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Mo Wonderboy

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Former WWE star Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson, the name we'll have to get used to calling him by again) was released today as punishment for going beyond the company's PG standards and practices during the NXT invasion angle on Monday, according to sources within the company. The belief among those I spoke to is that when Danielson choked Justin Roberts with his tie, he broke a company protocol that was put in place after the Benoit tragedy that talents were not to use ropes or objects to choke opponents.

I am told that the final decision was made earlier today and Danielson was informed shortly before the company publicly announced it. For those who are thinking this is an angle, I am told by everyone I have spoken to that it is not, although I want to point out a number of wrestlers in the company do believe it is a work.

For those who are wondering why the company is giving Danielson such a harsh punishment, well a former company executive is running for office, although how much of a cause and effect is there is anyone's guess. It's certainly a viable theory, since the company has been very gun shy about going outside of their PG rating.

There's no word as to whether Danielson was aware of the protocol at the time of the angle, although the Roberts choking was one of the elements that made the end of Raw so memorable. It's interesting to note that at least on the company's Youtube.com channel, the incident, including the choke, are still available for viewing.

The loss of Danielson will immediately change the future of the WWE NXT angle since he was considered the most versatile and well rounded performer of the group and would have been extremely important in carry the brunt of the in-ring work load.

The release of Danielson does put him in an amazing position on the independent scene. How many top flight stars get signed, leave, and get released right after laying out the WWE champion?

We'll have more on this as it develops

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Just a thought actually .. could it be a way of having his name changed back to Bryan Danielson or whatever it was? They seemed to hint at that on NXT 1 week, then completely ignored it ever since. :unsure:

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If true then theres th exact moment WWE fucked up the whole angle.

Thye wanted the rookies to get over by having them viciously beat everyone in sight and then fire a guy for it? It would have ot be one of the weakest excuses in wrestling history for firing somebody.

I'm not so sure right now, but it doesn't seem like WWE to use the firing of somebody on the official site as a work.

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Vince McMahon is in charge of production, therefore was the one responsible for the choking getting on air. This is a work.

Thats what I was thinking....he's the one with the headset backstage calling the shots, from what camera shots we get to what is said on his air time. As has been said, something doesn't seem quite right.

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Vince McMahon is in charge of production, therefore was the one responsible for the choking getting on air. This is a work.

It was live, and they cut the choking out from the replay on SD. Plus, the reports from writers such as Meltzer are suggesting that a major partner of WWE(a toy maker - Mattel or something?) are the ones who wanted action taken. They're also saying that WWE are just keeping Bryan away until things have died down, and he'll be re-signed shortly.

Who knows. Intriguing, though.

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Regardless of whether it was live or not, Vinnie Mac still calls all the shots.

Still, the way this is being reported, it was well after the show aired that the controversy ensued.

Basically, I'm thinking that there's a mix of work and shoot here. I do think he's been legitimately let go, but that Vince has had a word in his ear saying he'll be brought back in to continue as part of the stable just as soon as all of this has blown over. Benefits being that they're seen as taking a firm stance to whatever major partner complained, and they somewhat work the fans, smarks included. I can see him taking some indy dates mean time.

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I mean for fucks sake.

If this is indeed legit, then they have well and truly fucked this entire angle right up. As a few others have said though, the fact that the camera focused on it for so long suggests that Vince wasn't particularly fussed about it. If he was he'd have ordered the cameras to switch almost instantly away from what was going on. It was quite probably the best part of the segment as it looked absolutely legit and showed off the brutality of the group.

I'm hoping it's a work right enough, but the WWE have done so much in the last 5 years to fuck up any momentum they've had and so I wouldn't be surprised. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he was continually 'showing up' on WWE television to disrupt goings on and assist the NXT stable.

I'm sure we'll find out on Monday. If they work his firing onto TV for the 'brutality of his actions' then it will certainly be a work.

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Daniel Bryan released http://www.wwe.com/i...e/news/14734694

This surely must be a work? Although I don't think they have ever used the future endeavous statement as part of a storyline before.

M.Hardy? Well sort of anyway.

I don't think it is a work. I dont think WWE had a problem with it until one of their major sponsors or something started being funny buggers about it. If I was TNA I would be offering him big bucks the minute his no-compete clause expires. Won't be the last we hear of this anyway.

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M.Hardy? Well sort of anyway.

I don't think it is a work. I dont think WWE had a problem with it until one of their major sponsors or something started being funny buggers about it. If I was TNA I would be offering him big bucks the minute his no-compete clause expires. Won't be the last we hear of this anyway.

It is indeed legit. Apparently WWE are gonna wait for things to blow over and bring him back, but indeed there was outside complaints. WWE would have had to have lied to their investors and shareholders for this to be a work.

WWE will probably allow for some indy work to keep him fresh untill he goes back to WWE.

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Oh and was I the only one who thought that that Rosie burd on Impact was Tara in a fat suit laugh.gif

The MCMG's took her to pieces on commentary and commentary on Impact! for once was actually worth listening to.

With Angle vs Kazarian at the June PPV, Angle will surely face the number 9 rank guy at Victory Road. So at Victory Road, Joe vs Angle?tongue.giftongue.gif

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Kaz vs. Kurt Angle on Slammiversary ? Yass ! I've got that PPV on download at the moment. I'm liking the idea of Angle taking on all of these guys one at a time. Seems like an excuse for TNA to throw him in there against all of the top guys for a good match, but hey, I'm not complaining !

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Aye, the biggest star of WWE coming out and publically slating the promotion he backs to the hilt because he's a company guy makes this seem much less of a work. ;)

They'd piss off a lot of people if it was a work, and they wouldn't risk lying to investors for the sake of one indy darling.

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