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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Guest penelope pitstop
I'll laugh like a drain if Rankine gets control just to see you backing the wrong horse again :lol:

And that is why I doubt that you are actually a fan of Livingston anymore in the sense that you would rather see a man in charge who has a proven history of ripping clubs off for what he can get just so you can have a laugh at someone you have taken exception to.

And if you believe that your action against the club was not the same as the action of those who haven't bought ST's then you are living in a dream world - you are both (entirely reasonably) protecting your own money the way you see best. As for the staff - I have some sympathy for them but once they have not been paid for a month then I cannot remain that sympathetic - if an employer isn't paying you then you have to walk. Jobs may not be easy to come by but if you want to work for free there are better causes than a direputable Italian and wide boy Rankine. However I am pleased to note thatv you will be down there volunteering on Saturday and supporting the Chairman against people like Phil Cave.

I have to say I was interested in those pictures posted ealier from the brochure by those architects. Presumably that is a plan for the ground that is presently leased to the club? If so it certainly explains why every would be property developer is after Livi's ground and explains why Masssone is hanging around still. I noticed that the date on the directory for the £40m development was May 2009 - which suggests that someone was able to pay them in 2009 to update the file http://www.pmparchitecture.co.uk/360/projects/almonvale/ - rather says where Massone's money was actually going in May 2009 I would think. The earlier date on the picture with the different style was 2006 so presumably that was a previous spiv chairman's efforts.

I note the builder changes from Glenthistle to Gladedale but as they have the same registered office it would seem reasonable to assume they are connected companies.

Until the Council remove the extra land from the club this is simply going to keep on happening. Give Livi just a stadium on a small footprint then at least anyone turning up with promises can be discounted from being a wannabe property developer on the make

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The council could very quickly resolve this situation....if they won't accept any less than they are owed then they should be very clear NOW and stick to that decision. Rankine, McDougall and Massone still have the belief, given the past occurances, that the council will back down and accept less over a longer period...the longer this goes on the more likely that appears to be the case.

The one person who probably won't accept less will be the Inland Revenue.

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"I note the builder changes from Glenthistle to Gladedale but as they have the same registered office it would seem reasonable to assume they are connected companies."

Directors of Gladedale

Dominic Lavelle

London addresss

David Gaffney


(Former Director of Miller Homes, Persimmon and Cruden Homes)

Robin Johnson

London address

All three are also Directors of Glenthistle

Edited by MacWatt
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"I note the builder changes from Glenthistle to Gladedale but as they have the same registered office it would seem reasonable to assume they are connected companies."

Directors of Gladedale

Dominic Lavelle

London addresss

David Gaffney


(Former Director of Miller Homes, Persimmon and Cruden Homes)

Robin Johnson

London address

All three are also Directors of Glenthistle

A little look at Almondvale on Google Earth provides a pretty stark view of what it is they are after. I have to assume it is the stadium plus car parking and the other land which falls within the environs of the stadium. Doubtless the stadium itself would provide a pretty good ransom strip, but if it could be acquired along with the car parking etc, yep, it is easy to see why there are still a few chancers circling the area. The football club is an irrelevance in what is really going on. Given that a building warrant is already approved (according to the blurb), then it isn't too big a step from there to have the stadium developed and the football club pushed to the edge of the town (if even part of the town at all).

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A little look at Almondvale on Google Earth provides a pretty stark view of what it is they are after. I have to assume it is the stadium plus car parking and the other land which falls within the environs of the stadium. Doubtless the stadium itself would provide a pretty good ransom strip, but if it could be acquired along with the car parking etc, yep, it is easy to see why there are still a few chancers circling the area. The football club is an irrelevance in what is really going on. Given that a building warrant is already approved (according to the blurb), then it isn't too big a step from there to have the stadium developed and the football club pushed to the edge of the town (if even part of the town at all).

I wonder if this is the same Tommaso Angelini as the Livy director?

