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Mo Wonderboy

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Not my personal choice but it seems likely to me.

I'd like to see Hatton do something with Orton instead.

It's not likely at all. I can't see it being even close. The Big Show getting knocked out would be the dumbest idea they've come up with in some time. Even in kayfabe terms it would look ridiculous. WWE bookers are stupid at times, but they aren't THAT stupid. I've mentioned the lengths they went to for the Mayweather match to make a knockout close to realistic. If Hatton punches Show, the only reaction I'd want to see is a kick in the mouth.

I can see it either being The Miz or Chavo Guerrero. The problem with Randy Orton is that WWE is too high on him to be wanting him knocked out by a non-wrestler. Would be much more credible than The Big Show, but I'm not sure that WWE would look at that as viable.

This is all assuming someone gets knocked out !

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It's not likely at all. I can't see it being even close. The Big Show getting knocked out would be the dumbest idea they've come up with in some time. Even in kayfabe terms it would look ridiculous. WWE bookers are stupid at times, but they aren't THAT stupid. I've mentioned the lengths they went to for the Mayweather match to make a knockout close to realistic. If Hatton punches Show, the only reaction I'd want to see is a kick in the mouth.

I can see it either being The Miz or Chavo Guerrero. The problem with Randy Orton is that WWE is too high on him to be wanting him knocked out by a non-wrestler. Would be much more credible than The Big Show, but I'm not sure that WWE would look at that as viable.

This is all assuming someone gets knocked out !

Shane McMahon made Orton and Legacy look like shite single handedly not so long ago, why would it be worse to be ko'd by Ricky Hatton?

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Shane McMahon made Orton and Legacy look like shite single handedly not so long ago, why would it be worse to be ko'd by Ricky Hatton?

Shane McMahon is the boss' son. I think we both know that HIM making Orton look bad is a bit of a different thing.

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Whats different about it?

I'd say the amount of pull Ricky Hatton has is quite a bit smaller. Again, this should be blatantly obvious.

Shane McMahon could probably make anyone on the roster look like shit if he really wanted to. He did it with Kane as well. He did it because he's Vince McMahon's son.

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Shuggie don't you know? Dom Dom knows EVERYTHING, remember he eats, sleeps and shits wrestling :rolleyes:

Or I know that Shane McMahon is Vince McMahon's son, and can get away with making stars look like shit.

He's now done it twice.

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Or I know that Shane McMahon is Vince McMahon's son, and can get away with making stars look like shit.

He's now done it twice.

What did Shane do to make Orton look shit? Cant really remember that fued to well.

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What did Shane do to make Orton look shit? Cant really remember that fued to well.

It wasn't just Randy Orton. Should make that pretty clear.

Randy Orton was coming off the back of the Royal Rumble win as well as being HUGELY over after punting Vince McMahon before he had the chance to fire him. This brought Shane McMahon back to get revenge for his dad. What transpired was a fued where Shane McMahon repeatedly not only got the better of Orton in fights, but also managed to fight off Legacy on his own too a few times.

The great thing about Shane McMahon matches before were that he used to be some sort of guy that just took huge and stupid amounts of punishment. Even against a skinny guy in the midcard like X-Pac, he never stood a chance without the help of about five guys. That's the way it SHOULD be.

The fued with Shane McMahon basically lost Randy Orton every bit of momentum that had been gained from the punt to Vince. He managed to get some of it back thankfully thanks to his antics with Triple H, but by the time Wrestlemania rolled in, he was a much smaller deal than he was before the Shane McMahon fued.

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It wasn't just Randy Orton. Should make that pretty clear.

Randy Orton was coming off the back of the Royal Rumble win as well as being HUGELY over after punting Vince McMahon before he had the chance to fire him. This brought Shane McMahon back to get revenge for his dad. What transpired was a fued where Shane McMahon repeatedly not only got the better of Orton in fights, but also managed to fight off Legacy on his own too a few times.

The great thing about Shane McMahon matches before were that he used to be some sort of guy that just took huge and stupid amounts of punishment. Even against a skinny guy in the midcard like X-Pac, he never stood a chance without the help of about five guys. That's the way it SHOULD be.

The fued with Shane McMahon basically lost Randy Orton every bit of momentum that had been gained from the punt to Vince. He managed to get some of it back thankfully thanks to his antics with Triple H, but by the time Wrestlemania rolled in, he was a much smaller deal than he was before the Shane McMahon fued.

