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Livingston - all the threads merged

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How sad is it that I've read all of the almost 10,000 posts so far...

Deary me, I need to get out more.

I said that about the pair of us ages ago on Livilions! :lol:

Also to Big G the SFL stated that the scratched game punishment would be dealt seperately. but they did not say when, I would imagine it would be Thurs too though. :ph34r:

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Vikington & kingfaethesooth they only appear when they think they can hear the death rattle. :rolleyes:

You don't worry about them,they're a pair a knobs. :rolleyes:

You'll be fine as long as Rankine and especially McDougall come through.

Edited by ayrmad
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Are there any inconsistent posters?


MCL has disappeared but that's understandable after the arse he made of himself posting "GIRUY!" after the first hearing.

I haven't seen Swampy for a while either. I would have imagined he would have been sticking the boot in, right about now.

banjo player has seemingly pissed off along with Livi, also.

There are 25 posters with over 100 posts in this thread for the record... :unsure:

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MCL has disappeared but that's understandable after the arse he made of himself posting "GIRUY!" after the first hearing.

I haven't seen Swampy for a while either. I would have imagined he would have been sticking the boot in, right about now.

banjo player has seemingly pissed off along with Livi, also.

There are 25 posters with over 100 posts in this thread for the record... :unsure:


To be fair to myself though I realise the SFL chairmen are just showing their teeth rather than smiling. :)

Some of the more unsavoury posters on here are just a heart attack/stroke/bad profit forecast away from the same situation,it will be interesting reading if one of the aforementioned comes to pass. ;)

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Swampy was on here the other night/early hours of morning, I remember him calling me a cretin. :lol:

Most of the Livi fans have withdrawn which is understandable I suppose, they don't all enjoy the rough ride on here. ;) Neither do I of course. :angel

You never fail to setup an opportunity for a good poacher. :P

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MCL has disappeared but that's understandable after the arse he made of himself posting "GIRUY!" after the first hearing.

I haven't seen Swampy for a while either. I would have imagined he would have been sticking the boot in, right about now.

banjo player has seemingly pissed off along with Livi, also.

There are 25 posters with over 100 posts in this thread for the record... :unsure:

Simply because it has become a conversation/argument thread. The stance of just about everyone was defined by page 100.

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There are 25 posters with over 100 posts in this thread for the record... :unsure:

I'm now one of them I see. I can't be arsed counting back but I'd think getting on for half of them will be since the fixture scratch against East Stirling. I wasn't that bothered about the whole thing before then. I still think their actions last week were a disgrace. They were wrong not to play the fixture but what really got me was the way they did it. For that reason I'd hammer them on it. If they'd said from the word go or at least far earlier on the Friday I might have contented myself with a 3 point deduction or something but the way they did it deserves more.

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A nice saying I like to remember is,

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

very apt for your club IMO.

What good intentions have the various chancers / charlatans / fraudsters that have been involved with Livingston since its inception had?

Is it good intentions buying players that you can't afford to pay but using them to gain a competitive advantage over other clubs?

Is it good intentions using labour and purchases from other businesses with no intention to pay they back? Then jump into administration?

Is it good intentions that , rather than look to make the club sustainable at a level they can operate at the fan base continually seek sugar daddies to bail them out of trouble?

Is it good intentions to use the media to attempt to blackmail the SFL into letting them off with just offering a bond, in effect admitting they have done wrong but still trying to dictate their punishment.

Was it good intentions deliberately not turning up at a scheduled match on Saturday in a competition and league that they are a member of and should abide by the decisions of?

I would have said that saying was singularily inapproapriate rather than apt.

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"We cannot leave this thread until THE END!" :(

Does 'The Livingston Thread' ever end? Or is it going on for ever and ever and ever and ever?

The most recent indications sugest that 'The Livingston Thread' will continue to expand indefintiely.

When talking about either 'what' came before that first post that created 'The Livingston Thread', or 'what' lies beyond 'The Livingston Thread' there's no way that any of the myriad concepts can be invoked without either infinity, an absolute void, or some kind of metaphysical First Cause necessarily entering the picture.

