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Mo Wonderboy

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It's a matter of when though. January 11th was too early and Tyson took his place. If the timing is wrong, Cena/Batista is on the back burner, which is why Cena is involved in a nothing fued with Sheamus right now.

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Also WWE trying to get Jeff back in time for Mania to feud with Punk...

WM26 could be awesome, come to think of it.





Then there's the MITB, of course. And Jericho, Batista, Rey, Sheamus, HHH, Shelton(if not in MITB) all still free.

Great potential this year.

Edited by RB-Scotland
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So The Rock actually wants to fight Cena? That surprises me considering The Rock has been trying to distance himself from wrestling in the ring again...maybe he's just had enough of Cena bitching about him and will lay the Smackdown on his candy ass. Hmm maybe not, the likelyhood is that Cena will go over...so for that reason i don't want to see The Rock fight him.

I'm not too sure where this HBK/Taker plan is going, maybe a match where Vince will be in HBK's corner with Hart in the Undertaker's? If this plan is to happen then Undertaker will either be losing the title at the Rumble or Shawn Michaels will win the actual rumble itself.

Jeff Hardy being part of Wrestelmania? Awk i really hope not, if he does end up being a part of the show then i hope Punk bitch slaps him back to Drug Rehab.

If Edge heals in time, he will be facing Jericho at Wrestlemania! :)

Edited by Parscelona
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I'm not too sure where this HBK/Taker plan is going, maybe a match where Vince will be in HBK's corner with Hart in the Undertaker's? If this plan is to happen then Undertaker will either be losing the title at the Rumble or Shawn Michaels will win the actual rumble itself.

Well, The Undertaker and Vinny Mac is a hinted fued, so I actually wouldn't be surprised if this is how it turned out. Would be a decent way of working around the fact that the match wouldn't be as good. Don't even let them have a match for it to be a classic. Overbook it to hell.

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So The Rock actually wants to fight Cena? That surprises me considering The Rock has been trying to distance himself from wrestling in the ring again...maybe he's just had enough of Cena bitching about him and will lay the Smackdown on his candy ass. Hmm maybe not, the likelyhood is that Cena will go over...so for that reason i don't want to see The Rock fight him.

I'm not too sure where this HBK/Taker plan is going, maybe a match where Vince will be in HBK's corner with Hart in the Undertaker's? If this plan is to happen then Undertaker will either be losing the title at the Rumble or Shawn Michaels will win the actual rumble itself.

Jeff Hardy being part of Wrestelmania? Awk i really hope not, if he does end up being a part of the show then i hope Punk bitch slaps him back to Drug Rehab.

If Edge heals in time, he will be facing Jericho at Wrestlemania! :)

Yeah, that's another one I forgot. Then there's still Morrison, Christian, Shelton, Bourne, McIntyre, R-Truth, Finlay and co to make up the MITB match or other midcard stuff. Kofi and Orton as well.

I'd like to see Jeff come back but like you, not getting such a big win right away. Let Punk get back to his heelish greatness by once again raining on Jeff's parade, on the biggest stage of all this time.

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Pretty big week coming up for wrestling.

TNA Impact to go live head on with Raw, with both companies unveiling past superstars. Bret Hart for the WWE & Hogan (plus Bischoff) for TNA, as well as Sting returning for the Impact program.

Could this start the Monday night wars again?

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Lets not forget that the leader of The Beautiful People will be on the show too, making anyone who's even remotely interested in the Knockouts pretty excited.

I think it's too early to predict what's going to happen with this. If TNA can change direction then they can challenge. If they can't, then they won't. It's really that simple. I get the feeling that they'll try and repeat the sort of thing that they were doing in the mid 90s Nitro, which would work I reckon. As Bischoff rightly pointed out, wrestling fans love surprises.

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Lets not forget that the leader of The Beautiful People will be on the show too, making anyone who's even remotely interested in the Knockouts pretty excited.

I think it's too early to predict what's going to happen with this. If TNA can change direction then they can challenge. If they can't, then they won't. It's really that simple. I get the feeling that they'll try and repeat the sort of thing that they were doing in the mid 90s Nitro, which would work I reckon. As Bischoff rightly pointed out, wrestling fans love surprises.

Yep, he's been teasing a big surprise on his twitter all week - wonder what he has up his sleeve?

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Also WWE trying to get Jeff back in time for Mania to feud with Punk...

WM26 could be awesome, come to think of it.





Then there's the MITB, of course. And Jericho, Batista, Rey, Sheamus, HHH, Shelton(if not in MITB) all still free.

