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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Enjoyed Raw.

The cena promo was awesome - love him or hate him, that was good.

Undertaker/HHH - pretty obvious. Decent idea going for the silent build up. Words weren't needed. Bit stupid cutting to ads and just letting it fizzle away. Could have been a lot better... And Seamus coming out next? Really? Really? You could have put anyone out to the ring next, any sort of filler, divas whatever. You put Seamus out. To take on Mark Henry showing no reaction to the fact that HHH had just returned. Come on...

And as if the tag titles weren't devalued enough, you go and have the Miz give them away. I know, he doesn't get on with John Cena. But they just won the belts. It's a championship. He's a former tag team champ and valued it back then. Just stupid. Different if he doublecrossed John Cena WITHOUT having won the belts first, but not when they became champions. Stupid. Having the 2 rivals working together, badly, holding the belts, could have been a fun angle.

Edited by Jamie_M
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Enjoyed Raw.

The cena promo was awesome - love him or hate him, that was good.

Undertaker/HHH - pretty obvious. Decent idea going for the silent build up. Words weren't needed. Bit stupid cutting to ads and just letting it fizzle away. Could have been a lot better... And Seamus coming out next? Really? Really? You could have put anyone out to the ring next, any sort of filler, divas whatever. You put Seamus out. To take on Mark Henry showing no reaction to the fact that HHH had just returned. Come on...

And as if the tag titles weren't devalued enough, you go and have the Miz give them away. I know, he doesn't get on with John Cena. But they just won the belts. It's a championship. He's a former tag team champ and valued it back then. Just stupid. Different if he doublecrossed John Cena WITHOUT having won the belts first, but not when they became champions. Stupid. Having the 2 rivals working together, badly, holding the belts, could have been a fun angle.

The problem with that is Cena's held four tag championships, including the one with Miz, and they've all been with rivals. David Otunga (which only happened in October of last year), Batista (who he then went on to face two weeks later at SummerSlam) and Shawn Michaels (admittedly Michaels turned on Cena after they'd won them). Looking back it was just completely pointless doing it again.

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Enjoyed Raw.

The cena promo was awesome - love him or hate him, that was good.

Undertaker/HHH - pretty obvious. Decent idea going for the silent build up. Words weren't needed. Bit stupid cutting to ads and just letting it fizzle away. Could have been a lot better... And Seamus coming out next? Really? Really? You could have put anyone out to the ring next, any sort of filler, divas whatever. You put Seamus out. To take on Mark Henry showing no reaction to the fact that HHH had just returned. Come on...

And as if the tag titles weren't devalued enough, you go and have the Miz give them away. I know, he doesn't get on with John Cena. But they just won the belts. It's a championship. He's a former tag team champ and valued it back then. Just stupid. Different if he doublecrossed John Cena WITHOUT having won the belts first, but not when they became champions. Stupid. Having the 2 rivals working together, badly, holding the belts, could have been a fun angle.

That was really stupid. What did they do, just shake hands and walk away? It died on its arse then.

Im not bothered about the fact that they put Sheamus on after, more the fact that they made him lose to Mark Henry.

There was no need for them to make Miz and Cena champions in the first place the way it happened last night.

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The returns of both Undertaker and HHH should have been 100x more exciting than they were. Dreadful.

Cena's promo was nae bad, I didn't think it was as good as people are saying though. But then I'm not a Cena-hater and wasn't too surprised at how good he can be.

Just going to watch the rest of Raw now. :)

Edited by garymcc1874
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After watching the previous evenings Elimination chamber ive got to say few little suprises in the bag there first Big show replacement which was good to see that wade barrett get knocked out then Edge won with christian returning. John Morrison put his body on the line and his knee must be the size of his heed after what he done thought he had every chance to win

kind of switched off a bit after that liked seeing CM Sucks getting smashed up by Orton then getting re instated and coming out last shocking if he never pulled the door that would of never happened then he got Cena'D at the end on the metal grid OUCH

Watched Raw for the Undertaker thing only to have HHH come back which ye is quality but think as previous posters have stated definetly a HBK revival thing career v streek.

Seen some of the JR v Cole interview, what can I say cole is a tube of a man and his antics wind me up they should call him Michael " toe nailz" Cole he that far inside the MIZ

any way rant over

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Hmm, just watched the rest of RAW.

Giving this is considered the real start to the build up to WM I thought it was really poor. JoMo and Sheamus were made to look extremely weak which is just stupid. As mentioned HHH/Undertaker was guff. Diva match was the usual. I love Daniel Bryan but having his only involvement be a staredown with Sheamus was pretty rank - as much as I like Bryan, Sheamus should be way above a match with him at Mania so I hope that's not what they're going with. The whole tag team match was pointless. Cole/Lawler segment was pretty good, but is there any need to mention Lawler's mother? That was low.

