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That means it's only £37000 we are losing this month :D

Interesting note in the programme tonight that we sent a cheque to East Stirlingshire for all of the money that they lost from the game being postponed which I think is a nice touch.

Lovely. The Shire will be thrilled.

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That means it's only £37000 we are losing this month :D

Interesting note in the programme tonight that we sent a cheque to East Stirlingshire for all of the money that they lost from the game being postponed which I think is a nice touch.

Anything interesting in the Q&A in the programme ?

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Anything interesting in the Q&A in the programme ?

  • Players on 1st Division wages won't be offered the same money when their contracts expire unless the club can afford it.
  • Before Christmas there had been no offers for the season pros at the club.
  • The reason contracts weren't cancelled was the new owners had an obligation to honour them before they took over the club as stated as a requirement by the SFL.
  • Ged sees us as a full time club next season. We have other avenues to bring in money that other part-time teams don't.
  • We're closer to spending 99p in the £ than the general perception is and the directors aren't shovelling money into the club.
  • Loss for this season. Now have a lower ceiling for wages. One of the main cuts was through the catering.
  • There are no director's loans. None of the guys running the club are looking to fund the club going foward and we will aspire to be what we can afford to be.
  • The ticket scheme for P7s will run for two seasons provisionally. They wanted to just give free tickets to every one but it now has to be on a game by game basis.
  • They are not looking to develop the stadium but are looking to let the Nitespot. They've outsourced a room in the stadium to a physio company Physis.
  • The volunteers have saved the club around a 5 figure sum for this season.

You should get down to the club to volunteer as well and save us more money.

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  • Players on 1st Division wages won't be offered the same money when their contracts expire unless the club can afford it.
  • Before Christmas there had been no offers for the season pros at the club.
  • The reason contracts weren't cancelled was the new owners had an obligation to honour them before they took over the club as stated as a requirement by the SFL.
  • Ged sees us as a full time club next season. We have other avenues to bring in money that other part-time teams don't.
  • We're closer to spending 99p in the £ than the general perception is and the directors aren't shovelling money into the club.
  • Loss for this season. Now have a lower ceiling for wages. One of the main cuts was through the catering.
  • There are no director's loans. None of the guys running the club are looking to fund the club going foward and we will aspire to be what we can afford to be.
  • The ticket scheme for P7s will run for two seasons provisionally. They wanted to just give free tickets to every one but it now has to be on a game by game basis.
  • They are not looking to develop the stadium but are looking to let the Nitespot. They've outsourced a room in the stadium to a physio company Physis.
  • The volunteers have saved the club around a 5 figure sum for this season.

You should get down to the club to volunteer as well and save us more money.

Sounds good. :)

Except for the directors loans. Assuming they aren't issuing more shares how are they introducing the capital required to fund the losses that they have admitted to incurring?

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Ok.. words can be interpretted in many ways..

  • Players on 1st Division wages won't be offered the same money when their contracts expire unless the club can afford it.

A good start!
  • Before Christmas there had been no offers for the season pros at the club.

Maybe, because the players left are not really good enough for full time clubs to offer them contracts??
  • The reason contracts weren't cancelled was the new owners had an obligation to honour them before they took over the club as stated as a requirement by the SFL.

The Administrator/Interim Manager could have cancelled the contracts before the New Owners took control - I'm sure the new owners could have insisted on the cancellations before they took over, and therefore still complied with any SFL obligations they perceived they were under
  • Ged sees us as a full time club next season. We have other avenues to bring in money that other part-time teams don't.

Yes - I suppose if he is Chief Executive and handing out multi year full time contracts, he cannot say that he couldn't see them as a full time club.

Having other revenue streams no other club has? Suppose if you are getting stadium and rooms etc at zero rent this year and relatively peppercorn rent next (subsidised courtesy of the Tax Payer), any sub letting of facilities will generate revenue no other club is capable of!
  • We're closer to spending 99p in the £ than the general perception is and the directors aren't shovelling money into the club.

Figures can be so misleading. Spending £1,000 in the £ is closer to 99p in the £, than spending £1,000,000 in the £. But it still doesn't mean you are not still incredibly overspending.
  • Loss for this season. Now have a lower ceiling for wages. One of the main cuts was through the catering.

Makes sense - if you have lower crowds in Division 3 than Division 1, catering costs should, per head, be lower. No surprise.
  • There are no director's loans. None of the guys running the club are looking to fund the club going foward and we will aspire to be what we can afford to be.

None of the guys want to lose money funding the club.... this does not say that none of them want to make money.
  • The ticket scheme for P7s will run for two seasons provisionally. They wanted to just give free tickets to every one but it now has to be on a game by game basis.

am sure it would be unfair to say that the board didn't full think the plans through on this one.

  • They are not looking to develop the stadium but are looking to let the Nitespot. They've outsourced a room in the stadium to a physio company Physis.

Well, the club has been provided with a cheap rental 10000 or so seater stadium with function and functional rooms a plenty. So its obvious there is no need to develop a stadium if you don't own it, and with such great revenue opportunities of renting out assests owned by the local authority why wouldnt you look to utilise it? Shame the local authoirty/council tax payer isn't directly beenfiting from the physio's rent.
  • The volunteers have saved the club around a 5 figure sum for this season.

