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third lanark

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    Partick Thistle

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  1. I heard August but not given a date. I did see a leaked photo and it did look really cool
  2. What happened to mckinstry as apparently we were one of the clubs looking at him? We he may have been on a higher wage that we couldn’t match
  3. As is Kerr and ridgers I think. It’s because they became free and they happened to be vacancies we have- but there’s not been any link say by Scott burns or someone. Could just be 2 plus 2 equals 5
  4. That would likely explain why he was rushing off from the greaves event to catch a flight if he was going down for talks with this player
  5. It is nonsense- it’s a wind up website and was discussed about a page back
  6. I hadn’t realised you didn’t get any fee for them - even as a kind of inconvenience fee to yourselves- not so much during the summer but for other times of year such as Scotland playing etc
  7. Do you receive income of a fee from the concerts like Pink or any other music concerts at Hampden? Do you get a fee when the national team plays there for the use of the pitch etc?
  8. Even if he keeps Diack we would need another striker in case Graham or Diack got injured. I would think Adeloye would be signing given his goal record last year unless he’s not interested or still likely to be injured for some time
  9. Would have thought Shaw would be better has a decent scoring record for the championship and doesn’t seem the kind of player to down tools(rumours that Rudden had done that to get the move to Dundee- though who knows for certain if it was true) then again this season sounds like we are really going for it so maybe Doolan is hoping for both Shaw and Rudden with Graham and Diack on loan. No idea if Chalmers is away on holiday just now or contract with Dundee United has ended yet - not seen him in the training videos or any interviews yet
  10. Definitely not before Shaw and Adeloye. It was just someone mentioned a link to him so I was just wondering if it was genuine or not- it’s probably just a made up one
  11. I’d be delighted with Shaw and Adeloye which I presume would allow Diack to go out on loan. I think Shaw would benefit from working with Doolan and Graham and can get goals in the championship as we previously saw. We already know what Adeloye can do - though would hope we know he is fully recovered rather than be several months yet before he’s available to play and he’s not even able to make the bench I saw someone mention Rudden, is that a genuine link? Would prefer the other 2, while there’s no doubting his ability there’s the question over his attitude when leaving and I think he is still under contract with Dundee so I guess will be up to them
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