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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Why are TNA going with this ring story? It's just a terrible story, even for wrestling standards. In fact it's fucking stupid. And what does it tell their fans? That if you wear a HOF ring from our competition then you'll get super powers? So the competition is better then? And there have been times when 'WWE' has been quite clearly shown on the ring on camera. And it's making Abyss look like a total tit. And has basically ruined his character. And takes the focus off of the real strength of the talent of their performers.

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Also re Bearer, there was a good interview with in on a wrestling mag a couple of months back. He's on a WWE legends contract, so gets paid even when not there. He had to retire from wrestling because of his health, and this was the same reason that he had to be 'concreted'. Basically when they brought him back to be with Taker a few years back he was massively overweight and said he would need to lose weight to come back, and the only way he could do that was with gastric band surgery. WWE paid for this and he came back, but they had to write him back out as he hadn't recovered well enough from his surgery at the point.

Bearer did state thought that he wouldn't rule out a return in the future, but stressed that it only be a one shot type of thing.

He also said the Katie Vick angle made him sick.

*Too far?

I read that Paul Bearer runs his own funeral parlour now and is the Managing Director, so I doubt he would have the time to make a full return to wrestling.

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ROH Honor Invades Boston

This would be the first time that ROH moved out of their usual hall and into a new area.

Quiet Storm vs. The Amazing Red ( ** )

Brian XL, Izzy and Dixie vs. SAT and Chris Divine ( *3/4 )

Chris Divine vs. Low Ki ( N/A )

Dunn and Marcos vs. Christopher Street Connection ( 1/4* )

Scoot Andrews vs. Mike Tobin ( N/A )

Scoot Andrews vs. Xavier ( *1/2 )

Michael Shane vs. Paul London ( *** )

American Dragon vs. Donovan Morgan ( ***1/2 )

The Carnage Crew vs. Da Hit Squad, Boston Massacre Match ( ** )

Biohazard vs. Don Juan ( N/A )

Maverick Wild vs. Alex Arion ( **1/2 )

Natural Born Sinners vs. Tony Mamaluke and James Maritato ( **3/4 )

Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe ( ****1/2 )

AJ Styles vs. Low Ki ( ****1/2 )

Quiet Storm vs. The Amazing Red

Red is over like rover in Boston ! Shake of the hands and we're off. Lockup and Storm goes to the arm. Red with the takedown and then kicks to the leg and the head. Elbow strikes and then strikes miss from both men. Reversal exchange and then a pair of Arm Drags from Storm. Two men with pinfalls and we have a stalemate and the fans like that. Storm with a cheapshot after a handshake and the fans don't like that. Storm over Red and then he hits a Running Rana. Lovely Head Scissors and then a Hurricane Kick from Red and Storm to the floor. RED WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Kick to the back from Red and then to the chest. Another kick to the chest and then back into the ring. Storm into the corner and Red charges and hits a Jumping Kick to the chin. Snapmare and then a kick to the back and then another. Running Kick to the face. Storm is a little pissed off and he slaps Red and we now have an exchange. Elbow Strikes vs. Clotheslines. Yakuza Kick from Red sends Storm onto one knee. Kicks to the stomach and a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. SPINAL SHOCK FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! RUNNING CANADIAN DESTROYER FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Slam from Storm and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT ... INTO AN ACE CRUSHER FROM RED !!! LEAPING DOWNWARD SPIRAL !!! INFRA-RED !!! RED STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was as perfect an opener for a new area as ROH could have put on. Stupid selling and basically a spotfest, but it was packed to the rafters with loads of big moves and the fans were right into it, and it was structured well enough to get the fans into it too. **

