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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Loving Mark Henry at the moment, think he is playing his role well.

Right there with you. Him and Sheamus are the two best Smackdown guys right now. Well, Randy Orton purely for being on fucking fire in the ring at the moment deserves a shout.

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PWG Eight

"We want wrestling!"

"This is wrestling you fuckface!"

The year previous, PWG put on one of their best ever shows on their anniversary. Could they match that here? There was certainly potential in some of the card.

PAC vs. Kevin Steen ( ****1/4 )

Brian Cage-Taylor vs. Brandon Gatson ( DUD )

El Generico and Ricochet vs. Alex Shelley and Roderick Strong ( **** )

Peter Avalon vs. Ryan Taylor ( ** )

The RockNES Monsters vs. The Dynasty ( ***3/4 )

The Young Bucks vs. CIMA and Kevin Steen ( ***1/2 )

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Chris Hero - PWG Championship ( *** )

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Kevin Steen - PWG Championship ( N/A )

PAC vs. Kevin Steen

Kevin Steen is doing double duty so has to open the show in a match which would do well much further up the card. PAC is a favourite of the PWG audiences thanks to some amazing matches that he had there as tag team champ and also some cracking singles matches, one of which was with Kevin Steen. Steen: "You got fucking huge!" :lol: PAC is actually looking great here though. It's amazing that he has managed to be so amazing at the high flying while also being built like a bit of a tank. Steen decides to head for the back and he wants to get an arm band. PAC looks like he's getting fed up of all the shenanigans and then lockup and into the corner and then Steen rubs the chin of PAC in a patronising way. Lockup and into the corner they go a second time and PAC with an aggressive clean break and then PAC pushes down Steen when he pushed back. Steen wants a test of strength and they go at it. Steen with a kick and a Headlock. Steen into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. The fans seem worried about the ropes because of the main event of the last show. Steen hits the ropes and then so does PAC who lands the Running Rana and the Standing Shooting Star Press and Steen gets the hell out of there. PAC wants to dive but Steen goes to the back of the hall. Steen now back into the ring. Fan: "We want wrestling!" Steen: "THIS IS WRESTLING YOU FUCKFACE!!!" :lol: They lock hands again. INVERTED CURB STOMP FROM STEEN !!! Kick to the face and then a chop but then PAC comes back with forearms and now we're going off. Kick to the gut from PAC and then Steen sends him into the corner. Couple of flips from PAC. Springboard Dropkick from PAC and then Steen heads back to the floor. THE CORKSCREW PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ... MISSES !!! POWERBOMB ON THE APRON FROM STEEN !!! CACTUS ELBOW FROM STEEN !!! The fans are going mental for this stuff now. Back into the ring they now go and the fans are mental. Stomp to the gut from Steen and he's in control of things. Another chop sends down PAC. Stomp to the chest from PAC. Steen then chokes PAC over the middle rope. He then chokes PAC with the boot. Steen then ripped at the face of PAC and then he lands some stomps. Some fans want Steen to send PAC to them. Steen then chokes PAC at that side while giving the thumbs up. He then rakes at the eyes of PAC. It's amazing to see the difference between Steen when he wrestled PAC five years previous and then now. Body Slam from Steen and he still favours his back. Senton Splash from Steen and that gets a two count. Kick to the gut and then more of the same from PAC so Steen goes back to the choke with the boot. Chops from Steen and then a forearm to send down PAC. Kick to the face from Steen. Steen then stands on the hair and pulls the arms up. He then stomps the hair. PAC with a forearm and then Steen comes back with forearms. Side kick sends down PAC and then he celebrates. Poke to the eye from Steen and then PAC holds onto the top rope to block. Headbutt from Steen. Steen onto the apron and a shoulder to the gut. PAC avoids that. SLINGSHOT ACE CRUSHER ON THE APRON FROM PAC !!! TOP ROPE ASAI CORKSCREW MOONSAULT FROM PAC !!! PAC then with stomps and back into the ring. Springboard Cross Body and that gets a two count and we're now heading into the final stretch by the looks of things. Forearms from PAC and he hits the ropes. Spin Kick from PAC and then Steen into the corner. PAC to the apron. STEEN CATCHES PAC AND LANDS THE F-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! PAC holds onto the top rope so Steen hits the ropes. Running Enziguri from PAC. THE REBOUND GERMAN FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! PAC runs into a boot. Steen is set on the top and PAC goes up there with him. Step Up Gamengiri from PAC to Steen on the top. THE HIGH JUMP RANA FROM PAC ... STEEN CATCHES HIM AND LANDS THE FINLAY ROLL OFF THE TOP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MOONSAULT FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SECOND ROPE MOONSAULT TO THE KNEES AND THEN THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN !!! PAC REACHES THE ROPES !!! Steen then sets PAC on the top rope. Steen bites PAC and then gets sent into the ring. IMPLODING 450 SPLASH FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! BRITISH AIRWAYS ... Steen stops him on the top rope. STEEN WITH THE HANGING DDT OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER ... PAC does everything that he can to stop it. REVERSE RANA FROM PAC !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... HITS THE KNEES !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

