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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Why? It's just a bit of harmless fun. It's designed to get people talking.

Some of you lot are really snobby at times. Wrestling is supposed to be about having a laugh and getting caught up in the storylines. This is just another example. Is this any more laughable than someone suggesting possible scenarios for matches, of which there are plenty on here? No, I think suggesting what the videos could mean is just the same as proposing matches and stroylines. It's all about getting caught up in it. So why are so many acting like snobby know it alls?

Yep, bunch of absolute virgins if you ask me.

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Wrestling is supposed to be about having a laugh and getting caught up in the storylines.

Is that why you watch TNA every week when you so blatantly hate it and shit on every single thing they do?

That will get people far in life, won't it? I might as well just end it all now. :bairn

You're in the Wrestling thread, maybe not the best place to say this.

Yep, bunch of absolute virgins if you ask me.

Again, you're in the Wrestling thread. Being a virgin is pretty much a prerequisite to post in here, so stop stating the obvious ;)

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Is that why you watch TNA every week when you so blatantly hate it and shit on every single thing they do?

You're in the Wrestling thread, maybe not the best place to say this.

Again, you're in the Wrestling thread. Being a virgin is pretty much a prerequisite to post in here, so stop stating the obvious ;)

I've not watched an episode of Impact in ages! Besides, even when I did, there were some things that were entertaining, even though a lot was silly shit!

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PS It's blatantly obvious to every man and his dug that Cena will appear at TLC, but could him not actually being on the card beforehand be a sign of WWE testing to see what their buys are like without their top face (and thus seriously considering the heel turn?). Hmmm.

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I think Cena will either have some sort of match with Kane (for chokeslamming him on Raw) or will help/hinder Ryder in his US Championship match.

No Bryan involved either - possible cash in??

No Sheamus involved either :( will prob win some sh*tty dark battle royal

No Air Boom - after looking like tag division was getting good few months back, its back to where it started

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WWE The Ladder Match 2: Crash and Burn Disc One

This is the second compilation of ladder matches that WWE have put together. I have no idea what's on this compilation so I look forward to seeing what gems they put together for us.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - WWE Intercontinental Championship - WWE Wrestlemania X ( ****1/2 )

Chris Candido vs. Tracy Smothers - SMW 1994 ( ***1/2 )

Syxx © vs. Eddie Guerrero - WCW United States Championship - WCW Souled Out 1997 ( ** )

Mankind © vs. The Big Bossman - WWE Hardcore Championship - WWE RAW 30/11/1998 ( * )

Mankind © vs. The Rock - WWE World Heavyweight Championship - WWE RAW 15/02/1999 ( **** )

The McMahons vs. Steve Austin - WWE King of the Ring 1999 ( **1/2 )

3 Count vs. The Jung Dragons - WCW New Blood Rising 2000 ( *** )

The Hardy Boys © vs. Edge and Christian, Ladder Match - WWE RAW 25/09/2000 ( **1/2 )

Christian reminds us that the ladder match was NOT invented by Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - WWE Intercontinental Championship - WWE Wrestlemania X

I hate it when every time someone walks under a ladder in one of these matches, the commentators throw a pure hissy fit about it. Diesel is at ringside to backup the fake IC champ. The MSG always looks absolutely amazing in these old shows. I don't think they ever captured it in recent times and now that the little aisleways are gone, it'll never happen again. Lockup and a Headlock from HBK and then he goes to the Hammerlock. Hammerlock from Razor and then he gets taken down. Hiptoss blocked and then HBK over. Chokeslam from Razor early in the match here and then some sweet right hands. HBK hits the ropes and lands the Swinging Neckbreaker and then goes with the stomps on the back of the head of Razor. Razor into the ropes and he charges down HBK and then gets sent to the floor. Razor staggers around the ring and then Diesel takes him down with the Clothesline and the referee spotted that and sends Diesel to the back. Diesel is absolutely raging, but he's not stupid enough to hit referee so he heads for the back. HBK gets hit with a right hand and the momentum seems to have shifted. HBK hard into the corner and then a Clothesline sends him to the floor and Razor is cleaning house at the moment and lands another big right hand and then he exposes the concrete under the mat. HBK with a right hand and then he sends Razor back into the ring. Right hands from HBK and then he's sent into the ropes and he runs right into a right hand. RAZOR'S EDGE ... RAZOR IS DROPPED OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE CONCRETE !!! HBK now goes for the ladder now that Razor is out of the match and he goes back to the ring now. Razor back into the ring though. Razor comes out and then sends HBK back into the ring. HBK hits the ropes and sends the ladder right into the gut of Razor and that was brutal. Razor is sent head first into the steps and around the ring they go and back into the ring. HBK now sends the ladder into the ring and sends it into the gut of Razor and the fans aren't happy with what they are seeing right now. HBK then drops the ladder vertically onto the gut of Razor. HBK then drops the ladder down on the back of Razor. HBK THEN THROWS THE LADDER AT THE BACK OF RAZOR !!! HBK now sets the ladder and heads for the belts. The fans are yelling for Razor to get up and he does and then he moons HBK. FLYING ELBOW OFF OF THE LADDER OUT OF NOWHERE FROM HBK !!! The mooning seems to have taken the shine off of the elbow which was a nice out of nowhere spot. Body Slam from HBK and then he heads for the top of the ladder. THE BODY SPLASH OFF OF THE LADDER FROM HBK !!! RAZOR SENDS HBK CRASHING OFF OF THE LADDER INTO THE TOP ROPE !!! Both men hit the ropes and both men collide. HBK now has the ladder laid against the corner. HBK SENT INTO THE LADDER AND HE CRASHES TO THE FLOOR !!! Razor now has the ladder in the ring but he chooses to go to the floor. He hits HBK with the ladder against the ringpost. More shots to HBK and then he keeps going. Razor lays the ladder against the apron and ropes. CATAPULT FROM RAZOR INTO THE LADDER AND HE FALLS BACK WITH THE LADDER ON HIM !!! LADDER TO THE HEAD AND HBK ENDS UP ON THE FLOOR !!! Razor sets the ladder and he is going for the belt. HBK SENDS RAZOR OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Both men are now climbing the two sides of the ladder. Both men battle up there. HIPTOSS SENDS HBK DOWN BUT THE LADDER GOES DOWN WITH RAZOR !!! Razor now goes for the belt again and HBK is battling back to his feet. HBK Dropkicks the ladder and down goes Razor. SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK !!! THE PILEDRIVER FROM HBK !!! HBK BRINGS HIS WEIGHT AND THE LADDER DOWN ON RAZOR !!! HBK goes for it... RAZOR PUSHES HIM DOWN AND HE GETS TRAPPED IN THE ROPES !!! RAZOR GOES FOR THE TITLE AND GETS IT !!!

