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Mo Wonderboy

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Reminds me of CM Punk on commentary in ROH

Gabe - This is like when the redsox-

CMP - What is it with you making comparisons to baseball results tonight? You know baseball's fake.

That was a brilliant commentary team. Awesome exchange during a match between the Ring Crew Express and The Carnage Crew.

Gabe : "Interesting point. These two teams made their debut on the same show."

Punk : "You're wrong. That wasn't interesting at all."

CM Punk came out with a dillion as related to a blind wrestler.

Gabe : "Samoa Joe didn't see that coming !"

Punk : "Neither did Fast Eddie ... aawww come on, put that over !"

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Knew the Fast Eddie one would get mentioned if anyone else watched ROH during that period.

Punk was also great on commentary in IWA-Mid South, especially with how he used to rip on Nate Webb for being a douche, despite Webb being the most over guy on the roster. I remember one time he and Prazak 'sang' along with the all-guitar entrance theme used by Danny Daniels during his entrance(mainly in the form of 'nyaiow' sounds), then when the match started, Prazak just cleared his throat and casually went "tie-up now from Daniels".

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Never heard that said in a while. Used to love watching the NWO take a year to get to the ring (and i refer to the year 1997 and not a day forward). By the time of 1998 fans were bored with the NWO and WCW just didn't know how to get passed the NWO angle.

Just had a listen to Jimi Hendrix there and didn't realise how similar the riffs are to the NWO entrance music. Listen to "Highway Chile" if you dont know what i mean.

WCW bought the rights to play Hendrix's 'Voodoo Chile' as his theme, good old Ted Turner and his umpteen wods of cash.

If I had been into wrestling around 98', the NWO Black and White/Wolfpac angle would have kept it entertaining, although I do agree that they were running out of ideas for the NWO. The Sting vs NWO storyline was awesome, for all those months it must of been great viewing. Although in saying that this is a



2 Sweet

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WCW bought the rights to play Hendrix's 'Voodoo Chile' as his theme, good old Ted Turner and his umpteen wods of cash.

If I had been into wrestling around 98', the NWO Black and White/Wolfpac angle would have kept it entertaining, although I do agree that they were running out of ideas for the NWO. The Sting vs NWO storyline was awesome, for all those months it must of been great viewing. Although in saying that this is a


Yeah I'm not takling about "Voodoo Chile", that was Hogans theme tune. "Highway Chile" is a very similar riff to that of the nWo theme tune.

You may be right about the Wolfpac angle but there was only so long that that angle would've worked. The Fingerpoke of Doom was a terrible way to end that angle.

There should be a thread with just videos of Sting's fued with the nWo in 97 (no fued will come close and i dare (especially DomDom and other wrestling fans) to think up a better one.

Other classic Sting/nWo moments...(gotta love "the Brains" commentating)


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There should be a thread with just videos of Sting's fued with the nWo in 97 (no fued will come close and i dare (especially DomDom and other wrestling fans) to think up a better one.

My memory of it isn't great, so I wouldn't dare challenge it. Especially considering the success of it, and nWo were awesome, I have no doubts that it was. I'll get there eventually though as I'm watching Nitros from start to finish.

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I watched the 15/01/1996 Nitro. Had a recap but the fucker crashed. Basically two really good matches ( Savage vs. Luger and Flair vs. Sting ), and a belting angle with Public Enemy after an unconvincing win in their debut. Another good segment was Hogan being a moany c**t when Savage got the title shot next week, saying he has the momentum. Savage basically gives Hogan a heartfelt "f**k you" and leaves. This also has the Dungeon of Doom and the Horsemen being pals. Right, that's the basics done.

WCW Nitro 22/01/1996

The main event for this show, which is probably the opening match, is Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair for the title.

Konnan turns up at the announcers table, and he says he'll face Psicosis at Clash of the Champions for the Mexican Heavyweight Championship.

Ric Flair © vs. Randy Savage - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Savage has a load of ladies with him, which is mind games from the challenger. Like a lot of big Savage Nitro matches, this one spends a LOT of time on the floor for the first few minutes. They get the match into the ring for after the break and the fans get right into things at that point. The match completely breaks down after a while, but the fans stay rabid for it anyways. Fair play to them. When the fans realise that Savage is going to take it, they go NUCLEAR. Love when that happens. Not a great match, but superb ending.

Hogan gets into the ring to celebrate. Savage isn't happy with Hogan celebrating his win and he challenges Hogan to go at it right now. Hogan says he wants Savage to watch his back when he faces One Man Gang and then both men seem to agree that when they sort things out they're gonna have a match.

Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko

Pillman attacks a cameraman before the match because he's MENTAL~~~!!! Super aggressive stuff for the most part which made it frustrating when Pillman completely changed mindset, but at the same time, he was mental, so he isn't really going to stick with a plan. This also includes the most dumbarse finish for a match ever, as the referee SEES the foot tied in the ropes and still count the three. All in all, this is easily the worst match I've watched on an episode of Nitro from this time.

Harlem Heat © vs. Sting and Lex Luger - WCW Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger does the blatant interference to help Harlem Heat when they were in trouble. That wasn't even subtle this time, and he even does it more than once, just incase you needed it put in your head with a hammer. Other than some of the Luger shenanigans, this match was your standard tag team fare, which almost seems out of place on this show. There's a reason the formula is there though. It works. The ending was as sudden as a heart attack though. Pretty good match, with Luger acting the p***k from the opening bell to the last and then putting the exclamation point on it by using loads of coins to win. :lol: Luger rules.

