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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Hmm that actually sounds alright, will have a read up on articles and so on about that :)).

I don't think that was a serious suggestion, but on the off-chance it was you definitely shouldn't write an essay on that. Unless the marker is a wrestling fan they'll have trouble making sense of any of it.

If you want to write an essay about wrestling you'll have to make it a broad overview of the 'sport' (I know, I know) and something that ties it to wider society. The marker likely won't know anything about it beyond the fact that it's staged so you wouldn't be able to be too technical. Off the top of my head I'd maybe look at how watching wrestling can influence violence in children as a result of wanting to replicate the moves they see on TV. Whether you could spin an entire essay out of that I don't know, and since you're a wrestling fan I imagine you'd also be looking for some positives to balance that out, though nothing immediately springs to mind for me.

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Yeah, I wasn't serious. You should probably argue something that is true (to you) and burying Daniel Bryan is definitely not what's best for business!

What class level is this for, btw? I wouldn't pick something as sorta niche as wrestling to write an essay on if it's your higher year, for instance.

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Yeah I realised after I'd posted my response it wasn't serious :lol:

I'm currently sitting Higher English, so I realised it really wasn't a great topic to use. I decided just to use an essay I'd done about Rangers' current situation and how it affects Scottish football as a whole.

Cheers for the help anyway :).

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Yeah I realised after I'd posted my response it wasn't serious :lol:

I'm currently sitting Higher English, so I realised it really wasn't a great topic to use. I decided just to use an essay I'd done about Rangers' current situation and how it affects Scottish football as a whole.

Cheers for the help anyway :).

How did you stretch "It doesn't" to enough words?

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Looks like Batista is returning to the WWE shortly, he has been advertised by a ticketing company for a WWE Live event in Las Vegas in February and a Phoenix Suns Operations Executive also tweeted that he would be appearing in their arena at a WWE show, both have since removed the announcements.

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Looks like Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards didn't get contracts with the WWE, talk is this was down to their size with Triple H feeling they already have enough good smaller guys in development although it may also be partly down to a blown spot in an NXT match against the Ascension which resulted in Richards landing on his head after Viktor change the way he picked him up from the pre-match run through, apparently they were told by Triple H via the referee to finish the match straight away after this mistake but didn't.

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