A bit of holding back for much of the match from Steen. Understandable of course given the double duty that Steen would be doing. That 450 Splash is one of the craziest moves you will find. When this match gets going, it matches the amazing action of the match that they had at Holy Diver. ****1/4

Brian Cage-Taylor vs. Brandon Gatson

Lockup and Cage and he goes behind and Gatson goes to the arm. This match should be just a little more on the calm side than what we just seen. Lockup and into the corner they go for a clean break. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Cage. Lockup and a knee to the gut from Cage and then he gets taken down with some elbows. Cage avoids a move and then hits the Backbreaker and then a Stunner. Kick to the face and that sends Gatson to the floor and Cage looks to be looking for some stuff. SUICIDE DIVE FROM CAGE ... stopped. Right hands from Gatson. MODIFIED TARANTULA FROM GATSON !!! Gatson then goes under Cage and gets a two count. Fisherman Suplex from Gatson and that gets a two count. Gatson onto the apron and that causes some fans to move. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX BACK IN THE RING FROM CAGE !!! Snapmare and a Chinlock from Cage. Jawbreaker from Gatson and then into the corner. Abdominal Stretch from Cage and he works on the ribs. PUMP HANDLE INTO THE X-FACTOR FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Small Package from Gatson gets a two count and then he lands a chop and then into the corner. Razzle Dazzle Avalanche from Gatson. Cage hits some weird move and that gets a two count. Chops from Cage in the corner. Gatson onto the apron. CAGE-TAYLOR WITH A BRUTAL LARIAT TO GATSON ON THE APRON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Gatson is set on the top rope. Gatson misses the elbow off the middle buckle. BRUTAL SPIN KICK FROM GATSON !!! Jumping Neckbreaker and then he lands another and then he goes through but Cage with the Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Spear from Gatson and that gets a two count. MOONSAULT FROM GATSON ... MISSES !!! DDT FROM GATSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The straps are coming down. Cage gets a two count. Cage heads for the top rope. Gatson knocks Cage off of the apron. Superkick sends Cage to the floor. SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP FROM GATSON ... MISSES !!! Gatson kicks Cage in the face but he seems to be injured from the initial move. SUPERKICK ON THE FLOOR FROM GATSON !!! Cage now back into the ring. Body Slam from Gatson and then a kick to the face from Cage. BRUTAL TOTAL ECLIPSE FROM CAGE !!! THE FLATLINER X FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Ironic that the match had someone in it with "Get my shit in." as a saying, because that's all this match was. Two guys getting their shit in. Not my cup of tea at all if the match doesn't have any flow to it and this one didn't. This just didn't work for me. DUD