Great potential this year.

Is that a good idea? I mean can their match at WM a few years ago be topped?

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Is that a good idea? I mean can their match at WM a few years ago be topped?

That's been my main worry.

IF they go down the Vinny/Hart route with the match then the quality of it becomes less of an issue, so they might go down that road.

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Paul Orndorff vs. Hulk Hogan - WWE The Main Event 04/10/1986

In one of the more odd sights, when he watch the commentators speak, we look at them from behind. The question that comes to mind is "why ?". Orndorff steals the theme music of Hogan. Orndorff actually gets away with a LOT in this match, although it kinda makes sense because of the magnitude. Both men brought effort big time and made the match feel big and heated. Cracking extended formula where they didn't kill the other guy's finisher like they so often do. Well worth a watch.

Highlight of the match : Running Knee sends Hogan over a table. ***3/4

Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE RAW 13/11/2006

IC Title match coming up ! This looks like it's from the UK as it has the big union jack things. Jeff Hardy got fucked over big time the week before. Poor sod. This match was pretty good and both men have done much better in gimmick matches. The ending of the match was sweet as hell. The effort wasn't there at times though which is rare for a UK TV show.

Highlight of the match : Hardy manages to sneak a pin with a Crucifix. **3/4

The Dudley Boys vs. Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio - WWE Smackdown 06/05/2004

We're joining this match in progress. What we join is an absolutely brilliant tag team match in which they just let the babyfaces let loose with some of their biggest offense, and a clearly motivated Dudley team went and used every big power move that the countering RVD and Rey let them use. Some really cool tag teaming going on and some of the offense was as slick as you'd like. Definately another one for the must see pile.

Highlight of the match : There are many but the sweet as nuts Springboard Bulldog from Rey edges it. ****1/4


Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE RAW 03/09/2007

It's Jeff challenging for the IC Title again. I thought Umaga was brilliant, and arguably his best series of matches came with Jeff Hardy. I expect a beatdown coming. :D The ending of this match was ridiculous. Did they even mean that ? He kicks out of a Whisper in the Wind but can't avoid getting counted out by falling off the top rope ? Feck off. The match itself was only a weak version of what these two guys are capable of.

Highlight of the match : The Swinging STO. **1/4

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Billy Kidman and John Cena - WWE Smackdown 10/10/2002

Aaaahhhh. The tournament of godliness. How can this match be anything other than good ? Especially given the era. This match is really just Benoit and Angle working over Billy Kidman and trying to one up each other. Therefore this match wasn't quite as good as it could have been, but it was quite entertaining at times. It really got going at the end but it was too little, too late.

Highlight of the match : Benoit replacing a German Suplex with a Backbreaker. ***

Finlay vs. Batista - WWE Smackdown 24/08/2007

What have I gotten myself in for ? Finlay goes to show that not all slow offense is boring and shows all of the slower guys how to be "methodical". Definately carried Batista to a good match with this one. Not that Batista really needs to be carried, but he did practically nothing for this entire match, allowing Finlay to completely control the pace. Well paced good match.

Highlight of the match : Hanging Swinging Neckbreaker from Finlay. Cool stuff. ***

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Rumours of

Paul Heyman appearing with RVD, and Ken Anderson/Kennedy appearing as well


Gonna be some night. I don't want to overstate how hyped I am, but this does feel a bit like being in the 90's boom period for me. There's a real vibe of "anything can happen".

edit - spoilered the rumoured appearances, just to be on the safe side.

Edited by RB-Scotland
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Rumours of

Paul Heyman appearing with RVD, and Ken Anderson/Kennedy appearing as well


Gonna be some night. I don't want to overstate how hyped I am, but this does feel a bit like being in the 90's boom period for me. There's a real vibe of "anything can happen".

edit - spoilered the rumoured appearances, just to be on the safe side.


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With the amount of hype TNA are putting into Impact tomorow, they better make it fucking good.

Hyping it up like this is making me think we might see Benoit and Eddie Guerrero turn up and beat the shit out of the nWo :P

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Ach well, no RVD, it would seem. :(

""This Monday kicks off the new ratings war between WWE and TNA-like I have to tell you! I admit, I am interested in the hype. In fact, I feel like I'm involved with this new era just because of the ginormous rumors involving me and a return. I'm going to say this-even though I know it won't do much good-don't be mad at me that you tuned in to see your favorite wrestler and I wasn't there. I'm going to be watching with you.""

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