers in a stable so they can't fued with each other, good idea" but I think that might be missing the point. Last night's utter domination wouldn't have worked if it was four guys of lesser stature. Anyways, I'm rambling.

Lionheart df. Kid Fite via pinfall.

It was a good short match. Completely different to their BCW outing but just as good. Wolfgang continued his "angry man" act for the evening when he helped Lionheart get the win and as mentioned, the beatdown post-match took place and really cemented the plans for the evening.

The Gold Label df. STI via pinfall.

Match of the night and an early shout for the Scottish match of the year between these four guys. I didn't think there'd be much in the way of a standard tag match here because of the rivalry between Grange and the Label, but outside of the necessarily mental ( including a great Moonsault from Divers off of a wall ), this was very much your standard tag team match and both teams looked amazing and delivered an edge of the seat thriller.

The Bucky Boys df. Vinnie James and Joe Coffey via pinfall.

I didn't forsee the Coffey/James team lasting very long when they couldn't even make their entrance without arguing with each other. I had to go to the bar during The Bucky Boys entrance as I thought I was gonna have a seizure. The Wee Man was in fine form, and called his new team "The School Age Outlaws" which I loved. Loads of ECW references as well actually. The match itself was good. James and Coffey were just absolutely brutal and Xavier in particular took a beating. He and Blaze did look a good team though. Good to see both of them getting a good spot in ICW and they'll be over big time in the future I reckon.

I missed Rage N Storm getting together which I'm gutted about because I've been wanting to see them together for ages now.

BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew df. Rob Cage and Noam Dar via pinfall.

I take it BT Gunn is the bar brawler of ICW? That's two of his matches that has seen him up at the bar. This time I was actually there to see it and watching them up there is great fun. Good idea getting rid of the barrier to allow Noam Dar to do his Asai Moonsault a bit better. It was another belter of a match in what was basically a long list of them.

Post-match, Lionheart and Red Lightning attacked from the crowd and the other two from the back. Once again, it was just pure domination from the Label.

James Scott df. Jester to retain the ICW Championship.

Mental main event and my throat was killing me afterwards. The most mental spot in ICW to date happened with Jester landing the Tombstone off of the second buckle into the thumbtack filled table which, rather predictably, didn't break. Kudos to both men for going above and beyond the call of duty yet again.

It was a fucking unbelievable show.

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Would it be unpopular to say that Shane McMahon was fucking awesome?

Not in thee slightest.

Tna is nothing but a place where WWE rejects stay(most of them)

Rob Van Dam is over-rated

All Rey Mysterio's matches are the same

Hulk Hogan should stay away from any wrestling promotion

Adam Bomb was awesome lol


If Hall is added to that card I may look at having a weekend in North Wales.

Same night as the Brockville Spirits Sportsmans Dinner.

ECW was shit.

WCW was fantastic.

Bret Hart is a c**t.

WrestleMania is over rated.

Christian has always been better than Edge.


ANother one from me,

The Rock was a better heel than he was a face, and he was the best face of the last 15 years.

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Diva matches are only good for the fast forward button

Unpopular opinions. Not opinions shared by the majority.

Rob Van Dam is over-rated

He needs to be controlled. His WWE run was really good, but his ECW run and TNA run are and were very dull most of the time.

Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect and the Million Dollar man all should have been given runs with the title back in the 80s

The Dibiase opinion certainly isn't unpopular. He was over, he was great and had all of the tools and everyone knew it, PLUS he was in main event fueds.

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Unpopular opinions....

Kane putting his mask back on will not make the attitude era come back.

Sheamus is deserving of his place as a main eventer, mates with HHH or not.

I don't miss blood or chairshots in the WWE or TNA.

Bret screwed Bret.

Carlito could have and should have been a world champion in WWE.