El Generico and Ricochet vs. Alex Shelley and Roderick Strong

Some serious potential in this match. Ricochet is wearing his Blood Warriors stuff. Shelley and Generico into the match to get us going. They lock hands and Shelley takes down Generico and then goes to the arms and puts a knee in the back to continue the stretch. Hammerlock from Shelley and then the Headlock. Shelley into the ropes, but he holds onto the Headlock. Shelley with a charge down and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock again from Shelley. Shelley to his feet and sent into the ropes and then he goes back to that Headlock and this seems to be a good tactic from Shelley as it will also frustrate Generico. Shelley into the ropes and he hits the breaks and gets a sweep for a two count and then goes back to that Side Headlock. Shelley sweeps Generico down who slides under him. Generico flips over and then lands his trio of Arm Drags and that finally switches the match in his favour. Generico with an Arm Ringer. Ricochet into the ring and he lands the big kick to the face. Kicks to the head from Ricochet. Headlock from Ricochet and then he beats on the head. Some of those Blood Warriors things coming through. Shelley bites the hand and then slaps Ricochet. Headlock from Shelley. Strong comes in and then he charges down Ricochet. Springboard Arm Drag and a Dropkick from Ricochet. Shelley in the ring and he runs into the Front Facelock. Shelley catches Ricochet into the Billy Goat's Curse. The Pendulum Swing from Shelley and he drops him and then stomps on the back of the head. Generico now back into the match and he lands some right hands on Ricochet. Body Slam gets a two count for Generico. Shelley comes back with a chop when Ricochet comes into the ring. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Ricochet. Shelley back into the match now Generico comes in with a chop. Back Drop Suplex from Shelley and then he knocks Generico off of the apron and then Strong comes in and lays in the stomps. Knees in the gut from Strong. Cross Body from Generico to Shelley. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ON SHELLEY FROM GENERICO !!! Razzle Dazzle is caught. STRONG DUMPS RICOCHET OVER THE TOP ROPE ON GENERICO !!! Torture Rack drops Ricochet face first on the apron and then Shelley works on the leg out there. Hard forearm from Shelley and then he takes over Ricochet and then he locks in the Head Scissors and then repeatedly smacks the face of Ricochet into the canvas. Generico throws his cape at Shelley and that draws Shelley to do some stuff with it and then he puts it over the head of Ricochet. Stomps from Strong and then into the corner where Strong chops. Strong then stands on the face and then lands a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Stomp to the chest from Strong and then Shelley into the ring. Texas Cloverleaf from Shelley and that looks a bit brutal. Generico comes in and breaks and Strong comes in to make him pay for that. Ricochet tries to come back into the match and works on both of his opponents. BASEMENT SUPERKICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! GENERICO SAVES !!! Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count. STO Backbreaker from Strong and that gets a two count. Shelley now back into the ring and Ricochet makes something of a comeback. THE ZIG ZAG ON SHELLEY !!! Shelley grabs the foot and then Strong pulls Generico off of the apron and that stops the tag being made yet again. Back into the ring comes Strong. Superkick misses and Ricochet looks like making the fight back. DOUBLE OVERHEAD KICK FROM RICOCHET TO THE GENERATION NEXT !!! In comes Generico and he's the house on fire. Back Body Drop on Strong and the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker on Shelley. Strong misses a move. RICOCHET WITH AN INSANE PLANCHA OVER THE RINGPOST AND GENERICO ONTO SHELLEY !!! THE BLUE THUNDER FROM GENERICO ON STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Elbows from Strong and Generico ducks one. THE MICHINOKU DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Strong looks like he might be hurt here and in comes Ricochet. He's back up though and he kicks Generico to the floor. Strong runs into a move. DOWNWARD SPIRAL !!! SUPERKICK !!! ANGLE SLAM FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! GIBSON DRIVER ... COUNTERED BY RICOCHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPLEX COUNTERED TO A RANA BY RICOCHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Ricochet misses the charge. DOUBLE KNEE GUT BUSTER FROM STRONG !!! DOUBLE STOMP FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... GENERICO SAVES !!! BRUTAL KICK FROM SHELLEY SENDS GENERICO LOOPY !!! Boxing elbows from Strong but then that is stopped and in comes Generico. SWINGING DDT FROM GENERICO !!! OLE KICK IN THE CORNER FROM EL GENERICO TO STRONG !!! OLE KICK TO SHELLEY !!! HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM GENERICO TO STRONG !!! BRAINBUSTER !!! PHOENIX SPLASH FROM RICOCHET ... MISSES !!! SUPLEX INTO THE DOUBLE KNEE BACKBREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That match was a bit of a mess at times but on the whole it was really enjoyable stuff. Strong and Shelley just work brilliantly well together the stuff between Ricochet and Generico was good, but they lack something at times. ****