Oh aye, I mind that now, that's the only time I've really not liked what Shane's been doing. I've always liked Shane O'Mac and his matches, but yeah I remember seeing that and wondering why Legacy were getting their ass kicked by a non-wrestler.

Anyone go to the house show at Braehead tonight? If so, any good?

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ECW on Sci-Fi 03/11/2009

Opening promo basically to say that Christian has had enough and he'll give a title shot to Regal, only for Regal to turn down the offer. Regal wants his terms. He wants the title match in the UK, and gets that.

William Regal vs. Goldust

Not often you'll get this combined age in an ECW match ! It's always great fun to watch Regal unload on people. The match was way too long considering who was in it and what they were going for. The ending was horrible too. All over the place here and I just wasn't into it. *

Backstage with Rosa Mendes and Zack Ryder. We see something terrific in Ryder's head. That's two awesome wee moments that's been on WWE TV this week.

Zack Ryder vs. Shelton Benjamin

Wow. I'm amazed. This match was actually pretty fucking bad. It started more awkwardly than I have seen a WWE match start in yonks and then it just did not get anywhere. Horrible. DUD

We have a promo between Hurricane and Burchill next. They set up one more match between the pair, and they have a mask vs. ECW career match set up. Wasn't a bad promo actually. Burchill is the best new guy for promos right now.

Abraham Washington and Tony Atlas are backstage next. Then we see HOYT~~~!!! Well, it's actually Vance Archer if you want the ECW name.

Then we see clips of Chris Masters. YAY !!!

Vance Archer vs. Logan Jones

SQUASH~~~!!! Hoyt is going to murder this poor sod. It turns out he did so in pretty amusing fashion. Reverse DDT as a finisher though ? Not amused. N/A

Vladimir Kozlov and Big Zeke vs. Christian and Yoshi Tatsu

You can predict these matches pretty easily. Another of those bog standard tag team matches that you'll see at least two of every single week. We've already had two this week if you count the six man on RAW. Nothing to see here. Move along. *1/2

Team Regal attacks after the match.



Apart from setting up for the main event next week, this show did absolutely nothing at all, and even had a really shit match on it. Poor show.

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I knew I recognized that big guy. Lance Hoyt. Could be a good asset if they didn't give him such a bland name and crappy gimmick.

He has the same gimmick as Sheamus and McIntyre seem to have. "Intense". Infact, loads of the heels have that same boring gimmick. It's as if creative don't have many ideas ...

That said, he looks much better with the short hair.

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TNA Impact 06/11/2009

We open with Dixie Carter talking to the TNA roster. She basically says support TNA and her or choose not to, and find somewhere else to work. We did not need to see a single word of that boring piece of shite.

AJ Styles heads for the ring. Hulk Hogan isn't half dominating the landscape of TNA right now, is he ? Styles goes on about changes and stuff and then goes on to talk about the attacks that have been made on him. Daniels heads for the ring, and he's pissed that Styles could think he can do it, and then has a bitchfest. Samoa Joe decides there is no party without him. He says he wants what AJ Styles has and claims Daniels is jealous and is attacking him. Styles wants Daniels tonight.

Eric Young and Rob Terry vs. Beer Money Inc.

Beer ... MONEY !!! Rob Terry is just bloody awful. The only thing he has going for him is the fact that he's a monster of a man. When he tries to look hard, he looks like he's about to cry. He even manages to botch a Back Body Drop and drops the poor guy on his nose. When the Money get control of this match it can be entertaining, but this is bad. 1/4*

British Invasion hit the ring and attack Beer Money. The MCMG come out of nowhere and attack the British Invasion.

Backstage with the Beautiful People and they take us to the set for their new movie. They see ODB and decide to mock her. That might not be the best idea. They then attack ODB when she kicks one of them.

Jay Lethal is now with Lauren. He wants to be the first to welcome Hogan to TNA, and then puts out an open challenge to anyone with legendary status.

Now we have Mick Foley backstage with JB and tells Jeremy that what happened with Abyss is between the two of them. He asks JB if there's CCTV footage that he should be worried about and then says he's got a surprise for Abyss.

