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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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When was the last time sheamus lost? He wins pretty much every week but is totally lost and going nowhere at the moment, there seems to be no direction for him

He's been lost ever since Christian got injured.

Although it wasn't much of a feud since Christian as usual, was being squashed.

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just read an article that lists a whole bunch of reasons as to why TNA hasn't progressed as far as it should have, some I agree with some I don't, I'll list a few of them:

1. Lack of PPV building

2.Hiring Bubba The Love Sponge

3. Hiring Vince Russo

4. Having Dixie Carter at the helm

5. The move away from the 6 sided ring

6. The electrified cage incident

7. Heel and face flop flopping

8. The overuse of factions

9. Ric Flairs debut

10. Putting the X-Division on the back burner

11.Hogan and Bischoffs debut

The ones I agree with, 3, 4, 7,10

The most annoyinh thing by a mile is the constant heel/face turns.....it got so difficult to keep up with as one week a guy was heel, next week without explanation, storyline or logic he's face.

I also thin TNA used to actually be amazing....there was a time from about the beginning of 2005 until the end of 2006 where the X-Division was incredible. It always had the best matches and made the PPV's. They had a unique selling point and basically scrapped it to re-hash things that have already been done.

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just read an article that lists a whole bunch of reasons as to why TNA hasn't progressed as far as it should have, some I agree with some I don't, I'll list a few of them:

1. Lack of PPV building

2.Hiring Bubba The Love Sponge

3. Hiring Vince Russo

4. Having Dixie Carter at the helm

5. The move away from the 6 sided ring

6. The electrified cage incident

7. Heel and face flop flopping

8. The overuse of factions

9. Ric Flairs debut

10. Putting the X-Division on the back burner

11.Hogan and Bischoffs debut

The ones I agree with, 3, 4, 7,10

The most annoyinh thing by a mile is the constant heel/face turns.....it got so difficult to keep up with as one week a guy was heel, next week without explanation, storyline or logic he's face.

I also thin TNA used to actually be amazing....there was a time from about the beginning of 2005 until the end of 2006 where the X-Division was incredible. It always had the best matches and made the PPV's. They had a unique selling point and basically scrapped it to re-hash things that have already been done.

3,4 and 7 are the main ones. I'd also add it the ridiculous amount of dirty endings to matches. Sorta agree with 10, but then, X-Division shouldn't be the main focus of the company, although it's great and I love watching their matches (Austin Aries is probably the hottest thing in TNA atm) it obviously can't be the main level in TNA. They either need to make the TV title more important by adding people like RVD, Christopher Daniels, Mr Anderson into the scene or scrap the title and that class of people(mostly) and just push the X-Division up the card and utilize those wrestlers more. I can't believe they didn't hire Low Ki or Jack Evans after Destination X, all four of those guys in the contract match were fantastic. I've seen Zema Ion a couple of times on Impact since so it seems it's just Evans and Low Ki they didn't hire.

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Could it be that they are building Ryder up as the guy that Cena finally snaps

on? I can realistically see it as it then gives both guys are firm push in

respective directions. Cena the old head who's had enough of being treated the

way he is by fans who never show him the loyalty and respect that he preaches,

pissed off that some no-mark comes from obscurity and is instantly more popular

than he is. Ryder the firm underdog with full support of the fans, much like

Cena was in the early days against the likes of Lesnar and Angle.

It does seem to me that Ryder is going to be the one that gets the full wrath of Cena. I don't get why he isn't main event material really. He sells a shitload of merch and he's over. Whatelse is he going to need? He already has the tools. I'd like to see what it is that's holding him back, because we know that wrestling skill is only needed to the extent that Ryder has it.

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It does seem to me that Ryder is going to be the one that gets the full wrath of Cena. I don't get why he isn't main event material really. He sells a shitload of merch and he's over. Whatelse is he going to need? He already has the tools. I'd like to see what it is that's holding him back, because we know that wrestling skill is only needed to the extent that Ryder has it.

The only thing I can think of is timing. Either they aren't comfortable building him up to Main Event too quickly (remember he was tagging and losing with Primo only a few months back) or they aren't confident his popularity is a stayer. I don't agree with the second one, but remember, this is the company who were dead last on picking up on the guys popularity, some even felt they'd held off too long with him.

As said, the other thing is the potential Cena heel turn. If they do pull the trigger with him, they can't have him unloading on a main eventer like Punk or Orton and make them look weak. Ryder is the perfect fodder for this. He's making his mark on the midcard, steadily rising and hugely popular. Cena cheap shotting him and turning would be a perfect double whammy in terms of where they want both to be and people right now would expect Cena to demolish Ryder anyway, so it wouldn't hurt his prospects or his popularity.

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The only thing I can think of is timing. Either they aren't comfortable building

him up to Main Event too quickly (remember he was tagging and losing with Primo

only a few months back) or they aren't confident his popularity is a stayer. I

don't agree with the second one, but remember, this is the company who were dead

last on picking up on the guys popularity, some even felt they'd held off too

long with him.