Peter Avalon vs. Ryan Taylor

I can't say that this match really tickles my fancy much on paper. Avalon has a lot of potential admittedly but Taylor is a bit of blandness. Lockup and Taylor goes to work on the arm right away and he goes to the ropes. Lockup and Avalon goes to the arm, but then Taylor to the Hammerlock. Headlock from Avalon and then Taylor spins him around and then just plants him on his face. Pair or Arm Drags from Avalon. Victory Roll from Avalon and that gets a two count. Backslide from Taylor and that gets a two count. Low blow from Avalon there. That looked a bit fucked up to be honest. The Harlem Sidekick doesn't look the slightest bit botched. He goes to do the Spinaroonie and Taylor hits the ropes. THE AXE KICK FROM TAYLOR !!! Avalon kicks Taylor in the back and he says that's his job. We now seem to have duelling Spinaroonie. TWO SPINAROONIES !!! Chris Hero: "And they both sucked." Quite. Running kick to the chest gets a two count for Taylor and then a Back Drop Suplex gets a two count. Into the corner and then Avalon with right hands and then forearms. Wheelbarrow Suplex is blocked and Taylor onto the apron. Kick from Avalon and Taylor winds up on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM AVALON !!! Back into the ring they head and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Avalon now. Back Elbow from Avalon and that gets a two count. Butterfly Suplex from Avalon and that gets a two count. Avalon misses a Harlem Sidekick and now both men with reversals. Clothesline from Taylor ends that nice little exchange. Flurry from Taylor and then he misses a Roundhouse Kick. Elbow Strike from Taylor. RUNNING KNEE IN THE CORNER FROM TAYLOR !!! ROCK BOTTOM FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Roundhouse Kick and the elbow from Taylor and that gets a two count. Small Package gets a two count for Avalon and then he gets muscled into the corner. MARTINIS FROM THE MIDDLE ROPE FROM AVALON !!! Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Avalon then gets a chair and brings it into the ring and this isn't going to work. Brian Cage-Taylor runs down. SCHOOL BOY FROM AVALON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A much better match than the earlier filler match. These guys at least have some ability in the art of getting crowds into their matches. It did it's job for it's place on the card. Allowed the crowd to get back into it while having a decent match in the process. **