Desmond Wolfe vs. Cody Deaner

This one lasts 5 seconds. What else should be said ? N/A

He just goes, gets his jacket and leaves. There's something oddly cool about that. Oh, he's gonna talk. He says that Deaner is just another victim, and doesn't understand why Kurt Angle wants back into the ring, and gives Angle the match that he wants at Turning Point. "I'm hungry like a wolf.". Oh dear. He should not have said that.

Suicide is now backstage. He says that there's a reason he conceals himself, and he won't be sharing that.

Brother Ray and Devon are with Lauren. We go over the Rhino being paranoid thing. He shows up and basically fans the flames for that. Team 3D basically say they're looking forward to their match with Morgan and Hernandez.

Someone attacks AJ Styles from behind and then Samoa Joe attacks Daniels in the ring, probably just to take advantage of things. So we don't get Daniels vs. Styles then ?

Tara vs. Hamada

This should be alright. This is really physical stuff between these two guys. It's always fun to watch two people just stiff each other like crazy in a match. There's one moment where Tara gets kicked in the face which is particularly entertaining. **

Awesome Kong comes down held by security, and Tara with a Plancha onto everyone. The brawl between the two women is going nuts and I can't wait untill Turning Point when these two face off in the cage.

Mick Foley is now heading for the ring. He has a gift for Abyss, who he brings out. He basically sings the praises of Abyss and he did what he did with Abyss because he wanted to see how good and tough Abyss is. He then gives Abyss his gift, which is a painting of Abyss and Foley together. Great. He then says next week, Abyss can take Dr. Stevie out of TNA by pinning him.

Backstage with Scott Steiner. He basically goes on about Crystal again and how she isn't getting any from Lashley.

Homicide vs. Bobby Lashley

This one starts with Lashley's wife getting sent to the back. This match is almost the exact opposite of a squash match. Homicide takes complete control and then Lashley gets one move in and wins with it. N/A

Homicide tries to attack with the boot, and Lashley catches him. Scott Steiner is with Crystal and he is being aggressive and then Lashley beats the ever loving shit out of him.

The Amazing Red then hits the ring and attacks Homicide, who will be the opponent for Turning Point.

Do I get time to breathe now ?

Madison Rayne vs. Taylor Wilde

A complete nothing of a match. Some forearms and strikes and then a pin. So I guess the answer to my question is "no" then. N/A

The Beautiful People hit the ring, but then Surita comes down and helps out, but the 3 on 2 advantage means the People take control again. ODB then runs to the ring and helps out.

Backstage to Morgan and Hernandez and Morgan says that Team 3D are history.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

So we're getting this match now ? These two guys click very well, so even with limited time and leaving an absolute boatload in the tank, this match remains very entertaining while it's on. **1/4

Samoa Joe attacks after the match and puts in the Choke.

Team 3D vs. Matt Morgan and Hernandez

This whole storyline has been rather intriguing so far. I wonder where they decide to take it. When you have three our of four guys in a match being as boring as sin, then you WILL get a boring match. Rhino comes down during the match to continue this cool fued though, so points for that. 1/2*

After the match, seeing as Rhino helped Team 3D win, he thinks they're all mates and raises hands and stuff while Team 3D don't know what to make of it. I have no idea where this is going, but I'll be damned if Rhino going mental isn't good.



Not a GOOD show, but this won't bore you a single bit. The pace of the show is enough to leave you breathless with stuff constantly happening.

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McIntyre has done good for himself. He use to wrestle with my mate. My mate wasnt good enough. Is is true McIntyre is the first person to be signed up by Vince McMahon? Or something along them lines?

They did a storyline where Vince McMahon officially gave him a contract for Smackdown. That's about as close as Drew got to being signed up by the Mac.

Apparently he walked right off the plane and into his first match. :lol:

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Maybe thats all i heard, not to sure. I new he was wrestling in florida i think for a while. It was Jake the Snake who seen his potential in Colorado

It was actually the UK's own Robbie Brookside who passed on his recommendations. ;)

Robbie Brookside passed on a few names and a couple of them ended up getting signed in some sort of crazy mass signing spree that WWE were on. Some of them names ended up seeing the door, but the UK/Irish contingent have done well for themselves.

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WWE Superstars 05/11/2009

We continue with the week's WWE with Superstars. Should have Smackdown watched later as well. Watching WWE with no spoilers is great fun.

