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Mo Wonderboy

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Otunga in a Raw Main Event.

Good grief.

I think he's decent tbh.

Edit: and it makes sense that the GMs right-hand man is in the main event IMO, it won't be the case every week anyway and he'll lose here.

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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What were the crowd chanting at the end there?

Edit: tonights Raw had a decent start and end but the rest was shite. The crowd compared to last week was so poor as well.

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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I think he's decent tbh.

Edit: and it makes sense that the GMs right-hand man is in the main event IMO, it won't be the case every week anyway and he'll lose here.

Otunga doesn't deserve to even be in a WWE ring, nevermind Main Eventing. The only Main Event he belongs in is a baby oil competition with Randy Orton.

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One more time (I think).

I thought it was "one more match"(which wouldn't make sense) so I think you're right.

Otunga doesn't deserve to even be in a WWE ring, nevermind Main Eventing. The only Main Event he belongs in is a baby oil competition with Randy Orton.

Yeah. He's good as the annoying, suck up assistant but he's pretty awful in the ring. Bit tough to do with Johnny being the GM but I'd only want to see him in the ring when he's getting squashed, he's simply not good enough to even be at the US level.

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I fell asleep while Y2J was talking, but I notice from looking at the results that there was no Daniel Bryan ... again.

Has he been caught Stephanie or something?!

Edited by Rudy
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It's unlikely given his age and criticism of the WWE, but I would like to see heel Batista come back for one last run. I hated him as a face, but he was one of the best things in wrestling in the few months before he left. "Duct tape!, are you serious?"

I would like to see Kurt Angle back in the WWE as well, although that will almost certainly never happen. :(

In terms of more realistic returns, Chris Masters deserves another shot. I'm surprised Impact haven't given him a shot after his work in Ring Ka King. I'm almost certain John Morrison and MVP will be back soon.

I agree with your views on Batista, I thought he was absolute class. Looked exactly like a WWE wrestler should, carried himself with a swagger, could work a great match and was charismatic as f**k. He was also a part of Evolution so he gets so much credibility for that.

I can see why Kurt went to TNA but from a completely selfish point of view I wish he'd never left. He was well on his way to being one of the best ever (still is IMO) and I think that's tarnished a bit. I think he'll die in a wrestling ring and I'm not sure the WWE want anything to do with that.

Masters - aye

Morrison - no

MVP - meh

Bad point? Cena smirking. In one moment, he took everything away from the battle.

Couldn't disagree more - it showed he loves a scrap and is up for it. He's not intimidated by the animal across the ring from him. I loved everything about that opening segment and Cena's big smirk with blood everywhere was a key component of that.

His arrogance mainly. Now I know you can probably say that about most professional wrestlers, but Lesnar saying he could take on anyone in the dressing room in a legitimate fight etc and his continual shooting on Austin when Austin refused to job to him are just unnecessary.

That's probably because Brock Lesnar could f**k anyone in the dressing room up with ease. I'd pick him in a fight with anyone in the world with the exception of JDS, Cain Velasquez, Overeem and Jon Jones.

And as for him taking shots at Austin, I can't say I blame him. Austin should've done the job for Lesnar as it was time for a change.

Why did Eddie Guerrero go for Vickie? She's monstrous.

I actually thought she looked better than I've ever seen her before last night. Pretty tidy actually :ph34r:

Now Ziggler is jobbing to lower midcarders, deary me. He should be in the main event, he must've done something bad. Maybe shat on one of Triple H's daughters or something.

Isn't it more a case of them elevating Brodus? I'm probably the biggest Ziggler fan on here but I've no problem whatsoever with him being in this feud. With Cena-Lesnar, Punk-Jericho and Sheamus-Del Rio the main event scene is pretty full atm, plus you then have guys like Bryan, Orton, Kane and Menry as well. I have faith that he'll get his push at some point.

Rhodes and Ziggler jobbing, what the f**k is this?

Rightly or wrongly, wins and losses mean absolutely nothing now. They're serving to push the story lines. However, in addition to my next point, if they want to talk about "legitimacy" (which might well be the name of a new era they want to move into) they have to start meaning something again. Rhodes will lose to Show at Extreme Rules I'm sure, then he can move onto the main event scene on SD. The guy is a star in the making.

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Don't talk about legitimate before the 1st break and then have these c***s on half an hour later.

Agreed completely. TNA used to do stuff like this, they had a main event angle built around a concussion but then in the next segment they'd have Kendrick meditating and saying he was Yoda or some shite. They have to get a level of consistency throughout the show in that respect.

It doesn't really look like he's improved in the ring at all tbh.

Agreed. From what I'd read he was supposed to be like Ric Flair or HBK these days. The character is awful, what are we supposed to believe he is?

An unbelieveably shite story. These 2 deserve a million times better. A half decent story could have lead to a belting feud...instead we get this pish. It's like they're repeating the same segment 3-4 weeks in a row each time.

They had a feud that focused on something else before this and no-one gave a shit. I'm willing to give Punk the benefit of the doubt but Jericho is atrocious. I'm not into this new direction at all either.

Del Rio now. :rolleyes:

He's pish.

I like Del Rio, not much on the mic but in ring I think he's class. I really like his finisher and he's got good intensity. I think his feud with Sheamus could be decent.

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That's right, go for a massive pop by dressing up as a superstar who wrestles for another brand....

I really hope that wasn't what they were going for. I'm maybe looking into it too much, but I thought it was them ripping the pish out of Hogan by having one of the stooges dress up as him, almost like when they had that genius match with Patterson and Brisco against the Posse during the Monday Night Wars which was full of inside references.

Fair play to that guy for taking the chokeslam. They were absolutely atrocious throughout though and I was glad to hear them booed.

Brock's first bunch was a fucker and could have legit ko'ed him.

Not a chance that's a KO shot, not saying it's not going to hurt but it was thrown from about 6 inches and was to the front of the face rather than to the chin or the temple. The most likely KO I've seen in wrestling for a while was Punk's knee to Cena at MITB. I don't mind that kind of stuff, these guys aren't made of glass.

I'm gonna preface it by saying that I must've only been 11 when he left(was it really 8 years ago?!?) so I honestly couldn't remember what he even sounded like, nevermind his mic skills, but that promo was very good. Very slick and has the right amount of arrogance and toughness that you'd expect from his sort of character.

Heyman did a lot of work with him in the UFC and he cuts a cracking promo these days.

Otunga doesn't deserve to even be in a WWE ring, nevermind Main Eventing. The only Main Event he belongs in is a baby oil competition with Randy Orton.

Otunga's class. Good look, charismatic and not a terrible worker.

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Im surprised with all the love for Brock on here.

I remember him as a fucking moron, crap on the mic and extremely limited in the ring (basic power wrestler).

I never liked him and remember his match against Goldberg as one of the worst wrestling matches I ever had the displeasure to witness.

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Wouldn't say he was limited in the ring. He was incredibly agile for his size and had some right belters. He also had an intense look which sort of negated the bad mic work which he had. And the mic work WAS horrendous. He didn't look much better last night.

The Goldberg match is an anomaly. He and Goldberg went out there knowing what they were doing. Having an easy night of things while the crowd shat on them.

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