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Mo Wonderboy

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I'm trying to decide on my favourite high flyer/spot monkey/cruiserweight going today.It's not always wrestling but sometimes you just can't beat a stunt show between 2 spot monkeys for entertainment. I'm currently watching PAC who is one of my favourites just now. Actually, out of all the live shows I've been to, PAC was involved in one of the best I've seen (his match with AJ Styles from the 1PW 1st Anniversary).

Any other suggestions?

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Ricochet is another one for that sort of list. He's gotten into the same league as PAC, in that he is essentially just a spot monkey, but is absolutely spectacular, and also is able to time the spots to perfection.

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Ricochet is another one for that sort of list. He's gotten into the same league as PAC, in that he is essentially just a spot monkey, but is absolutely spectacular, and also is able to time the spots to perfection.

That's the thing that irks me with wrestling fans. They foam at the mouth about how some guy is a spot monkey. To me it's a great skill. I've mentioned PAC, his timing is fucking insanely good. In fact I don't recall seeing him botching anything. And he's different from Chris Daniels in that everything he does doesn't look rehearsed to f**k. If anything, Daniels is too perfect that it just looks like a choreographed spot.

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Justin Gabriel every day of the week...

But really, there are a few in Chikara that are really impressive, last year's King of Trio's highlighted a few of them. The problem with some of the high flyers etc. is that they need someone who is just as good to, for lack of a better phrase, bounce off of.

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Justin Gabriel every day of the week...

But really, there are a few in Chikara that are really impressive, last year's King of Trio's highlighted a few of them. The problem with some of the high flyers etc. is that they need someone who is just as good to, for lack of a better phrase, bounce off of.

Exactly. The two guys myself and Dom mentioned, PAC and Ricochet, had an absolute belter at Dragon Gate Infinity.

I just don't understand how some people can completely disregard the "spot monkeys" as though it's a bad thing. I can guarantee the haters (ie. Smarks) were all creaming their drawers every WrestleMania during the MITB matches. If done right between two guys who gel then it can have some great/crazy/exciting/fun matches.

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That's the thing that irks me with wrestling fans. They foam at the mouth about

how some guy is a spot monkey. To me it's a great skill.

It IS if you get it right. The problem is, most don't. You don't get guys like AJ Styles, PAC and Ricochet very often. You're more likely to end up with the SAT or Quiet Storm or something like that.

I tend to think that really good spot monkeys are in short supply at the moment. I don't think there's many in CHIKARA. Those guys have so much more to their game.

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Watching Smackdown and in particular the Drew Mac storyline - how do people see it developing as it must be going somewhere. Teddy told Drew this week that he "has to go away and do something different to impress him" - do you think he will come back with a new gimmick? Will he turn face and team with someone like Santino like was suggested?

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Watching Smackdown and in particular the Drew Mac storyline - how do people see it developing as it must be going somewhere. Teddy told Drew this week that he "has to go away and do something different to impress him" - do you think he will come back with a new gimmick? Will he turn face and team with someone like Santino like was suggested?

Hopefully he comes back and starts attacking people, fairly high up the card. The thought of a babyface McIntyre is making me cringe. Have him as a badass. Randomly boots the f**k out of people. Maybe have him up against a face Christian when he's back?

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Hopefully he comes back and starts attacking people, fairly high up the card. The thought of a babyface McIntyre is making me cringe. Have him as a badass. Randomly boots the f**k out of people. Maybe have him up against a face Christian when he's back?

I'd like it to run for a few more weeks as it is, and then for him to just snap and destroy Long in his office, "there's your something different you baldy old fucker", or words to that effect. Maybe even re-introduce / re-package the "Chosen One" gimmick, have him destroy the lower carders he's lost to recently and then take it from there.

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Just been asked a question and I haven't been given the answer yet so I'll put it to the pie and bov masses and see what answers you get.

Name the three wrestlers that have had the most face or heel turns in WWE/WWF history? Apparantly 2 are fairly obvious and one is very tricky/harder to guess.

I assume Big the Show/Kane are 2 obvious ones?? :unsure:

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Just been asked a question and I haven't been given the answer yet so I'll put it to the pie and bov masses and see what answers you get.

Name the three wrestlers that have had the most face or heel turns in WWE/WWF history? Apparantly 2 are fairly obvious and one is very tricky/harder to guess.

I assume Big the Show/Kane are 2 obvious ones?? :unsure:

Yeah, Kane and Show are probably two. Maybe HHH, Austin or Rock. Purely going for time in the business.

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