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Dragon Gate UK Invasion 2

Xtreme Dean vs. Stixx ( **3/4 )

Cyber Kong vs. Marty Scurll ( ** )

The Lion Kid vs. Masato Yoshino ( *** )

Susumu Yokosuka vs. Masaaki Mochizuki ( ****1/4 )

Shingo Takagi and YAMATO vs. Naruki Doi and BxB Bulk ( ****1/2 )

CIMA and Dragon Kid vs. PAC and Mark Haskins ( ****1/2 )

Bonus Match

Xtreme Dean vs. Stixx

Stixx took part in the bonus match the year before against a man who's on the main show this time, The Lion Kid. Stixx's mask makes him look like a bit of an idiot. I remember seeing him wear it at BCW and thinking "ridiculous". Stixx unmasks and the fans ask him to put the mask back on. Good suggestion. Stixx misses a right hand and Dean with right hands but he runs right into the Flying Shoulder Block. Into the corner and Stixx with forearms. Dean gets over Stixx and then gets a Drop Toe Hold and hits the ropes and lands the Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then an Enziguri in the corner. Dean into the corner and Stixx misses a charge. Springboard Dropkick sends Stixx to the floor. Stixx back into the ring to avoid the dive but Dean sweeps him down. SLINGSHOT LIONSAULT FROM DEAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dean then gets the fans behind him. European Uppercuts from Dean. Stixx blocks a Sunset Flip but misses the Elbow Drop. Kick to the back of the head and then the Basement Dropkick gets a two count for Dean. Into the corner and Dean with right hands. Stixx sends Dean into the corner and then runs into a boot. Stixx catches Dean and then kicks him in the gut. Cross Body in the corner from Stixx and that was rather cool. The fans don't agree with me and boo him. Some fans chant "You're Just a Shit Phil Mitchell" which raises a smile. Forearms across the chest from Stixx and that gets a two count. Backbreaker from Stixx and then he goes right to the Gutbuster and that gets a two count. Snapmare from Stixx and now we have a Seated Abdominal Stretch. Dean lands some knee strikes to escape. Dean into the corner and Stixx with the Running Forearm in the corner and then Stixx to the apron. Slingshot Splash from Stixx and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Stixx and then the fans chant "We Want Peggy" at Stixx. VADER BOMB ... MISSES !!! Stixx then runs into the boots of Dean and winds up on the floor. Stixx avoids a dive the first time around. SUICIDE DIVE FROM DEAN !!! Dean then gets back onto the apron. Running kick is blocked by Stixx and Dean sweeped face first onto the apron and now both men are on there. Dean avoids a Powerbomb and kicks Stixx back into the ring. Stixx with a forearm and then he brings Dean in. Kick to the face and then a Spin Kick. Standing Moonsault from Dean gets a two count. REVERSE RANA ... blocked. SITDOWN ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP FROM STIXX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Front Suplex drops Dean across the top rope and then he asks for some applause. Some fuds actually give him the applause. Knees to the gut from Stixx. Stixx spits on them fans and then heads for the top rope and Dean stops him. Stixx blocks a Suplex back into the ring. Stixx with a Front Suplex and then he heads for the top rope again. Okay, middle rope. HE JUMPS INTO THE ACE CRUSHER FROM DEAN !!! Dean gets the fans into the match. Forearms from both men now. Dean hits the ropes and runs into a knee in the gut. Stixx runs into the Spin Kick. Roaring Elbow to the gut from Stixx. Stixx charges and misses. SUPERKICK FROM DEAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dean now to the middle corner. Fan: "Can I get a rewind?!" JUMPING SWINGING DDT FROM DEAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BLACK HOLE SLAM FROM STIXX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Stixx now drags Dean to the top rope. ONE MAN SPANISH FLY FROM DEAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Xtreme Dean

Match Rating : **3/4

Match Comments : They basically went out there and tried to pop the crowd a bit while not going all out to create something great. It worked as a warm up match as a result.