For it's time, this must have been as spectacular as anyone had seen in a match. I'm glad I have given it another shot. It's taken a few viewings, but this is a fucking brilliant match. I think it's the drama more than anything else that does it. Some real bad timing in the latter section of the match drags it down a fair bit, but this is still well worth most of the praise. ****1/2

Chris Candido vs. Tracy Smothers - SMW 1994

I don't suspect this'll be the most dramatic ladder match that I'm ever going to see. That might be harsh, but f**k it. Smothers jumps Candido right off the bat and then gets the ladder. Candido comes down and gets hit with the ladder and back into the ring go both men. Candido with some right hands and some chops. Smothers then comes back with chops of his own in front of a weird crowd. Candido ducks one and then Smothers to the apron and he comes in with a Slingshot Kick and Candido to the floor and Smothers with a Dropkick through the ropes and then back into the ring he goes. Smothers sets the ladder and then sends Candido back to the floor. That money is far too low. Candido with a low blow and then the referee gets in his face. Candido then chokes Smothers. Smothers jumps right at Candido with the Flying Shoulder Block. SMOTHERS RAMS THE LADDER INTO THE POST WITH CANDIDO'S HEAD IN IT AND THEN SMASHES IT DOWN ON CANDIDO !!! That was some nice brutality there! Head first into the top buckle goes Candido several times. Back Elbow from Smothers and the fans are enjoying this so far. Smothers is setting the ladder again and Candido pulls him back down. Candido rams the ladder into the gut and then brings it down on the back of Smothers. Ladder down across the back of Smothers. Candido then chokes Smothers with the ladder. Candido lays the ladder against the top rope and lands a Snap Suplex. That gets rated a 9.95. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Smothers and then a Body Splash hits the knees of Candido. Candido lays the ladder in the ring. BODY SLAM ON THE LADDER FROM CANDIDO !!! BODY SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP ROPE ... HITS NOTHING BUT LADDER !!! Smothers comes back into the match now and into the ropes and a Flying Shoulder Tackle and the Suicide Blonde backs off. Into the corner and Smothers with some right hands in the corner. Running Kick sends Candido face first into the ladder and Smothers to the top rope with the Double Axe Handle and he could probably have taken that money there. Flying Shoulder Block from Smothers and then he sets the ladder in the middle of the ring and goes for the gold. CANDIDO IS HIT WITH A FRONT SUPLEX OFF OF THE LADDER AND SMOTHERS WINS !!!

Major trouble here is that the money is too low down and it doesn't take much climbing to get to it. That was a fun match though and they opted to go with a good story rather than big spots, but it wasn't without it's brutality. Nice. ***1/2

Syxx © vs. Eddie Guerrero, Ladder Match - WCW United States Championship - WCW Souled Out 1997

Eddie goes right to work on Syxx and then into the ropes and a shot to the gut from Waltman and then he taunts the audience. Kick to the chest and then right hands from Waltman and then a big chop. Eddie into the ropes and they blow a tilt-a-whirl move and Waltman goes with some right hands and uppercuts. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Eddie and then a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Eddie and Waltman heads for the floor. PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM EDDIE !!! Back into the ring now and Eddie heads back into the ring. Eddie runs into the boot and then stops Waltman on top. Spinning Heel Kick off of the second buckle from Waltman. Into the corner and some chops from Waltman and then a kick to the face. Waltman then with some taunting. BRONCO BUSTER FROM WALTMAN !!! Waltman brings down a stomp on the chest on Eddie. Eddie into the ropes and he gets over Waltman and then lands a Dropkick. Eddie tries to Suplex Waltman into the ring, but Waltman sends Eddie to the floor with the Suplex. Waltman then heads for the ladder and Bischoff gives Eddie some stick for making it too easy. Can't see that being a problem for much longer here. Waltman then charges Eddie against the apron with the ladder. Waltman is trying to put the ladder into the ring and has it on the apron. Eddie see saws the ladder into the face of Waltman. Slingshot Stomp from Eddie and then he grabs the ladder and the fans are right behind him here. Ladder is brought down on the back of Waltman. The ladder is set against the corner. Waltman in the corner and Eddie with a series of chops. Eddie then gets whipped into the corner. Waltman puts the ladder on Eddie and then buries some stomps to the ladder on Eddie. Back to the feet and then a Flapjack on the ladder from Waltman. Waltman now sets the ladder up and he lands a Suplex and climbs the ladder. Eddie is back up pretty quickly though and a shot to the gut sends Eddie back down again. Waltman then decides to close the ladder. Eddie Dropkicks the ladder into Syxx and he gets crotched. This is a bit disjointed. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! Eddie then sets the ladder up and he and Waltman climb opposite sides of the ladder. Right hand from Syxx and then the same a few more times. Dropkick sends Eddie flying into the corner. Waltman is now climbing the ladder and Eddie climbs the opposite side. Right hands from both men now. Down goes Eddie, but he ricochets off of the ropes and sends Waltman off of the ladder as well. Eddie goes for the belt and then lands some right hands and uppercuts on Eddie and then climbs the ladder and goes for the gold. Syxx now climbs the other side. Both men now have it and bring it down. Eddie sends down Syxx and wins.