Brian XL, Izzy and Dixie vs. SAT and Chris Divine - Scramble Match

Into the ring and it's Izzy and Joel. Forearms from Joel and he hits a Running Forearm. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Izzy and then a kick to the back of the head. BRUTAL BLUE THUNDER DRIVER FROM JOEL !!! Divine and Dixie now in the ring with some reversing. Divine runs into a kick. Tornado DDT countered I think. BRAINBUSER FROM DIVINE TO DIXIE !!! Jose and Brian now into the match. Wheelbarrow Arm Drag from Brian and then a Rana from Jose. Superkick sends Brian to the floor. Brawl on the floor now. IZZY WITH A SPRINGBOARD TWISTING PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! SWANTON PLANCHA FROM DIXIE !!! Elax is amused by that on the floor. BRIAN XL WITH A MOONSAULT OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO EVERYONE !!! ELAX WITH THE WHISPER IN THE WIND ONTO EVERYONE !!! Brian and Joel back into the ring. Kicks to the chest. DRAGON RANA FROM BRIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Snap Suplex gets a two count for Dixie. Joel and Dixie collide a couple of times. ROARING ELBOW FROM DIXIE !!! Reverse Twisting Roaring Forearm ? f**k off. Neckbreaker from Izzy and he tags out. This is a right mess. Reverse Gory Special from Joel and then Jose adds Brian to it and stretches it. That is just brutal. The commentators call it the Human Taffy Machine. Probably the best name of a move he's ever done. Low kick. SWINGING DDT FROM DIXIE TO JOEL !!! TIGER SUPLEX DROPS DIXIE RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! Backflip Kick from Izzy. CROSS ARM POWERBOMB INTO AN X-FACTOR ONTO IZZY !!! Joel into the corner and Brian with a Rewind Rana. You know, if you can't hit a move properly, stop fucking trying it. MAXIMO EXPLOSION FROM JOEL TO BRIAN !!! Dixie back into the match and Joel and Dixie up top. SUPER RANA ... blocked. JOEL WITH A SUPER BOMB ON BOTH IZZY AND DIXIE AT THE SAME TIME !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Elax comes in and takes wee shots at everyone and heads for the top rope and Divine stops him. DIVINE WITH A TOP ROPE FULL NELSON FACE PLANT ON ELAX !!! SPANISH FLY ON BRIAN XL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Brian XL is one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen. SAT aren't much better but they are at least innovative and they come up with some right cool stuff here. Botchy as hell stuff from all six men apart from Divine, but that's only because he didn't do much of anything. Credit to the six men for effort and keeping things going at a good pace. *3/4

Chris Divine vs. Low Ki

Divine called out Ki. He didn't even want a title shot. Just a match with the best. Divine into the ropes but he runs into a Dropkick to the knee and then kicks to the chest from Ki. KAWADA KICKS !!! HUGE FINAL KICK !!! CARTWHEEL ROUNDHOUSE KICK !!! DRAGON CLUTCH !!! DONE !!!

Umm ... yeah. N/A

Dunn and Marcos vs. Christopher Street Connection

Who decided that THIS was a good idea ? CSC like holding their hands. Dunn and Marcos aren't amused by that, so the CSC decide to just toss them around. Dunn into the corner and Mace hits a wee shot to the eye. BUFF E FUCKING MURDERS MARCOS WITH A FOREARM !!! Mace then slithers across Marcos. Chops from Mace in the corner. Suplex from Mace and then into the corner and in comes Buff. Swinging Powerbomb from Buff and that gets a two count. Buff and Marcos then botch a spot. Brutal chops in the corner from Buff and then back in comes Mace. More chops in the corner. Dunn and Buff into the match and then the Gory Bomb and that gets a two count. CSC kiss each other in the middle of the ring. THE GAY BASHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A bit of a mess here really. CSC's brutality was some good fun though. Not much else to add. 1/4*

Scoot Andrews vs. Mike Tobin

Andrews is super pissed and hits an early Leg Lariat and Tobin to the apron. Guillotine Leg Drop gets a two count for Andrews and into the corner. Running Back Elbow from Andrews. Alabama Slam from Andrews and then he follows right away. FORCE OF NATURE ... countered into The Stroke from Tobin. SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP FROM TOBIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SPRINGBOARD SWANTON BOMB ... MISSES !!! Right hands from Andrews. Flapjack gets a two count for Andrews. FORCE OF NATURE FROM ANDREWS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Basically a squash match. N/A

Scoot Andrews vs. Xavier

Lockup and right hands from Xavier and he gets sent into the ropes. Elbow Drop to the back from Xavier and that gets a two count. Andrews into the ropes and a kick to the head but a Superkick from Xavier gets a two count. Tilt-a-Whirl Faceplant from Andrews out of nowhere. Xavier into the ropes and he runs into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Xavier into the corner and Andrews blocks a kick. Enziguri sends Andrews to the floor. Andrews walks around on the floor as he's feeling it. Baseball Slide from Xavier. JUMPING SPRINGBOARD ARABIAN PRESS FROM XAVIER !!! Back into the ring and Xavier charges Andrews into the corner and hits a series of knees to the head and then a Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count. Right hands from Xavier and then Andrews in the corner. Andrews counters a Bulldog with a Clothesline. FORCE OF NATURE ... Xavier goes behind. Sunset Flip, but that's countered into the Last Rites and that gets a two count. Xavier into the ropes. CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM XAVIER !!! 450 SPLASH FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That ending was a bit sudden. This match was a bit annoying. Why would Xavier fall for the exact same reversals that he fell for in the first match ? If you're gonna do those exchanges, at least make them a bit fresh. This was a decent little action packed match though. *1/2

