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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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The Bang 3:16 segment was a fairly average segment with an awesome ending. Austin getting fired was after a dire match so I do find it hard to judge. I can't actually recall Austin's Got McMahon, so you're gonna have to remind me of that. However, the Austin being fired did remind me of the aftermath of Mankind/Austin at Survivor Series 1998 which I completely forgot about. Now THAT was more like what I'd call top notch.

The JR call when Austin jumps off the truck into the red carpeted ring and takes out Vince then gets arrested.

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Sorry, but that IS aimed at someone on here, and I'd agree.

You're also wrong about the crowd. The crowd was absolutely buzzing at what had happened.

It's not aimed at anyone from here. I was on another forum and people were trying to pick holes wherever they could. "Why didn't anyone come out to help?" Maybe because the NXT guys just took out two of the WWE's top guys and also destroyed Luke Gallows, who looks like he can handle himself.

"Why didn't security come out and remove them?" Maybe because we're led to believe that John Cena is Superman and even he, along with 2 other wreslters, who one would assume could fight better than some security guards, couldn't stop them?

They just went on and on trying to complain about nothing. And I didn't mention anything about the crowd.

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Yeah, saying the fans weren't into it is a lie; I heard Danielson getting a good amount of heat when he was standing over Cena, for one thing.. I do wish it could have taken place on the backdrop of an Attitude-era type crowd, but WWE audiences just aren't that loud for anything these days.

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The reason the crowd wasn't into the beatdown is that they have been conditioned for so long to expect Cena to make a miraculous comeback and beat down his attackers. It is very rare for a WWE show these days to finish with the heels standing tall.

I have to say I'm loving this angle so far and hope it leads to something big and not just a Jerry Lawler vs NXT feud or something similar!

Oh and the little kid shouting 'Mr King!' was brilliant! :lol:

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Yeah, saying the fans weren't into it is a lie; I heard Danielson getting a good amount of heat when he was standing over Cena, for one thing.. I do wish it could have taken place on the backdrop of an Attitude-era type crowd, but WWE audiences just aren't that loud for anything these days.

The reason the crowd wasn't into the beatdown is that they have been conditioned for so long to expect Cena to make a miraculous comeback and beat down his attackers. It is very rare for a WWE show these days to finish with the heels standing tall.

Both are too true and compared them to an Attitude Era crowd and it really is night and day.

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It's not aimed at anyone from here. I was on another forum and people were trying to pick holes wherever they could. "Why didn't anyone come out to help?" Maybe because the NXT guys just took out two of the WWE's top guys and also destroyed Luke Gallows, who looks like he can handle himself.

"Why didn't security come out and remove them?" Maybe because we're led to believe that John Cena is Superman and even he, along with 2 other wreslters, who one would assume could fight better than some security guards, couldn't stop them?

They just went on and on trying to complain about nothing. And I didn't mention anything about the crowd.

One thing I hate about wrestlign fans......they always have something to moan about. True, it was a shite episode of Raw, but the ending was perhaps the best angle we've seen on WWE TV in the past 5 to 7 years.

What really sold it for me and gave it the realism I haven't seen in wrestling since I was a kid was Punk trying to help Cena. To have what may be the biggest heel in the company trying to save the poster boy, the ultimate baby face was a stroke of genius.

There is most definetly a throw back to the nWo, youd have to either have missed that whole period of wrestling or be a complete moron to deny that. Of course the guys from NXT are nowhere near the level of the guys in the early stages of the nWo, but as a stable they are so similar.

It's such a breath of fresh air, even though its a rehash of an old story. It's just a pity that WWE has gone all PG, this angle could potentiually be one of the best in recent memory if thye had the freedom to do it right.

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but fucking hell, wrestling fans are idiots.

there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

You're also wrong about the crowd. The crowd was absolutely buzzing at what had happened.

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)

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there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)

Are you done?

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Are you saying I'm wrong?

One of the worst angles ever, the Katie Vick angle, achieved exactly what it was supposed to. I'm not interested in the goal of an angle. Just how good I find it to be.

Both are too true and compared them to an Attitude Era crowd and it really is night and day.

WWE need to get some proper characters going again. There's lots of reasons to cheer and boo guys now, but is there any real reason to go NUTS these days ? John Cena seems to be the only guy to sustain that sort of heat on a regular basis, whether it be a negative or positive reaction. And no, it's NOT because he's been pushed to the moon. Drew McIntyre got a monster heel push and they flung everything plus the kitchen sink at him. Cena gets the heat because he's good at what he does.

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)

You know this from experience ?

I've been to a few shows in the US and I'd say that this couldn't be further from the truth, albeit it was ROH and CZW shows I was at.

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were the police on what we're allowed to get excited about ? People get excited by dramas and TV shows and movies all of the time.

I can't believe you seem to be arguing that there's something wrong with being emotionally invested in pro-wrestling, as if there's actually something wrong with it. On the contrary, it's the best way to be. Wouldn't be as much fun otherwise.

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there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)

post-15201-12761063829335_thumb.jpg :lol:

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there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)

Worst rant ever.

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At what point was this? I heard no chants, boos, only the crowd talking amongst themselves.

A stunned silence doesn't neccesarily make for a dead crowd. The crowd seemed shocked at what was going on, at no point in that segment did it corss my mind that they didn't care, more that they didn't know what to think.

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Both are too true and compared them to an Attitude Era crowd and it really is night and day.

Had we still been in the attitude era, the crowd would have gone bush.

I still think it's folly to say that the crowd didn't care though. At least they are trying to mix it up a bit and create something good for a chance.

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there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)

It's still real to me dammit!


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there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by garymcc1874
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I think if this had been a long term plan there would have been more build up to it. It happened too quickly for it to be anything they have put too much thought into. Hopefully they will see the fans positive reaction to it and book it correctly from here.

Firstly, I think we can take it for granted they were behind the attack on The Taker. Now, what I think they should do is add a couple of the more established names into the mix to give the invasion more credibility. Jericho is floundering at the moment, put him into the mix for a start. As Barrett's mentot, he would be a perfect leader of the pack.

I still think they will f**k it up and it will all be over within two weeks though.

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