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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I hope Massolini doesn't suffer the same fate as his predecessor big Benny. I can see the headlines when some Partizan Commie rebels from Uphall have him swinging from the local Morrisons petrol station.

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Surely the SFL has to work out what benefit a Livi team would be to them and to the game in general.

I can't see how even if Massone bullSh*ts his way into the next season that he can pay the players and without pay, I'm sure he wont have a team.

As a PR exercise, this shows can't be good for the SFL, as it shows that obvious impotence.

I therefore have no pity for the league as they have caused this by their inaction. It is the other clubs who I feel sorry for.

Whilst I'm not advocating anyone feeling sorry for Airdrie, there is a club who don't know which league they will be playing in next season (assuming losing the playoff makes them eligible) and that can't be helping their financial planning.

I noted that Livi have a new strip with a sponsor. Is the sponsor locked in for a while or would they jump ship? I assume that they've already contributed money for the kit and so thehy wont get a penny back when their sponsorship exposure evaporates.

i believe the shirt supplier is a small scale outfit from..........wait for it...........Italy. Quelle surprise.

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You are preaching to the converted mate. I'd take the relegation to the Third Division right now if it meant things getting back onto something approaching an even keel.

At the end of the day, there's nothing to be proud of in the way Livingston FC has conducted it's affairs and I agree that there should be a deterrent for financial mismanagement. IMHO There should also be a greater scrutiny of the people who buy into football clubs to ensure that have the wherewithal to deal with things properly.

You can argue that Livingston fans have been moribund, but at the end of the day we aren't the ones who have mismanaged the club time and again.

What has happened to us has and will happen to other clubs. Dundee are a prime example of a club who have been there before. Suddenly they have another new investor and they are looking like splashing the cash, potentially starting the whole cycle off again.

Clubs need to operate within their means, yet even allowing for all the warnings, most of them operating full time don't.

The difference being that these transfers are funded by an individual, with the players wages not being that much different to what we are paying now. Before, we'd be signing players for decent amounts, then giving them ludicrous wages, such as 15k a week.

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The difference being that these transfers are funded by an individual, with the players wages not being that much different to what we are paying now. Before, we'd be signing players for decent amounts, then giving them ludicrous wages, such as 15k a week.

And they are being 'funded' by what mechanism? A loan perhaps?

I don't know what the arrangement is in this case to be honest, but it's pretty unusual for any rich person to simply gift money to football clubs.

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Oh... interesting one from Scotland on Sunday. If true, the SFL are now being forced to act through court actions and not through their own choice - says a lot really.


Livingston payments withheld by league

FEARS for the future of Livingston have grown after the Scottish Football League withheld their seasonal payment. The troubled First Division outfit again failed to pay players on time on Thursday and were desperate for the league money – understood to be around £50,000 – to ease their growing cash woes.

The SFL convened at Hampden on Thursday for their annual general meeting, where all clubs are handed end-of-season payments. However, Livi's money was arrested after league chiefs received a Sheriff order blocking them from giving out the money.

SFL chief executive David Longmuir met Livi chairman Angelo Massone earlier this month to seek assurances after a season blighted by late wage payments at Almondvale. But promises have quickly been unfilled, with the Italian now scrambling around for funds after the club again failed to pay players on time for May. Some non-playing staff have not now been paid for over two months.

A string of creditors, among them West Lothian Council for unpaid rent, continue to seek money.

Queen of the South have signed goalkeeper Ludovic Roy and midfielder Rocco Quinn who have been released by Dundee and Hamilton Accies, respectively.

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The one thing about Massone is that if he says "this is no problem" you can bet your last euro that it is in fact a big problem.

He is obviously someone who believes you get everything for nothing.

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The one thing about Massone is that if he says "this is no problem" you can bet your last euro that it is in fact a big problem.

He is obviously someone who believes you get everything for nothing.

All of this is one big misunderstanding, and P&B "window lickers" (copyright LiviLions) don't know what they are talking about. We are reliably informed that there is no evidence that Massone isn't putting money into the club, therefore he must be putting money into the club. It's a Monty Python philosophy that some of the Massone supporters apply in their own amusing little way............wood floats, therefore all that floats is wood.

The latest piece with the club being served with a notice to quit from the townhouse they provide to Massone, is simply a piece of fractal geometry of a season in the life of Livingston.

How the Massone apologists talk their way round this one and make it appear as if this latest debt can be interpreted as him "doing his best for the club" will make for compulsive reading.

P&B has predicted (correctly) what has been going on down Almondvale way for many many years now.

That the only people not to see it are the Livvy support (although there are a good few enlightened souls appearing over the horizon) is a cause for I know not what. Should it be ridicule? Pity? Loathing? Whatever it is, the blind supporters of LFC are well down the process of opening up a family sized can of financial whoopass upon their own heads.

What a lovely way for "donations" and season ticket money to be utilized. Ka-ching !!!

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For anyone who has been involved with administrators before, how much money do you reckon they would be looking for to sell the club?