Match 2

Marty Scurll vs. Cyber Kong

Kong is a mountain of a man. Pre-match, Marty takes the pineapple and spits it in the face of Kong. That might not be the smartest thing that he could have done. The fans are behind Kong for the most part it seems. Kong throws down Marty. Lockup and the same thing happens a second time. Marty goes behind and gets the Headlock but Kong then picks him up and throws him into the ropes. Marty tries to charge down Kong and that doesn't work. Marty hits the ropes a third time and then Kong with the kick to the gut. Headlock from Kong and he charges down Marty hard and the fans like that. Kicks to the chest from Kong and then he chokes Marty with the boot. Headbutt from Kong and then he misses a chop and Marty with chops. Marty into the ropes and he kicks the chest of Kong and then lands a Running Rana and Kong heads for the floor. TOPE CON HILO FROM MARTY !!! Marty tries to get the fans behind him and sends Kong into the ring. Marty charges and then slaps Kong and that was a mistake. Military Press Slam from Kong. He then slaps Marty. That will be the receipt for earlier and then he tries to force the pineapple down the throat of Marty and then he chokes him. Right hands from Kong. Chops from Kong. Chop to the back then from Kong. Kong then lands the Avalanche in the corner. That gets a two count for him. Forearms to the stomach from Marty and then Kong just shakes his head. Chops from Marty and forearms and Kong seems to be warming up. Big forearm and down goes Marty. Half Crab from Kong and Marty finds the ropes. Kick to the stomach and then Marty with the Dropkick to the knee. Body Slam from Marty gets blocked as Kong just dead weights him. Body Slam from Kong. Elbow Drop from Kong and Marty tries for the Body Slam again and Kong falls on him and that gets a two count. Marty is then set on the top rope. Marty battles back. Kick to the back of the head from Marty. HANGING NECKBREAKER FROM MARTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans are now getting right behind Marty. Spin Kick from Marty. SWINGING DDT FROM MARTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK ... blocked. Elbow across the knee from Kong. Avalanche against the ropes from Kong. HUGE STO FROM KONG !!! POWERBOMB FROM KONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Cyber Kong

Match Rating : **

Match Comments : That was kinda boring there. There's some amusement to be had from the way that these guys go about their business, but they were clearly holding back quite a bit and just gave us a decent opener, and I suppose you can't complain about that.

Match 2

The Lion Kid vs. Masato Yoshino

This is a HUGE match for Lion Kid. A bunch of fans in the crowd roar at Lion Kid. The crowd sings "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" which is inspired stuff. Lockup and against the ropes and we have a clean break. The audience seem to be in a funny mood for this one. Masato goes to the arm and then Lion with a bunch of stuff and he takes down Masato and goes to the arm and gets a one count. Headlock from Lion. Masato counters to the Cravat and then the Crucifix gets a two count and Lion has the arms of Masato trapped and gets a pin of his own. Masato grabs a leg and starts stretching it. Lion goes to an Overhead Wristlock and then Masato goes to the Side Headlock on Lion Kid. Lion with a Head Scissors and then Masato goes back to the Side Headlock. Lion kips up to escape from that. Masato lands a Running Dropkick to the face out of nowhere. Lion into the corner and he gets over Masato and then gets a nice Head Scissors Takedown and Masato heads for the floor. Lion gets onto the middle buckle which draws some roars from the audience. Chops from Lion and Masato now and then a kick from Lion. Dropkick misses from Lion and Masato lands one of his own. Body Slam from Masato and then he just lands a stomp on him. Snapmare from Masato and then he puts in the Chinlock. Head Scissors then follows that from Masato and he's really punishing Lion here. Lion finds the bottom rope. Stomps to the back from Masato. Back Body Drop from Masato and that gets a two count. Lion with forearms and then he runs into the Back Elbow of Masato and then a Snap Suplex gets a two count. Masato then locks in a weird submission, kind of like a Camel Clutch with a leg captured. Lion somehow manages to find the bottom rope from that and the audience liked that. Lion goes behind to avoid a Suplex but eats an elbow. Springboard Cross Body from Lion and Masato moves out of the way. Masato runs into the Dropkick from Lion though. MOONSAULT OFF OF THE APRON FROM LION KID !!! The Lion Kid obviously a bit gunshy thanks to what happened the previous year. Back into the ring they go. Lion to the apron. Springboard Dropkick and that gets a two count. Lion misses a charge. SLING BLADE FROM MASATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Lion runs into a boot. The same happens again. Masato to the middle rope, but he jumps into the Dropkick from Lion. LEAPING DDT FROM LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Masato is now set and Lion heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! THE FINAL CUT FROM LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee Drop from Lion. LIONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! To the top rope goes Yoshino. TOP ROPE DROPKICK FROM MASATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Flurry and Lion gets a School Boy for a two count. La Magistral Cradle from Lion and that gets a two count. TORBELLINO FROM YOSHINO !!! SOL NACIENTE FROM MASATO !!! IT'S OVER !!!