With a Lawler/Cole match at Mania, surely we'll have JR on commentary? I quite like Josh Mathews actually but I can't see him and Booker being the Mania announce team.

I can't see this PG rating lasting too much longer. Already in the last two weeks, where the rating has taken a back seat of sorts, there's been more buzz about WWE than there has been in years.

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Despite the fact i hate Cena, it was excellent.

I know it wont happen but Cena v Rock would be superb imo. I have little desire to see Miz v Cena at WM

Absolutely, but its all about what the Rock wants to do. If he's willing then I'd fire Rock in a match without any hesitation with Cena. That would be match of the decade.

Stop being such a mark/fanboy :P I dislike what Cena has become but his "thuganomics" gimmick and promos were good, and that was one of the best things he has done in a long time.

I always liked Rapper Cena, its this superman stuff the WWE have had him do for the past 6 years.

End of the day, The Rock walked out on us. Turned his back on us. Walks back in giving it the big man. f**k him. Not interested Dwayne.

Shut up. What would you he did? I'm absolutely delighted for the Rock that he made it in hollywood. Getting paid twice as much as he would when he was in wrestling and without the damage to his body as well.

How was the Rock supposed to come back in? Being a little mark, cut a promo about how he's so excited about this that and the next thing? Course not, why? cause he's the Rock, the best heel of the last 20 years, the best face of the past 20 years and the best talker the wrestling world has ever seen.

Ah right, that makes sense. I was taken aback a wee bit :lol:

Michael Cole is god, this will be amazing.

It wasn't though was it.

Shit just got real, can't actually believe they did that. Unsure on what I think of it, Lawler must have OK'd the mother comments and they've drawn heat but at the same time Cole was getting plenty heat as it was.

Who'd have thought a feud between two commentators could be so good? I'm marking out for the two of them right now.

What do u not mark out for? Seems to be a regular occurance. You'll be marking out for R-Truth in a minute.

What the f**k are they doing now? Having them as tag champs would've been something different.

Not really, Edge and Benoit done it while Benoit was champ, they done it with Cena as champ with Batista and HBK a few years back too.

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Gonna start with a comment on Cole and Lawler. Michael Cole has played a major part in getting people to care about Jerry Lawler again, and has also made himself completely punchable which is all good by me. Went a bit far with their stuff, but hey, what can ya do?

Shut up. What would you he did? I'm absolutely delighted for the Rock that he made it in hollywood. Getting paid twice as much as he would when he was in wrestling and without the damage to his body as well.

Indeed. The Rock owes us f**k all. The only thing he owed us was doing the job that he was paid to do, and the fact that everytime he was on the way out involved him putting someone over says a lot about him.

How was the Rock supposed to come back in? Being a little mark, cut a promo about how he's so excited about this that and the next thing? Course not, why? cause he's the Rock, the best heel of the last 20 years, the best face of the past 20 years and the best talker the wrestling world has ever seen.

I think he was too popular to be the best heel in the last 20 years actually. Sure he was good at what he did, but I couldn't dislike him at all.

I always liked Rapper Cena, its this superman stuff the WWE have had him do for the past 6 years.

The rapper Cena was good when he was a heel. Lets not forget that before he finished doing it, it was childish and horrendous.

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<BR>Gonna start with a comment on Cole and Lawler. Michael Cole has played a major part in getting people to care about Jerry Lawler again, and has also made himself completely punchable which is all good by me. Went a bit far with their stuff, but hey, what can ya do?<BR><BR><BR><BR>Indeed. The Rock owes us f**k all. The only thing he owed us was doing the job that he was paid to do, and the fact that everytime he was on the way out involved him putting someone over says a lot about him.<BR><BR><BR><BR>I think <B>he was too popular to be the best heel in the last 20 years actually.</B> Sure he was good at what he did, but I couldn't dislike him at all.<BR><BR><BR><BR>The rapper Cena was good when he was a heel. Lets not forget that before he finished doing it, it was childish and horrendous.<BR>
<BR><BR><BR>I'm not a big fan of this shoot stuff and bringing King's mum into it was completely unneccesary. Cheap heat for someone people shouldn't give a sh*t about.<BR><BR><BR>Triple H was he most popular guy on RAW from 02-05 and he was a heel in doing so. You can be a popular heel, look at the way the Rock drew heat when he was a bad guy, it was funny, it was insulting and the crowd ate it all up it was that good. Compare that to what Cole did last night it just shows you don't have to go that far to generate heat. Doesn't matte if you couldn't dislike him, HHH was heel at WM against Cena and he got cheered. Randy Orton as of late was getting more and more cheers until he turned face. If HHH or Taker was to turn heel just now, they'd still get cheered. Edited by The Hero of the Day
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