Michael Shane vs. Paul London

Shane attacks from behind and then unloads with right hands and then chokes with the boot. London with a takedown and then he unloads on Michael Shane. London into the ropes. Back Drop Suplex and then Shane gets sent over the top rope onto Biohazard who is in Shane's corner. BEAUTIFUL SUICIDE DIVE FROM LONDON !!! London onto the apron and Shane attacks him. London into the ring and he gets a two count from a Roll Up. Forearms from London and a Dropsault gets a two count. Shane into the corner and London with a Running Forearm. Forearms from London and then Shane with a cheap poke to the eye. STANDING MOONSAULT ONTO THE BACK FROM LONDON !!! Kick to the back of the head from London and that gets a two count. London into the corner and he ends up on the apron. LONDON GETS SENT FLYING OFF OF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE RAILING ON THE FLOOR !!! HOLY SHIT !!! London gets sent into another railing. Back into the ring and we have a two count from that. Body Slam from Shane and then an Elbow Drop off of the second rope gets a two count. London gets caught in the Cravat. London with elbows to the stomach and then Shane kicks the head. Spinning Heel Kick from London and then Clotheslines. London into the corner and Shane runs into a boot. TORNADO DDT FROM LONDON ... countered. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX SENDS LONDON INTO THE BUCKLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Camel Clutch from Shane. Shane then just stomps away on London. Elbow Drop to the back from Shane. That gets a two count. London into the ropes and he slams the face of Shane into the canvas and then smacks the back of the head into the canvas. Chops from London. Open Hand Slam from London and Shane backs into the corner. London into the corner and Shane ducks a shot. Bicycle Kick from Shane and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Shane and then he heads for the top rope. London then crotches him up there. Shane manages to block that. LEAPING X-FACTOR FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! London avoids a Body Slam. Drop Toe Hold from Shane and then he locks in the Haas of Pain. London gets into the ropes. Boston Crab is countered and London gets a two count. Some reversals. London with a Rana and that gets a two count. Spinning Heel Kick sends Shane to the floor. LONDON WITH THE CORKSCREW ASAI MOONSAULT !!! Shane is injured on the floor. Back in the ring and then he comes to life ! SHANE WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I love that ending. The match was probably the most carefully structured midcard ROH match in a while. Which is good because it got to show that Paul London wasn't just some spot monkey, while Michael Shane is good as the arrogant cocky heel, and he also comes across as very old school Memphis in his own way. Except he's a wee bit flashier. ***

American Dragon vs. Donovan Morgan

This is billed as some sort of special mat wrestling exhibition. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Takedown from Morgan and that didn't go any way. Lockup and they lock hands. Dragon takes down Morgan, and then Morgan tries for Sayonara. Dragon runs into a boot and then Morgan tries to take it to the floor, but Dragon gets back into the ring and that didn't work. Lockup and a Headlock from Morgan. Morgan takes down Dragon and then a nice roll up gets a two count. Lockup and into the ropes. Morgan then pushes down Dragon, but Dragon with an Arm Drag and then he twists the wrist of Morgan. Hammerlock from Dragon and Morgan escapes, but runs right into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Dragon and then he rests a knee in there too. Headbutt from Dragon. Arm Ringer from Dragon again and then he throws Morgan and twists the arm again. Cross Armbreaker attempt comes neck from Dragon. Morgan gets into the ropes when it looks like Dragon might break the hold. Dragon stomps on the elbow, but Morgan fights back. Headbutt from Dragon. Hammerlock Takedown gets a two count and then a Cross Armbreaker leads to Morgan getting into the ropes. European Uppercut from Dragon and then another. That gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex from Morgan and that gets a two count and now he is back in the match. Now that he is in control, Morgan takes it to the floor and sends Dragon into the railing. Dragon then gets whipped through the already destroyed railing. He continues to throw Dragon into railings and then back into the ring they go. Dragon kicks out there. HUGE Forearm from Morgan and then another. Dragon comes back with one of his own, so Morgan with a knockout. Into the corner and a Clothesline from Morgan and then a Dropkick to the back of the head. Full Nelson using his legs from Morgan. Morgan turns it into a pinfall attempt, but Dragon turns into a Surfboard Stretch. Morgan gets into the ropes and he gets sent in. Exploder Suplex from Morgan and that gets a two count. Dragon drops behind and kicks the back of the head of Morgan. Chops from Dragon and then Morgan into the ropes and a Running Back Elbow. Spinning Heel Kick from Dragon gets a two count. Forearms and chops from Dragon. Running Forearm in the corner from Dragon and then a Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count. Arm Ringer and then Morgan into the corner. Dragon runs into a boot. LEAPING DDT FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon into the ropes. Sunset Flip and Morgan counters that for a two count. Victory Roll gets a two count and then Morgan with a Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count. European Uppercuts from both men. Roaring Elbow from Dragon and that gets a two count. Judo DDT from Dragon and then he heads for the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! GOLDEN GATE SPIN FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SAYONARA ... Dragon is now blocking. CATTLE MUTILATION ON MORGAN !!! TIME RUNS OUT !!!

