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Mo Wonderboy

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It's still gonna be pretty short in comparison to what it was. It was only a few months back that he was seen with a shaved head and plus his hairline has been clearly receding for a few years now. Surely they'll need to work something into the storyline so that he ends up with short hair/bald as Taker surely wouldn't wrestle in a wig :lol:. I thought after seeing those photos that he'd return with the short hair in an updated incarnation. The wig looks bloody stupid.

Perhaps they could have Kane set his head on fire.

That's probably a bit too violent for PG though.

Or Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake could jump him for some reason.

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The sudden return and push of Khali is very strange. Could it be due to Ring Ka King being well recieved in India? I'm sure TNA would have been very keen to sign him up for that once he'd sat out his WWE contract.

I think it might be more to do with the fact that Jinder Mahal has flopped spectacularly.

did he not get kicked out IRL a while back after going off the walls when ayr got relegated

or was this some kind of clever ruse?

I've no idea.

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They've already done it have they not?

That's how Mahal came into it, he's married to Khali's sister and threatened to divorce her(which is apparently a great shame in India) and made Khali do whatever he wanted. I can only assume that it ended with Khali turning on Mahal, can't say I was watching it with much focus though.


In the ring he's better than half of the other haddies in WWE.

He's alright in the ring but he's pretty fucking boring on the mic. Until he works on that then he won't and shouldn't be anywhere near the Intercontinental/United States title level.

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In the ring he's better than half of the other haddies in WWE.

He is a complete charisma vaccuum. He can't talk at all. He will never draw a dime.

Drew McIntyre is Scottish, and he's doing well. Of course Scottish people are going to piss all over him and tell us he's rubbish.

I think the only reason people rate him is because he's Scottish.

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Drew McIntyre is Scottish, and he's doing well. Of course Scottish people are going to piss all over him and tell us he's rubbish.

Nonsense. I do think it's a fairly dated opinion though. If he had come into WWE all fire and ready, it'd be a different story. Instead, he went in green and not really capable of doing anything that WWE wanted. The long time spent on Superstars has worked wonders for him IMO, and has allowed him to become something of a solid competitor in WWE, and I think that if WWE DID push him, he'd be able to do what's asked.

He is a complete charisma vaccuum. He can't talk at all.

His improvement as a character was getting praise before he was in the chamber, and then WWE decided that now that he HAD some, that was when he was getting dumped onto the shit heap. As for only Scottish people praising him, I'd suggest you see what people were saying around that time.

He's about as solid a hand as WWE have at the moment. There's no way he's better than the majority of WWE guys though. I think people forget just how good WWE's roster is.

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I think it's his accent that makes it a bit cringeworthy at times. That coupled with over acting. A particular favourite was him being raging at Brodus Clay and shouting "he's mocking the sport I love!" Jim Carrey is in awe of McIntyre's over acting.

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ICW gets going tonight with a double episode at 1am tonight on Sky's MyChannel. So this means that three of the bigger matches will be included, which are Red Lightning/Wolfgang vs. Kid Fite/Chris Renfrew, Lionheart vs. Noam Dar and Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild. The latter two matches are terrific, and the first one has one of what is bound to be one of the top ICW visuals going forward. I'm pretty sure the opening match will be Bad Bones vs. Johnny Moss as well.

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ICW gets going tonight with a double episode at 1am tonight on Sky's MyChannel. So this means that three of the bigger matches will be included, which are Red Lightning/Wolfgang vs. Kid Fite/Chris Renfrew, Lionheart vs. Noam Dar and Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild. The latter two matches are terrific, and the first one has one of what is bound to be one of the top ICW visuals going forward. I'm pretty sure the opening match will be Bad Bones vs. Johnny Moss as well.

Channel num?

Edited by bkay
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