This is a really dull ladder match, which is not a good thing. Something has to go wrong for a ladder match to be dull. Can they be shit? Yes. But dull? The very gimmick should stop that from happening. **

Mankind © vs. The Big Bossman - WWE Hardcore Championship - WWE RAW 30/11/1998

Boss attacks Mankind right off the bat on the floor with the nightstick. Mankind sends Boss into the steps face first and then grabs the ladder and brings it towards the ring and then smashes Boss in the face with it. Ladder to the face of Boss and then it gets dropped on him. HBK casually scores the moves in the match while he's doing the commentary. Mankind is now climbing the ladder and Boss into the ring, only for Mankind to leap from the ladder with a Clothesline. Mankind then traps Boss in the ladder and then lands the Elbow Drop. Another Elbow Drop from Mankind and then he sets the ladder properly and decides to head for his prized possession. Boss back to the feet and then Mankind with the Double Arm DDT and he gets back up and he goes back for the belt. Boss then just drops Mankind in the ring. Boss then has the ladder propped in the corner. Mankind is then launched face first into the ladder. Boss then sets up the ladder and Mankind comes and stops him only to take a bit of a beating. Boss nearly reaches and then Mankind with some right hands. Mankind then reaches down into the pants. THE MANDIBLE CLAW AT THE TOP OF THE LADDER !!! The Big Bossman falls down and Mankind now goes for the belt, but Boss stops him. The Rock comes down and Mankind takes a nasty fall from the ladder. Boss now goes into the ring. Low blow from Mankind to Rock and then to Boss and then he heads for the belt and Rock takes him down. Right hand from Rock. THE ROCK BOTTOM FROM THE ROCK !!! Boss then goes for the belt and gets it.

This seems like one of the most pointless inclusions of a match ever to a DVD set. *

Mankind © vs. The Rock - WWE World Heavyweight Championship - WWE RAW 15/02/1999

This is a bit better I'd assume. I can remember watching this not so long ago and really enjoying it. The Rock gets a mixed reaction from the hot as hell audience for this one. They had a last man standing match the night before this bad boy. No more commercial breaks. Mankind charges Rock to the floor and then they brawl around the ring. Kick to the gut from Rock and a right hand. Rock sent face first into the steps and around the ring they go. Rock then lands some right hands. Mankind gets launched into the steps. Rock then goes and throws a chair into the ring. Kicks to the leg from Rock and then into the ring. Rock then slams the leg of Mankind into the leg. Austin puts over the tactics of The Rock, as he continues to ram the leg into the chair. Rock then heads for the floor and he gets the ladder. Into the ring he now goes with the ladder. Mankind sends the ladder into Rock with the chair shots and then repeatedly hits the ladder. Body Slam from Mankind and then he stands over The Rock and he seems to be setting up for something. MR. ELBOW FROM MANKIND !!! Mankind then sets the ladder up. Rock hits the leg of Mankind and then he falls off and the ladder comes down on top of Mankind. Rock then works over the leg of Mankind some more. Chop Block from Rock. Rock puts the leg of Mankind in the ladder and then smashes the shit out of the ladder with the chair. Rock is now going for the belt and Mankind manages to stop him again and sends Rock into the top rope. Chair to the gut and then to the back of Rock. Mankind then climbs the ladder and goes for the gold, but The Rock with another shot and now Mankind is tired up in the ropes and Rock lays in the stomps. Low blow from Mankind. Into the crowd they now go and we have some crowd brawling. Rock is put on the barrier and then Mankind with the Elbow Drop. He goes for a second one and he misses. Clothesline sends Mankind over the barrier. SUPLEX ON THE STEEL RAMP FROM THE ROCK !!! Rock lays in some stomps and then he rams the leg into the ramp and then spits on the sock. Rock then gets sent into the steps and Mankind drops the steps on him. Onto the Spanish announce table they now go and we now have a big spot coming. ROCK BOTTOM THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! The Rock climbs but now Mankind is in the ring. LOW BLOW FROM MANKIND !!! I can't believe the no-sell of the Rock Bottom through the table. DOUBLE ARM DDT FROM MANKIND !!! ROCK WITH A DDT OF HIS OWN !!! Rock is now climbing the ladder and Mankind climbs the other side. THE MANDIBLE CLAW FROM MANKIND !!! The Big Show heads for the ring and gets in. THE CHOKESLAM FROM THE BIG SHOW TO MANKIND !!! THE ROCK CLIMBS AND TAKES THE BELT !!!