The RockNES Monsters vs. The Dynasty

THE DYNASTY GET US GOING WITH THE DIVES !!! Yuma makes a comeback on Ryan but he then gets driven into the ringpost. Goodtime and Sky are brawling on the other side of the ring. Head first into the apron goes Yuma and also Sky and then a bottle of water to the head of Ryan. Ryan then pushes his boot into the face of Yuma. Forearm from Ryan and around the ring they go. Headbutt from Ryan and then he and Yuma head to the back. Ryan gets pushed into a bunch of fans and then the NES are now taking control of the match. Goodtime clubs at the back. SKY WITH A CANNONBALL OFF OF THE APRON ONTO THE MONSTERS !!! Sky bites Yuma and then back into the ring and now we have Yuma and Ryan in the ring. Yuma avoids a Spinebuster and then lands a bunch of right hands. Yuma runs into the boot and then Sky with the Head Scissor Takedown and Goodtime into the ring and he goes at Sky here. Spinebuster from Ryan to Yuma and that gets a two count. Right hand from Yuma and then Ryan with a kick to the face. Dropping kick from Sky. Sky back into the ring and he and Ryan with knees to the head of Goodtime. Sky dumped to the floor and then Goodtime runs into the Dropkick of Ryan. Goodtime now onto the apron. Goodtime with a kick. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM GOODTIME TO SKY !!! He then comes into the ring. HEAD SCISSOR TAKEDOWN SENDS SKY INTO THE CHAIRS !!! Cross Body off the top onto Ryan and that gets a two count. That was a nice wee sequence of moves from Ryan. Yuma now comes into the ring. Backslide from Yuma and that gets a two count. SWINGING DDT FROM YUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sky into the ring and then he picks up Yuma and he eats a right hand. SUPLEX FROM GOODTIME AND HE AND SKY WIND UP ON THE FLOOR !!! This match is a wee bit nuts right now. Ryan and Yuma onto their feet and they exchange right hands. SEX FACTOR FROM YUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clothesline in the corner from Yuma. SUPERKICK SENDS YUMA OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! TOP ROPE DROPKICK FROM GOODTIME TO RYAN !!! Into the corner and then Ryan catches the Spear on Yuma. Sky works on Goodtime in the corner. Goodtime over the top of Sky. THE FLYING APPLE FROM YUMA !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM GOODTIME !!! Goodtime works on Ryan with some violence. VIOLENCE PARTY FROM GOODTIME !!! RYAN WITH THE PUMP HANDLE SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM RYAN !!! Ryan then sent to the floor. Yuma with right hands on Ryan when he comes back in. TOMBSTONE FROM RYAN !!! FROG SPLASH FROM SKY !!! THE BUCKLE BOMB SENDS SKY INTO RYAN !!! THE YAKUZA KICK ON SKY !!! THE DEATH DDT ON RYAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner they now go and Sky is set. Goodtime into the opposite corner. BICYCLE KNEE FROM SKY !!! THE TKO FROM SKY !!! THE YOUNG BUCKS ARE HERE !!! Jawbreaker from Goodtime. ACE CRUSHER/ENZIGURI !!! THE FINISH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was messy, but in a very good way. Both teams looked like they wanted to kill each other and the pace of it was frightening. Credit has to be given to all four men for that one.

