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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I have asked Div what possibility is for a wrestling sub-forum in here :ph34r:

I think the quality of wrestling chat in this thread is top notch and I think would even better with individual threads for specific discussions.

Plus the fact this thread always takes me to the last post of thread rather than last unread.

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He's got a fantastic physique and I think he's doing very well in his role as a lawyer. Perfect midcard fodder. Johnny Ace is bringing the best out of him right now.

Maybe true, but it's got f**k all to do with wrestling, he's shit in the ring though, that's my point. Yeah, he should just stay as a non-wrestling role. As I said, he does reasonably well as a heel to make me hate him. He's a good ass kisser(kayfabe, possibly real life too)

I have asked Div what possibility is for a wrestling sub-forum in here :ph34r:

I think the quality of wrestling chat in this thread is top notch and I think would even better with individual threads for specific discussions.

Plus the fact this thread always takes me to the last post of thread rather than last unread.

Not enough traffic for a sub-forum. I mean, we only really talk about Raw, Smackdown, TNA, independent promotions and maybe misc things(like Russo's booking, Hogan's sextape). Even Smackdown, TNA and the Indies don't get a whole lot of posts every week.

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Firstly... A-TRAIN~~~!!!

Secondly, I agree on Otunga being perfect midcard fodder, and his look these days is fucking tremendous.

Thirdly, I'm happy with the wrestling discussion being where it is, although I might revive the Wrestlemania thread with things going into full swing.

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Thirdly, I'm happy with the wrestling discussion being where it is, although I might revive the Wrestlemania thread with things going into full swing.

Yeah, having a separate thread for Mania is a smart idea, easy to skim through all the shit the next day whereas you might miss somehting non-Mania related if it's posted in here during the PPV.

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I see an A-Train vs Brodus Clay feud......The Hip Hop Hippo vs Funkasaurus

"I'm the Hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless.....



Yass Flight of the Choncords!!!

Edited by J_Stewart
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It's amazing how over the Outlaws were back then, considering that Billy Gunn is one of the worst workers in WWE history and Road Dogg was average at best. It proves that a bit of charisma and a few catchphrases can go a long way.

It was just one of those pairing that worked. The DX incarnation of Dogg and X-Pac was shite, and the less said about the Dee Oh double Gee and K Kwik 'getting rowdy' the better.

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It's amazing how over the Outlaws were back then, considering that Billy Gunn is one of the worst workers in WWE history and Road Dogg was average at best. It proves that a bit of charisma and a few catchphrases can go a long way.

What are you talking about? Billy Gunn was a very good worker IMO. Road Dogg wasn't up to much but he's one of the best mic workers of all time.

The Outlaws are my favourite tag team of all time. Absolutely loved them, even more so when they were in DX. I want them back in the WWE.

From what I've read about the Cena thing, I think it could be a work.

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