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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Think MCL should be taken behind the woodshed, theres clearly something lacking in his life that he's so fixated on the Trust.

Another one who wants to bum me !! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You wish, wouldn't even go near you with Massones, besides, you do enough bumming on here, you're getting rather fixated with that too.dry.gif

You make that sound as if you've kept Massone's as a trophy :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I hear Livi are getting into dire straights again.

The club's credit rating had been amended down after various CCJs. Apparently they are rated 3/100 which is very high risk and have a recommended credit limit of £0 and are paying bills over 4 months late.

The "Trust" have only raised £20k of the £50k required to get their man on the board for 2 years. There's only a year left of that deal and I can't see anyone else getting on unless they raise £30k in the next 12 months and another £50k for the following 2 years.

Anyone know how many shares they got in return for all that cash ? :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just seen the latest abbreviated accounts dated up to end June 2010.

The club at that point were £2m in debt and I can't see that improving this year when they had a period of 3 months without a home game.

Almost £900k is owed to the directors in loans.

Is the fan's rep on the board reporting this back to the "Trust" ? If so, is it being explained to the membership?

When is the target of 99p in the £ going to be hit?

What happened to all those supporters who were going to keep an eye on the new owners?

Why does no-one answer my questions? :lol:

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I've just seen the latest abbreviated accounts dated up to end June 2010.

The club at that point were £2m in debt and I can't see that improving this year when they had a period of 3 months without a home game.

Almost £900k is owed to the directors in loans.

Is the fan's rep on the board reporting this back to the "Trust" ? If so, is it being explained to the membership?

When is the target of 99p in the £ going to be hit?

What happened to all those supporters who were going to keep an eye on the new owners?

Why does no-one answer my questions? :lol:

The Director's Loans is the greatest concern for me. We were told there were no loans.

Why do you seem more concerned about laughing at the Trust's expense than the state of the club?

Edited by EdinburghLivi
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I've just seen the latest abbreviated accounts dated up to end June 2010.

The club at that point were £2m in debt and I can't see that improving this year when they had a period of 3 months without a home game.

Almost £900k is owed to the directors in loans.

Is the fan's rep on the board reporting this back to the "Trust" ? If so, is it being explained to the membership?

When is the target of 99p in the £ going to be hit?

What happened to all those supporters who were going to keep an eye on the new owners?

Why does no-one answer my questions? :lol:

Is the debt made up from when they took over from massone or was that all written off and this £2m is from when Mcdougall and co started afresh?

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Is the debt made up from when they took over from massone or was that all written off and this £2m is from when Mcdougall and co started afresh?

It's since they took over as you can see from this snippet giving the amount from 2009 and the total as of June 2010.


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Thanks for that.

Interesting to see that a season in division 3 when they started with no debt,they finish with a £2m debt.

The £2m debt includes Loans by the directors for £873,000.

So old habits die hard as usual with livi.

Edited by 55022
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Thanks for that.

Interesting to see that a season in division 3 when they started with no debt,they finish with a £2m debt.

The £2m debt includes Loans by the directors for £873,000.

So old habits die hard as usual with livi.

So they walk through Divisions three and two by running up debts which they are unlikely to be able to repay ! Given their history that is unforgiveable but hardly surprising. The sooner the sfl introduce some sort of annual accounting inspection along the German lines the better

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Is the debt made up from when they took over from massone or was that all written off and this £2m is from when Mcdougall and co started afresh?

i'd have thought the CVA would have had to be dealt with by the new owners, not all of it can be paid out as 5p in the pound, also staff were 6 months in arrears with massone, they got settled up with the new owners, players contracts, money owed to other football clubs from Flynns time, which Massone then ignored, isn't quite as simple as MCL is suggesting.;)

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The biggest surprise would be that anyone is surprised by this.

Doubt anyone is, unless they really thought losing 300 of the ST money to Massone and inheriting his mess, then being dumped into the 3rd Div whilst having players on 1st Div contracts would let the new owners be able to wave a magic wand and break even.:ph34r:

MCL loves the limelight though, he'll dine out on this for the rest of the season. :D

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