Match Winner : Masato Yoshino

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : That was a decent wee match. Again, they didn't do much wrong, and they kept a lot in the tank, looking not to get the audience too mental as they still had the three big matches to come.

Match 3

Susumu Yokosuka vs. Masaaki Mochizuki

I've been wanting to see this match for quite some time now. Lockup and neither man seems to want to give, but they wind up against the ropes. We have a clean break from there. Lockup again and against the ropes they go again. Chop from Susumu and the fans didn't like that. Masa didn't like it much either. Kick to the chest from Masa and then he gets sent to the ropes. Susumu charges down Masa and then hits the ropes and runs into a Spin Kick. Kick to the back from Masa and Susumu heads for the apron. Susumu blocks a Suplex back into the ring. Both men on the apron now though. SUSUMU DROPS THE KNEES OF MOCHIZUKI ON THE APRON !!! That had to hurt there. Back into the ring now. Stomps to the leg from Susumu. Into the corner and Susumu stretches the leg of Masa over the middle rope and then lands a Dropkick to the knee. Susumu then locks in a submission and Masa tries to use his right hand to escape from this move. Masa is making his way towards the ropes and he gets there. Kicks to the knee, but Masa is now striking his way back and then Masa with a kick to the chest. Susumu heads for the floor and Masa goes out and kicks him in the back and then sends him into the ringpost. Susumu misses a kick. KICK TO THE ARM FROM MOCHIZUKI AGAINST THE RINGPOST !!! Good spot as Susumu finds a spare ringside seat and Mochizuki takes a bit of time to find him. Back into the ring now. Kicks to the arm from Masa and he is clearly looking to negate the Lariats of Susumu. Short Arm Scissors from Masa. Susumu gets the fans behind him and then finds the bottom rope. More kicks to the back from Masa. Susumu now lands forearms. Susumu avoids a Suplex and then Masa goes to the Fujiwara Armbar. Niiiiice. Susumu is now trying to find his way to the bottom rope again and he eventually does so. Arm Breaker and another, but Susumu then goes to the Sleeper Hold, but he didn't have the strength. Susumu runs into an Axe Kick. Release German Suplex blocked. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM SUSUMU !!! Masa must have blocked about 5 Lariats there before finally falling foul to that one. Knee Breaker countered and Masa kicks the arm. Double Knee Breaker from Susumu. Figure Four Leglock from Susumu. Masa inches his way towards the bottom rope and then finally grabs it. Kick to the head from Masa. Knee Breaker, but a knee to the face from Masa and then a running kick to the chest. Susumu blocks the Suplexes. THE MINORU SPECIAL FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! Susumu finds the bottom rope as well. Into the corner they go and kicks to the arm from Masa. Masa misses a charge. Lariat in the corner from Susumu. YAKUZA KICK FROM MASA !!! SANKAKUGERI FROM MOCHIZUKI ... COUNTERED TO THE ANKLE LOCK FROM SUSUMU !!! Masa rolls through. Kicks to the chest. SPIN KICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! IKKAKUGERI SPIN KICK FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! TWISTER FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX ... Susumu is blocking. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE .... KICKOUT !!! RIGHT TO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! SUSUMU FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! More kicks now from Masa. Kick to the head misses. Masa is now set on the top rope. SUPER EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM SUSUMU !!! LARIATOOOOOOOOO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MUGANE ... blocked. Spin Kick to the head. Susumu into the ropes and both men lands Lariats and then Susumu with the flurry against the ropes. JUMBO NO KACHI FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTTT !!! MUGANE FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winner : Susumu Yokosuka

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : That was a really well built match. It makes sense that Mochizuki can kickout of the Lariats of Susumu because he had weakened the arm, so it's not as if it was big kickouts just for the sake of it. They built the entire match around the injuries of both men and that made it worthwhile.

