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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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The Jericho thing had me intrigued so I decided to watch again, and by god I was glad I did. So much to like.

* BRODUS FUCKING CLAY~~~!!! If ANYTHING was worth the build he got, it was that. "SAWOOSH!!!" :lol:

* Daniel Bryan's post-match celebration! And of course, the LaBell Lock actually being over.

* Swagger vs. Punk = good. Added fuckup from the ref = even better,

* Chris Jericho's fake tears of joy. That being said, they're gonna have to do something with that pretty soon.

* Edge being in the Hall of Fame.

* Ricardo's half arsed attempts at the insults and R-Truth's embracing of the audience, as well as the "WHAT?!"

* The "where is it going?" also being with Kane/Ryder/Cena. I'd like it to lead to Ryder beating Kane, but it'll probably be Cena, but Ryder's stock will be higher for sure.

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Strange that P&B largely agrees that was a fantastic RAW and by far the best in a long time, but it doesn't seem to have went down too well with a lot of folk elsewhere. :unsure:

Depends where you look. Supersmarks will always shit on everything as the generally think they should work for creative. Obviously this thread is a majority of smarks, but there's nothing super about us lottongue.gif, but most can decipher good shows from bad. It's one of the better places to post on now, so much so that I've all but given up on even reading about wrestling anywhere else. This is the only place I read or post on now.

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