The Young Bucks vs. CIMA and Kevin Steen

The Bucks attack Steen right from the word go after they worked on CIMA. CIMA back into the ring and he goes nuts and the referee has the bell rung. DOUBLE STOMP AND THEN THE SENTON SPLASH TO BOTH OF THE BUCKS !!! Nick then goes to do some press ups and Steen and CIMA stomp on him. Double right hand to the gut of Nick and then a Body Slam from Steen. He then slams CIMA on Nick. Matt now into the ring. He takes a slam from CIMA and then he wants to slam Steen on him. He manages that after a three count but it took a lot of CIMA. Slam on Matt and then he wants the referee. He goes to slam the referee and then Nick comes in with the Chop Block. Nick and Matt on the floor. DOUBLE POWERBOMB ON THE APRON FROM THE BUCKS ON STEEN !!! Should be noted it was the back of the head that landed there. Steen then gets sent into the ringpost and then they work on CIMA when he tries to get involved. Steen back into the ring they go. Matt then mockingly kicks and that livens up Steen. Nick with the choke in the corner and Steen bites his fingers. Matt comes across and puts an end to that and Steen grabs the balls and then Matt with a rake to the eyes to put a stop to that. Into the corner they go and Matt with some shots to the gut of Steen. Right hands in the corner from Matt and then Steen spit at him. CIMA comes into the ring and the referee gets involved and Nick sends him to the floor and Matt continues his work on Steen. Dropkick to the face of Matt and then in comes Nick with the Slingshot Senton and then he wants to hear a cheer for Dixie. Kicks to the leg from Nick and then Matt comes into the ring and he kicks at the leg of Steen. Matt then rakes at the eyes of Steen. CIMA comes in and bites the ass of Matt and the referee pulls him away. Matt bites the face of Steen now. Matt then slaps Steen and sends him into the corner and Nick comes into the match. Slingshot stomp on the knee from Nick and then he works on it. Steen tries to kick his way back into it and Nick goes to the Sleeper Hold and Matt comes into the ring with a right hand. Front Facelock from Matt. He lets go and goes to the legs. Uh oh... THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM MATT ... Steen manages to fight back. SUPERKICKS TO BOTH MEMBERS OF THE BUCKS !!! Hot tag and in comes CIMA and into the ropes and CIMA with the Dropkick. Nick into the ring. CIMA runs into a boot. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FACE OF NICK FROM CIMA !!!.Indian Deathlock/Suplex combo on the Bucks. Nick to the apron and he goes over CIMA. Hurricane kick to the ribs from Nick. Head Scissor from Matt and that gets caught. BACKSTABBER FROM CIMA !!! CIMA goes for the double stomps. BASEMENT SUPERKICK FROM MATT !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH FROM NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... STEEN SAVES !!! Dropkick sends Steen to the floor. PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM NICK TO STEEN !!! Matt in the ring with CIMA. WHEELBARROW X-FACTOR ... avoided. Running kick and senton from CIMA and that gets a two count. Forearms from both Matt and Steen. Steen onto the apron where Nick lands a Superkick. 450 SPLASH TO THE HANGING STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER INTO METEORA ON NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MATT SAVES !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM MATT ON STEEN ... Steen goes to the eyes. POWERBOMB FROM STEEN !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN !!! CIMA COMES IN WITH THE SCHWEIN ON NICK !!! METEORA TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD AND MATT TAPS !!!

I knew that CIMA wouldn't really fit into this match as he's just too "polished". He's like a Japanese version of Quack. The match is still pretty good because of who's in the match but it's probably the worst match that the Bucks have had for a good few years in PWG. ***1/2

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Chris Hero - PWG Championship

