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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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"I'd imagine both men stay on similar contracts to what they're on now, and head for Wrestlemania 30 and both bow out."

Makes sense. But whoever does win at 'Mania 29 will lose it pretty quickly if they're only doing the 30-40 dates a year. In fact is the 30-40 dates include PPV or is that just Raw/Smackdown?

It seems like there are more than 52 Raws a year, so i suppose that 40 dates is quite alot and they could probably carry it on till Summerslam.

Edited by Par-NO1
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Right, I'm gonna give yet another shot...

TNA Impact 05/04/2012

We open the show with Hogan in control. Dixie Carter in front of the cameras yet again, and she introduces Hulk Hogan. I'll let her off since she's introducing the Hulkster, and the 40,000 people in the place go wild. Sorry... not even close to that? Must be the shitty sound then. Doesn't help when they pan around and only a few people are going nuts. Either get out of the Impact Zone or embrace the shitness of it. Because they look small time and stupid. Hogan says there's gonna be a lot of changes, but firstly, Lockdown business needs to be taken care of. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan at Lockdown. Tonight, we'll have a contender for Gail Kim. He now wants Eric Bischoff out, but Ric Flair lets him know he isn't there. Bobby Roode has turned up looking like a star. Bobby Roode says Hogan's on notice as he does what he wants. Roode is offski, and then Hogan wants him back. Hogan says the fans want to see Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson. I'm not against the plan, that's for sure. He suddenly turns his attentions to Kurt Angle and says he's gonna wrestle Jeff Hardy... right now. Not against that either. Not a bad opening promo as there wasn't much Dixie and lots of Hogan.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy

Angle takes a nasty spill to the railing in this one and it seems to bust him hardway. This is quite a nifty little TV match as you'd expect from two guys this good. Obviously don't give away everything, which makes a change to some high profile matches we've seen from TNA in the past on TV, which is a good sign. That was always something that bugged me when I watched it before. Good stuff here. My one gripe was Hardy lasting so long in the Ankle Lock. The ending makes sense given the final little sequence, also makes sense given the pre-match complaints. He just doesn't wanna face Hardy. ***1/4

Hulk Hogan is backstage waiting on Kurt Angle and says he's gonna face Jeff Hardy at Lockdown after all. :lol:

Ric Flair is on the phone to Eric Bischoff and he says he needs to get to the building as Hogan is the man with the power. We then go to Bully Ray for a prediction for Lockdown for James Storm vs. Bobby Roode. He says he's the next champ, and he's sick of hearing about the two of them.

To the ring with Bully Ray now. He wants to know why Aries would like to piss of a "big bad man" like him. "I have eaten chicken wings bigger than you." is a good line, but then he tells a shit joke and here comes Austin Aries. Aries rather than speaking goes physical on Ray. Ray lands a HUUUUGE Powerbomb to put an end to that. Decent little segment there.

Joseph Park is here looking for his brother Chris. He's actually fucking awesome in this role, I have to say. He pure reminds me of someone but can't think of who. If someone says what I think they might, I'll kill them.

James Storm and AJ Styles are backstage and Storm needs to face someone, and he says that he wants AJ Styles. There's another fairly good TV match set.

Knockout Challenge

So the winner of this one gets Gail Kim. Was kinda hoping with so many people in the match that it would at least be fun and non-boring, but what winds up happening is that it turns into a complete mess. DUD

Backstage with Mr. Anderson and he says James Storm is gonna win at Lockdown, and HE'S gonna win tonight. Bobby Roode turns up and says Mr. Anderson can walk away or Bobby Roode is gonna hurt him. Mr. Anderson wants to do it right now.

We've now got Eric Young's bachelor party. Which looks like a party and a half. ODB is here though and she's bringing a party. Beer and chicken wings are here. Yup, it's a party! ODB says every night is gonna be a bachelor party. I believe her too.

James Storm vs. AJ Styles

A lot of familiarity spots all over this thing and it makes it intriguing, as well as the "will Storm hit the Superkick?" thing they seemed to have going. So yeah, this is a pretty decent TV match yet again and you wouldn't expect anything less from these two guys. It also puts Storm over well. **3/4

James Storm says that next week, he and Bobby Roode are going to be face to face one last time before Lockdown.

Mexican America vs. Motor City Machine Guns

This is a showcase for the MCMG on their return to tag team competition after a long time out for Chris Sabin. Hernandez seems to have lost a lot of his bulk actually. Anyways, MA control a wee bit before the MCMG do the inevitable final stretch beatdown. It's not really a very good match. *

Sabin gets the mic and says they're going for the tag team titles.

Hogan and Bischoff are now going to have a faceoff in the ring. Bischoff says that Hogan just tags into any option is likely to benefit him, while he's a visionary. Hogan says he can also blow hot air into large rooms. Hogan says that they're taking care of business again, as we're now going to see Eric Bischoff lead a team against Garret Bischoff's team. Basically, it's a loser leaves town.

Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson

This match is pretty dull stuff. I suppose I should have expected this from Anderson, who was never any good in the first place. That'll teach me for getting wrongly excited I suppose. The only good point is Roode using any way necessary to win, even if the title isn't on the line. What a c**t. **

Hogan comes out and says Bobby Roode loses via DQ.

That was actually a really fun show!

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JR has confirmed on his blog today that several of the FCW guys will be stepping up to the main roster in the next few weeks.

One of them in on this weeks Smackdown actually in a back stage promo

A lot of them have been working house shows for a while now. WWE badly needs new talent, so hopefully they'll be decent.

Right, I'm gonna give yet another shot...

TNA Impact 05/04/2012

We open the show with Hogan in control. Dixie Carter in front of the cameras yet again, and she introduces Hulk Hogan. I'll let her off since she's introducing the Hulkster, and the 40,000 people in the place go wild. Sorry... not even close to that? Must be the shitty sound then. Doesn't help when they pan around and only a few people are going nuts. Either get out of the Impact Zone or embrace the shitness of it. Because they look small time and stupid. Hogan says there's gonna be a lot of changes, but firstly, Lockdown business needs to be taken care of. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan at Lockdown. Tonight, we'll have a contender for Gail Kim. He now wants Eric Bischoff out, but Ric Flair lets him know he isn't there. Bobby Roode has turned up looking like a star. Bobby Roode says Hogan's on notice as he does what he wants. Roode is offski, and then Hogan wants him back. Hogan says the fans want to see Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson. I'm not against the plan, that's for sure. He suddenly turns his attentions to Kurt Angle and says he's gonna wrestle Jeff Hardy... right now. Not against that either. Not a bad opening promo as there wasn't much Dixie and lots of Hogan.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy

Angle takes a nasty spill to the railing in this one and it seems to bust him hardway. This is quite a nifty little TV match as you'd expect from two guys this good. Obviously don't give away everything, which makes a change to some high profile matches we've seen from TNA in the past on TV, which is a good sign. That was always something that bugged me when I watched it before. Good stuff here. My one gripe was Hardy lasting so long in the Ankle Lock. The ending makes sense given the final little sequence, also makes sense given the pre-match complaints. He just doesn't wanna face Hardy. ***1/4

Hulk Hogan is backstage waiting on Kurt Angle and says he's gonna face Jeff Hardy at Lockdown after all. :lol:

Ric Flair is on the phone to Eric Bischoff and he says he needs to get to the building as Hogan is the man with the power. We then go to Bully Ray for a prediction for Lockdown for James Storm vs. Bobby Roode. He says he's the next champ, and he's sick of hearing about the two of them.

To the ring with Bully Ray now. He wants to know why Aries would like to piss of a "big bad man" like him. "I have eaten chicken wings bigger than you." is a good line, but then he tells a shit joke and here comes Austin Aries. Aries rather than speaking goes physical on Ray. Ray lands a HUUUUGE Powerbomb to put an end to that. Decent little segment there.

Joseph Park is here looking for his brother Chris. He's actually fucking awesome in this role, I have to say. He pure reminds me of someone but can't think of who. If someone says what I think they might, I'll kill them.

James Storm and AJ Styles are backstage and Storm needs to face someone, and he says that he wants AJ Styles. There's another fairly good TV match set.

Knockout Challenge

So the winner of this one gets Gail Kim. Was kinda hoping with so many people in the match that it would at least be fun and non-boring, but what winds up happening is that it turns into a complete mess. DUD

Backstage with Mr. Anderson and he says James Storm is gonna win at Lockdown, and HE'S gonna win tonight. Bobby Roode turns up and says Mr. Anderson can walk away or Bobby Roode is gonna hurt him. Mr. Anderson wants to do it right now.

We've now got Eric Young's bachelor party. Which looks like a party and a half. ODB is here though and she's bringing a party. Beer and chicken wings are here. Yup, it's a party! ODB says every night is gonna be a bachelor party. I believe her too.

James Storm vs. AJ Styles

A lot of familiarity spots all over this thing and it makes it intriguing, as well as the "will Storm hit the Superkick?" thing they seemed to have going. So yeah, this is a pretty decent TV match yet again and you wouldn't expect anything less from these two guys. It also puts Storm over well. **3/4

James Storm says that next week, he and Bobby Roode are going to be face to face one last time before Lockdown.

Mexican America vs. Motor City Machine Guns

This is a showcase for the MCMG on their return to tag team competition after a long time out for Chris Sabin. Hernandez seems to have lost a lot of his bulk actually. Anyways, MA control a wee bit before the MCMG do the inevitable final stretch beatdown. It's not really a very good match. *

Sabin gets the mic and says they're going for the tag team titles.

Hogan and Bischoff are now going to have a faceoff in the ring. Bischoff says that Hogan just tags into any option is likely to benefit him, while he's a visionary. Hogan says he can also blow hot air into large rooms. Hogan says that they're taking care of business again, as we're now going to see Eric Bischoff lead a team against Garret Bischoff's team. Basically, it's a loser leaves town.

Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson

This match is pretty dull stuff. I suppose I should have expected this from Anderson, who was never any good in the first place. That'll teach me for getting wrongly excited I suppose. The only good point is Roode using any way necessary to win, even if the title isn't on the line. What a c**t. **

Hogan comes out and says Bobby Roode loses via DQ.

That was actually a really fun show!

Totally concur about the Impact Zone. It's one of the biggest things holding them back. It's just a dreadful, awful place, and usually full of utter fannies. Piping in crowd noise when, like you say, they pan over a silent audience looking bored, is jaw droppingly shit. The worst case of this is when Garrett Bischoff comes out, and they make it sound like the crowd are cheering Stone Cold or the Rock, only for the camera to show most people not caring a bit about him, or some even actively booing him! He is shite though, and they need to drop him immediately.

Abyss' 'brother' looks like that magician lad from America! Why does Abyss keep getting such shitey storylines?! He had the Hogan's HOF ring nonsense, the kidnapping pish that was never actually explained, the comical pish where he 'killed' RVD, and now this. What's he done to warrant such exceptional pish?

Saw some of the build up for Lockdown and it's actually looking decent. Not watched TNA in months, but might give Lockdown a go.

Edited by DA Baracus
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On the initial FCW point, I'm disappointed to see that WWE are seemingly going away from the "wait untill you have ideas for them" with developmental guys. I really hope it works out though, because WWE need some new blood fast. Only CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio for me can be bought as new main eventers.

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Has Scott Steiner's outstanding Twitter rant been mentioned on here yet? Here are the highlights.

When these assholes got control they tried to takeover everybodys twitter page

u didnt have twitter they made one up for U...so u people who think yur tweeting sting its not him

He told me he doesnt watch the show.so hes not tweeting about a show he doesnt watch

Evrybody refused to sign over twitter so every wk u get an email begging u to twitter what they want

Got one today,Please tweet this;Hogan take over as GM wonder what he will do...WTF really

Even if u r not on show Please tweet..so the booking team of pritchard bischoff n hogan wont book U want u to tweet about hogan

Tweet about yurself hogan nobody else wants to tweet about u u fucking mark

Im tweeting what they wish they could

Wondeting what hogans going to do...hmmmm...hes a fn mark so hes going to make a couple of matches that ppl want to see

Nothing more unprofessional than a heel wanting to be cheered

So ppl cheer him which pissd everybody off especially sting bcuz he had to wrestle him

Have the future of wrestling garrett do something bcuz eric told him to in booking meeting....what a fucking joke

Now hes good but hes going to everything like he did when he was bad bcuz he was first good

And that produced the worst ratings ever so he went bad which was just as bad as when he was good

Then his bad wasnt any good bcuz his ratings still sucked so he turnd back to good from bad

Wtf y'all get his bullshit ....dont forget to say BROTHER ..bcuz its fresh

Stupid mofo

Remember deny u had anything to do with the release of the sex tape to try n get more sales

How kardashian of u....Homomania running wild..his shit writes itself

His ex-wife said he was gay right!!!..hhmmm who brought in Orlando Jordan

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Steiner is quality always been a laugh whether he means to or not.8)

Was listening to Colt Cabana's AOW podcast with Petey Williams the other week and he had some crackers about Steiner! Also, the song of the week was quality.:lol:

Of the FCW guys, the only one i'm aware has a gimmick at present is Damian Sandow, with his actor gimmick, and the video with Foley. WWE will surely have gimmicks for the rest of them after saying nobody would be called up without one.

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Right, ICW Up In Smoke is beginning to look tasty.

ICW Championship

BT Gunn © vs. James Scott vs. Wolfgang vs. Jack Jester

#1 Contender's Match for ICW Championship

Lionheart vs. Mikey Whiplash

Chris Renfrew vs. Christopher

There's also due to be the tag team title tournament getting started, and the return to ICW of Wales' uber talented high flyer, "The Lightning Kid" Mark Andrews.

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The One Wrestling Show have put together the greatest prize pack in wrestling EVER! Proceeds go to Pulse Community Radio and Simpsons Memory Box Appeal. Fiver a go and you can win ALL of this...

2 x Tickets to WWE in November (in any UK city)

2 x Tickets to TNA in January 2013 (any UK City)

ICW Tickets for a Year

Signed "Controversy Creat...es Cash" Book from Eric Bischoff

Signed Hulk Hogan Bandana

Sign Bret Hart Glasses

Signed RVD T-Shirt

2 x Classic wrestling posters from Amarillo, Texas feat Dennis Stamp

Signed Jeff Hardy Action Figure

Signed Beer Money 8x10

Exclusive Impact Wrestling Shirt, not available to buy

All 6 Dragon Gate UK DVD's and All 4 Pro Wrestling Noah UK events on DVD

Signed photo's from Hulk Hogan, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Batista and Bret Hart pictures

Signed Sting Basdeball bat

Then you have the two BIG prizes...

Two tickets to Wrestlemania 29

A ten minute phonecall to Hulk Hogan

One person gets the lot.


It's a raffle and this is where you get it.

Edited by DomDom
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