Match 4

YAMATO and Shingo Takagi vs. Naruki Doi and BxB Hulk

I love that confused almost old man type look on the face of Shingo at times. Cyber Kong then gets into the ring and Masato Yoshino comes into the ring too. The referee is having none of this six man nonsense though. This is the match which many have pimped as the best of the weekend. With the number of possibilities, it would not surprise me. Lockup and against the ropes they go. YAMATO and Doi are getting this going btw. YAMATO goes to the arm and then a Drop Toe Hold and a Front Facelock. Cravat and a Snapmare from YAMATO, and then Doi with a Hammerlock. YAMATO with a Headlock Takedown. Doi into the ropes and he and YAMATO charge each other into the ropes. Crucifix gets a two count for Doi. Shingo and Hulk now into the ring. Boot to the face and then a flurry from Hulk. Shingo charges down Hulk. Knees and right hands to the head from Shingo and then Hulk with an Arm Drag and both men miss moves. Dropkick from Hulk puts an end to that and then he kicks the chest of Shingo. Cravat and knees to the head from Hulk and then in comes Doi. Shingo into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow. Running Shooting Star from Hulk gets a two count. Right hands from Doi and then Shingo fires back with elbow strikes. Chops from Doi and then Shingo with a double chop. He then chokes Doi. Fist Drop from Shingo and then Doi's face sent into the boots of YAMATO who now comes into the ring. Body Slam from YAMATO. Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Chinlock from YAMATO. Jawbreaker from Doi. YAMATO into the corner and then he stomps Doi. Into his own corner and in comes Shingo. Hulk comes in and gets dumped to the floor and YAMATO takes this chance to stand on the throat of Doi as the referee is distracted. Stomps in the corner from YAMATO. Shoulder Blocks in the corner from Shingo now. YAMATO adds some shots of his own. Another shot to Hulk and then Shingo with the Senton Splash on Doi and he locks in the Body Scissors. Shingo then adds a Chinlock, but Doi then finds the bottom rope. YAMATO then charges Hulk to the floor and Shingo chokes Doi with the boot. Hulk is not a happy man. Arm Ringer from YAMATO and then again. Headbutt and then shots to the back from Kamikaze. Double Hiptoss and then a Double Atomic Drop and then a Pump Handle from YAMATO. Pump Handle Sitdown Slam and that gets a two count. CBV FROM YAMATO !!! Shingo makes sure that Hulk can't come into the ring and Doi reaches the bottom rope. Doi comes back with chops and then YAMATO with chops of his own. Shingo comes in and then Doi into the ropes and he comes back into the match. Dropkick to the knee from Doi to Shingo and then he chokes him with a boot. YAMATO Dropkicks his own partner. CANNONBALL TO BOTH MEN IN THE CORNER !!! In comes Hulk! He unloads with stomps and kicks to YAMATO. He runs into a kick in the gut. Spin Kicks on everyone now from Hulk. YAMATO charges into boots. Forearms from YAMATO. Spin Kick to the head. Standing Corkscrew Senton gets a two count for Hulk. EVO ... YAMATO avoids it. Kick to the back of the head from Hulk. YAMATO ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANKLE LOCK ... stopped. Kicks in the corner from YAMATO and then runs into the boot again. Exploder Suplex from YAMATO gets a two count. CBV FROM YAMATO !!! Hulk reaches the bottom rope. Forearms from Hulk and YAMATO now. Spin Kick from Hulk. YAKUZA KICK FROM HULK !!! YAMATO misses a charge and gets kicked to the floor. Shingo now into the ring. Hulk sent to the floor. Doi into the ring now. SHINGO CATCHES DOI AND LANDS AN EXPLODER SUPLEX !!! MADE IN JAPAN ... Hulk comes into the ring and gets dumped to the floor. Dropkick against the ropes from Doi. Rake to the eye and then jabs from Shingo. Blue Thunder Bomb gets a two count for Doi. THE ASSISTED CANNONBALL SENTON FROM WORLD-1 !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Downward Spiral/DDT combo from Shingo. In comes YAMATO. Running forearm on Doi. SPEAR FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner they go. Shingo into the ring. Spear/Forearm combo. ALABAMA SLAM FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HULK MAKES THE SAVE !!! SLEEPER HOLD FROM YAMATO !!! Hulk comes in and breaks. Kick to the back of the head from Hulk. Shingo now back onto the apron. Hulk on the apron. DOI 555 !!! AXE KICK SUPERKICK COMBO FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SHINGO SAVES !!! Back Body Drop from Shingo to Hulk. MADE IN JAPAN ... countered. MOUSE FROM HULK !!! PUMPING BOMBER FROM SHINGO !!! ALLEYOOP/PUNT FROM KAMIKAZE !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GALLERIA FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DOI MAKES THE SAVE !!! BAKATARE FROM DOI TO YAMATO !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON DOI !!! MADE IN JAPAN ON HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTTT !!! The fans are loving this action as am I. LARIAT IN THE CORNER FROM SHINGO !!! AVALANCHE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ... Hulk avoids. Spinning Heel Kick. Kick to the face. SUPER EVO FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry from Hulk. AXE KICK !!! BASEMENT SUPERKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! H THUNDER FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : BxB Hulk and Naruki Doi

