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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Has McGruther not already said that he will not pusue any further appeal after tomorrow?

Off course that does not mean that the fuckwits known as LIvi 5 will not pursue the matter further when/if they complete the purchase.

Seems like everyone says one thing but means another, He did say he would not pursue it any further but hell knows if he will stick to that!

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R.e. zoom's post... they shouldn't be expelled. Personally I'd fine them 15 points* for scratching v East Stirling... I suspect that, when the Management Committee sits down to punish Livi, they will be mindful not to appear vindictive or over-harsh / nor lenient. I do expect some large points fine.

(* before Skyline Drifter's launches a withering reply about how that was to put Hamilton back in the relegation mix, and not an arbitrary deduction... the biggest ever differential between 4th and 5th since the Third Division was formed has been 14 points. For that reason I'd fine Livingston 15 points, and I'd award the game 3-0 to East Stirling. I expect that in reality the SFL MC will order the game rescheduled, to earn some gate receipts for East Stirling... but I'd award the tie as 3-0).

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Well everything happens for a reason and what ever will be, and all that.

To be honest whatever happens Livi are fcuked and things will never be the same for them again, they might not go out of business in the near future, but they will the next time, and there wil be a next time.

It might have been better to have let it die weeks ago or even now, much better that than soldiering on as the seem determined to do and die the death of a thousand cuts.

Probably not what you want to hear, but reality all the same. :(

I actually wish it had died a few weeks ago! :( It really is beyond a joke how much this is getting to me, I wish I could walk away & not care less but I can't although if they do take this any further that WILL be the last straw, I'm not going through this drama & taking all the shit for any longer.

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Happy to go back into the third division, always more fun to be had in the lowest league. The people who have really been screwed by SFL decision are Livis creditors who instead of getting a small handout get absolutely nothing.

Not so. That is not an SFL decision to make. It will be up to Livingston FC to come to an agreement with their creditors. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever stopping the club paying back every penny over a ten year period if they can get such a CVA in place. It will be Livingston's decision to try to pay their creditors nothing. It will of course, be entirely the result of their own actions. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the actions of the SFL. Sooner or later, Livingston need to grasp the concept of action and consequence.

No-one other than the club themselves is culpable for the manner in which Livingston choose to screw their creditors.

As far getting "a small handout"...........even the terminology is insulting. You make it sound as though it was a benevolent gesture by the club rather than the theft that it actually is.

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120 points is not enough. Only just reward is Livingstone FC being kicked out tomorrow as you dont deserve to be in the third division. 10 days ago you had my backing as you were a club being run by an idiot (and many previous) just like my club was for many years. When our idiot tried to run us into the ground we got on with it and battled, we turned up and took some beatings,

and a big bit in the middle

At least Gretna resigned before they were booted.

I also know the is no e at the end of Livingston before anyone point it out :D

Eh haud oan there min! The only folk who are reading your big long post are fans like yourself who as you know (having been run by an idiot for many years) can do nothing about all the idiots who run their clubs. So spare us the old you did this you did that bit. By all means say you don't want the club to survive but remember that the folk responsible for the shenanigans are not the ones who suffer.

And spare us the old

"I understand that there will be good Livi supporters and i feel for them but i will not feel any sorrow if you are launched out the SFL tomorrow as you really deserve it."

because like all the others who have pushed that bit about the good Livi fans it is nothing but a contradictory statement. At least with Viking Ton there is no mealy mouthed sympathy and we know where he stands (misguided as the puir soul is! :rolleyes: )

I think we will still be here tomorrow in some form or another so be prepared to be annoyed by us for a while to come.

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I suppose we will all meet up here later on this afternoon then.

Think I will warm up for the big meeting by picking my Premiership Fantasy Football team.

My prediction: Appeal will fail but Livi will get a few votes in their favour - busted themselves by not playing on Saturday though.

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Evening all.. A lot of bitterness going on in here tonight folks. May I suggest like me that you go out in the car after about 11.30 and drive into the countryside( to avoid light pollution and gaze up in the clear cool sky in a northerly direction and admire the beauty of the cosmos. There is a wonderous meteor shower going on tonight and an hour or so of watching the celestial fireworks will soothe your soul and leave you chilled and mellow...

