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Mo Wonderboy

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One of the most underrated wrestlers ever. Seems a great guy too, not a lot of people have a bad word to say about him

Right haud the bus, I like DDP but let's not start describing him in good or "underrated" wrestler terms. Guys was a very likeable, great character but extremely limited in ring!

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Right haud the bus, I like DDP but let's not start describing him in good or "underrated" wrestler terms. Guys was a very likeable, great character but extremely limited in ring!

Classic heel, worked a solid match. Believable dick and a good face in his latter years. Never got the push he should have after his feud with Taker.

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I'm watching some random older episodes on WWE network and the difference is staggering.

I've just watched Mankind and The Rock defending tag team titles in a Buried Alive match against Undertaker and Big Show on a bog standard episode of Smackdown with the winners defending against Edge and Christian whilst Kane runs around the building wanting to set fire to HHH, whereas the most recent episode of Smackdown I seen had fcking Tyson Kidd v Hornswaggle or some guff.

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He's a talented guy, but seems unable to stay healthy for any length of time. I'm sure he can still do a decent job working TNA and the Indies, similar to what Drew currently does. Galloway vs Barrett could be the main event feud that sells out the Hydro for ICW.

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Guest bernardblack

Fair play to Wade for having the guts to leave. They should've stuck the belt on him when he was red hot.

Sounds daft, but if actually watch tna of he was there

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Guest bernardblack

Random question.

See when Nash called Punk a "Waffle House cook" was that a dig saying he should be in TNA?

Feel so green asking this question!

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That is ridiculous ahead of the likes of British bulldog, Owen hart, Honky Tonk Man, Sid, Demolition of the top of my head is a disgrace

Time people got out of this mindset. It's an in-house HoF not some accredited ballot thing. And they always stack it so there's headliners, midcarders, fan favourite bottom careers, celebs etc. What's hard to understand?

Edited by Christophe
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