Match Rating : ****1/2

Match Comments : That was a stunner of a match there. Shingo took a hell of a beating towards the end. The ending sequence was remarkable actually. Really felt like a proper six man tag with the way it was going at times!

Match 5

CIMA and Dragon Kid vs. Mark Haskins and PAC

This is UK vs. Japan for the main event of the evening. There's a split crowd though. CIMA wants no part of a handshake and he's now giving Haskins the finger. Lockup and Haskins goes to the arm. Both men with Arm Ringers and Haskins takes down CIMA. Arm Drag from CIMA and then Haskins gets the Head Scissors. CIMA with the escape and then he gets the Side Headlock and Haskins escapes and goes back to the arm. CIMA finds the ropes. Lockup and they lock hands and a kick to the gut and then Haskins goes to the Headlock. CIMA takes down Haskins and then goes for the Chinlock and then goes to the arm of Haskins and locks in the Crossface. CIMA now locks in the Hammerlock and Haskins rolls through and gets a Drop Toe Hold and gets a Front Facelock. Knees to the head from Haskins in that move. CIMA strikes his way out of the move and then a Headlock from him. CIMA into the ropes and he charges down Haskins and then kicks him down. Reversals from both men and then CIMA misses a charge. Springboard Arm Drag and then a Dropkick from Haskins. CIMA wants a timeout and then he goes into his corner and tags in Dragon Kid. PAC has had a fued with him. PAC into the ring now. They lock hands and PAC goes to the Headlock. Dragon fights out and sends PAC to the ropes and gets charged down. Snapmare is countered by Dragon. Wheelbarrow Arm Dragon from Dragon and then the Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. Into the corner and Dragon with some chops. Into the corner and in comes CIMA. Double Back Elbow from the Warriors and then CIMA continues the beating on PAC. Chinlock from CIMA now. Abdominal Stretch from CIMA. The fans get behind PAC. Hiptoss to escape from PAC and it's probably a good idea to tag out. In comes Haskins now. Snapmare and then a Knee Drop from Haskins gets a two count. Into the corner they go and in comes Dragon and he launches a kick into the mid section of Haskins. Snapmare and then Dragon lands his Double Knee Drop on Haskins. Into the corner they go and PAC is now into the ring. Shoulder Charges to the stomach from PAC in the corner and then a Butterfly Suplex gets a two for him. Into the corner and in comes Haskins. Dragon into the ropes and a Spin Kick from PAC. Gutwrench Suplex from Haskins and then an Assisted Cannonball Senton gets a two count. Into the match comes Haskins again. Forearm from Dragon and then he does more of the same and tags out. CIMA then with the Assisted Double Stomp across the chest of Haskins. Kicks to the back from CIMA now. Wasteland from CIMA and then he locks in a really nasty submission. Dragon Kid makes sure that PAC can't come in and break it. CIMA gets a two count from a pinfall from that. Dropkick to the knee from CIMA. Haskins into the ropes and the Tilt-a-Whirl Kick. Assisted Senton from Dragon and a Senton Splash from CIMA gets a two count. Right hands from CIMA and then into the corner he goes again. Dragon heads for the top rope and he drops an elbow down across the back of Haskins. Into the corner and then Haskins and PAC are stacked in the corner. Spanking from CIMA and then the Dropkick to the arse. Elbows across the back of the head from Dragon and Haskins tries to fight back. Dragon with a Dropkick in the corner and then he lands another Dropkick to the face of the seated Haskins and that gets a two count. Rake to the eyes from CIMA. Swinging Dropkick from Dragon. Haskins now comes back with right hands and forearms and he hits the ropes and runs into the Drop Toe Hold. Indian Deathlock/Suplex combo from CIMA on both UK guys and Dragon adds a Dropkick to that. Haskins into the corner and Dragon misses a charge. Combo from Haskins ending in a Butterfly Suplex on Dragon Kid and the fans are getting behind him and in comes PAC with a Springboard Dropkick. