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Mo Wonderboy

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I meant to mention this last week after I'd watched Impact. Thought I was imagining it at first, but it's clearly there. They desperately need to get away from the Impact Zone and all the assorted bell ends and mongs that frequent it and help make the show even shitter.

Read that Hogan may be getting involved with the TNA ttitle this year. That's breathtaking if true. The man should never wrestle again and certainly should be nowhere near any sort of title. However it wouldn't suprise me in the slightest, seeing as TNA are clueless and the vast majority of the people posting in this thread would be able to book it far better than it is.

I actually meant to say that when I wrote about Lockdown up a wee bit, I thought the crowd were so much better than the Impact Zone. I believe they were in Cincinatti, Ohio(sp). A lot more responsive and there was a bunch of girls in the front row and one of them had massive chebs. tongue.gif

I genuinely reckon I could book it better. I certainly would cut out all the referee related bullshit and just let heels beat faces by just being better. I'd also cut out all the turns that they have. Again, see the post earlier where I listed the members of last years Lethal Lockdown and only one (or two) have maintained their stance with RVD still being a face(or Sting if he was a face a year ago and was just against Hogan).

If you look at WWE and take a selection of their big guys, Cena, Orton, Punk, Rey, Big Show, Edge, Christian are all still face/heel. Only Kane and Miz(was he face?) have changed that I can think of. A face/heel turn is just worth so much more in WWE than TNA, and so is blood/stipulations.

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If THAT crowd is more responsive than the Impact Zone then no wonder they did what they did with canned cheers, because that audience last night was fucking shit.

Thankfully the show wasn't. Angle/JJ delivered a pretty damn good match while Lethal Lockdown was actually BETTER, which says more for the Lockdown than it does for Angle/JJ. Pope/Joe provided a wee reminder that they're not all bad. The opening X match was fucking woeful but it was probably the only disappointment on the show, and even though the title match got raped for time, it was actually quite fun as a result. Quite happy I watched it.

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If THAT crowd is more responsive than the Impact Zone then no wonder they did what they did with canned cheers, because that audience last night was fucking shit.

Thankfully the show wasn't. Angle/JJ delivered a pretty damn good match while Lethal Lockdown was actually BETTER, which says more for the Lockdown than it does for Angle/JJ. Pope/Joe provided a wee reminder that they're not all bad. The opening X match was fucking woeful but it was probably the only disappointment on the show, and even though the title match got raped for time, it was actually quite fun as a result. Quite happy I watched it.

I thought the crowd was pretty good last night, although maybe my stream wasn't great.

The X match was the only disappointment? Did you fall asleep or go and take a shit while Morgan and Hernandez was on? Because that truly was woeful.

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not going to bother with Raw tonight as it's a UK taped show so I read the spoilers and

R-Truth was out first. He got boos at first, but the crowd lightened up and listened to what he had to say. He said he was going to leave Extreme Rules and would be a fighting champion. John Morrison interrupted and said Truth had lady luck on his side and that he was helped by Nexus and Alex Riley last week. He made a crack about Truth being a smoker and Truth said Morrison was just trying to take his championship opportunity away. Morrison said he wanted to challenge Truth because it was his last chance before the draft next week...

1. John Morrison defeated R-Truth. Morrison won with Starship Pain. Post-match, Truth attacked Morrison at ringside. He hit him with a water bottle and then hit the Lie Detector. Drew great heat from the live crowd. Truth stole a cigarette from a fan and started smoking it as the fans chanted, "That's illegal."

So Morrison replaces Truth in the title match? & looks like a heel turn for Truth as well

Edited by RussellV1
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My amended MOTY list for 2010 so far is...

Eddie Edwards vs. Kotaro Suzuki - Pro Wrestling NOAH 29/01/2011 ( ****3/4 )

Smackdown Elimination Chamber - WWE Elimination Chamber ( ****1/2 )

Eddie Edwards vs. Christopher Daniels - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night One ( ****1/2 )

Triple H vs. The Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania XXVII ( ****1/2 )

Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega vs. Ryusuke Taguchi and Prince Devitt - NJPWISM 01/2011 ( ****1/2 )

Minoru vs. Kaz Hayashi - AJPW 02/2011 ( ****1/4 )

The Kings of Wrestling vs. World's Greatest Tag Team - ROH SoCal Showdown II ( ****1/4 )

Lethal Lockdown - TNA Lockdown ( ****1/4 )

Satoshi Kojima vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW 20/02/2011 ( ****1/4 )

The Kings of Wrestling vs. Adam Cole and Kyle O'Relly - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night Two ( ****1/4 )

Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild - ICW Menace 2 Society ( ****1/4 )

Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night One ( ****1/4 )

Decided not to go lower than that since I went over ten matches.

Edited by DomDom
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Cheers for the response.

Being able to watch WWE (and some TNA PPV's) live has certainly been the benefit of not having College on Mondays or Tuesdays. :D

I can't do it anymore tbh, it fucks up my sleeping pattern for the rest of the week. I'm getting old :(

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I can't do it anymore tbh, it fucks up my sleeping pattern for the rest of the week. I'm getting old :(

I'm the same man, I've missed uni once or twice because of how messed up my sleep pattern is.

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Getting the posted image thing :(

I'm suspicious of anyone who doesn't miss her.

It's probably the PG thing limiting the amount of bra and panties we see but looking back the divas were so much hotter back when I was a child(during the late 90s/early 00s) which is weird because you'd have thunk I'd like them now I've discovered wanking but Torrie Wilson, Trish, Stacey Keibler, Lita :wub:, Candice Michelle and Mae Young all shit over over the current crop IMO, not literally although I'll allow any of you to think that.

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