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Mo Wonderboy

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At this point I'm guessing that Wade Barretts title shot will be a WWE title shot against Cena?

Oh and:

The NXT invasion on RAW and the recent storyline with Daniel Bryan vs. Michael Cole are examples of a new company philosophy where they want to do more angles that are "out of the WWE norm." The movement now is to give the shows a more reality-based feel.

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This storyline has massive potential, like mentioned before I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the NXT rookies were responsible for what " happened " to The Undertaker.

I would be however be surprised if they were acting under instruction from anyone other than Jericho or Cole ( perhaps both ? )

Edited by GordieBoy80
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Look at the lack of heat McIntyre generated even after a massive heel push. Surely that must tell the powers to be that these rookies will need someone established to help generate it. Fair enough, Danielson and Barrett are part over, but the majority of the others are a bit, well, pish.

I'm all for Cole helping them if it means JR back behind the microphone, but something tells me that ain't gonna happen.

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Look at the lack of heat McIntyre generated even after a massive heel push. Surely that must tell the powers to be that these rookies will need someone established to help generate it. Fair enough, Danielson and Barrett are part over, but the majority of the others are a bit, well, pish.

I'm all for Cole helping them if it means JR back behind the microphone, but something tells me that ain't gonna happen.

I'd quite like Cole to do both...lead the rookies and keep on commentary. It worked with Heyman during the Invasion angle.

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I'd quite like Cole to do both...lead the rookies and keep on commentary. It worked with Heyman during the Invasion angle.

Too right, heel commentators = Win. Heyman was awesome at it, and I think Cole would be too, he's a natural heel.

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Too right, heel commentators = Win. Heyman was awesome at it, and I think Cole would be too, he's a natural heel.

I jus loved the whole thing about it....it became a feud between the commentators too. Imagine the same with Cole and King....it would end the dull, boring, weak, shite commentary we have been fed over the last five years or so.

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I jus loved the whole thing about it....it became a feud between the commentators too. Imagine the same with Cole and King....it would end the dull, boring, weak, shite commentary we have been fed over the last five years or so.

Aye, and it would no doubt end in King smacking Cole and then King getting the shite kicked out him by the rookies.

BTW, nobody has mentioned the armbands the rookies were wearing with the letter 'N' on them. Anything we should take from that or is it just a sign of unity like an nWo t shirt or summit?

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I jus loved the whole thing about it....it became a feud between the commentators too. Imagine the same with Cole and King....it would end the dull, boring, weak, shite commentary we have been fed over the last five years or so.

In an interview, Paul E said that the heel-face 'banter' between him and JR was more shoot than work since JR would get legitimately riled by a lot of the things he'd say, and sometimes refuse to speak to him after the show. :lol:

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Aye, and it would no doubt end in King smacking Cole and then King getting the shite kicked out him by the rookies.

BTW, nobody has mentioned the armbands the rookies were wearing with the letter 'N' on them. Anything we should take from that or is it just a sign of unity like an nWo t shirt or summit?

N for NXT surely? Not a hard one to work out.

And I actually thought Heyman was quite annoying on commentary.

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N for NXT surely? Not a hard one to work out.

And I actually thought Heyman was quite annoying on commentary.

His partnership with JR in 2001 was nothing short of magnificent - only the JR/King (Attitude Era) and Heenan/Monsoon partnerships beat it.

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I only started watching wrestling again after this year's Wrestlemania, and the ending to Raw was BY FAR the best thing they have done in that time. It's ridiculous to judge it by comparing it to the Attitude Era - wrestling will never be as good as that (although even that tends to be looked at through rose tinted spectacles).

I think it would be pish to add any of the 'pros' to the NXT/'rookies' stable. Would take the heat and attention away from the NXT lads, and would create the mindset that they need a 'pro' (the very people they seem to be opposing) to be any kind of threat. Basically it would diminish their overall threat.

Absolutely. It has to remain with the rookies for now.

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I only started watching wrestling again after this year's Wrestlemania, and the ending to Raw was BY FAR the best thing they have done in that time. It's ridiculous to judge it by comparing it to the Attitude Era - wrestling will never be as good as that (although even that tends to be looked at through rose tinted spectacles).

Trust me, it's the best thing to have happened on WWE TV in a few years, thats, how bad the stories and angles have been.

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Daniel Bryan released http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/14734694

WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.

This surely must be a work? Although I don't think they have ever used the future endeavous statement as part of a storyline before.

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According to the Meltz it may be legit, im thinking its part of the new 'swerve the IWC' mentality the wwe is developing.... I say work.

It has to be a work. Now, I'm no Danielson fanboy, in fact, I had never seen any of his stuff before NXT, but even I know from limited viewing there is good potential there. The fans were also behind him, so I don't see how him getting sacked would benefit anyone.

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