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker on Dragon and now Warriors on the floor. CORKSCREW PLANCHA OVER THE TOP FROM PAC !!! HASKINS WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE !!! PAC and CIMA now back into the ring. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for PAC. This is some quality formula tag team work. Double Stomp to the face misses and PAC gets the Enziguri. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for PAC. PAC misses a charge and CIMA runs into a boot but lands a Dropkick. PERFECT DRIVER FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HASKINS SAVES !!! Dragon onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD STUNNER FROM DRAGON KID !!! Both men with reversals now. REVELATION FROM HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon counters a Suplex. CHRISTO FROM DRAGON KID !!! Haskins counters that to a Tilt-a-Whirl Sidewalk Slam. Haskins runs into the Drop Toe Hold and then in comes CIMA. Double Knees and a Spinning Heel Kick from Warriors and then CIMA stacks Team UK. SUPER BULLDOG BRINGS BOTH MEN DOWN !!! CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM DRAGON !!! CIMA WITH THE ASSIST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... PAC SAVES !!! WHEELBARROW ACE CRUSHER FROM TEAM UK TO DRAGON KID !!! CIMA into the corner now and Haskins lands his Clothesline. SLINGSHOT ACE CRUSHER FROM PAC !!! FLYING HEADBUTT FROM HASKINS !!! STANDING BRITISH AIRWAYS FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon has PAC on the top rope. Venus from CIMA. DRAGON KID WITH THE RANA OFF OF THE SHOULDERS ONTO HASKINS ON PAC !!! CIMA WITH THE METEORA ON HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... PAC MAKES THE SAVE !!! The fans are loving this. Spin Kick to the face from Dragon. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM DRAGON KID !!! He heads for the top rope. ULTRA RANA FROM DRAGON KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTTTT !!! Dragon Kid heads for the top rope. DRAGON RANA ... MISSES !!! SUPERKICK FROM HASKINS !!! GERMA SUPLEX FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HASKINS WITH THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CIMA MAKES THE SAVE !!! Double Knee Gutbuster from Haskins. TOMBSTONE FROM HASKINS !!! BRITISH AIRWAYS FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : PAC and Mark Haskins

Match Rating : ****1/2

Match Comments : I think they were banking quite a bit on the UK guys being clear fan favourites and that's not how it turned out. The crowed was almost right down the middle and they really should have seen this coming. That said, this is still a cracker.

The Dragon Gate UK shows seem to have a very steady formula. Two decent matches not giving too much away and then three big matches which deliver. The three big matches certainly did their job this time and the action just got better and better as the night went on.

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DDP was ace and should have been WWF champion

Blood in wrestling is far too overrated

Benoit was shit

Kaientai were awesome

Rikishi was shit

The Two Man Powertrip was a tremendous angle and was over far too quick

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