That makes two matches in a row that had a right tight structure, but why did THIS match get a 15 minute time limit ? It made absolutely no sense for this match to have it when other matches on the show that had no stipulation went over that time. It makes even LESS sense when you realise they didn't get a rematch. It was cracking stuff while it lasted though. ***1/2

The Carnage Crew vs. Da Hit Squad, Boston Massacre Match

The two teams get brawling right away. Belly 2 Belly Suplex on Loc and Mafia and Vito brawl to the floor. Mafia gets sent into the railing. Dropkick on the floor from Vito. Mack runs into a boot in the ring. Vito is sent into the railing. Mafia into the ropes. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON LOC !!! Vito now has barbed wire and wraps it around his wrist and floors Mafia. More right hands knock down Mafia. Mafia into the ropes and he comes out with a kick and then a Mafia Kick. Mafia has been busted open. BARBED WIRE BIONIC ELBOW FROM MAFIA TO VITO !!! Loc is on the floor. Barbed wire to the head of Loc and then he rakes at the head. Loc rakes the face of Mack into the railing and now HE'S busted open. Into the ring they go. Vito and Mafia to the floor and Vito has a chair. Vito then Dropkicks a chair into the face of Mafia. Chair across the back of Vito. Mack then rakes the head of Loc with barbed wire. Everyone is busted open in this match. Chair across the back from Mafia to Vito. Mafia then gets the cowbell. COWBELL TO THE HEAD OF MAFIA !!! Vito then rakes the head with it. Head first into the railing and then into the ring they go. Dropkick from Vito and a Short Arm Clothesline and that doesn't go well. Into the ring. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX SENDS MAFIA INTO THE BUCKLES !!! Chair collision from Mack and Loc. LOC WITH A CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF MAFIA !!! Carnage Crew then just unload with chairs. The Hit Squad decide to head to the back and bring out a barbed wire board. TWO barbed wire boards. Vito likes this. Into the ring we now go and they brawl in the ring and a beatdown is on the way. Choke with the boot from Loc and Vito is down at this point. Vito sets a barbed wire board in the corner. Vito then runs into a kick. Roundhouse Kick from Mack. Whoa ! Figure Four Leg Lock from Mafia. HUBCAP TO THE HEAD BREAKS THAT !!! MONSTA MACK WITH THE FROG SPLASH ... MISSES !!! MACK GETS SENT INTO THE BARBED WIRE BOARD !!! That looked like it hurt. MAFIA SPEARS VITO THROUGH A BARBED WIRE BOARD !!! BURNING HAMMER ON LOC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was messy as hell, and it didn't quite have the intensity of the big brawl on the last show, but it had the blood and the brutality. The big barbed wire spots were brilliant. **

Biohazard vs. Don Juan

This will be to settle the crowd down after the brawl. Clothesline from Don and then a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag. Back Drop Suplex lands Juan on his head. Second Rope Neck Snap from Hazard. Right hands from Hazard. Butterfly Suplex from Hazard gets a two count. Headlock from Hazard. DDT from Juan brings him back into the match. Juan gets onto the middle rope. Northern Lights Suplex from Hazard. Juan drops behind and then ducks and gets a Backslide for a two count. LEG LEFT BACK DROP SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Just a bunch of moves. N/A

Maverick Wild vs. Alex Arion

They lock hands and have a test of strength. Arion with a Head Scissors and then we have a pinfall exchange. Both men then look for submissions. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Arion and that was a nice exchange. Arion works on the arm. Wild with a Sidewalk Slam. Arm Drag and Arm Bar from Arion again though. Into the ropes they go. Arion into the ropes and a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors, Arm Drag and then another Arm Bar. Into the corner they go and Arion on the apron. Slingshot Head Scissor Takedown. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar again from Arion. Wild sweeps down Arion but runs into a Spinebuster for a two count. Slingshot Sitdown Powerbomb gets the same result. Russian Legsweep and Wild is now back in the match. Suplex from Wild and that gets a two count. Dropkick to the back of the head from Wild. Body Slam from Wild and then he makes a run and a nice Senton Splash and that gets a two count. Clothesline from Wild. Two count from that. Slap to the face and then Arion with some chops in the corner, so Wild with a kick and then Arion into the corner hard. Wild misses a shot. SUPERKICK FROM ARION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Arion and then Wild with one. SHORT ARM SPINNING KICK FROM WILD !!! Into the corner and a slap to the face from Wild and then a Reverse Alabama Slam from Arion and he heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SPLASH FROM ARION ... MISSES !!! VICTORY ROLL FROM ARION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Lets give these two guys credit. They didn't have much time in there, but they used the time that they had brilliantly. They packed a LOAD into the match and they also added a bit of meaning to it. Apparently they know each other quite well and I guess that helped. Good stuff here. **1/2