One Man Gang vs. Hulk Hogan

Oh this really takes the biscuit. They have two title matches on the show, and then a title holder in a NON title match gets into the main event. Even more stupid is the fact that the titles changed hands in both of those earlier matches. Anyways, Hogan/Nitro/Big Dungeon guy. You do the math. Although One Man Gang was much better on offense than Meng was, so fair play to him.

The Horsemen and The Dungeon of Doom hit the ring and Savage comes out to help Hogan. The Giant comes to the ring too. I forgot he even existed. Everyone tries to hold The Giant back though. Pillman is doing some encouraging. Into the ring and Savage and Hogan have a microphone. Hogan says he'll take on anyone he has to and reach the #1 Contender spot for the title.

Commentators wrap up what was a hectic show.

I'll be recapping Clash of the Champions too since they're making such a big deal about it.

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Yeah I'm not takling about "Voodoo Chile", that was Hogans theme tune. "Highway Chile" is a very similar riff to that of the nWo theme tune.

You may be right about the Wolfpac angle but there was only so long that that angle would've worked. The Fingerpoke of Doom was a terrible way to end that angle.

There should be a thread with just videos of Sting's fued with the nWo in 97 (no fued will come close and i dare (especially DomDom and other wrestling fans) to think up a better one.

Other classic Sting/nWo moments...(gotta love "the Brains" commentating)


Just assuming here, since they had bought the rights to play 'Voodoo Chile' for Hollywood, I'd imagine they would have bought the rights (possibly) for that too.

That second one you posted there is one of my all time favourite Sting/NWO moments. He was my favourite wrestler back in the day Sting and probably still is if I had to choose one, not even seen one TNA match of his. Only Bret Hart comes close. Hopefully Bret comes back and does another book signing, my mate in the que back in July said there would be another one soon in the future.



This dude is a legend for posting all this old stuff -TheClique17

Apologies to the regulars on this thread for taking the previous subjects, in discussion off topic, so to speak.

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Since the Clash of the Champions on that site is knackered, we're back to WCW Nitro. I can only hope some gaps are filled here.

WCW Nitro 29/01/1996

Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan

This is an incredible way to open a show. What's even more incredible is that Randy Savage is on the card and isn't opening the show, yet Hogan IS. Elizabeth is with Hogan. This was a belting match though. They didn't deviate from the formula of a Hogan match too much, but what they DID do was stretch things out and freshen things up a wee bit, and when you have the right guy in there, that normally works pretty well. As for the ending ... :lol: They don't do cheap endings like this anymore. Basically, Jimmy Hart holds Liz, Arn Anderson steals her high heel and Flair uses it. Superb.

Hogan's eye is knackered after the match as Savage and Elizabeth tend to him.

The Faces of Fear vs. The Road Warriors

This is the Nitro debut of The Road Warriors. Hawk no-selling the Piledriver is still one of the most infuriating sights you can see in wrestling, no matter how many times you see it. This match goes on far too long. I remember the days when I enjoyed watching The Barbarian. Maybe not so much Meng, but the guy could at least be good for a bit of brutality. Then again, they might have had the Faces tone down a bit to highlight the big hitting Road Warriors. I'm not sure why this match wasn't very good, but I can assure you that's how it turned out.

The Taskmaster is with Mean Gene. The Taskmaster thought that Arn Anderson was a man of his word, and then praises Flair's win over Hogan. Anderson and Pillman hit the ring, and Taskmaster tells Arn Anderson to discipline him. Anderson has a go at Pillman for not helping out with Ric Flair's win earlier in the show. Arn Anderson then says there's gonna be tough love and goes to take off his belt. The Taskmaster and Hugh Morrus take advantage and Pillman does a runner. Arn Anderson takes control though and he's not amused. He wants a match with Sullivan and a stooge. Pillman says he'll get them out of the mess. So ends the truce between the Horsemen and the Dungeon. Surely not.

Mean Gene in the ring after the break again and Sherri is in the ring. Medusa showed up at the wedding of Col. Parker and Sherri.

Medusa vs. Sherri

Medusa clearly didn't want to see or hear any promo, so this is ON ! Too short to be worth anything. Both ladies just mauled each other for a couple of minutes.


Randy Savage © vs. The Giant - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Except it isn't, because the ref stops the match for no reason whatsoever. WHAT ?!?!

Ric Flair attacks Randy Savage after the match. Flair throws the referee down, and then The Giant joins in the fun. Hogan hits the ring with a steel chair and Savage could have done with this about five minutes ago. Ric Flair goes to the commentary table. He rants about the cage match coming against Randy Savage, and then The Giant and he does the same about his match at Superbrawl with Hogan.

That is the end of what was, opening match aside, a pretty crappy show.

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Anyone watching Raw tonight?

Piper guest host should be good as he can actually talk with a mic and not sound shite, quite good main event booked too.

I wonder if they'll actually try and make the Raw Triple Threat WWE Title match at Survivor Series look remotely interesting. The build up so far has been that they're 3 people who get along and are mates :lol:

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Nickelback as the new theme song for RAW? really?

Yeah they announced that a few weeks back.

That video they showed about the Garden was pretty sweet, as was the Chris Masters segment, they should have him do that every week from now on :lol:

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Yeah they announced that a few weeks back.

That video they showed about the Garden was pretty sweet, as was the Chris Masters segment, they should have him do that every week from now on :lol:

That was better than the last one. Outstanding. :lol:

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