Claudio wants the handshake from Hero. Claudio makes sure that the top rope is going to hold and then so does Hero and then they criss cross. They seem quite happy with their experiment and they are now going to go at it. Lockup and Claudio grips the arm and then Hero goes behind. Claudio goes to work on the arm and then Hero with a Rollup and that gets a one count and that doesn't leave us anywhere. Claudio seems to be looking for the neck, and Hero goes for the legs, and wounds up getting his own taken. Hero with the Drop Toe Hold and then he goes to the arm. Hero then rolls back and then kicks Claudio into the ropes and we have a stalemate. Hero then goes behind and then rolls through and gets a two count. Claudio was going to use the ropes and decides to break the move and Hero looks a bit confused about things. Hero then sends Claudio down and works on the leg. Front Facelock from Claudio and then Hero turns him over and we're back to square one. Full Nelson from Hero and then Claudio looks to break, and Hero manages to hold on. Fan: "You can't break the Masterlock." Claudio tries and fails to break. Fan: "See?!" :lol: Claudio then manages to escape from the move. Lockup and then a Cravat from Hero. Claudio tries to slam his way out and fails and this continues for a wee bit. Claudio goes to break and Hero does it on his own so as he can reapply the move instantly. Snapmare from Hero and then he gets a Crucifix and that gets a two count. Lockup and a Headlock from Claudio and then he gets the Side Headlock on the canvas. Hero manages to escape the move, but then winds back up in the Side Headlock. Claudio charges down Hero and then he takes down Hero with the Headlock Takedown. Hero goes to the Head Scissors, but Claudio goes back to it and Hero manages to escape again. Claudio then with the headstand and he escapes from the move. Claudio then goes back to the Headlock, but Hero gets out quickly and winds right back in it. Into the corner and we have a break from there. Claudio goes back to the arm. Wristlock from Claudio now and he takes down Hero. Hero kips up and gets taken back down. Hero kips up and then Claudio takes him right back down again. Hero reaches the bottom rope. Claudio back to the Headlock but he runs into a brutal kick. Hero goes for the dive and Claudio moves. Hero settles for kicking him in the face and then heads to ringside to do battle. Chops now from Hero around the ringside area. Chop from Claudio ... HITS THE RINGPOST !!! Running kick to the face from Hero and then back off the apron. Back into the ring and then that gets a two count. Senton Splash from Hero and that gets a two count. Hero then goes to the chops and then Claudio then goes to chops. Hero and Claudio then exchange the chops and Hero with the shoulders to the gut of Claudio. Senton Splash again from Hero. Second time in the match? The fans seemed to like it more the second time. Erm... anyways. Claudio onto the apron. Dragon Screw over the middle rope from Claudio and then back into the ring. Dropkick to the knee from Claudio and Hero goes back to the floor. Claudio then slams the leg into the apron. Hero now back into the ring and Claudio stomps the leg into the canvas. Kick to the face and that's a knockout. Hero then gets dropped in the middle of the ring and that gets a two count. Claudio then drops his weight on the leg of Hero. Hero reaches the ropes before Claudio can lock in the submission. Hero then comes back in with the chops. Hero then gets his leg slammed into the ringpost and then a second time. Claudio then gets back into the ring quite satisfied with things. Dropkick to the knee from Claudio when Hero is on the apron and then Claudio on the apron and he lands a Leg Drop on the leg and Hero gets back into the ring. Elbow Drop to the leg a couple of times from Claudio and then he locks in the submission. Hero comes back with the big kick to the head and then Claudio with the kick to the leg. Hero then with the chops again and then Hero onto the apron. Boot to the face from Hero. Sunset Flip but Claudio rolls through and lands a Diving European Uppercut for two. Hero then gets flipped onto his knee. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM CLAUDIO !!! Hero slaps Claudio and then they both exchange and Hero goes to the eyes to try and get away from this. Body Slam on a chair from Claudio and then he throws a chair at him. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Cravat from Claudio. BRUTAL stomp to the back of the knee from Claudio. Half Crab from Claudio now and Hero reaches the bottom rope. SNAPMARE SENDS THE LEG OF HERO INTO THE ROPES !!! That is quite brutal there. Hero is trying to get away from Claudio. Knee Breaker from Claudio and then the Dragon Screw and that gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Claudio which seems a bit out of place in this match right now. Hero tries to escape but he can't because of his leg, and Claudio goes back to the Half Crab. Hero finds the bottom rope. Body Slam sends the leg into the ropes again from Claudio. Claudio with chops and right hands. Body Slam and that gets a two count. BRUTAL KICK TO THE FACE FROM HERO !!! Hero comes back with some HARD chops so Claudio headbutts the knee. Cravat from Hero. CRAVAT DROP FROM HERO !!! Roaring chop and then some normal chops from Hero. Elbows now from Hero. CRAVAT DROP FROM HERO !!! Running Elbow in the corner. Springboard Cross Body and that gets a two count for Hero. Kick to the side of the head from Hero. Claudio goes to the eyes. SUPER DRAGON SCREW INTO THE HALF CRAB FROM CLAUDIO !!! HERO FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Hero then kicks away. CLAUDIO LEAPS INTO THE ELBOW !!! LA MAGISTRAL CRADLE FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! That sees Claudio rolling through to the apron. Kicks to the face from Hero. ROARING ELBOW SENDS CLAUDIO TO THE FLOOR !!! Claudio gets back into the ring. ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! RICCOLA BOMB ... Claudio rolls through. SINGLE LEG GIANT SWING INTO THE HALF CRAB !!! NEUTRALIZER FROM CLAUDIO !!! HERO REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Hero is then set on the top rope. CRAVAT CUTTER FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ROARING ELBOW ... he can't hit it. THE ROARING KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! European Uppercuts. INTO THE NEUTRALIZER FROM CLAUDIO AND HE STANDS AND HERO TAPS !!!

