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Livingston - all the threads merged

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This is the king of threads. Yes siree never any half measures with Livi. Another of our many recent contributions to the game.

Now I think I have possibly said something in those comments which will upset oor Duncan. Most things do. I hope he takes deep breaths before he replies. Will await with trepidation. :unsure:


Upset me? Nope. Something I would take issue with? Of course. In terms of "contributions to the game", I would expect setting the pace for the "most managers in a decade" was the one you were thinking about (other than the most money stolen).

I don't know if anything can be stolen from an internet thread, but if it can, it would be best to nail it down before the inevitable happens.

Oh, how about "the first club to have two managers at the same time"? If your new squeaky clean and fairy snow white board tell you that the PH stuff is sorted, I think you'll find that fibbing is once again the established practice at Almondvale..........it's a nice follow up to the classic "we are playing a home game to assist our fellow SFL clubs". I reckon they are already doing a Massone, and trying to select what exactly it is that they've bought.............no doubt the solicitors will be back at Almondvale soon.

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Oh, how about "the first club to have two managers at the same time"? If your new squeaky clean and fairy snow white board tell you that the PH stuff is sorted, I think you'll find that fibbing is once again the established practice at Almondvale..........it's a nice follow up to the classic "we are playing a home game to assist our fellow SFL clubs". I reckon they are already doing a Massone, and trying to select what exactly it is that they've bought.............no doubt the solicitors will be back at Almondvale soon.

Just plucking that one out of the air Duncan or have you spoken to the man himself?

Edited by EdinburghLivi
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Just plucking that one out of the air Duncan or have you spoken to the man himself?

Oh believe me, it ain't sorted out. Your new guys are heavily into "fingers in ears and say lah lah lah nothing to do with us" mode.

It has never progressed beyond suspension, because that would cost money to settle the contract, so he has effectively become one of the issues that the new mob have inherited, but they don't want that, so they are refusing to deal with the issue. They see it as Massone's issue.

Does that policy sound vaguely familiar?

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Unlike LL you mean? I refer you to the Pickwick's Papers thread..............it is the essence of what you claim this place to be. Of course, this is a bigger playground in that we can play on the moral low ground, and then legitimately sprint up to the top of the moral high ground too. A much harder thing to do when your "club" grind along stealing other people's money for fourteen years, then run to hide behind company law when events catch up with them.

I like in particular how it is easy to slag off Livvy with so much ammunition at our disposal, but doing so is then the work of playground bullies. Remind me again, who are the real villains here? Oh yes, that would be Livingston Football Club. Just in case you had forgotten........

This will be another case when businesses were robbed by "them", but in 2004 "we" won the CIS Cup. Anything "good" that happens is "we", anything bad that happens is "them". It's a cool system.

You're like a stuck record, i think we all know your views on Livi, it aint going to make any difference to Livi fans, we'll support our team whether you think we should or not, it isn't like a Livi fan is going to say, oh DF is right, we're a disgrace, i'm morally outraged at our antics, i'll go support Rangers/Celtic instead.

Yes you are correct in everything you're saying about our conduct in not paying creditors, but what it comes down to is people support a team for various reasons, they do it for the enjoyment of watching football, going to games for the matchday experience, meeting friends, having a few jars etc etc. You being morally outraged isn't going to change that.

I do hope we get through this and run the club at whatever level we need to break even financially.

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Upset me? Nope. Something I would take issue with? Of course. In terms of "contributions to the game", I would expect setting the pace for the "most managers in a decade" was the one you were thinking about (other than the most money stolen).

I don't know if anything can be stolen from an internet thread, but if it can, it would be best to nail it down before the inevitable happens.

Oh, how about "the first club to have two managers at the same time"? If your new squeaky clean and fairy snow white board tell you that the PH stuff is sorted, I think you'll find that fibbing is once again the established practice at Almondvale..........it's a nice follow up to the classic "we are playing a home game to assist our fellow SFL clubs". I reckon they are already doing a Massone, and trying to select what exactly it is that they've bought.............no doubt the solicitors will be back at Almondvale soon.

Good man I knew you wouldn't disappoint. But not one word about WLC. :o There must have been a link somewhere.

Edited by jimbo
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Good man I knew you wouldn't disappoint. But not one word about WLC. :o There must have been a link somewhere.

Not this time. When it comes to the acquisition of Almondvale by a private company, and its subsequent disposal for alternate use despite existing limitations, fear not, as WLC will feature prominently in that particular story. Of course, an alternate footballing venue has to be provided. Nothing to say that it has to meet specific criteria of course. Just watch what unfolds......

If you want to really know about the future of Livvy, I'd suggest that LL be your last port of call. They are always the last to grasp the truth. It's been that way for a long long time. I see the plaudits are now rolling along for the new board. I remember the same words for massone..........how refreshing and honest he was compared to PF..........and how refreshing and honest he was compared to Keane, and how bold and dynamic he was compared to Hunter. I guess these folks have to be right sooner or later. Unfortunately, with Rankine quietly pulling the strings from a discreet distance (no limelight position for him), it won't be this time. Enjoy all the refreshing stuff. It won't last too long.