Natural Born Sinners vs. James Maritato and Tony Mamaluke

The return of the FBI ! Well, sort of. Maritato insists that the FBI are no more, but Tony Mamaluke is having none of it, and says that he still has the shirts. Amazingly, ROH have managed to make this into some sort of fued. For as good a promotion as Rob Feinstein managed to put together, he really did make some ridiculous booking decisions. No wonder Mamaluke wanted to change the theme music. They're using Republica for f**k sake. Mamaluke doesn't want to shake hands. Why doesn't Daniels try and bring this young guy into the fold ! Boo and Tony are opening the match. Cautious opening and they lockup. Waistlock from Boo. Mamaluke then goes behind. More reversing and Mamaluke then has some sort of Neck Lock. Boo gets out awkwardly and then goes for a leg and we have a stalemate. Boo goes for a leg and that doesn't end too well for him. Boo with a takedown. Camera angle means we can't really see who has the advantage at this point. Boo has a Front Facelock and then both men block Hiptosses, untill Boo with the takedown and Mamaluke runs into his corner. Mamaluke does a lot of taunting and then asks Boo to take him on the canvas, and Mamaluke then shoos the leg and takes down Boo and has the Leg Grapevine. Leg Lock follows that. For all of the cockiness, it worked well. Mamaluke then asks Homicide if he wants some. Maritato comes in to take him on. They then lock hands and Maritato goes behind and Homicide with the reversal. Takedown and we have a stalemate from there. Homicide and Maritato both block kicks and then Homicide with a takedown and then something of a Figure Four Leglock on Maritato and then he turns it into an STF. Maritato gets into the ropes. Maritato into the ropes and he charges down Homicide. Homicide with a Body Slam, but a nice takedown from Maritato and then he goes to the leg and Homicide gets into the ropes. Lockup and into the ropes. Maritato ducks a right and then comes back with rights of his own and in comes Mamaluke. Homicide ducks a chop and then hits a series of chops of his own. Boo is then tagged into the ring. Mamaluke into the ropes and then a Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combo from the Killers. Maritato comes in and gets caught in a Fujiwara Armbar by Homicide. Nice bit of finisher stealing there ! We're back with just Homicide and Mamaluke. POWERBOMB/NECKBREAKER COMBO FROM THE KILLERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Mamaluke uses the tights of Homicide to send him to the floor and then Mamaluke tries to keep him out there and then clubs on him. Head first into the top buckle and then Maritato comes in and stomps away. Homicide sends him into the ropes. Maritato with a Dropkick to the knee. SICILIAN SLICE FROM MARITATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner again and in comes Mamaluke. Knee Breaker from Mamaluke and then the Dragon Screw and then the Sicilian Crab. Homicide gets into the ropes. Mamaluke then drops his weight on the leg. Snapmare and then Mamaluke to the top rope and a Flying Forearm to the back of the head gets a two count. Both men counter waistlocks. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM MAMALUKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide with the T-Bone Suplex and then another and that gets a two count. In comes Boogaloo. Maritato comes in with a Dropkick and misses. That gets a two count, but Mamaluke hits his own partner with an Elbow Drop. Wheelbarrow ... INTO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM MARITATO !!! Boo gets into the ropes. SICILIAN DROP ... countered. STUNNER FROM HOMICIDE TO MARITATO !!! Homicide then heads for the top rope. Mamaluke then stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM MAMALUKE INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE !!! Maritato is left with the Sinners. VICTORY ROLL FROM MAMALUKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! COP KILLERS FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was just a good solid tag team outing. It's good that, once again on this show, the guys in the match decided not to do too much, even though there were guys in there that might want to. They decided to just stick to keeping a flow going rather than going mental. **3/4

Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe

Mark slaps Jay and then we have some slapping from both men. They lockup and into the corner they go. Elbow to the head and then Jay charges. Sleeper Hold from Jay and then Mark does some reversing of his own. Looks like we're going to see a lot of this. Snapmare gets a two count, and then a Cross Armbreaker from Mark. Crossface Forearms from Jay and then he goes into the Sleeper Hold. Mark counters that into a Surfboard Stretch. Mark then moves to the Ankle Lock. Jay counters that with one of his own with added Leg Grapevine, which gets countered into an Indian Deathlock by Mark. Jay locks in a Chinlock while that move is on though. Mark escapes and then goes to the arm. Jay gets out and goes to the Hammerlock and then a Fireman's Carry and an Arm Bar. Mark with some flipping around, and Jay with the Arm Dragon Screw. Jay into the ropes and he stops and delivers some chops on Mark. Mark avoids a Hiptoss and then hits the ropes. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Mark. They lock hands and Mark and Jay with more counters. They collide in the middle of the ring. Jay charges down Mark and wins that exchange. Mark into the ropes and then Jay. Yakuza Kick from Jay sends Mark to the floor. Chop exchange and Mark gets the better of that. Mark then sends Jay head first into the ringpost and that busts Jay open. Head first into another ringpost goes Jay. Unlike most WWE camera men, the ROH ones aren't stupid enough to watch someome blading. I remember watching Austin/Rock at Wrestlemania X-7 and you could even see them passing the blade around. Brutal Short Arm Clothesline in the ring from Jay. Jay into the ropes and he runs into a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Fist Drop from Mark. Jay into the ropes and he gets taken down and a Head Scissors from Mark. Jay into the ropes and then Jay with a punch to the cut. Mark climbs the ropes and hits a bunch of right hands. Jay into the ropes and a Spinning Heel Kick right to the cut. Rana and then more right hands to the cut and the fans like that. Kicks to the head from Mark and that gets a two count. Into the corner and then right hands from Mark. Into the corner goes Mark and then chops from Jay. Mark with a DDT and that was BRUTAL. That gets a two count. More right hands from Mark and then Jay into the ropes. Dropkick to the knee from Jay and then he stomps on the right hand. Jay then works on the hand. Sitdown Front Suplex from Jay and then he walks on the hand and goes to the top rope. Mark stops Jay on the top rope and gets put on the apron. SPRINGBOARD SUPER ACE CRUSHER FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Mark then drops knees on the head of Jay. Running Knee Drop from Mark then follows that. Notice that he's not doing the hand moves anymore ? Jay into the corner and a High Knee from Mark. TOMBSTONE FROM MARK !!! TOP ROPE KNEE DROP ... MISSES !!! Dragon Screw from Mark and he gets to the apron. Springboard, and he jumps right into another Dragon Screw from Jay. Mark then gets set in the tree of woe position. Basement Dropkick from Jay. TORTURE RACK INTO THE BACKBREAKER FROM JAY !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! Jay gets to the floor and Mark is feeling it at the moment. Mark can't get the Springboard move. PESCADO ... MISSES !!! Mark has only succeeded in hurting his knee even more. Low blow on the floor from Mark. Mark onto the apron with Jay in the ring. Springboard Dropkick from Mark, but the knee is hurt. Two count for Mark from the Dropkick. Sleeper Hold. Sidewalk Sleeper ? What a fucking moron. Jay fights out and then hits the ropes. JAY DRILLER ... Mark drops behind. JACKNIFE POWERBOMB FROM JAY !!! Right hands from Jay. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jay into the ropes. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM MARK !!! MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM JAY !!! CRADLE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Finishers blocked. SCREWDRIVER FROM JAY !!! Jay then heads for the top rope. SENTON SPLASH ... MISSES !!! MARK WITH THE HIGH KNEE ... CUT THROAT DRIVER FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Superb match from these two guys. They didn't miss a step in the psychology and the selling. At the start they did some magnificent mat work, and the fact that they didn't botch anything when doing this stuff at such a pace is pretty incredible. Then they headed into the meat of the match, and Jay working on the parts of the body that Mark was trying to use to injure his cut was good too. Then they just hit psycho territory but did so at the right time. Very good match. ****1/2

Low Ki © vs. AJ Styles - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

The first match had a bit of controversy about the finish, so this is a match to decide conclusively who the better man is. They shake hands and this is going to be bloody awesome. Lockup and Ki attempts something of a Body Scissors, but Styles makes sure that Ki can't lock it in and neither man gets the advantage before breaking. They lock hands and Styles with a takedown. Ki has some form of a Butterfly Lock on and then Styles turns that into a Small Package for a two count. Styles then stretches the legs of Ki. Sicilian Crab from Ki and then he takes down Styles and does some sort of bridging Leg Lock. Styles escapes quickly and then locks in the Muta Lock. I like how Styles is escaping moves quickly, knowing how dangerous that Ki is. Ki hits a hard kick to the head pretty quickly. They lock hands and Styles bridges back Ki. Ki tries to get out of that position and eventually does. Kick to the arm from Ki. Kicks to the side from both men now. Styles does NOT want to exchange kicks. Kick to the back of the head from Ki. Told ya ! Lockup and Styles then goes to the arm and takes Ki down and has some form of Arm Bar. Styles tries to get a Half Nelson of sorts. Ki decides to stay down and he wants to kick Styles from there. He kicks the leg. Styles should just let Ki stand, but he then hits a kick to the back of the head. The worm seems to have turned there. Another locking of the hands and a Judo Takedown from Ki and he has Styles in a Side Headlock. Styles escapes and gets the Head Scissors. Ki escapes and lands a Mongolian Chop and then a European Uppercut and then some more chopping from Ki and a Headbutt. More chops from Ki and then into the ropes goes Styles. Running Back Elbow from Ki. Two count for Ki there. Another Mongolian Chop from Ki. KIP UP RANA FROM STYLES ... countered with a kick to the back. More chops from Ki and he's now working big time. Styles runs into a HARD kick. KIP UP RANA FROM STYLES !!! High Knee and then a chop from Styles. Ki into the ropes. BRUTAL SUPERKICK FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dropkick to the knee and here we go. Kicks to the chest. Styles with a sweep to block the third and final kick. KIP UP RANA ... COUNTERED INTO THE STYLES CLASH ... countered with kicks from Ki. They then lock hands and a High Knee from Styles. Ki with a kick and then more chops and right hands. DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES !!! Ki then gets himself to the floor to avoid further punishment. STYLES WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE ... HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE KICK FROM KI !!! Ki now has styles and sends him face first into the apron and then into the ring they go. KAWADA KICKS FROM STYLES !!! HE BLOCKS THE LAST KICK !!! Chop. GERMAN SUPLEX AND HE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE BACK DROP FACE PLANT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STYLES CLASH ... KI WITH A BIG RANA COUNTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Mongolian Chop from Ki and then more chopping. Styles then comes back with a series of chops but misses a charge. Styles set on the top. THE HANGING DRAGON ON STYLES !!! They break and that gets a two count. Ki then heads for the top rope. Styles stops him up there. CRUCIFIX BOMB ... blocked. CLIFFHANGER DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles with a slam and then he heads for the top rope. SPIRAL TAP FROM STYLES ... MISSES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DRAGON CLUTCH FROM KI !!! Styles just falls into the bottom rope. Ki is then set on the top rope. Jumping Forearm to the chin from Styles in there and that gets a two count. Both men on their knees and they hit right hands. Kick to the back of the head from Ki. KI KRUSHER INTO A BRAINBUSTER FROM KI !!! Why did he not just hit the Krusher ? That gets a two count anyways. PHOENIX SPLASH FROM KI ... HITS THE KNEES !!! DOUBLE PUMP BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick from Styles and he misses a charge and lands on his head. Nae luck. KI KRUSHER ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KI WITH THE POWERBOMB WITH A JACKNIFE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! He tries a Tiger Suplex and fails. KI KRUSHER FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There was something epic feeling about this match. It felt something like a chess match, except it had lots of kicks ! It didn't have the same solid gameplan that the previous match had, but it still felt like every single move had it's meanings. I guess it was just the "American Strongstyle" that people have been going on about when talking about the ROH product. ****1/2