That no-sell of the Rock Bottom through the table is unforgivable. It's pretty high octane stuff though, so it's really enjoyable. It's all focused on being a heated brawl more than just a spotfest, so it works. ****

The McMahons vs. Steve Austin - WWE King of the Ring 1999

Austin hits the aisle and takes down both Vince and Shane and goes to work. Vince sent into the railing and then he's clocked with a right hand. Into the ring and a Clothesline from Austin. Into the corner and a series of stomps. Shane tries to attack from behind but runs right into the Thesz Press from Austin and then he drops the elbow and this crowd is hotter than hell. Stomps from Austin now. Vince draped over the apron and Austin drops the elbow on the throat. Shane has his throat dropped on the top rope and back into the ring goes Austin. Austin sent face first into the top buckle and then Shane gets crotched on the ringpost. Another right hand from Austin. Austin then goes around to Vince and then Vince runs. Shane with the big Clothesline and that sees a change in the momentum of the match. Vince now has a ladder as Austin sends Shane into the steps. Austin pushes the ladder into Vince and he goes down. Stomps from Austin to Vince and then he sends him into the contraption at the back of the arena. Shane comes and lays in the right hands. Shane is now on the ladders. Austin decides to go up and Shane tries to get back down. Austin catches him and lands a right hand. Shane crashes down onto the aisle. Vince is sent into a ladder. Austin then sends Vince through another ladder. Shane then gets sent into a ladder. Austin now has a chain. HE BRINGS THE LADDERS DOWN ON THE MCMAHONS !!! Austin is now heading for the ring with a ladder and sends it into the ring as the McMahons both get through the ladders. Shane is launched over the top rope and the fans love this. Austin then hits Vince with the ladder. AUSTIN LAUNCHES THE LADDER INTO SHANE WHO GOES FLYING OVER THE COMMENTATOR'S TABLE !!! More right hands from Austin and then he clears the Spanish announce table and sets the ladder up and Shane is on the table. AUSTIN WITH THE ELBOW OFF OF THE LADDER THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Austin climbs the ladder again. VINCE THEN SENDS AUSTIN OFF OF THE LADDER AND INTO THE OTHER ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! The table didn't break and he just bounced off of it! Vince is now in the ring and he is gonna go for the briefcase. Low blow from Austin and then both men climb. Vince is now hanging on the ladder. Eeeeeek! Austin then slams Vince off of the ladder. Austin then rams the ladder into the gut of Shane several times. Vince then gets sent into the ladder. Shane then gets catapulted into the ladder. Austin then drops the ladder down on the back of Shane. Austin heads up and Vince pushes the ladder back and both men crash down. Vince tries to use Shane to go up and Austin is behind them. Austin with the right hand both men go crashing down. THE STONE COLD STUNNER ON BOTH MEN !!! The briefcase is now going up and Austin is getting done over here. Vince now goes for the case and it's been lowered. Austin now climbs the ladder and Shane is now up. Austin kicks down Shane, but he gets back up and he sacrifices Vince by pushing the ladder down and Shane goes for the case and he gets it.

This was an ass kicking and a half for the McMahons. Compare this booking of Shane to what we'd see in the Randy Orton fued. The match is kinda dull really. A one sided ass kicking which I suppose is what people paid for. **1/2

3 Count vs. The Jung Dragons - WCW New Blood Rising 2000

Admittedly, I have no idea who most of the Dragons are. Noble and Helms are in the ring to get us going. Some reverasls from both men. Some of them are very nice. Back Elbow from Helms and then everyone goes for the ladders. Moore into the railing pretty hard. Kicks to the gut from Evan and then Yang takes a ladder into the ring. Moore into the ring and he now has the ladder. Forearms from Moore. RUNNING POWERBOMB INTO THE LADDER ... stopped. BRUTAL BACK BODY DROP INTO THE LADDER !!! Ladder now horizontal in the corner and Yang has Moore on the top rope. Yang gets crotched. Helms is now in there with Noble. Powerbomb. Moore with the Spinning Splash off of the ladder. JAMIE GETS SWUNG INTO THE LADDER. Gorilla Press and now all three Dragons on the ladder and they have a Splash from Moore as the exclamation point. They now set the ladder up and they want the recording contract. The Dragons are now in the ring. Two Doomsdays now. DOOMSDAY DEVICES ON BOTH ENDS !!! We're left with Evan and Noble and they brawl to the floor. Moore in there with Kaz. Yang gets bounced into the floor. Ladder set and Noble climbs at the ropes. HUGE PLANCHA OFF OF THE LADDER FROM NOBLE !!! Yang now sets a ladder and Evan climbs with him. Moore is in there too. Evan is slammed down. SLEEPER DROP OFF OF THE LADDER FROM MOORE !!! RUNNING SWINGING NECKBREAKER OFF OF THE LADDER FROM HELMS !!! FUCKING HELL !!! HUGE SUPERPLEX OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Ladder now against Noble in the corner. Spin Kicks from Dragons and the fans are loving this. Kick from Yang. Kaz is in there now. POWERSLAM ON THE LADDER ON KAZ FROM EVAN !!! Kicks to the gut from Helms and Moore has the ladder set. BRUTAL LADDER SLINGSHOT INTO THE FACE OF NOBLE !!! 3 Count now have the ladders on two sides and the brawl heads for the floor. The Dragons are going to use the ladders. TANDEM OFFENCE FROM THE YUNG DRAGONS !!! Noble now positions the ladder and goes for the contract. He gets the gold record. Tank Abbott now has the record. The Dragons hit Tank with the ladder but he heads with his contract. Ladder against Evan in the corner. Leg Drop off the top from Evan. The Dragons now go for the recording contract. Yang is going for the contract. There's fighting on either side. Loads of falling off of the ladder. SITDOWN POWERBOMB OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Evan now goes for the contract. He gets it.

