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Mo Wonderboy

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I feel for Sheamus, as he has gone off the boil ever since he took out Triple H, as you can tell he's been waiting on his return yet HHH hasn't comeback and instead Sheamus has done nothing relevant, apart from becoming Morrison's bitch.

I would have had this years Wrestlemania look something like this,

WWE Title: The Miz v Randy Orton v CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title: Edge v Christian v Alberto Del Rio

Streak Match: Undertaker v Cena

Rival Match: Sheamus v HHH

MITB: Swagger v Mysterio v Kingston v Rhodes v Bryan v Ziggler v Morrison v Barrett

Giants Match: Big Show v Kane v Nash

Tag Titles: Sanlov v Nexus v Corre

As you can see, Cena doesn't always have to be involved in a title match at Wrestlemania.

This year, i would have him go for the streak as it would allow four superstars (Miz/Punk/Christian/Del Rio) to solidify themselves as big game players. Plus, if The Rock returned to action for one match, i would have him against Cena at Mania in Miami next year.

You can even give Cena a hate feud instead of a title match, the one against Nexus would have been perfect, as if the WWE had played their cards right then that storyline could have ended at Mania.

He would still be headlining though. Undertaker vs Cena would be a huge match but I have no idea how they would work it. Most people would go nuts if Cena was to end the streak, and a Cena defeat at Mania would upset the kids. Unless it involved a MASSIVE heel turn for Cena then it would put Vince in a difficult position.

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They are elevating them to upper card status!

Kingston - Intercontinental champion, just had a PPV match with the man who'll headline Mania and has been in the Elimination Chamber before

Nope, i'm not having that one.

Kofi is being mis-used big time, he gets bigger reactions than the likes of Morrison, Miz, Ziggler and Del Rio, yet he's been stuck in the mid-card.

Why? Perhaps it's because the fact that he's black is why he's not being pushed, the highest point he can seem to get to is the Intercontinental Title, which is like a lock as he doesn't go anywhere, while his recent opponents like Swagger and Ziggler have been pushed to the main event.

He should be in the main event picture by now.

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He would still be headlining though. Undertaker vs Cena would be a huge match but I have no idea how they would work it. Most people would go nuts if Cena was to end the streak, and a Cena defeat at Mania would upset the kids. Unless it involved a MASSIVE heel turn for Cena then it would put Vince in a difficult position.

Yes, yet it wouldn't be boring as it would be the first time since Wrestlemania 21, where he's involved in a non title match. This would allow other superstars to make themselves legit big time players, if they're involved in title matches at the biggest stage of them all.

I reckon most WWE fans reckon Cena should turn heel as he's dragged the arse out of his current character, which has been stale for a while. Whether Vince has the balls to do it, is another thing.

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I Think Wrestlemania will be this

Tag Titles: Sanlov v Nexus v Corre

MITB: Swagger v Kane v Kingston v Sheamus v Bryan v Ziggler v Morrison v Barrett

Randy Orton v CM Punk

Mysterio v Rhodes

Streak Match v Career : Undertaker v HHH (HBK GUEST REF)

Some shite diva battle royal

Lawler v Cole

World Heavyweight Title: Edge v Christian v Alberto Del Rio

WWE Title: The Miz v John Cena

Edited by Djayict
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Nope, i'm not having that one.

Kofi is being mis-used big time, he gets bigger reactions than the likes of Morrison, Miz, Ziggler and Del Rio, yet he's been stuck in the mid-card.

Why? Perhaps it's because the fact that he's black is why he's not being pushed, the highest point he can seem to get to is the Intercontinental Title, which is like a lock as he doesn't go anywhere, while his recent opponents like Swagger and Ziggler have been pushed to the main event.

He should be in the main event picture by now.

Bollocks. Absolute bollocks. The fact that he's black? Are you joking with that comment? Gets bigger reactions than the 4 you mentioned? Whit?

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WWE Title: The Miz v Randy Orton v CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title: Edge v Christian v Alberto Del Rio

Streak Match: Undertaker v Cena

Rival Match: Sheamus v HHH

MITB: Swagger v Mysterio v Kingston v Rhodes v Bryan v Ziggler v Morrison v Barrett

Giants Match: Big Show v Kane v Nash

Tag Titles: Sanlov v Nexus v Corre

Add in Lawler vs Cole and that's a decent card, for me.

Some guy posted this on another forum:

If I may dream book for a second. Punk Orton happens at WM, match is going through the motions. Glass breaks, Stone Cold comes down stuns Orton (for stealing his schtick) Punk covers, wins, Offers Punk a Beer, Punk declines because he is straight Edge, Austin stuns him, big pop.