Chill. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. ;)

One friggin' shooting star in exchange for 90 freezing minutes stood in a wheat field. My better half isn't exactly disrespecting the cosmos, but she feels it wasn't as good as Dragon's Den.

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There are benefits to living five hours behind GMT, and tomorrow will be one of them. By the time I roll my arse out of bed, the decision should be in. I'll take my time, make a coffee, have some toast and jam, and saunter over to the porno box to check the BBC Website. There'll be none of this sitting around for the best part of the day waiting for news.

I hope Livi survive tomorrow, for the sake of the decent fans, and for the sake of Scottish football in general. I also hope that McGruther and the consortium take whatever punishment the SFL choose to hand out with good grace and don't throw their dummies out of their prams...again.

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Relegated to the 3rd Division -15 points minimum.

Hope this is the new benchmark for the future then we'll not need to keep wondering and talking pish on here in the future.

Probably keep to the self-interest agenda though,just to make sure the turkeys haven't voted for Christmas(Seasons Greetings)for the easily offended.

Edited by ayrmad
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McDougall in the papers this morning all conciliation and just want to get on and play a game rhetoric.

Does a leopard change it's spots in the space of a week. I wonder why to blackmail this week before the meeting?

Also ayrmad, I wonder how your club will vote today given it is a club that has arguably punched below its weight to try and balance books while Livi lived it up on the never never? Self preservation? Biggest proponents of that have been the chancers running Livingston FC, now and in the past.

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Relegated to the 3rd Division -15 points minimum.

Hope this is the new benchmark for the future then we'll not need to keep wondering and talking pish on here in the future.

Probably keep to the self-interest agenda though,just to make sure the turkeys haven't voted for Christmas(Seasons Greetings)for the easily offended.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment that the rules should be clear and unambiguous, there is still an argument that each case should be judged on its merits. In Livingston's case, this was not their first foray into administration and the SFL remained unconvinced (despite the infamous first division business plan) that the club could fulfil all 36 fixtures in the first division. However, there should certainly be stipulated minimum and maximum penalties for such misdemeanours.

There are a few too many Livi symphathisers quick to jump on the anti-SFL bandwagon. Too many people seem to be forgetting that Livi only have themsleves to blame for being in this situation and have exacerbated it by their disgraceful no-show last weekend. Some contrition from Livi5 would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

I fully expect the circus to roll on a little bit longer after today. This thread will enable more people to talk pish for quite some time yet, I'd expect.

I assume we cannot realistically expect any statements from the SFL until at least 4-5pm?

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There are other things you could do in the wheat field to keep the chill out. ;)

Not really, as I would probably have gotten myself caught and would have ended up serving 15 years to life. Besides that, I didn't have a bread knife with me.

But wait..........maybe if I had wore a Livvy shirt and blamed the bloke who previously owned my house, then I just might get away with it......

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I assume we cannot realistically expect any statements from the SFL until at least 4-5pm?

I see the Daily Rantic has it as a morning meeting. So by the time the 20 odd chairmen stop shaking hands, and have a coffee, roll and bacon etc. Then a wee moan about life in general. Then a small aperitif and lunch, they'll get round to talking sanctions about 3ish. So yip 4-5 pm sounds about right.

edited to put the drink before the food. not posh enough to know, had to check.

Edited by glensburgh
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Not really, as I would probably have gotten myself caught and would have ended up serving 15 years to life. Besides that, I didn't have a bread knife with me.

But wait..........maybe if I had wore a Livvy shirt and blamed the bloke who previously owned my house, then I just might get away with it......

You've got it back to front Duncan. In the present scenario the guy in the Livi shirt finds the body tries to save it and for that gets the punishment for the crime committed.

Please note :Jimbo is merely commenting on an analogous situation and is in no way expressing a comment on the rights or wrongs of any hearing, decision or possible appeal that may be made by anyone today or at any time in the future. :rolleyes:

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