Everyone brought into the club is there to provide a specific skill set. Look a bit more closely at their backgrounds, and their inter-relationships. It will all fall into place soon enough.

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You're like a stuck record, i think we all know your views on Livi, it aint going to make any difference to Livi fans, we'll support our team whether you think we should or not, it isn't like a Livi fan is going to say, oh DF is right, we're a disgrace, i'm morally outraged at our antics, i'll go support Rangers/Celtic instead.

Yes you are correct in everything you're saying about our conduct in not paying creditors, but what it comes down to is people support a team for various reasons, they do it for the enjoyment of watching football, going to games for the matchday experience, meeting friends, having a few jars etc etc. You being morally outraged isn't going to change that.

I do hope we get through this and run the club at whatever level we need to break even financially.

A bit like Livvy's record of financial wrondoing? Mine hasn't been turning and burning for quite so long. Just think, a measly £6808.18p plus VAT, and I've never written a word on this thread. Sheesh, an opportunity missed. It would have made a worthwhile investment.

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Not this time. When it comes to the acquisition of Almondvale by a private company, and its subsequent disposal for alternate use despite existing limitations, fear not, as WLC will feature prominently in that particular story. Of course, an alternate footballing venue has to be provided. Nothing to say that it has to meet specific criteria of course. Just watch what unfolds......

If you want to really know about the future of Livvy, I'd suggest that LL be your last port of call. They are always the last to grasp the truth. It's been that way for a long long time. I see the plaudits are now rolling along for the new board. I remember the same words for massone..........how refreshing and honest he was compared to PF..........and how refreshing and honest he was compared to Keane, and how bold and dynamic he was compared to Hunter. I guess these folks have to be right sooner or later. Unfortunately, with Rankine quietly pulling the strings from a discreet distance (no limelight position for him), it won't be this time. Enjoy all the refreshing stuff. It won't last too long.

Everyone brought into the club is there to provide a specific skill set. Look a bit more closely at their backgrounds, and their inter-relationships. It will all fall into place soon enough.

Rakine and McDougall gave the impression that they were opposite sides thrown together due to the level of invesment needed to keep the club going. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out they were best buddies with a strategy worked out long ago. Maybe even longer ago than the "Trust" business plan "B" :D

They stated that it would only work if Livi were kept in the 1st and if demoted they would walk away. Now they say that they will stay even if it's the 3rd.

McDougall said he would only take over if he had complete control. Rankine is the largest shareholder yet doesn't hold any position.

Something smells fishy.

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It'll be interesting to see how Livi and their support hold up now that, realistically, it's all done and dusted and they're back in the bottom tier. Their fans have been used too seeing them punch above their weight and now they're IIRC below where they were before the Keane experiment began.

Only 632 fans at their first home game and if that keeps up their total attendance for the season will be less than the eventual number of posts on this thread. I have to admit a dislike for Livi due to comments made when we were swapping places in 2001 and 2006 but I hope they survive if only because I dislike Spartans even more.

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........and that will be because it ain't sorted................

Hegarty and Robertson's wages would have been included in the football debts which we were ordered to pay by the SFL before we could start playing. If that hasn't been paid, how were we allowed to start playing?

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It'll be interesting to see how Livi and their support hold up now that, realistically, it's all done and dusted and they're back in the bottom tier. Their fans have been used too seeing them punch above their weight and now they're IIRC below where they were before the Keane experiment began.

To be honest, if the team keeps playing well the attendances will increase. If we keep a few of the good experienced hands who aren't on very much and use our talented youngsters, we will continue to succeed.

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When I log in to P and B I find myself automatically drawn to this thread

That's easy to explain. This thread has become so big that it's gained a gravitational field of it's own, and has started to draw all matter towards it. If the Livi 'farce' continues much longer then the thread's gravitational pull will form a black hole, sucking everything in with it. Of course, Livi will then appeal, to God himself no doubt, against being sucked into the black hole, even although thier own actions created it in the first place.


Edited by Ravelin
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That's easy to explain. This thread has become so big that it's gained a gravitational field of it's own, and has started to draw all matter towards it. If the Livi 'farce' continues much longer then the thread's gravitational pull will form a black hole, sucking everything in with it. Of course, Livi will then appeal, to God himself no doubt, against being sucked into the black hole, even although thier own actions created it in the first place.


You leave big Armand's derriere out of this, i'm sure he has a gravitational pull the way he stumbles past 4 players and manages to still have the ball at his feet, didn't know it came from there though. :blink:

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Not really, they haven't said that the situation has been sorted in a statement.

Oh dear, did you miss this post by the chair of the Livi Trust, you know shareholders in the club, buddy of the new chief exec?


PH has officially been released. Don't know what has been done exactly. But this was done before today. By either McGrouther or New Board

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