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Mo Wonderboy

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I would like to see something like this (chosen top five faces/heels for each show)...



Jack Swagger

John Cena

John Morrison

Kofi Kingston

Triple H


Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk

Dolph Ziggler

Mason Ryan

The Miz

WWE Smackdown



Randy Orton

Rey Mysterio

Sin Cara

Evan Bourne


Cody Rhodes

Drew McIntyre

R-Truth (wanted him to be released although with his heel turn, he'll probably get some kind of push)


Wade Barrett

Tag Champions

Big Show & Kane (both shows)

Doubt it will happen though. :lol:

That'd be quite good, although Smackdown seems very light on credible heels. Truth isn't good enough and McIntyre and Rhodes aren't ready for a title push. Even Sheamus and Barrett aren't ready to be the top heel on the promotion yet, IMO. If you had a heel Kane then that'd be better. And I don't think Mason Ryan is good enough to be in that mix either.

Apart from those it's a not bad lineup. Raw would be excellent with Punk and Del Rio the leading heels.

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That'd be quite good, although Smackdown seems very light on credible heels. Truth isn't good enough and McIntyre and Rhodes aren't ready for a title push. Even Sheamus and Barrett aren't ready to be the top heel on the promotion yet, IMO. If you had a heel Kane then that'd be better. And I don't think Mason Ryan is good enough to be in that mix either.

Agreed, i was struggling to put together a decent heel side on Smackdown.

I agree with you on your points, apart from Mason Ryan, as i reckon he will get pushed as he looks like a monster, a steroid freak at that i'll give you, yet history has shown that Vince likes big guys like him.

If you take out Triple H and Undertaker who won't be there every week and exclude the other remaining veterans, Kane and Big Show, who don't have much time left, that leaves the roster looking like this...

Major Stars

John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk

Former/Current World Champions

Jack Swagger, Sheamus, The Miz

Future World Champions

Alberto Del Rio, Sin Cara, Wade Barrett

The Mid-Card

Christian, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston

Outside of these superstars, the rest of the roster is very weak and not credible.

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I really hope they put some of the major talent to Smackdown - I used to love watching both programs but Smackdown just has the look of the old Sunday show - Heat??

Smackdown is still the best wrestling show there is, so I hope they don't rape it like they usually do :(

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2011 WWE Hall of Famer Joe “Animal” Laurinaitis recently noted that he had been asked to help coach on the next season of NXT. He said the show would feature five retired WWE Hall of Famers coaching five new talents. We’ll see if that pans out.

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Just been watching the Do Fixer - Blood Generation match from ROH in '06. Jesus Christ that match is immense and it never gets old no matter how often you watch it. One of my favourite matches of all time I think. I swear it looks like it's on fast forward the entire match.

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I'd love for them to split the two shows and run a true test. Smackdown the PG13 show where Cena and Boresterio can rule the roost and do all the superhero crap he wants. RAW back to the attitude era with CM Punk bringing a truly strong and impressive Nexus group with strong mid carders like Rhodes, McIntyre to cause mayhem against HHH, Christian and other good mic workers.

They dont need to go back to chair shots to the head, just a bit of a darker side.

Never going to happen sadly. i reckon RAW would be the most watch of those two though.

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Future World Champions

Sin Cara, Wade Barrett

The Mid-Card

Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler

Got to disagree with this. Ziggler and Rhodes are absolutely brilliant and I expect both to win a few world titles. Barrett should be the biggest heel in the company but unfortunately they dropped the ball with him. Sin Cara could be anything at the moment, no-one really has any idea how he'll do.

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Just been watching the Do Fixer - Blood Generation match from ROH in '06. Jesus Christ that match is immense and it never gets old no matter how often you watch it. One of my favourite matches of all time I think. I swear it looks like it's on fast forward the entire match.

Here's an easy link to watch it.


It's breathtaking and it's always the match that people point to when they want an example of Dragon Gate. The second half of the match is a masterclass in cruiserweight wrestling. The first half is a masterclass on how to BUILD a match. Watch it if you haven't.

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Here's an easy link to watch it.


It's breathtaking and it's always the match that people point to when they want an example of Dragon Gate. The second half of the match is a masterclass in cruiserweight wrestling. The first half is a masterclass on how to BUILD a match. Watch it if you haven't.

The last 5 minutes is probably as good as you're going to see from anywhere, ever. Dragon Kid is the star of the show for me based mainly on the last part of the match.

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Got to disagree with this. Ziggler and Rhodes are absolutely brilliant and I expect both to win a few world titles. Barrett should be the biggest heel in the company but unfortunately they dropped the ball with him. Sin Cara could be anything at the moment, no-one really has any idea how he'll do.

Dolph should actually be under the 'Former World Champions' category. His 12 minute reign is recognised.

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Dolph should actually be under the 'Former World Champions' category. His 12 minute reign is recognised.

I'm not going to count that. Absolutely ridiculous decision and even since they did it they've not used it at all well. It will mean less when he wins the title now but they could at least have Vickie constantly mentioning it now that they've done it.

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I'm not going to count that. Absolutely ridiculous decision and even since they did it they've not used it at all well. It will mean less when he wins the title now but they could at least have Vickie constantly mentioning it now that they've done it.

Yeah, I agree it was a bit pointless. Was just saying though.

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