Pretty dope.

Edited by forehead7
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Bollocks. Absolute bollocks. The fact that he's black? Are you joking with that comment? Gets bigger reactions than the 4 you mentioned? Whit?

No, i'm not joking with that comment, what other reason could there be as to why he isn't getting pushed even though he does get bigger crowd reactions than Morrison, Ziggler, Del Rio and The Miz?

Black superstars have much less of a chance of making it big in the WWE, than white superstars.

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No, i'm not joking with that comment, what other reason could there be as to why he isn't getting pushed even though he does get bigger crowd reactions than Morrison, Ziggler, Del Rio and The Miz?

Black superstars have much less of a chance of making it big in the WWE, than white superstars.

Because the c**t's clueless in the ring and botches more than anyone else.

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No, i'm not joking with that comment, what other reason could there be as to why he isn't getting pushed even though he does get bigger crowd reactions than Morrison, Ziggler, Del Rio and The Miz?

Black superstars have much less of a chance of making it big in the WWE, than white superstars.

He's not getting bigger crowd reactions than any of those guys, you are wrong there.

I like Kofi Kingston, in ring he is very good. However, he isn't quite there on the mic IMO, although that will hopefully come.

Which black wrestlers do you feel have been held down by the WWE? There is absolutely no issue with race holding guys back in the WWE.

Edited by Marshmallo
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That PPV was really, really flat in the middle. Instead of having that shat crappy Kelly Kelly bit they should have been pressing on with Mania promos. By this time last year we already knew abot the HBK v Taker, Vince v Bret and Sheamus v HHH matches, and they were building up nicely, as well as the two title matches.

This year, we only know about the two title matches, and to be honest with you, I won't be paying my heard earned cash for those. They could appear on any card, any week of the year. They aren't really fit for an occasion like Wrestlemania. So far the only thing that excites me is The Rock's return. That in itself is not probably not enough to get me to spend money on Mania.

Bluntly put, they need to up the ante tonight, and not just with the return of The Undertaker.

For all that the current young Superstars are making good progress, are they good enough to carry Mania and get the buys without the appearance of the likes of HHH, HBK and dare I say it, Sting? I don't think so to be honest.

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Chris Jericho is rumored to appear on the next of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, according to various mainstream news outlets including USA Today.

Wich would rule out a Y2J return well a least to the summer

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He's not getting bigger crowd reactions than any of those guys, you are wrong there.

I like Kofi Kingston, in ring he is very good. However, he isn't quite there on the mic IMO, although that will hopefully come.

Which black wrestlers do you feel have been held down by the WWE? There is absolutely no issue with race holding guys back in the WWE.

I don't agree, i believe that Kofi Kingston is more popular than Ziggler or Del Rio. However, it would be fairer to compare him with another face, so lets go with, John Morrison. You can hear a pin drop when Morrison enters the ring, Kofi on the other hand gets the crowd excited and can get them going. Are you honestly telling me that you've heard more "Lets Go Morrison" than "Lets Go Kofi" chants? :huh:

Also disagree on Kofi using the mic. Kofi is fine on the mic, it's just people like yourself assume that he's not quite there, because he doesn't get much mic time. Do you remember when Kofi feuded with Orton? Kofi was tremendous on the mic. Plus he's a lot more accomplished at using a mic than Morrison and Ziggler, yet they've been pushed.

This is why i feel Kofi is being kept down and as such is not being able to push through the glass ceiling. He reminds me of another black guy, MVP, a guy with tons of talent, yet WWE never let him show his true ability on a main event level. I can see the same thing happening with Kofi, as even though he should be a big time player, he probably won't get there and will just be stuck in the mid-card.

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Kofi Kingston clearly had bags of potential in the main event scene after his fued with Randy Orton. He was over, he was decent on the mic and was doing absolutely nothing wrong and then, much like they did to Jack Swagger, basically sent him with his tail between back to the midcard for no reason.

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Swagger has suffered due to the number of heels on Smackdown. I could see him turning face soon. I reckon he would get over better that way anyway.

What is the status of Nash, is he with the company, or was the Rumble a one off?

I think Nash signed a Legends contract with WWE, not 100% certain though.

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Anyone else checked in on NWA Championship from Hollywood? Pretty good roster by the looks of it, Colt Cabana, Sean 'X-Pac' Waltman and PAUL freakin' BEARER (under his real name Percy Pringle III) and Austin Aries. They have all 23 of their shows available for free online at NWA Hollywood.

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