Edited by Mr X
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Guest penelope pitstop
A little look at Almondvale on Google Earth provides a pretty stark view of what it is they are after. I have to assume it is the stadium plus car parking and the other land which falls within the environs of the stadium. Doubtless the stadium itself would provide a pretty good ransom strip, but if it could be acquired along with the car parking etc, yep, it is easy to see why there are still a few chancers circling the area. The football club is an irrelevance in what is really going on. Given that a building warrant is already approved (according to the blurb), then it isn't too big a step from there to have the stadium developed and the football club pushed to the edge of the town (if even part of the town at all).

I was surprised to notice that the blurb said warrant pproved. It is difficult to believe that anything that big could go through without someone locally noticing it and commenting. A quick search of WLC planning register however shows no such scheme having been granted approval so it seems the brochure is a little previous unless I have missed it.

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This one? http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tommaso-angelini/b/76a/8b5 This one who's business is real estate? I would imagine real estate management and acquisition, and Almondvale aren't remotely connected.

Yes - the one I linked too ;)

It is a bit of a coincidence though isnt it? I might sign up for Linkedin later and find out who Mr Angelinis 4 associates are on there.

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I was surprised to notice that the blurb said warrant pproved. It is difficult to believe that anything that big could go through without someone locally noticing it and commenting. A quick search of WLC planning register however shows no such scheme having been granted approval so it seems the brochure is a little previous unless I have missed it.

Applications have been advertised. Here

Edited by AND180Y
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:unsure: Are you lot detectives? Or just becoming obsessed? :P


A little from column A and a little from column B ;)

When the end of Gretna started there were a few people on here doing some digging and some very interesting things came up, relating Milesons other companies and what he might actually have been doing.

Just doing the same again really :lol:

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:unsure: Are you lot detectives? Or just becoming obsessed? :P

Obsessed, no. Interested, yes. To be fair, we are probably going over stuff that you might have expected Livvy supporters to have had a keen interest in. If we do this for your mob, then you'll maybe get a glimpse of what we'd do for own clubs. It is probably much less an indication of our obsession than it is an indication of Livvy indifference. LiviLions seems to be a place where people imagine what would happen if someone took action, whereas forums for other clubs are often the vehicle used to organise action. That's the big difference.

You can already sense that any fight or resistance amongst the Livvy support is now well and truly spent, and most will be back where they started pinning their hopes on MacDougall or Rankine putting in money for the benefit of the support.

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Well I appreciate the info, :) We all need to look at the big picture if anything is to change, but sadly a lot don't want to look at all & think it's better to pretend it's not there! :(

My views and opinions on what is going on have swung all over the place. Above all, i wanted Livingston to pay its debts this time around. It's pretty clear that such a thing will not happen. It never has in the past and it isn't going to happen this time.

I am now headed to a place that says that there is going to be a price to pay this time around, but it won't be sudden. It will be a slow demise as none of the new owners will put money into the club. They are there for profit from what is around the club. I expect them (should it succeed) to make the support true to its word, and accept that the club will live within its means...........and that means that what comes through the gate will determine what is on the park. If the inevitable fall in in finances brings a fall in performances which in turn brings a fall in attendances, then that is what you guys will have signed up for. That for some will a very new and very bitter pill to swallow. The new guys on the block will being working their socks off, but it will be for their own betterment, not the club's.

Nor do I think we have seen all of the debt as yet. As if there was any doubt, the treatment of Phil Cave has (once again) showed you the calibre of people you are dealing with.

Much as it irks me, should tomorrow's game go ahead, I won't be there, nor will my sons. I cannot and will not put one penny towards a club that stole nearly seven thousand pounds from me.

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My views and opinions on what is going on have swung all over the place. Above all, i wanted Livingston to pay its debts this time around. It's pretty clear that such a thing will not happen. It never has in the past and it isn't going to happen this time.

