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Mo Wonderboy

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Not at all <_<

EDIT: How did he get in the ring/chamber?

He appeared from underneath a metal grille in the chamber from the outside of the ring.

Edit- Did that even make sense. I think I've finished one too many cans of ale.

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That was a weird entrance by 'Taker.

My sky screwed up for a few minutes (typically <_<) but I think he accidentally got singed by his pyro.

Edit - Turns out he did. Wouldn't want to be the pyro guys right now. :lol:

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Never expected much from that match anyway, basically a bunch of midcarders involved.

That's what I thought prior to watching it. Not having really followed it for years I assumed that Johnny Nitro etc had progressed significantly but the first chamber match definitely looked the more interesting on paper.

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I remember watching the first EC match (think HHH won it, must've been about 2005?) and thinking it was quality, although I've never heard of half the guys in the two tonight. What time does it kick off, midnight?

I remember that well actually. Ever title changed hands at the PPV, even the Big Show beat Brock Lesnar.

Remember RVD's frog splash on HHH I think from the top of the chamber and hurt is leg genuinely I think then Booker T beat him with a missile dropkick of all moves.

Memorable moment when Michaels pins the game after the superkick.

Anyway will be watching a replay of the PPV when I get in from work.

Links would be welcome...

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Don't watch the replay.

Sweet jesus, this PPV was the pits. Only the last match was any good, and the booking for every other match was horrific on every level. Why have Cena vs. Batista for the title ? It doesn't NEED the added hype.

Even monkeys could have booked that one right. I've never seen such an inept attempt at writing a show.

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Don't watch the replay.

Sweet jesus, this PPV was the pits. Only the last match was any good, and the booking for every other match was horrific on every level. Why have Cena vs. Batista for the title ? It doesn't NEED the added hype.

Even monkeys could have booked that one right. I've never seen such an inept attempt at writing a show.

There is a solution to that by the name of "T-N-A".

Abyss hinting on a return to the "Monster", I desperately want to see an Abyss heel turn.

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As long as Hogan is handing his HOF ring to a retard, I'm not sure you can call TNA the solution.

Yet the DX "hilarious" segments with a midget and guys like Matt Hardy, K-Kwik and the Great Khali claiming to be wrestlers should be taken into consideration as well.

Good match this, Jr screaming "Shawn Michaels" and the crowd going nuts makes this a pretty memorable moment.


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Yet the DX "hilarious" segments with a midget and guys like Matt Hardy, K-Kwik and the Great Khali claiming to be wrestlers should be taken into consideration as well.

Good match this, Jr screaming "Shawn Michaels" and the crowd going nuts makes this a pretty memorable moment.

http: //www.youtube.c...feature=related

1) I liked the DX/Hornswoggle stuff. It's the only time that DX were entertaining in their current form, and Hornswoggle is always a character that has potential.

2) Matt Hardy might be fat, and nobody gives a shit what he does, but he IS a decent wrestler, as shown over the years.

3) That match was pretty good. Was the best EC before last year when the Smackdown one did the business.

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So now it looks like:

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

Batista © (w/ Vince McMahon) vs. John Cena (w/Bret Hart)

Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker.

That leaves CM Punk, Seamus, Triple H & Randy Orton without opponents at the moment.

Any other ideas?

Edited by LAGer
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Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton

Triple H vs. Sheamus

That sorts out the RAW lot. Have your own guesses at the Smackdown lot. And remember that Money in the Bank probably isn't happening.

I thought Randy might've still be tied up with the Legacy break-up.

They're cancelling MITB then?

Anyone think the streak might actually end this time round?

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So now it looks like:

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

Batista © (w/ Vince McMahon) vs. John Cena (w/Bret Hart)

Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker.

That leaves CM Punk, Seamus, Triple H & Randy Orton without opponents at the moment.

Any other ideas?

Batista vs John Cena vs Sheamus vs HHH possibly?

Orton vs Rhodes vs DiBiase

Women's title match

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1) I liked the DX/Hornswoggle stuff. It's the only time that DX were entertaining in their current form, and Hornswoggle is always a character that has potential.

2) Matt Hardy might be fat, and nobody gives a shit what he does, but he IS a decent wrestler, as shown over the years.

3) That match was pretty good. Was the best EC before last year when the Smackdown one did the business.

I'm talking about currently. Compare this DX.

then this...


Edited by The Hero of the Day
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