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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Well argued. Cogent. Persuasive.


:lol: And true.

Livingston's death has been coming for a long time before this Italian bloke arrived on the scene. His appearance was merely a stave of execution. He's not remotely comparable to genuinely dangerous frauds like Mileson.

Having said that, I have absolutely no idea what he's up to.

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They aren't getting paid, and are perfectly within their contractual rights to walk away.

I'm not sure that's quite right at the moment Jim. I asked this last week, just before they went into administration and it was pointed out, that they are still part of the club, until the club go into liquidation, or the administrator makes them redundant. Massone also stated today he was there to the players wages.

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I'm not sure that's quite right at the moment Jim. I asked this last week, just before they went into administration and it was pointed out, that they are still part of the club, until the club go into liquidation, or the administrator makes them redundant. Massone also stated today he was there to the players wages.

That would be a first

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I'm not sure that's quite right at the moment Jim. I asked this last week, just before they went into administration and it was pointed out, that they are still part of the club, until the club go into liquidation, or the administrator makes them redundant. Massone also stated today he was there to the players wages.

Oh, okay, I stand corrected. But given that they weren't paid (again) and now the liquidation process has formally begun, surely now they are essentially free agents?

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Guest Flash
I'm not sure that's quite right at the moment Jim. I asked this last week, just before they went into administration and it was pointed out, that they are still part of the club, until the club go into liquidation, or the administrator makes them redundant. Massone also stated today he was there to the players wages.

Yes, I can't be bothered looking it all up again but it was something along the lines of the registrations reverting to the SFL if the club goes into liquidation, but if the registrations are subsequently transferred to other clubs, the SFL have to return any transfer fees to the liquidator.

Effectively, the players are still assets of the club.

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It's just such a stupid thing to say. The club has been run shambolically from start to finish, to say he is 'single handedly' responsible is just so idiotic that I can't be arsed arguing about it. I think 'pish' sums it up perfectly :)

Of course that's exactly what I'm arguing you nob.

The people that created this situation are many and I;m very well aware of how badly Livingston have been run, for many years, how they've fucked over many many people in the process. I'm well aware of Blobby Hunter, Keane and Flynn, the dubious role of the LDC / WLC and how things just kept getting worse with each new shyster at the helm.

But, in the end, Massone had a simple hand to play today, and refused to do so. He didn't manufacture the pistol that shot this club all by himself, but he's sure as heck fired the bullet that looks like killing it.

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You kow, I was sorry to see Airdrie to to the wall (even though we benefited - oh the irony that Airdrie Utd stay in the 1st now) and felt gutted for Bankie fans for the subsequent take over.

Today however I'm in a gravedancing kinda mood :)

I know that won't go down well with the decent Livingston fans who post on here and it's nothing personal against them. It wasn't the fans that were fucking over the opposition as they clambered their way to the SPL and silverware. I'm just glad that karma has finally proved itself.

Is there any of the old Meadowbank support in existence and is that a route these fans can take (as Clydebank fans have?)

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Just having a bit of a conversation about this with a QP fan that posts on here, but i cant understand why the SFA had nothing ready in case of this eventuality, surely it has looked likely for a while and i can't understand why they cant put a jnr team in the league the now, such as spartans, the SFA is a joke, this would never happen down south.

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I know that won't go down well with the decent Livingston fans who post on here and it's nothing personal against them. It wasn't the fans that were fucking over the opposition as they clambered their way to the SPL and silverware. I'm just glad that karma has finally proved itself.

That's the name of the game, every team in Scotland has in the past and present shat on everybody else to get to where they are. You only have to look at Falkirk, they were refused entry to the SPL because of the shite hole that was Brockville. Falkirk made sure they had all the best players that season and won the league, just to spite everyone else. Nobody went up and nobody went down, congratulations p***k.

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But, in the end, Massone had a simple hand to play today, and refused to do so. He didn't manufacture the pistol that shot this club all by himself, but he's sure as heck fired the bullet that looks like killing it.

So he single handedly (or single fingerly) killed the club then.

(wouldn't charge a gun manufacturer for murder if someone used one of their products to kill someone now would we? ;) )

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Falkirk made sure they had all the best players that season and won the league, just to spite everyone else.

Not really sure that's true tbh

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Sorry for all Livingston fans. Now isn't the time to gloat. Their team has died and no matter if you liked them or not, put yourself in their shoes and imagine if that was your team.

A good post from the person who started this thread all those months ago.

Time for Livingston fans to step up to the mark and reform their club if they have the resolve, skills and most importantly the ability to stop their petty squabbling.

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The league meeting may be tomorrow, but I would guess that they have already made their mind up, whether the club is saved or not. The whole saga has been allowed to drag on for too long and is farcical. Airdrie Utd will probably get humped each week in the 1st division, as they have a very reduced squad aimed at 2nd division football now. The same goes for Cowden. We could win the 3rd division. We may do ok in the 2nd, but have no chance of any real success. Like Airdrie Utd, we did not have the chance to bring in players ( or keep some players in Airdire's case ) for the likely higher division campaign.

I thought Cowden were skint.

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Just having a bit of a conversation about this with a QP fan that posts on here, but i cant understand why the SFA had nothing ready in case of this eventuality, surely it has looked likely for a while and i can't understand why they cant put a jnr team in the league the now, such as spartans, the SFA is a joke, this would never happen down south.

Easy to say just now, but what if Livi just swapped places with Spartans? They just missed out when Annan got in of course and this has the result of the SFL and EoSL having the same number teams and not making a balls up of the whole thing. (If they did, I can see Cove Rangers etc being cheesed off though)

As an aside, will the SFL compensate the nine third division teams who'll lose out on two home gate receipts this coming season?

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