The effort here cannot be faulted in the slightest. It's absolute madness and unlike Starrcade, there wasn't much in the way of botching in there. ***

The Hardy Boys © vs. Edge and Christian, Ladder Match - WWE RAW 25/09/2000

The night before, Edge and Christian lost the belts in a cage match. All four men brawl as the match kicks off quickly. Edge whipped into a ladder and Christian whipped too and then the Poetry in Motion is landed. The ladder is then sent into both men. Dropkick from Matt adds the pain to that. Jeff is now going for the belts. Edge and Christian now battle back and Jeff is knocked down in brutal fashion. Ladder is now set in the corner on the top rope horizontally. Matt is dropped face first on the ladder. Edge brings another ladder into the ring as Jeff gets involved in things again. JEFF IS SANDWICHED IN THE LADDER AND CHRISTIAN WITH THE STINGER SPLASH !!! Edge is now setting up the ladder and is heading for the gold. Christian now has another ladder set. The Hardys bring a huge ladder in and throw it off of the back of Edge and Christian. The fans "wooooo" at the size of the new ladder while all four men brawl again. Jeff going for the belts, but he opts to land a Dropkick on Christian. Body Slam from Matt and then he climbs the other ladder. Edge stops him and then throws him ribs first. EDGE SPEARS JEFF FROM THE BELTS !!! They would go on to do a much better version of that at Wrestlemania X-7. The fans reaction here is better though. Just complete and total shock. Lita comes in. REVERSE DDT FROM CHRISTIAN ON LITA !!! The fans boo, but she definately had that coming. The fans are doing the slow clap thing. Christian is now going for the gold. Christian and Matt exchange some right hands. Edge and Jeff are on the floor. Edge is now on the ladder on the floor and lands a Clothesline and Matt climbs the ladder in the ring. Matt now is up with Christian. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM MATT OFF OF THE LADDER !!! ACE CRUSHER FROM THE LADDER FROM EDGE !!! Christian is going around the ring. POWERBOMB FROM MATT TO EDGE OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Edge and Christian now climb the ladders on both sides of Matt. CON-CHAIR-TO TO THE RIBS OF MATT ... LITA AND JEFF STOP THAT AND MATT GETS THE BELTS !!!

Once again, the effort is exceptional, but it's a TV match so they leave a LOT in the tank. Disjointed and not good at times, but always mental. **1/2

The quality drop from the last DVD set to this one is alarming. They blew their load in the first one as far as the big matches go. Although the famous Razor/HBK match is on this one which helps potential buyers. There's also a nice rarity in there with some nice stuff in it. Still really entertaining disc.

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On another board's wrestling thread, we were discussing what we want to see happen at Mania, go!(it's never too early to be talking about Mania!)

Rock vs Cena is obviously happening.

Jericho vs Punk for the title.(Jericho comes back and wins the Rumble and challenges Punk. Maybe even takes the title if they do the Raw Elimination Chamber for the title like SD's last year. Punk wins it back at Mania though since they're pushing him.

Daniel Bryan vs Chrstian. Assuming he's back from injury. This one takes some working though. Sheamus wins the title off Henry at the RR. Christian wins it off him between the Rumble and Mania. If not Christian then maybe Barrett. I don't think or particularly want for Henry to be the champion going into Mania if Bryan is using his to cash in for his big match.

The Miz vs R-Truth, I don't really want to see this but I can definitely see it happening, especially when they say that Truth is coming back face sad.gif

I'm not really sure what else you can put in, loads of other big names but it just depends on how the two title matches pan out.

edit: I should say, I've not read any websites or anything so this is all just what I've read on wrestling thread and from the shows.

Edited by forehead7
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On another board's wrestling thread, we were discussing what we want to see happen at Mania, go!(it's never too early to be talking about Mania!)

John Cena vs The Rock

WWE Championship

CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler

Undertaker vs Kane - Career vs Career.

Triple H vs Kevin Nash - No Holds Barred

Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

Then just because I wanna see them:

Daniel Bryan vs Rey Mysterio

Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio

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WWE The Ladder Match 2: Crash and Burn Disc 2

Here we go...

Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental and European Championship Unification Match - WWE RAW 22/07/2002 ( ***3/4 )

Team Angle © vs. Los Guerreros - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE Judgment Day 2003 ( ***1/2 )

Christian © vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship - WWE RAW 29/09/2003 ( ***1/2 )

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix - OVW 23/12/2006 ( ** )

Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WWE Wrestlemania 23 ( ****1/4 )

The Hardy Boys © vs. World's Greatest Tag Team - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE One Night Stand 2007 ( * )

Jeff Hardy © vs. Carlito - WWE Intercontinental Championship - WWE RAW 10/12/2007 ( ***3/4 )

Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental and European Championship Unification Match - WWE RAW 22/07/2002

