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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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We reported awhile back that WWE is billing the November 15th edition of Raw as an "Old School" show. Earlier today, WWE.com revealed that the following legends are scheduled to appear on the show:

Sgt. Slaughter

Dusty Rhodes

Jimmy Snuka

Roddy Piper

Iron Sheik

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan


In response TNA said that they will do likewise, every single week, featuring such legends as;

Hulk Hogan

Ric Flair

Kevin Nash

Mick Foley

Eric Bischoff

Jeff Jarrett


Edited by DA Baracus
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Dusty Rhodes was on NXT this week, along with The Million Dollar Man, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase for Goldust's wedding. Aksana married Goldust and when it was official slapped him and walked off. Don't watch NXT anymore but worth mentioning this as this storyline seems to tie in to RAW as well.

Edited by garymcc1874
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That's BS because you haven't seen Kurt Angle vs Anderson's....

And you haven't seen a single second of Miz/Bryan/Cole!

Angle and Anderson at Lockdown and you mean Bound for Glory?

I'll need to watch that match at some point. And I did mean BFG, apologies.

Good news, Linda McMahon lost her race to become US Senate. I wonder if there's a chance WWE will go back to TV-14 instead of PG?

TV-14 doesn't necessarily mean it'll be better. The only thing they needed was the Nexus busting people open IMO.

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Nash has been twittering about the Royal Rumble.

If Big Kev was a surprise entrant i would be over joyed

That would be immense, cant see it happening right enough.

Out of interest, do TNA do the same thing WWE do when folk leave, as in they cant work for anyone else for 3 months?

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If you leave TNA, you're good to go. Homicide appeared on PPV not long ago for Dragon Gate USA.

Ah cool. I didnt even know Homicide had left. I dont follow TNA much any more. If you miss 1 week of Impact then you miss about 4 backstage brawls, 7 guys getting busted open, 3 heel turns, somebody returning and a couple of face turns. And I've now missed about 7 Impacts in a row so I aint gonna try figure out what the hells going on their now.

While I want TNA to do well and get bigger, its hard to watch when their programming is so awful.

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Impact had actually been good the two weeks previous to that week's abortion of a show. Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy are standouts at the moment. Jeff Hardy's sinister edge works brilliantly.

I don't know about Kevin Nash. I think he has a lot to offer, especially with WWE's heavily scripted promos, but do we trust WWE not to f**k it up ?

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I turned it off, rather than not watch, but what I seen pretty much poisoned my mind on last week's Impact. I'll still watch this week as I think the chances of that same sort of opening happening two weeks running are fairly slim.

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