This was the first real "something for everyone" ROH card and it certainly provided on that count. That's what makes this such an easy recommendation. Even if the brawl wasn't the best, it had lots of blood and a couple of big spots. Two huge matches at the end and some solid midcard stuff and highspot fests. It's a good wee show from start to finish.

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Edge & Christian aren't brothers anymore :P

It pisses me off when writers just totally ignore previous storylines like this.

Another one that annoys me is when former bitter enemies team up like best mates and nothing is said about it, Matt Hardy and MVP have been on the same team recently but a few years back they were in a feud over the US title, Hardy even came back at Wrestlemania and wrecked MVPs chances of winning MITB!

Same thing with Orton now 'respecting' HHH and I'm sure there are countless other examples of airbrushing out the past.

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Edge & Christian aren't brothers anymore :P

Aye I thought that as well. If you're going to make some shite up about them knowing each other for years why not just stick with the story which has already been made up?

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It pisses me off when writers just totally ignore previous storylines like this.

Another one that annoys me is when former bitter enemies team up like best mates and nothing is said about it, Matt Hardy and MVP have been on the same team recently but a few years back they were in a feud over the US title, Hardy even came back at Wrestlemania and wrecked MVPs chances of winning MITB!

Same thing with Orton now 'respecting' HHH and I'm sure there are countless other examples of airbrushing out the past.

I hate that as well. Just cause now both guys are good or bad guys doesnt make everyone forget about the massive fued they've had before.

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I agree in the HHH/Orton thing. With the way that fued went, it was so personal and so heated that I really couldn't see the two of them going down the respect line. I could see Orton and Cena going down that way though as, and it was the same with MVP/Hardy, it was more about titles than anything else and they pretty much settled things.

I think most long time fueds can be ignored with the "respect" thing easily enough. But really personal fueds can't be.

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Teddy Long "Smackdown for sure got the better of the draft". I love when they script people to look like idiots.


Cody Rhodes is a fuckin fanny.......wi shite entrance music.

Also, how brutal were the Big Shows punches to Jericho and Edgelaugh.gif .

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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PAC and El Ligero vs. Project Ego was just as good as people would expect it to be, with some mammoth tag team moves and big nearfalls.

They managed to be topped by a corker of a main event between Bad Bones and Lionheart, which is now a front runner for the Scottish MOTY.

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PAC and El Ligero vs. Project Ego was just as good as people would expect it to be, with some mammoth tag team moves and big nearfalls.

They managed to be topped by a corker of a main event between Bad Bones and Lionheart, which is now a front runner for the Scottish MOTY.

A source of minesph34r.gif ...reckons Lionheart will be heading for a WWE tryout soon. Any truth to this? I call bullshit.

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I know of someone getting a tryout, but it isn't Lionheart. Of course, he might be.

I don't think he'd stand much of a chance in WWE anyways. He has everything to make it apart from the size, and his size really is NOT good enough.

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I know of someone getting a tryout, but it isn't Lionheart. Of course, he might be.

I don't think he'd stand much of a chance in WWE anyways. He has everything to make it apart from the size, and his size really is NOT good enough.

I completely agree with that.

Lionheart is great at what he does, and besides Red Lightning he is the best talker in Scotland. Incredibly charismatic and for something so simple, he has a good look, but if he is hoping to go places I feel he really needs to get in about the steroids, which is quite sad, because wrestling is the only "sport" that I can think of that being good just isn't enough if you want to make it.