I haven't actually seen this match, but it's during a time when Jeff Hardy wasn't at his best, so I'm not sure what to expect from it. Some reversals between the two, which was an essential for an RVD match. Headlock from Jeff and then he's sent into the ropes and a Dropkick from RVD. There's no pinfalls ya tit. Into the corner they go and some kicks from Jeff. Jeff with the Head Scissor Takedown and then a Clothesline sends RVD to the floor and Jeff gets the ladder. BRUTAL Baseball Slide sends the ladder into Jeff. MOONSAULT FROM THE APRON FROM RVD !!! RVD then sends the ladder into the ring and goes for the gold. Jeff stops him and plants him on his face. This is quite brutal so far! The Compactor from Jeff and then he sets the ladder up and heads for the belt and gets planted. Jeff Dropkicks the ladder out of the ring and then both men go for ladders. Ladder collisions in the middle of the ring and RVD with the Spin Kick. Jeff is then put on the ladder. TUMBLING MOONSAULT FROM RVD !!! RVD now sets up the ladder and goes for the gold. Jeff stops him. RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP FROM THE LADDER FROM JEFF !!! Ladder on RVD. JEFF WITH THE SWANTON BOMB ON THE LADDER AND RVD !!! Jeff now going for the gold. RVD sees this and climbs the other side. SUNSET BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER FROM RVD TO HARDY !!! RVD now sets the ladder again and he puts Jeff on the ladder. ROLLING THUNDER WITH JEFF ON THE LADDER !!! RVD now goes for the belt and Jeff stops him. Jeff climbs another ladder. BRUTAL BUMP FROM JEFF OFF OF THE LADDER !!! THE BIG SPLASH FROM THE LADDER FROM RVD !!! HE GETS THE BELT !!!

Nothing you haven't seen before but the pace of the match was 100mph which meant it was always fun. It has a real sense of madness as a result as well. For a match which was basically a high octane sprint with no rhyme or reason, this was VERY good. ***3/4

Christian © vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship - WWE RAW 29/09/2003

I suppose it didn't really make sense for Christian to introduce a match which he lost in the end. Christian's music was absolutely shite at this point. Just pure generic rock stuff. The fans are solidly behind RVD here, but there IS some Christian fans in the audience. Kicks from Christian and then right hands to the gut. Spin Kick from RVD and then he lands another. He heads for the floor and gets the ladder from ringside. Christian heads for the floor and he lands some right hands and sends RVD face first into the barrier on the floor. Head first into the apron and then into the ring goes RVD. Baseball Slide sends the ladder into Christian. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM RVD INTO THE LADDER AND CHRISTIAN !!! That is some major risk taking right there. RVD then sends the ladder into the ring and heads around the ring and Christian with a thumb to the eye and then RVD sent face first into the steps. Christian then takes the ladder to ringside. He bridges the barrier and the steps with the ladder. Christian is then dropped chest first on the ladder and RVD with a Leg Drop from the barrier. RVD then sends the ladder back into the ring. Kick to the head from RVD and then back into the ring. Ladder now propped against the corner. Kick to the chest from RVD and then he is sent HARD into the ladder. Catapult sends RVD face first into the ladder. Christian then goes for the gold. RVD pushes the ladder down and lands a Spin Kick. Military Press and Standing Moonsault from RVD to Christian and he is now going for the gold and the fans are going nuts for this. Christian comes in and stops him. REVERSE DDT OFF OF THE LADDER FROM CHRISTIAN !!! Christian now has the ladder set up for something or other. MONKEY FLIP INTO THE LADDER FROM RVD TO CHRISTIAN !!! ROLLING THUNDER ONTO CHRISTIAN IN THAT POSITION !!! Christian brings RVD down brutally. VAN DAMINATOR FROM RVD OUT OF NOWHERE WITH THE LADDER !!! THE FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM RVD ... HITS NOTHING BUT LADDER !!! Ladder shot sends RVD to the floor and then Christian sets the ladder for the climb and the fans don't like this. Christian kicks RVD down. RVD WITH A MENTAL DROPKICK AND CHRISTIAN CRASHES TO THE CANVAS !!! RVD lands on another ladder. THE FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM THE VERY TOP OF THE LADDER !!! RVD WINS !!!

This was a lot more dramatic than I ever remember it being. Some nice spots, but it was mostly about what the two guys wanted to do to each other. Not enough ladder matches with that sort of mindset IMO. ***1/2

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix - OVW 23/12/2006

I missed the start, but Beth is whipped into the ladder and Katie is dragging the ladder in. Beth has a hold of it. Beth then bounces the ladder into the face and then into the gut of Katie. Beth now into the ring and she sets up the ladder and goes for the belt. Lea climbs to the top rope and Dropkicks the back of the knee and Beth just crashes to the canvas. Beth still keeps going though so Katie drags her down. Forearm from Katie and Beth avoids a slam. BODY SLAM ON THE LADDER FROM BETH !!! Beth now climbs to the top rope. BODY SPLASH FROM BETH ... HITS NOTHING BUT LADDER !!! Commentator: "She might be hurt." ...erm ...aye. Katie now has the ladder set over Beth and she is climbing up. Beth pushes her way back out from under the ladder. Ladder to the gut of Beth. Beth then Dropkicks the ladder. Beth now is heading for the gold and Katie grabs a hold and Katie kicks her off. Katie with some shots to the back. Face first into the ladder goes Beth. NECKBREAKER OFF OF THE LADDER FROM KATIE !!! Katie is now going for the gold. Beth is climbing the other side. Both ladies are now very close to it. Katie is knocked down and Beth now has the chance. KATiE PUSHES THE LADDER AND BETH LANDS RIGHT ON HER ARSE FROM THERE !!! Katie is now going for the gold. KATIE WINS !!!