I can see them trying him out for size over the next few months. At worst, he'll wind up as a glorified Santino, which is a decent position to be in when you consider that this sort of thing always has a spot on a WWE card.

As said, the other thing is the potential Cena heel turn. If they do pull

the trigger with him, they can't have him unloading on a main eventer like Punk

or Orton and make them look weak. Ryder is the perfect fodder for this. He's

making his mark on the midcard, steadily rising and hugely popular. Cena cheap

shotting him and turning would be a perfect double whammy in terms of where they

want both to be and people right now would expect Cena to demolish Ryder anyway,

so it wouldn't hurt his prospects or his popularity.

The other key of the Cena heel turn if it happens is that the guy on the receiving end is gonna be super-over for a short time at least. They're going to be the ones expected to have a go at Cena.

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On the TLC wikipedia page it has the US title match as the last one of the night.

Cena heel turn must be on the cards if that is the last match.

But it would make literally no sense for Cena to turn on him just yet. He only gave up his title shot and won Ryder the US shot last week on Raw. I don't think they could possibly go with it just now.

Let his resentment build for a month or 2. Turn him at RR.

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just read an article that lists a whole bunch of reasons as to why TNA hasn't progressed as far as it should have, some I agree with some I don't, I'll list a few of them:

1. Lack of PPV building

2.Hiring Bubba The Love Sponge

3. Hiring Vince Russo

4. Having Dixie Carter at the helm

5. The move away from the 6 sided ring

6. The electrified cage incident

7. Heel and face flop flopping

8. The overuse of factions

9. Ric Flairs debut

10. Putting the X-Division on the back burner

11.Hogan and Bischoffs debut

The ones I agree with, 3, 4, 7,10

The most annoyinh thing by a mile is the constant heel/face turns.....it got so difficult to keep up with as one week a guy was heel, next week without explanation, storyline or logic he's face.

I also thin TNA used to actually be amazing....there was a time from about the beginning of 2005 until the end of 2006 where the X-Division was incredible. It always had the best matches and made the PPV's. They had a unique selling point and basically scrapped it to re-hash things that have already been done.

1 is spot on. At Tunring Point the build to the main event was a 30 second promo on the Impact just before where AJ issued a challenge. Pish. And having PPVs at the Impact Zone just makes them seem like another episode of Impact.

2 is irrelevant. He was crap, but he's long gone.

3 is rather obvious.

4 I would agree with. She clearly doesn't know what she's doing, and she's a dreadful TV character. She makes Linda McMahon look like The Rock on the mic in comparison.

5 I don't think has any bearing. It was unique certainly, but most fans don't really care too much.

6 was ages ago! A lot of fans didn't even see it, or won't remember it.

7 I would agree with. Mr Anderson turned heel for literally 2 weeks before going back to be a face earlier this year.

8 is true, but only because the factions are crap. Fortune for example haven't been a unit for ages now, even though they still make the hand gestures.

9 I would agree with a bit, but only because of the money paid to him isn't worth it considering how he hasn't shifted ratings. Also it's just embarrasing to see him in the ring these days.

10 I agree with, and it really annoys me. They've basically made it a cruiserweight division, when before it was popular and unique in that allowed fans to see how different styles meshed together, and basically anyone could be in it. Now it seemingly consists of just three guys, Aries, Kash and Sorenson, with the odd appearance from Kendrick. The others are used about once every two months (not an exaggeration). What really annoys me about is that clearly Bischoff is just trying to recreate what he had in WCW. He just can't see past that, from the whole Immortal like nWO nonsense to this.

11 is in my view the biggest reason. These two clowns are an utter cancer on TNA and are stuck in the past. They have no original ideas, just rehashes of old ones. And they haven't improved ratings at all. In fact some of the worst ever ratings have been under their reign.

They missed the biggest reason,

1. The Impact Zone.

Agreed utterly. It's a dreadful, dreadful place. When they go on the road the shows are just so much better simply because of the crowd reactions. Also how can they really accurately judge who is over or not in the Impact Zone? They need to get out of there ASAP.

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Something I'm really starting to notice is the fake crowd noises. I knew it was happening before but recently they must've turned it up and it's actually starting to make it difficult to hear the commentators and such. It's like they're trying to make it seem like the crowd is so loud that you can't hear the commentators. f**k up.

Most of what DA says above it spot on. With regards to the X-Division, I agree that they need to expand it. Bring back guys like Sabin, Shelley, Dutt, Lethal, Senshi and I'm sure there's tonnes of guys like that in the indies that you could use sparingly. I'd then get rid of loads of the guff midcard guys that are neither X-Division or top card, people like Robbie E and Christopher Daniels. TNA's tag team division has undergone a shocking downward spiral. How long ago was it that they had MCMG, Beer Money & 3D now it's Morgan/Crimson, Pope/D-Von and Mexican America.

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