I am now headed to a place that says that there is going to be a price to pay this time around, but it won't be sudden. It will be a slow demise as none of the new owners will put money into the club. They are there for profit from what is around the club. I expect them (should it succeed) to make the support true to its word, and accept that the club will live within its means...........and that means that what comes through the gate will determine what is on the park. If the inevitable fall in in finances brings a fall in performances which in turn brings a fall in attendances, then that is what you guys will have signed up for. That for some will a very new and very bitter pill to swallow. The new guys on the block will being working their socks off, but it will be for their own betterment, not the club's.

Nor do I think we have seen all of the debt as yet. As if there was any doubt, the treatment of Phil Cave has (once again) showed you the calibre of people you are dealing with.

Much as it irks me, should tomorrow's game go ahead, I won't be there, nor will my sons. I cannot and will not put one penny towards a club that stole nearly seven thousand pounds from me.

I totally understand where you are coming from, I'm not going either & I'll be accused of punishing the team/club etc. but I can't take it anymore & refuse to pay money that is being used for god only knows what! I hate whats happening & I think I'm going mad from it all, at the end of the day I would love to support my team, but can't with the current problems regarding debt, rent, wages etc.

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Guest penelope pitstop
Applications have been advertised. Here

FFS - are you saying that this scheme has been known and approved for months and no one has ever mentioned it before? On Liivilions thee was endless chat about Massone wanting to buy the ground so he could run pop concerts, generate income and move the club forward and absolutely no-fecking-body even thought that what he might want was to buy the freehold so he could flog it at a big profit to Gladedale, take the money and then run.

I wuld imagine that the problem is that the council are not prepared to sell the freehold at the knockdown price that Massone thought he could get it for - the option agreement almost certainly will have clauses in it that will require any future development windfall to be shared with the council. and of course the current downturn makes it less profitably now anyway.

Thanks for finding it - my ability to search for scottish planning docs is obviously not tht good :)

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FFS - are you saying that this scheme has been known and approved for months and no one has ever mentioned it before? On Liivilions thee was endless chat about Massone wanting to buy the ground so he could run pop concerts, generate income and move the club forward and absolutely no-fecking-body even thought that what he might want was to buy the freehold so he could flog it at a big profit to Gladedale, take the money and then run.

I wuld imagine that the problem is that the council are not prepared to sell the freehold at the knockdown price that Massone thought he could get it for - the option agreement almost certainly will have clauses in it that will require any future development windfall to be shared with the council. and of course the current downturn makes it less profitably now anyway.

Thanks for finding it - my ability to search for scottish planning docs is obviously not tht good :)

This was done in May last year. I assumed they knew on livilions (I only joined in Jan) Has it been talked about?

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FFS - are you saying that this scheme has been known and approved for months and no one has ever mentioned it before? On Liivilions thee was endless chat about Massone wanting to buy the ground so he could run pop concerts, generate income and move the club forward and absolutely no-fecking-body even thought that what he might want was to buy the freehold so he could flog it at a big profit to Gladedale, take the money and then run.

I wuld imagine that the problem is that the council are not prepared to sell the freehold at the knockdown price that Massone thought he could get it for - the option agreement almost certainly will have clauses in it that will require any future development windfall to be shared with the council. and of course the current downturn makes it less profitably now anyway.

Thanks for finding it - my ability to search for scottish planning docs is obviously not tht good :)

They haven't exactly proven themselves to be the most inquisitive individuals in the past, so this being missed right under their noses is more or less par for the course.

I reckon there might be an (ex) MP and a councillor or two who might be a little unconmfortable with this. Of course, everything might well be hunky dory and above board, but on the other hand...................

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They haven't exactly proven themselves to be the most inquisitive individuals in the past, so this being missed right under their noses is more or less par for the course.

I reckon there might be an (ex) MP and a councillor or two who might be a little unconmfortable with this. Of course, everything might well be hunky dory and above board, but on the other hand...................

It was mentioned and dismissed at the time. This is the application that netted Flynn a million pounds.

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