Points for effort, but it was just kinda dull. If this was two guys fighting, people would have been shitting all over it. **

Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WWE Wrestlemania 23

This was the first match of this kind to have eight guys in the match, and this is one of my favourites of the type. As you might have suspected, this one begins with a bit of a stramash. Orton and Kennedy brawl on the floor. Finlay and Matt are in the ring. Jeff, Booker and Punk all brawl and now everyone is involved. FINLAY WITH THE PLANCHA ONTO EVERYONE !!! Edge takes a ladder into the ring and goes for it, but Matt stops him and lands some right hands. Orton and Finlay now into the ring and they go for the gold. Both men land and then brawl to the floor. Jeff is now going for it but Kennedy stops him and the madness continues. Booker brings out a tiny ladder and gets hit with it by Punk. Punk with the ladder to Booker. BRUTAL LADDER SHOT TO THE HEAD OF PUNK !!! Edge now bridges the barrier and the apron with a ladder. Punk is now busted open. Snap Suplex on the floor from Punk to Edge. Matt and Booker are in the ring now and Matt is sent to the floor. Spinebuster on Orton. Superkick on Finlay. Spinebuster on Punk and Finlay and Booker is in control. THE SPINAROONIE FROM BOOKER !!! The Hardys take out Booker with the ladders. Side Effect from Matt to Edge. Edge and Jeff set the face breaking ladder contraption. Finlay comes into the ring and sends Jeff crashing to the floor. EDGE WITH THE SUPLEX INTO THE CONTRAPTION ON MATT !!! Edge is then sent to the floor. Kennedy then sets the ladder and puts Matt on it. KENNEDY WITH THE KENTON BOMB AND HE HITS NOTHING BUT LADDER !!! JEFF WITH THE SWANTON BOMB ON KENNEDY !!! The Hardys work together to take some people out. Matt and Jeff are now climbing and they fight for the case. Finlay sends both men crashing into the top rope. Clotheslines from Finlay. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ON FINLAY !!! SPEAR ON ORTON !!! SPEAR ON BOOKER !!! SPEAR ON KENNEDY !!! SPEAR ON MATT !!! SPEAR ON JEFF !!! PUNK AVOIDS THE SPEAR !!! Punk now uses the Terry Funk ladder shots. SPEAR FROM EDGE TAKES OUT THREE MEN WITH THE LADDER ASSIST !!! Edge goes and gets a huge ladder from the floor. Edge now sets the ladder up and is going for the gold and Orton stops him and sends him crashing to the floor. GORDBUSTER FROM JEFF TO ORTON !!! Jeff wants Matt to set Edge on the ladder and Jeff is now setting the ladder next to the ropes. JEFF HARDY WITH THE LEG DROP FROM THE MASSIVE LADDER THROUGH EDGE AND THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! ORTON WITH THE RKO ON MATT !!! RKO ON FINLAY !!! RKO ON KENNEDY !!! Orton now sets the ladder again and he is going for the case. Punk sees what is in there and hits Orton with the ladder and now sets the ladder and goes for the case. Punk going for the case and Orton is up there with him. RKO FROM THE LADDER FROM ORTON TO PUNK !!! Booker and Orton on the ladders now. THE BOOK END FROM THE LADDER !!! Booker is going for the case now. Matt is now going up with him. Sharmell is in the ring now and she has Matt's leg. Booker is stopping from getting the case to go for Matt. TWIST OF FATE FROM MATT TO BOOKER !!! Matt is now going for the case and Finlay is in there. MATT TAKES A NASTY FALL BACKWARDS !!! Finlay is busted as well now. THE CELTIC CROSS ON THE LADDER FROM FINLAY TO MATT !!! Finlay now sets the ladder. Hornswoggle is going for the case and the fans are right behind him, but Kennedy is now in the ring and this is not going to end well for the little man. Hornswoggle with the right hand on Kennedy and that wasn't smart. KENNEDY WITH THE ROLLING SAMOAN OFF OF THE LADDER ON HORNSWOGGLE !!! THE FANS GO FUCKING NUTS !!! FINLAY FUCKING CROWNS KENNEDY WITH THE LADDER !!! Finlay is now going for the case. Finlay is in there. PUNK WITH THE MISSILE DROPKICK AND DOWN GOES FINLAY !!! Punk goes for it and Kennedy is in there with him. PUNK THROWS DOWN KENNEDY AND IS GOING FOR IT !!! KENNEDY WITH THE LADDER TO THE FACE OF PUNK !!! KENNEDY GETS THE CASE !!!

A damn fine match here from all eight men. They just went out and gave the match a nice flow. Some great sequences and a well thought out match which, considering there are eight men in it, is a hell of a feat. ****1/4

The Hardy Boys © vs. World's Greatest Tag Team - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE One Night Stand 2007