One idea is that 'The Livingston Thread' started when it collided with another 'Livingston Thread'. Okay, again the original question isn't answered because we're left still hung up on the original question -- what's beyond 'The Livingston Thread' and the one we collided with?

Then there's the idea that there's some 'mother' 'Livingston Thread' that spawns other 'Livingston Threads'. Back to the same question -- what's beyond this 'mother' Livingston Thread'? If there's nothing then it must be infinite.

By calling up Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle concepts have been developed stipulating that every time a post is made, or a Moderator decides to close a 'Livingston Thread', another 'Livingston Thread' branches off in the opposite direction. Here again the question is 'where' or 'when' did the critical decision to begin 'The Livingston Thread' take place? That puts us right back at square one -- what was before that?

Schroedinger's Cat. If you are not reading it, then the thread does not actually exist.

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What good intentions have the various chancers / charlatans / fraudsters that have been involved with Livingston since its inception had?

Is it good intentions buying players that you can't afford to pay but using them to gain a competitive advantage over other clubs?

Is it good intentions using labour and purchases from other businesses with no intention to pay they back? Then jump into administration?

Is it good intentions that , rather than look to make the club sustainable at a level they can operate at the fan base continually seek sugar daddies to bail them out of trouble?

Is it good intentions to use the media to attempt to blackmail the SFL into letting them off with just offering a bond, in effect admitting they have done wrong but still trying to dictate their punishment.

Was it good intentions deliberately not turning up at a scheduled match on Saturday in a competition and league that they are a member of and should abide by the decisions of?

I would have said that saying was singularily inapproapriate rather than apt.

I agree with everything you've put there. I was speaking to a former player last night who said that the wrong people are being punished, which is true to an extent because the one person that has gained from all this is the man responsible for the junction where the club now finds itself.

However his actions, in the name of Livingston FC, have resulted in that action and punishment must be taken, unfortunately against the wrong people. But these people are now trying the flaunt the rules again and have shown nothing but utter contempt for the Third Division and East Stirling.

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What good intentions have the various chancers / charlatans / fraudsters that have been involved with Livingston since its inception had?

Is it good intentions buying players that you can't afford to pay but using them to gain a competitive advantage over other clubs?

Is it good intentions using labour and purchases from other businesses with no intention to pay they back? Then jump into administration?

Is it good intentions that , rather than look to make the club sustainable at a level they can operate at the fan base continually seek sugar daddies to bail them out of trouble?

Is it good intentions to use the media to attempt to blackmail the SFL into letting them off with just offering a bond, in effect admitting they have done wrong but still trying to dictate their punishment.

Was it good intentions deliberately not turning up at a scheduled match on Saturday in a competition and league that they are a member of and should abide by the decisions of?

I would have said that saying was singularily inapproapriate rather than apt.

No, there has never been a whole lot of good intentions at play down Livingston way. The concept of expansion in to as yet untapped population areas is something I have no real problem with. That it was financed through incredible debt generation over a small timescale was at best inept, and was probably close to criminal in its intent and execution. That it carried on being a philosophy was a disgrace. That people were prepared to act as apologists for it was just plain dumb.

Good intentions anywhere from Hunter to Keane to Flynn to Massone to Rankine? Up to this point, the only consistent intentions have been to avoid paying for stuff, blackmailing governing bodies, misappropriating transfer monies, council officials behaving questionably, an apponted administrator over acting like a third rate pantomime dame, and whole bunch of lying. Not too many good intentions to be picked from that lot.

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I agree with everything you've put there. I was speaking to a former player last night who said that the wrong people are being punished, which is true to an extent because the one person that has gained from all this is the man responsible for the junction where the club now finds itself.

However his actions, in the name of Livingston FC, have resulted in that action and punishment must be taken, unfortunately against the wrong people. But these people are now trying the flaunt the rules again and have shown nothing but utter contempt for the Third Division and East Stirling.

The people are incidental. It is the football club that is being punished for its actions. Not one single person has been punished. Anyone who feels that is the case can just walk away. Any outfall from the punishment of the club that affects individuals is wholly incidental, and is something they can refuse to accept by simply walking away.

If LFC exist in the 3rd division, then they have been handsomely rewarded. In any other industry, they would have been gone a long long time ago.

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