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Mo Wonderboy

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Yeah looks like she asked to be let out of her contract, think I'll actually watch Main Event this week to see her last match against AJ :(

No wonder, she's the third best in that division (main roster) behind AJ and Natalya yet she's been properly jobbing to the Total Divas. I know she got a push recently in the feud with AJ but she should still be allowed to look good even if she's not gonna be in the title scene.

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mizfit, on 09 Jan 2014 - 23:26, said:

76 years old and getting power bombed through tables. Why was she putting herself through all that at her age?

To entertain fans in the business she loved...

And money, lots and lots of money.

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I watched Wrestlemania IX tonight.

It's abysmal. During the main event between Bret Hart, a Canadian, and Yokozuna, a Samoan who played a Japanese guy, the crowd began to chant 'USA! USA! USA!'. Morons. And of course the ending is dreadful.

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Ryback has taken to tweeting a load of stuff tonight including about giving Ziggler a concussion, something about Heyman and Tensai, as well as mocking internet sites before deleting everything and then tweeting I was released. He deleted that too but a few minutes ago repeated the claim he was released.

He's now said about an officer releasing him without charge after mistaking a gps for a phone and then cleared the tweets again. I'd assume he's trolling everyone.

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Ryback has taken to tweeting a load of stuff tonight including about giving Ziggler a concussion, something about Heyman and Tensai, as well as mocking internet sites before deleting everything and then tweeting I was released. He deleted that too but a few minutes ago repeated the claim he was released.

He's now said about an officer releasing him without charge after mistaking a gps for a phone and then cleared the tweets again. I'd assume he's trolling everyone.

Cleared every tweet he has made again, think this is 3 or 4 times he has done this, should also be noted that about a month ago he decided to change his twitter name from Ryback to his real name, Ryan Reeves

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Watched Wrestlemania X last night for the first time. It's quality. The crowd are really up for it as well which always helps an event. Bret Hart was massively over. The pop when he wins the title is huge. Also his match against Owen is tremendous, as is the HBK/Razor ladder match. In fact the only shit match on the card is the Bambam/Luna vs Doink and Dink. Even Lex Luger and Yokozuna had a decent match, despite the fact that Luger is shit and was a bland mulleted c**t. Macho Man was over as f**k as well. Ooooohhh yeah! You can tell why he left when they were trying to put him out to pasture despite him still have a few more years in him.

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I watched Summerslam 97 last night. A brilliant event. Not a bad match on the card, all the macthes had a reason for happening, storylines were advanced and the crowd was up for it. This is exactly what PPVs should be. How could they get it so right then but get it so, so wrong these days?

The only reason it's not an exceptional PPV is that, whilst all the matches are good (and two are very good, those being the IC title and the WWF title macthes), none are exceptional. A small moan. The finish to the Stone Cold/Owen Hart match was pish as well, but that's because Stone Cold was nearly paralyzed, so that's understandable to say the least.

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