Oh dear. Lets see if repeated viewings are kind to this match. High expectations for it going in, and when I watched it live, it definately didn't meet those expectations. Repeat viewings haven't been kinder to it. Big brawl gets us going here. Clothesline/Bulldog combo from Matt. Double Suplex on Haas. Double team on Shelton and then right hands from Matt. Double Clothesline from Haas out of nowhere. Jeff now sends a ladder into the ring and then Haas into the ring. All four men with ladders and The Hardys drop theirs and go to works. Haas whipped into the ladder. More ladders into that and then Shelton is sent into that. POETRY IN MOTION FROM THE HARDYS !!! Jeff sets a ladder up and goes but gets dropped down with a vengeance and Haas just seems happy to throw folk about like Matt usually does in these kinds of matches. Haas goes for the belts and Matt stops him. Electric Chair Drop from Matt. The Hardys go for the gold and Shelton stops them by throwing a ladder at them. DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX SENDS MATT INTO A LADDER !!! The great production team miss that nifty spot. Body Slam from Shelton. They blow a move into a ladder on Jeff. The World's Greatest Team go for it and The Hardys stop them and this is degenerating into a bit of a mess here. Jeff is sent into the ladder and then right hands from Shelton. Dropkick from Shelton sending a ladder into Matt. Haas drops a ladder on the guts of both men. WGTT now set up "the contraption" as I like to call the thing that breaks faces. The Hardys get the better of this. DOUBLE HIPTOSS SENDS SHELTON INTO THE LADDERS !!! DOUBLE GORILLA PRESS SLAM INTO THEM !!! All four men wind up on the floor and Haas is still in the ring. The Hardys get more ladders now and Jeff gets a big 'un. The ladder bridge is thus created. Matt is Suplexed into the ring. SHELTON SENT TO THE LADDER BRIDGE WITH A BACK BODY DROP !!! Shelton is now put on the ladder and Jeff climbs. Haas then stops that happening. SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX FROM HAAS TO JEFF !!! Matt now climbs a ladder in the middle of the ring and goes for the gold. WGTT stop him though. Hardy crashes into the top rope and now Haas is getting something set here. T-BONE POWERSLAM ON JEFF !!! Haas wants Shelton to do something. THE AWA SPECIAL FROM A LADDER IN THE RING TO MATT ON A LADDER ON THE FLOOR !!! Haas is now going for the gold again and Jeff is on his feet. JEFF BRINGS HAAS DOWN WITH THE SUPERPLEX !!! Jeff goes for the belt. Shelton then botches coming into the match but he knocks down the ladder and down goes Jeff. For f**k sake. Shelton now going for the belts. Matt pushes down Shelton and they botch that. Neckbreaker from Matt to Shelton now. SHELTON CRASHES THROUGH THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! The Hardy Boys do a Swanton ladder grab ending.

What a total mess this match is. I think time has been unkind to this match. Some absolutely HORRIBLE botches in this match. It gets especially horrific towards the end. *

Jeff Hardy © vs. Carlito - WWE Intercontinental Championship - WWE RAW 10/12/2007

Carlito wants a ladder early and he smacks Jeff in the face with it on the outside and sends the ladder into the ring. Carlito then climbs the ladder and heads for the gold. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF ... countered and Carlito lands a Clothesline. Carlito then props the ladder against the ropes. Stomps to the chest from Carlito and then he has Jeff in the corner. Jeff throws the ladder at Carlito. Jeff slams Carlito onto the ladder and then tries to swing the ladder into his face. Jeff is then sent into the barrier with the ladder. Jeff into the apron face first and then into the ring. CARLITO IS DROPKICKED OFF OF THE APRON INTO THE LADDER !!! Jeff brings another ladder into the match and sets it up and he is now going to go for the gold. Carlito springs onto the ladder and goes up. HUGE SUNSET BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER FROM CARLITO !!! We come back from commercials and Jeff is now going for something. THE LEAPFROG LEG DROP OVER THE LADDER FROM JEFF ... MISSES !!! Carlito then goes to work on Jeff's leg with some stomps and kicks and goes down the "he can't climb with no legs" route here. Jeff's leg is in the ladder and now Carlito lays in the stomps and now Carlito brings another ladder into the match. He drops that ladder on the other ladder and the knee of Jeff. Carlito now has the two ladders laid on top of each other and lands the Body Slam with the legs of Jeff landing on the ladders. Carlito sets up the ladder and he goes for the belt. Jeff is now back on his feet and he goes up and stops Carlito here. Chop Block from Carlito and then he goes to the kicks again. Carlito then props the ladder in the corner. Left hands from Carlito. BACK BODY DROP ONTO THE LADDER IN THE CORNER FROM JEFF !!! THE SWANTON BOMB FROM JEFF !!! Jeff is now setting up the ladder and he's going for the gold now. Carlito pushes the ladder over. BACKCRACKER ON THE LADDER FROM CARLITO TO JEFF !!! Carlito is now going for the gold. Jeff pushes down Carlito and wins the belt.

I've never been a big fan of leg work in a ladder match. Just because of the gimmick of the match itself, it can't have much of an effect on the match. It at least gave the match some substance for a while though, and Jeff did his best in selling it. As always, it's nice to see the brutal ladder spots. The ending of the match is really shit though. What an anti-climax. **3/4

There's a slight rise in quality here, thanks to the Money in the Bank and some nice TV stuff that was going down.

EDIT: Had to delete the review of the Team Angle match because it was fucking up the rest of it. It can be found in the thread somewhere else anyways.

Edited by DomDom
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Oh, I ordered the Dragon Gate UK shows from this year. The cards were phenomenal.

Dragon Gate UK: Invasion 3

Akira Tozawa vs. Dragon Kid

Naoki Tanizaki vs. Gamma

CIMA, Naruki Doi and BxB Hulk vs. The Lion Kid, Marty Scurll, Mark Haskins

Susumu Yokosuka vs. Masato Yoshino

PAC vs. Shingo Takagi

Dragon Gate UK: Shingo vs. Susumu 3

BxB Hulk vs. The Lion Kid

Akira Tozawa vs. Naoki Tanizaki

Masato Yoshino vs. Naruki Doi

Mark Haskins and Marty Scurll vs. CIMA and Gamma

Open the Brave Gate Championship: Pac © vs. Dragon Kid

Susumu Yokosuka vs. Shingo Takagi

Dragon Gate vs. The UK

Mad Man Manson vs. Gamma

The Lion Kid vs. CIMA

Martin Kirby and Joey Hayes vs. Masato Yoshino and Dragon Kid vs. BxB Hulk and Naoki Tanizaki

Marty Scurll vs. Akira Tozawa

PAC vs. Susumu Yokosuka

Mark Haskins vs. Shingo Takagi

41 quid for the three including P&P which is pretty fucking good if you ask me! You can get em here...


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