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Mo Wonderboy

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He was brilliant with Taker, Kane and Mankind and Goldust. Read some of his stories from when he joined WWF. Some brilliant tales.

He's been ill for a while. WWE paid for him to have surgery a couple of times not so long ago.

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One of the guys I grew up with, and such an important part of such an important wrestler for WWE for many years, and also did the heel schtick with absolute class. Managers like him have been missed for a long time, and this is sad news indeed.

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Sad news about Bearer. Don't think anyone ever disliked him or failed to be anything other than entertained by him, he was just a complete larger than life OTT character and was a huge part of what got Taker over in the early days.

I was shocked to hear he was only 58. I had him down for at least 10 years older, considering how old he looked in his early WWF days with all the make-up and stuff. Unreal, looking back on the old videos of that era, to believe that he was over a year younger than Hogan.

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It's sad to hear about Paul Bearer, it seems fitting that arguably the greatest wrestler of all time had the greatest manager of all time. He was a fantastic preformer and pure entertainment, id like to see him be put into this year's Hall of Fame by taker.

I do wonder - given how seriously Taker takes kayfabe - how he would handle inducting Bearer into the HoF.

Watching the deadman cry, or out of character praising Bearer (perfectly understandable, Bearer was one of his best friends in real life and it'd be an emotional moment for him) would be weird as hell, and jarring somewhat.

I really hope that, if they do decide to use it before/at Wrestlemania, they handle it tastefully. A repeat of Lawler/Punk heart attack promo levels of attempts to garner cheap heat would be just awful.

Taker saluting the urn after beating Punk, or working Kane into the match (don't trust WWE to handle that correctly though...) would be great. Punk saying "GUESS WHAT YOU AND BEARER HAVE IN COMMON? YOU'RE BOTH DEAD MEN!!! BEST IN THE WOOOOOORLLLLD!" and the like... edit - thinking on it, with takers influence backstage there's no way they'll disrespect Bearer like that. Plus Lawler was still alive and gave the green light to all of the material based off his heart problem (much as he WEEP WOOPS around and makes commentary unbearable at times, I did have a hearty laugh when the ambulance came out on RAW not long after his heart failure and he went "Hey look, there's my ride!""

I've no doubt Bearer will be inducted for his contribution to wrestling, particularly the role of managers.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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He might even retire after this year, given the amount of work he's had to do to get fit enough for one match.

ICW have announced three matches for their Mania night show, one big one, and two not so big, but just as appealing ones.

Loser Leaves ICW Match

Chris Renfrew vs. BT Gunn

ICW Tag Team Championships

The Bucky Boys vs. The Big Hangovers ( Sean Maxer and Jordan Devlin )

Mikey Whiplash vs. Robbie Dynamite

Robbie Dynamite and Mikey Whiplash were regular tag team and touring partners before Whiplash made his move up here.

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I suspect Bearer and Taker could both be inducted together next year in what will likely be Takers retirement in an inevitable streak match vs Cena

I hope this happens. Paul Bearer & 'taker belong in the HOF together. Don't think there's anyone in the wrestling business who has a bad word to say about him. One of the greatest wrestling managers of all time & a great human being to boot. RIP

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