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Mo Wonderboy

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I love Mr Excitement's smug grin.

I chuckled when he corrected, I love when he says his full titles.

I was hoping for the decision on Foley to be reversed while Vicki was laughing, just to make her look foolish. Still think he'll be in, no other point in bringing it up if he's not gonna have a match to decide whether he's in or not.

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I'd drink Rosa's bath water.

Just sayin'.

Why is she so orange, like she's been fake tanning. It looks fucking horrible.

Y2J turning on Punk and Bryan then.

Bryan will probably run away, leaving Jericho and Punk to take on the heels.

A mix of these. Henry will chase Bryan away(not sure how clear Henry is to wrestle). Jericho will turn on Punk.

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Good to see Foley back without some shite like dressing up as Santa etc,

Why didn't they just have Air Boom loose the titles last night instead of at a house show?blink.gif

The Jericho stuff was very predictable. As soon as he was added to the match you could see him walking out on them a mile off. They really need to do something with this quickly as I think they are beginning to loose people with it.

Shite choice of US Champ for me. They want to get Kane and Laurinitis heat whilst putting Cena over and getting the sympathy vote for Ryder, with that said surely someone else could have been given the title.....The Miz?

I think I am one of the few who likes Daniel Bryan just now, hes slowly but surely showing that he does have charisma.

Big Brodus was same as last week, can't get enough of the guy.

Really looking forward to the Rumble now, it's becoming harder to guess a winner. Is it going to be an established guy? Cena, Orton, Jericho, Miz? Or a newer guy? Sheamus, Barrett?

I loved the ending. Another cracking Punk promo which I thought would end the show, then we get Laurinitis, who I know gets alot of stick, but I think he is fantastic. It sets up the title match nicely. Punk faces an uphill battle against a guy who has beaten him twice and a ref who wants to screw him out oft he ttitle.

A pretty good episode I thought.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Why didn't they just have Air Boom loose the titles last night instead of at a house show?blink.gif

I read somewhere that they are trying to make house shows more unpredictable to increase falling ticket sales. Not sure how true that is though.

I think I am one of the few who likes Daniel Bryan just now, hes slowly but surely showing that he does have charisma.

I like him too, there's much more to him than people give him credit for. In the ring he's 10/10 and on the mike he's improving to about a 5 or 6/10 now.

Really looking forward to the Rumble now, it's becoming harder to guess a winner. Is it going to be an established guy? Cena, Orton, Jericho, Miz? Or a newer guy? Sheamus, Barrett?

Right now I'm thinking they'll go with a face Sheamus smashing a heel Bryan at Mania (obviously with Sheamus winning the Rumble).

I take it last night's Raw is worth a look then? I haven't seen much negativity anywhere.

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I had one eye on the tennis and one eye on Raw but I still fair enjoyed it - well, apart from the fact David Otunga was in the main event with 2 current and 3 former WHC/WWE champions.

Wade Barrett and R Truth's segment was superb, as was Punk's promo and Mr Excitement snapping. Brodus Clay was funky. Daniel Bryan was also pretty good - who said he has no charisma?! Foley is God. I also really enjoyed Cena destroying Swagger, he was brilliant here.

Edited by Rudy
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Loads of notes.

* Good opening segment. I wonder if they're going to have a Dolph Ziggler vs. Mick Foley fued. Foley has always been good at getting people over. He helped Edge and Orton in a big way. Ziggler could use something like that, and I have no doubt that Foley could still bust ass on a one off occaision. Ziggler has grown in a big way on the mic and in general really. Vickie Guerrero at the end was world class.

* I LOVE the way Bourne takes the Backstabber. The tag title match was pretty decent but the champs not getting an entrance on TV? Come on guys.

* Jericho turning the light off just to light up his jacket was funny as f**k.

* They did a good job of making Ryder look good in defeat. My only problem is that they shouldn't have bothered putting the belt on him in the first place. The good thing is that it LOOKS like Ryder might be the one who gets the win over Kane, which is fine by me.

* Perez Hilton is popular clearly. The usual too short to be anything divas stuff. Just a total waste of time on all sides.

* R-Truth's slide show was actually quite fun I thought. It went as expected in the end, but really enjoyable stuff before that. Sheamus has done really well as a face, so I hope they are keeping him away from Jinder Mahal now. Rule #1... anyone who wins a battle royal before the rumble will NOT win the actual match. This match was more fun than most battle royals thanks to the lack of people in it.

* John Cena has been on a tear recently. There's definately a change in the mood with Cena, going to lengths that he would not usually go to.

* I guess somebody better call JTG's momma.

* Really good match in the main event. Jericho's part in the match was superb. :lol: The final segment was also very good. John Laurinitis done a great job at the end of it as well, and Foley done his part as well, and once again, you wonder where it's all going.

That was actually an excellent episode of RAW I thought.

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* Good opening segment. I wonder if they're going to have a Dolph Ziggler vs. Mick Foley fued. Foley has always been good at getting people over. He helped Edge and Orton in a big way. Ziggler could use something like that, and I have no doubt that Foley could still bust ass on a one off occaision. Ziggler has grown in a big way on the mic and in general really. Vickie Guerrero at the end was world class.

I've always felt this, but in my opinion Foley made Orton. They had a great feud and Foley left Orton looking like a Superstar when he wasn't quite yet.

* John Cena has been on a tear recently. There's definately a change in the mood with Cena, going to lengths that he would not usually go to.

I always enjoy watching Cena, particularly when he's in a new feud. He's feuded with just about everyone in the WWE. I don't recall him feuding with Kane before, so as far as I'm concerned all is good on the Cena front.

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