The local tax payers (via the generosity of the local council) have, arguably, contributed and allowed the club to save, even more.

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Ok.. words can be interpretted in many ways..

  • Players on 1st Division wages won't be offered the same money when their contracts expire unless the club can afford it.

A good start!
  • Before Christmas there had been no offers for the season pros at the club.

Maybe, because the players left are not really good enough for full time clubs to offer them contracts??
  • The reason contracts weren't cancelled was the new owners had an obligation to honour them before they took over the club as stated as a requirement by the SFL.

The Administrator/Interim Manager could have cancelled the contracts before the New Owners took control - I'm sure the new owners could have insisted on the cancellations before they took over, and therefore still complied with any SFL obligations they perceived they were under
  • Ged sees us as a full time club next season. We have other avenues to bring in money that other part-time teams don't.

Yes - I suppose if he is Chief Executive and handing out multi year full time contracts, he cannot say that he couldn't see them as a full time club.

Having other revenue streams no other club has? Suppose if you are getting stadium and rooms etc at zero rent this year and relatively peppercorn rent next (subsidised courtesy of the Tax Payer), any sub letting of facilities will generate revenue no other club is capable of!
  • We're closer to spending 99p in the £ than the general perception is and the directors aren't shovelling money into the club.

Figures can be so misleading. Spending £1,000 in the £ is closer to 99p in the £, than spending £1,000,000 in the £. But it still doesn't mean you are not still incredibly overspending.
  • Loss for this season. Now have a lower ceiling for wages. One of the main cuts was through the catering.

Makes sense - if you have lower crowds in Division 3 than Division 1, catering costs should, per head, be lower. No surprise.
  • There are no director's loans. None of the guys running the club are looking to fund the club going foward and we will aspire to be what we can afford to be.

None of the guys want to lose money funding the club.... this does not say that none of them want to make money.
  • The ticket scheme for P7s will run for two seasons provisionally. They wanted to just give free tickets to every one but it now has to be on a game by game basis.

am sure it would be unfair to say that the board didn't full think the plans through on this one.

  • They are not looking to develop the stadium but are looking to let the Nitespot. They've outsourced a room in the stadium to a physio company Physis.

Well, the club has been provided with a cheap rental 10000 or so seater stadium with function and functional rooms a plenty. So its obvious there is no need to develop a stadium if you don't own it, and with such great revenue opportunities of renting out assests owned by the local authority why wouldnt you look to utilise it? Shame the local authoirty/council tax payer isn't directly beenfiting from the physio's rent.
  • The volunteers have saved the club around a 5 figure sum for this season.

The local tax payers (via the generosity of the local council) have, arguably, contributed and allowed the club to save, even more.

The P7 ticket scheme failing in just letting the kids come to all the games was down to the police and safety concerns.

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Were you not at the game? :(:blink:

A die-hard Livi fan didn't go? :o

You could have purchased a copy and read it for yourself.

The game was rearranged to a date that meant I couldn't make it. If only the volunteers had worked a wee bit harder and got the game on earlier ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The P7 ticket scheme failing in just letting the kids come to all the games was down to the police and safety concerns.

That doesn't make sense either. If there were safety concerns then it would be the same for every game.

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The club wanted to issue every P7 child a season ticket but on the advise of the education board and the police, they decided to run it on a game by game basis. Safety concerns it may have been, that's not certain, I apologise.

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The game was rearranged to a date that meant I couldn't make it. If only the volunteers had worked a wee bit harder and got the game on earlier ... laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Seems like just more excuses. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Will you be there on Tuesday night?

Are you banned from Almondvale?

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Are you banned from Almondvale???

And if so, why?


As far as I know I'm not banned. Mr Livi keeps saying I am but then again he keeps making things up :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've not had any correspondence from the club saying I am banned but the guy that shouted racial abuse at Armand One in Berwick did get sent a letter saying he was banned. He still managed to get into the Dundee game on Tuesday though.

I wonder if he travelled on the supporter's bus to Stranraer so he could shout at Armand again. Probably would be ok if he did with bus convenor and "Trust" board member Pedro/Plug/Scarface/LiviTV/007 since he's playing against us now :rolleyes:

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As far as I know I'm not banned. Mr Livi keeps saying I am but then again he keeps making things up :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've not had any correspondence from the club saying I am banned but the guy that shouted racial abuse at Armand One in Berwick did get sent a letter saying he was banned. He still managed to get into the Dundee game on Tuesday though.

I wonder if he travelled on the supporter's bus to Stranraer so he could shout at Armand again. Probably would be ok if he did with bus convenor and "Trust" board member Pedro/Plug/Scarface/LiviTV/007 since he's playing against us now :rolleyes:

Fucking Hell.

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As far as I know I'm not banned. Mr Livi keeps saying I am but then again he keeps making things up laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

I've not had any correspondence from the club saying I am banned but the guy that shouted racial abuse at Armand One in Berwick did get sent a letter saying he was banned. He still managed to get into the Dundee game on Tuesday though.

I wonder if he travelled on the supporter's bus to Stranraer so he could shout at Armand again. Probably would be ok if he did with bus convenor and "Trust" board member Pedro/Plug/Scarface/LiviTV/007 since he's playing against us now rolleyes.gif

Disgraceful post mad.gif

If you're a true Livi fan then I am ashamed sad.gif

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