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What's the boy from work's name ? A ringname would be quite handy.

Lionheart is great at what he does, and besides Red Lightning he is the best talker in Scotland. Incredibly charismatic and for something so simple, he has a good look, but if he is hoping to go places I feel he really needs to get in about the steroids, which is quite sad, because wrestling is the only "sport" that I can think of that being good just isn't enough if you want to make it.

Yeah, it is quite sad. I don't know if Lightning is the best talker. He certainly IS when it comes to being an arsehole heel, but having seen him do the babyface thing as well, he isn't as good at that stuff. Lionheart's a much more well rounded talker, and is the only guy as a heel who I like who has managed to talk me into hating him with a passion using a promo.

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What's the boy from work's name ? A ringname would be quite handy.

Yeah, it is quite sad. I don't know if Lightning is the best talker. He certainly IS when it comes to being an arsehole heel, but having seen him do the babyface thing as well, he isn't as good at that stuff. Lionheart's a much more well rounded talker, and is the only guy as a heel who I like who has managed to talk me into hating him with a passion using a promo.

I don't think I've ever seen him as a face.

I always liked him with Boddington, they were always good for a laugh.

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I always liked him with Boddington, they were always good for a laugh.

Once Boddington gets a good thing going with somebody, it's amazing to watch. Right a full review of PBW last night.

PBW Breaking Limits 5

First thing's first. PBW have a cool new entrance with their banner split in three for the wrestlers to walk through, and a screen beside it. Cool as f**k. Bad news is they didn't have their usual lighting rig and the lighting was dim as hell and made me want to fall asleep. Thankfully the action was good enough for that not to happen.

Wolfgang and BT Gunn df. Carnage and Johnny Moss by pinfall.

This was the first time I'd seen Carnage. He's a nasty German bloke who hits hard. Anyone who makes Johnny Moss look like they hit like a pussy definately needs special mention. Johnny Moss is a big b*****d btw. Looks like he could maul anyone. Carnage hits one of the most vicious kicks ever in this match, basically taking a running punt at the head of BT Gunn. The match was a good opener, as the fans were clearly not liking the horrible beating that BT Gunn was taking and the audience got behind him as a result. A good hot opener. ***

Andy Wild df. Darkside by pinfall.

Andy Wild would be the guy that Charles Boddington manages in PBW. They were building up a decent partnership before, but then PBW seemed to forget about that for some reason. But they're back now. The first half of this match was decent and it seemed to be building into a little gem of a match, but then they went into the second half and the finishing stretch and the whole thing just seemed to fall to shit. I'd like to see a rematch between them because this obviously wasn't the best they can do. **

Sean South df. Red Lightning by pinfall.

Red Lightning had other things on his mind here, and I wonder if that had some sort of impact on how this match went, because it was slightly sloppy in places and not very good. Probably South's worst singles match in PBW to date, but he has had some crackers, so I guess that's not really a fair comparison. *

Liam Thompson and Noam Dar df. CJ Hunter and Johnny Star by pinfall to win the PBW Tag Team Championships.

I love how PBW can just throw a tag team together and make it work. Exhibit : The Final Cut. The team of Liam and Noam. Their first time teaming together and for the first couple of minutes it showed, but from that point onwards it was absolutely quality stuff and all four men clicked brilliantly. The pace of this thing was superb and usually would be the quickest match of the night, as all High Energy matches usually are. Can't wait to see more of this team. ***1/2

At the interval, PBW announce a big TLC Match for their October show in Irvine, but don't say what it's for and who's in it.

Project Ego df. PAC and El Ligero by pinfall.

You put four guys with that much talent into a match, you just know you're gonna see some good stuff, and all four men delivered in a big way. Credit to them for putting on what felt like a top end Japanese junior sprint match for about 10 minutes solid. PAC didn't do much of the big moves, but what he did do looked amazing. Project Ego brought the big double teams as well, and didn't actually do much of their shenanigans which suited the match perfectly. This match was purely about putting on a world class tag team match. They did so. ****1/4

The Highlander df. Justin Thorn by pinfall.

Yeah, couldn't give a f**k.

Lionheart df. Bad Bones by pinfall to retain the PBW Championship.

Lionheart has had some incredible title defences in PBW to date, but this one tops them and might well end up being the Scottish match of the year. Bad Bones is just amazing to watch. Almost every single move the guy did was absolute death. Especially the Suplex on the apron that he did. I honestly thought he had the title when he kicked out of the Frog Splash and then did his Powerbomb/Cloverleaf combo and then dragged Lionheart into the middle of the ring TWICE when he almost got to the ropes. Pure skin of the teeth stuff from Lionheart's point of view and a truly brilliant main event. ****1/2



Well, it was 12 quid in the bleachers. For that you get a cracking view, two stunning matches and two decent ones and some crap thrown in. Not too bad for 12 quid I'd say. If I'd paid 12 quid for the tag and title matches, I'd probably have been a happy man.

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