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Record piece says he will step down from there if he takes over at Almondvale.

Edited to add: under current SFL rules he would have to step down if this came off, you can't have an interest in two clubs in the SFL.

Good research QP! Follow up question - Can you have an interest in an SFL club and an East of Scotland Club / Junior Club?!

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Good research QP! Follow up question - Can you have an interest in an SFL club and an East of Scotland Club / Junior Club?!

SFA Rules are quoted here

If I've interpreted this incorrectly please correct me, I would say no to having an interest in an SFL club and an East of Scotland League club as they're both members of the SFA.

A Junior one is a bit more complicated - is the SJFA and its members officially affiliated to the SFA?

Reading rule 14.2 would suggest that you can't have a dual interest in any club that's part of an association that's affiliated to UEFA/FIFA, and although I'm no expert on the Juniors I would think that they must be affiliated in some way?

Also, with Junior clubs playing in the senior Scottish Cup these days there could be a potential for a clash of interests if dual owenership was allowed in a senior and a junior club, so I would guess that you can't.

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The plot thickens as Gordon is a current Director at the Pars!


Yeh but the guy i don't think is investing money into Dunfermline, i've heard that he only has a place on the board as we owed him money, so if this is true then it won't really affect us. In saying that, i don't see anything happening as in my view Massone is too arrogant and will reject any moves from other potential investors at this time. Although if he loses the £600k court case to Flynn, there is a chance that he could sell up.

Edited by Parscelona
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Tribal attitudes are what mke football football, we all follow our teams and the passion is what puts "bums on seats" and get clubs some money to start with.

Getting AM on here would surprise me even more as there definitely don't appear to be many balck shirts on here. If he does come on, perhaps he should get a translator so we know what he is saying - or at least get more of an idea where things are heading.

My understadning is that Gretna fell apart due to Mr Milesome dropping his investment. In thjis case we have a whole heap of financial blundering and AM is still there defending himsefl with his minions.

If Livi don't like folk on this forum having an opinion on what is transpiriing then they must question the passion of Scottish Football supporters. Perhaps they should move to China or something - try typing Tianamen Square in google.cn

We will continue to have an opinion as long as there is anything to have an opinion about. That is until Massone goes or Livi goes or some dope throws a whole heap of money at the problem. By if the core is rotten, you can keep painting the apple, but you still have a rotten apple. - End of rant and bad analogy.

Not technically true. That was the beginning of the end, as it were, but Gretna were in trouble long before that. Suppliers werent paid, staff cutbacks were made, Mileson made promises he never followed through on and the club in general was reliant on Mileson being around to sign cheques/deliver bags marked with $ signs for any money.

Now Ive typed that out, its kinda scary, isnt it? :o

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FWIW I have the opinion that any sale to McDougall wouldn't go through as Massone is probably unwilling to 'open the books' at this time.

As EdinburghLivi has stated, the level of debt is not really known and if McDougall was to walk away even after offering a £ then it would be very apparant, very quickly that Livi aren't in the shape that Massone has stated.

Parscelona - Sorry if i'm being thick but if McDougall is on the board because we owe him money, surely if he left he'd want it back? Surely that would affect us...dependent on the amount due of course.. :huh:

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Record piece says he will step down from there if he takes over at Almondvale.

Edited to add: under current SFL rules he would have to step down if this came off, you can't have an interest in two clubs in the SFL.

Unless you are current SFL president Brown McMaster who is a director in Stenhousemuir and who transferred his Partick Thistle shares to his kids, who are considered by SFL rules to be connected parties. But surprise, surprise, David Longmuir syas that's fine.

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Parscelona - Sorry if i'm being thick but if McDougall is on the board because we owe him money, surely if he left he'd want it back? Surely that would affect us...dependent on the amount due of course.. :huh:

When i stated "it wouldn't affect us" i meant at an income level as McDougall has most likely not been investing in the club, i mean why should he if the club owes him cash?! However if the reports are true, i have no idea how much he is owed, hopefully the club can come to some arrangement with him if he leaves for Livingston, we''ll just need to wait and find out what happens. I don't want to say too much on the topic as these reports could be a load of nonsense.

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Not technically true. That was the beginning of the end, as it were, but Gretna were in trouble long before that. Suppliers werent paid, staff cutbacks were made, Mileson made promises he never followed through on and the club in general was reliant on Mileson being around to sign cheques/deliver bags marked with $ signs for any money.

Now Ive typed that out, its kinda scary, isnt it? :o

Yep, which is why there should be a robust fit and proper person test performed by the SFA when a club changes ownership or alternatively clubs should be owned by a trust or their community. ;)

Not holding my breath for any sensible action from the SFA though things are slowly improving down South.....

So can anyone tell me how Dunfermline conduct a Board meeting with 13 Directors??????????????

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I imagine they just use a bigger table and have an extra plate of sandwiches.

Certainly wouldn't work with your mate who's back in the Chair at Wimbledon - he'd eat all the sarnies before they went round the table! ;):lol:

Edited by KingfaetheSooth
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Yep, which is why there should be a robust fit and proper person test performed by the SFA when a club changes ownership or alternatively clubs should be owned by a trust or their community. ;)

Not holding my breath for any sensible action from the SFA though things are slowly improving down South.....

So can anyone tell me how Dunfermline conduct a Board meeting with 13 Directors??????????????

Are you saying that just because a club is run by a trust it will be properly and well run? There is absolutely no guarantee that the people in charge of a trust would be capable of running a football club

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Are you saying that just because a club is run by a trust it will be properly and well run? There is absolutely no guarantee that the people in charge of a trust would be capable of running a football club

Nope trusts can f**k it up too - just look at what happened at Stockport County recently. At least fans can join the trust and vote the incompetent fuckers out though - you can't vote out a sugar-daddy who sells your beloved club down the river/runs it into the ground/sells off your stadium. ;)

Trust control is working a treat at AFC Wimbledon - though the key (as usual) is constant monitoring and accountability.

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I seem to remember reading something from years ago that suggested the SFA do have some requirement within their rules requiring a 'fit and proper person' to be in charge of a football club. I think it might have come up when Di Stefano was at Dundee, anyone remember if that's right? I doubt there's any specific test though, and unless someone like Bill Archer or anyone else with a past that included shamelessly screwing over another club, was to try to gain control of a club, I'm not sure what grounds the SFA or anyone else would have for refusing to allow the person to take over.

It's surprising to see Gordon MacDougall showing interest in this - when he joined the Dunfermline board, he said that he was quite happy with that role, as he didn't want the same level of involvement he'd had at Cowden any more. Of course there's every chance that that was bollocks and it was just a convenient thing for him to say at the time, but that's certainly what he said.

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Yep, which is why there should be a robust fit and proper person test performed by the SFA when a club changes ownership

Would you trust them to spot the difference?


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