Santino Marella vs. Chavo Guerrero

That was just about the worst first impression that this show could have made on me, having Santino walk through the curtain. Of course, I always forget that Santino is a very entertaining wrestler. I just love watching him in control of matches. Just let this guy wrestle instead of talking. Please ? Chavo isn't anywhere near the wrestler he used to be so we have to rely on Santino to make this watchable and that's exactly what he does. **

Jack Swagger vs. Primo

Again ? Loved the ending to this match, and just goes to show that Swagger is, indeed, pretty damn good. I don't see the point of this match though. It just went the same way as their last match, so why not feed Swagger someone higher up in the RAW food chain, or even some jobber that they have no problems feeding to the likes of Sheamus. Anyroads, it was an alright match, but nothing you haven't seen a million times before. *

Paul Burchill vs. Tyler Reks

What's this ? Blood ? On Superstars ? I mark. Also mark out for the head droppage on the Jackhammer. Danger Buster indeed. This match was pretty bad though. You can add Burchill to the list of people who can be pretty boring on offense when he's phoning it in. DUD

Chris Jericho vs. Finlay


I have to say, I am REALLY looking forward to seeing this one. It's a shame that the winner is almost a foregone conclusion here. Very good and physical match. Both guys showed that they're not scared to take ridiculous bumps in order to put on a cracking match. The stuff I said about the winner being obvious did hurt the match badly as any Finlay comeback was never really bought. Still, good solid TV main event. ***



Main event aside, this was passable stuff.

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WWE Smackdown 06/11/2009

The Undertaker with a promo is going to open the show. He's not happy with Jericho taking the chance to face Kane away, so he's going to kill him. Jericho heads for the ring. He says he can beat anyone at any time while slagging The Undertaker for not actually being dead. :lol: Kudos. Anyways, The Undertaker boots Jericho and he gets out of there.

Dolph Ziggler and The Hart Dynasty vs. John Morrison and Cryme Time

Look ! It's Cryme Time vs. The Hart Dynasty ! We haven't seen that before ! I shouldn't complain really, because the two teams have created a hell of a chemistry in that time, and with added Dolph and Morrison, they managed to put together a really fun little tag team match. Cryme Time really need to get out of this though. They're over with the fans and that will only last so long if this continues. **3/4

We're backstage with Rey Mysterio who has a match coming with Batista at the Survivor Series. He is gonna show Batista a side of him that he never thought existed.

Beth Phoenix vs. Britney Carter

More fun Diva squash action coming up. If this is anywhere near as entertaining as last week's one, I'm giving pass marks. Turns out it was even better. I don't rate squash matches, but man, I can watch this every week. N/A

Drew McIntyre vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

The bonus here is that we don't get a promo from McIntyre. This was another impressive showing from the Scotsman. He's coming on a bit now. I especially liked the look on his face and the "are you serious ?" when Yang wasn't out of the match. Again, it's purely squash stuff, but entertaining squash stuff. N/A

Batista is backstage. He says he's not here to make friends and was robbed of being champ by Rey. He basically says he'll take out everyone.

Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox

I fucking LOVE when Knox uses that big Cross Body Block on Rey. Even more fun when he does it on the floor. This is actually the best match I've seen between these two guys. For some reason, for the first time since they started wrestling each other, they really clicked in there. **1/2

CM Punk vs. R-Truth

Excellent. I can only hope that the result of this match is the obvious outcome. I fucking hate R-Truth. This match was much more two sided than I hoped for. R-Truth is really not very good, and CM Punk getting a short win, with Truth getting big moves in, might have hid some of the glaring weaknesses, but WWE seem to have a knack of just letting these things happen. **

Some Divas backstage. I refuse to care.

Matt Hardy is now backstage. He has a bit of a bitch about Batista. I hope he gets mauled.

Matt Hardy vs. Batista

Come for Matt getting beat up, stay for the hilarious look on his face when he's locked in the Camel Clutch. At first, I thought I could see a marked improvement in Batista, but he then sort of settled back into his slow groove and you kind of forget that he's playing the big nasty b*****d after a while. You sort of remember at the end though. :lol:*****

Okay maybe not, but that earned it. I'll go with **1/2 for real as they DID play out a decent wee match in there. Batista continues his five star beating of Matt Hardy



That was a belting episode actually. All sorts of good stuff going on here, from the Jericho/Taker confrontation at the start to the superb beating from Batista to Hardy at the end and some entertainment in between.

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