It ain't a fixed rate, and can be heavily dependent on the club's assets..................and Livingston would appear to have none. If Leigh Griffiths is still at the club, (he may already be in a position whereby he can walk for free due to breach of contract), then whatever he sells for might well be the entirety of the clubs assets. If that's the case, then the administrators will have most if not all of that. You are very likely to be paying something like £300 an hour for their services. Regardless, what you can say is that you will be left without a pot to piss in. It's the SFL sanctions you need to worry about (if not a winding up order).

An organization with no assets isn't something an appointed administrator would want to waste a lot of time over. He'll be looking for a quick and clean resolution of the club's affairs.

With a bunch of CCJs in the background, Hegarty and Robertson's cases on the horizon, and what seems to be rapidly accumulating debt, it's hard to see LFC walking away so easily this time.

Am I right in thinking that even the apologists are now starting (finally!!!!) to get the message?

All Livingston have is their league registration........which is worth something.

"Selling the club" isn't too easy as it is worth absolutely nothing. It would a brave man/woman who would pay anything at all for a debt ridden loss making outfit like LFC with absolutely zero assets.

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It ain't a fixed rate, and can be heavily dependent on the club's assets..................and Livingston would appear to have none. If Leigh Griffiths is still at the club, (he may already be in a position whereby he can walk for free due to breach of contract), then whatever he sells for might well be the entirety of the clubs assets. If that's the case, then the administrators will have most if not all of that. You are very likely to be paying something like £300 an hour for their services. Regardless, what you can say is that you will be left without a pot to piss in. It's the SFL sanctions you need to worry about (if not a winding up order).

An organization with no assets isn't something an appointed administrator would want to waste a lot of time over. He'll be looking for a quick and clean resolution of the club's affairs.

With a bunch of CCJs in the background, Hegarty and Robertson's cases on the horizon, and what seems to be rapidly accumulating debt, it's hard to see LFC walking away so easily this time.

Am I right in thinking that even the apologists are now starting (finally!!!!) to get the message?

All Livingston have is their league registration........which is worth something.

"Selling the club" isn't too easy as it is worth absolutely nothing. It would a brave man/woman who would pay anything at all for a debt ridden loss making outfit like LFC with absolutely zero assets.

I could be chronically wrong here, but i think whoever does show an interest may have to demonstrate to the administrators that they have a plan to go forward.

Frankly the SFL/SPL/SFA need to look at a fit & proper persons test to run a football club, with prospective owners perhaps having to lodge a bond with the organisation which would be forfeited should things go tits up.

Who knows, this may have prevented the fuckwittery of the Marrs' business plan becoming Dundee's downfall. It may have prevented Hugh Scott from trying to f**k Morton over and Massone form doing the same to Livingston.

If you were to take over a football club and discovered that making a c**t of it was going to cost you a £1million deposit, you might think twice.

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I dunno what the answer is, but it's not realistic to be able to expect someone taking over a business of that size to have that amount of spare cash lying around. It would certainly be an insuperable barrier for any supporters' trusts hoping to take over.

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I dunno what the answer is, but it's not realistic to be able to expect someone taking over a business of that size to have that amount of spare cash lying around. It would certainly be an insuperable barrier for any supporters' trusts hoping to take over.

[/quoteIn the current financial climate, it would have to be a wealthy eccentric lunatic to even consider taking on Livingston. I wouldn't be surprised if debts have already zoomed past a million pounds with a single asset in Leigh Griffiths that will re-coup something significantly less than a quarter of the debt. No assets, no tangible way forward except for organic growth which will take a decade at least to come to any sort of fruition.

In between times, a yo-yo existance twixt first and second divisions. With revenue to play with of something like 300k to 400k per annum, and debts that are perhaps two to three times that amount (and growing), a support that still cannot let go of the idea that they should be someone's cuddly toy, and what you are left with is a pretty unsavoury business prospect.

As I said, the league registration is worth something, and perhaps there's a councillor or three who are open to a bit of sweet talking, and who might see some political advantage in seeing more public money channeled the clubs way via reduced rent or something else of an indirect nature so as not to cause too much of a ripple in the public pond, then maybe there's something viable there.

It all depends how they plan to manage the existing debt. If managing it means hiding behind company law again so that the debt can be wiped out, then that takes a club that has always been ethically questionable onto a whole new level.

It's all dragging on too long, and it's time it was all brought to a head......one way or the other.

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Guest zupa

There are some Livvi fans on their forum, who quite simply dont get it.

One is predicting 7th place in the 1ST DIVISION next season !!!.It is hilarious.

Its not sunk in for a few of them yet, like throwing yourself off a skyscraper .................everythings fine................., and then, .............dunt !!.

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The reason why they are predicting 7th is the fact that we actually have a decent first division squad signed up for next season amidst the controversy, which is more than can be said for the likes of County, Ayr, Raith and possibly a few other teams. A lot of people seem to be forgetting that fact.

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Guest zupa
The reason why they are predicting 7th is the fact that we actually have a decent first division squad signed up for next season amidst the controversy, which is more than can be said for the likes of County, Ayr, Raith and possibly a few other teams. A lot of people seem to be forgetting that fact.

Massone has "forgot" a few of those "fact" thingys.

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