This was reasonable stuff. Could have been shorter considering where they were going with it. Infact, it definately SHOULD have been shorter as the length made it a bit of a chore to watch at times. ***

After the match, Kevin Steen heads for the ring and applauds the match that the two men just had. He asks Claudio to wrestle him. Right now. Claudio takes the mic and basically declines the request.

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Kevin Steen - PWG Championship


No rating. What a moment though. N/A

This was an absolutely phenomenal show with an absolutely phenomenal ending. There is not a promotion in the world that can touch PWG right now.

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Right there with you. Him and Sheamus are the two best Smackdown guys right now. Well, Randy Orton purely for being on fucking fire in the ring at the moment deserves a shout.

I was never really a fan of Sheamus, because i feel some guys get a Championship push without doing the hard yards these days.

But lately he has really been growing on me.

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Who says you have to "do the yard"? He clearly has the tools and WWE sees that. Brock Lesnar was much the same. Pushed to the moon right away. Why? Because he fucking deserved it.

It's what i was brought up on i suppose, where people would work their way up the ranks to become Champion, not just show up & become Champion within a short period.

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Remember someone posted a radio interview with Orton a while back and he was asked about the best and worst wrestlers in the WWE, Orton said that Sheamus was one of the best in the ring and was really professional and the worst was Mark Henry and big Khali.

That's no surprise there, Sheamus is brilliant and deserves another big push. I think Henry is playing the heel card very nicely but I can understand how hard it must be when he's just so big and slow.

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Aye, Mark Henry has a lot to contend with. Lack of mobility being the key one, but ever since he won the ECW title, he seems to have developed at least the ability to tell a story in the ring. Keep his matches short, make him look like a beast and you're onto a winner.

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Theres been about three Mark Henry heel turns in the past ~4 years or so where he's made out to be "an absolute beast" who just destroys everything and anyone, and "will Orton be able to RKO him" will no doubt be churned out a fair few times.

Just because WWE have been too scared to pull the trigger before, doesn't mean they shouldn't now.

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From LordsofPain:

WWE Hall of Famer "Rowdy" Roddy Piper is undergoing emergency neck surgery after a recent MRI revealed that he's been wrestling with a broken neck. He is going under the knife today and wrote the following on Twitter regarding the situation.

Keep Piper in your thoughts - he clearly has a good attitude about the situation and says the thing he's scared of most is ugly nurses at the hospital.

Well Tweets. In 5 hours I'm being taken on a hard battle. I'll be 10 days in hospital, Doctors told me. So I figure give me a day!

Been asked Why? I don't really want to say, I was being stupied, things got out of hand!

I'll try to explain. At he time I was doing Fantasy Factory And WWE Access, I BROKE MY NECK! But I didn't know it! I knew I was Hurt, I [am] hurt all the time. I just thought the neck injury will go away. But after couple months my neck is hurting worse. No sleep from pain. So I go to best Doctors in Country. When Doc saw the MRI's he went into the 911 attitude fast. So now at 10 am. there cutting me open!

So just for the record, I beat, The Miz, Terry Funk, and 2 others guys with a brokrn neck!! All the Raws and WM where I broke it!

Some say I'm crazy! Doctors are telling me that there could be problems! Ya, if they give me ugly nurses!

There going to shave my hair, slash neck open, and take a chisel and hammer to my neck bones. That's in 5 hrs.Waiting 4 God to send Locusts

There's a bright side of geeting neck cut off. You get to wear bumless house coats. Great jello....help me out here!

Hospital update: Found out there asigning someone to my room 24/7..I getting pissed and called. They said hospital staff requested it! SUX'S


All the best to Hot Rod, especially since he only recetly overcame cancer.

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