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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I don't hate the man.... I just don't like what he has done to others whilst purporting to have done the opposite. I actually admire his brass neck and cast iron balls

He never fronted Livingston 5... Livingston 5 was created by Neill Rankine.

Neill Rankine actually secured Massones Livingston shares with his own money.

Just ask if you don't believe me ......

I do agree with you that a lot of staff and officials have left the club because of him...

He fronted Livi 5 in the sense he was the face of the club and made all the club statements, may not have been the main man behind the scenes but it certainly looked like he made the decisions until recently when Rankine ousted him. Nixon had enough clout to get rid of Bollan and several players.

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I disagree - a third admin should mean Livi have to reapply for membership with the full scrutiny that goes with it, along with allowing other clubs such as Spartans to apply.

I genuinely want Livi to be a success (well, to a point - not at the expense of my own team!), and a town the size of Livingston, with surrounding Bathgate etc, really should be able to at least half-fill that stadium every week, and be a good addition to the leagues and financially viable. But its apparent that the locals just don't really care, and as a club they have really taken the piss over the last few years.

3 admins should be it, or where does it stop? I know the argument that it's only the fans that get punished in that case, as it's not the same directors/management/shareholders each time, but there has to be some sort of moral hazard.

Livi are on the brink of going the way of Clyde. New Town franchise-style football just doesn't seem to work in Scotland.

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He fronted Livi 5 in the sense he was the face of the club and made all the club statements, may not have been the main man behind the scenes but it certainly looked like he made the decisions until recently when Rankine ousted him. Nixon had enough clout to get rid of Bollan and several players.


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I disagree - a third admin should mean Livi have to reapply for membership with the full scrutiny that goes with it, along with allowing other clubs such as Spartans to apply.

I genuinely want Livi to be a success (well, to a point - not at the expense of my own team!), and a town the size of Livingston, with surrounding Bathgate etc, really should be able to at least half-fill that stadium every week, and be a good addition to the leagues and financially viable. But its apparent that the locals just don't really care, and as a club they have really taken the piss over the last few years.

3 admins should be it, or where does it stop? I know the argument that it's only the fans that get punished in that case, as it's not the same directors/management/shareholders each time, but there has to be some sort of moral hazard.

Livi are on the brink of going the way of Clyde. New Town franchise-style football just doesn't seem to work in Scotland.

Completely agree with this.

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I disagree - a third admin should mean Livi have to reapply for membership with the full scrutiny that goes with it, along with allowing other clubs such as Spartans to apply.

I genuinely want Livi to be a success (well, to a point - not at the expense of my own team!), and a town the size of Livingston, with surrounding Bathgate etc, really should be able to at least half-fill that stadium every week, and be a good addition to the leagues and financially viable. But its apparent that the locals just don't really care, and as a club they have really taken the piss over the last few years.

3 admins should be it, or where does it stop? I know the argument that it's only the fans that get punished in that case, as it's not the same directors/management/shareholders each time, but there has to be some sort of moral hazard.

Some good points

Livi are on the brink of going the way of Clyde. New Town franchise-style football just doesn't seem to work in Scotland.

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I never said everyone buddy only the clubs who live outwith their means


displaying the ability to quote someone AND make your point within the same post would be a step (admittedly a very small one) towards making people believe you have at least a smattering of intelligence.

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Livi are on the brink of going the way of Clyde.

If by this you mean being almost debt free and paying their players what they can afford, then bring it on. Clyde should be fucking applauded for how they've been run in the last few years, not mocked.

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If by this you mean being almost debt free and paying their players what they can afford, then bring it on. Clyde should be fucking applauded for how they've been run in the last few years, not mocked.

I wasn't mocking. This is the only way Livi are going to survive with the crowds they have - cut their cloth, take some relegation pain and then work their way back up.

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..................was sequestrated into the bargain.........

Oh oh someone's got it wrong.

He is just like everyone else that has touched Livi. Hunter, Keane, Flynn, Massone, and now Nixon. Everyone of them left Livi looking to buy a new shirt and not many of them with any cash to do so. The only thing they have in common is Livi and it's losses.

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Oh oh someone's got it wrong.

He is just like everyone else that has touched Livi. Hunter, Keane, Flynn, Massone, and now Nixon. Everyone of them left Livi looking to buy a new shirt and not many of them with any cash to do so. The only thing they have in common is Livi and it's losses.

The worst of the lot was Massone and he left with enough to buy a few new shirts. He put sod all in, ran up debt left right and centre, buggered off with the family silver and a final pay off to finally GTF.

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Oh oh someone's got it wrong.

He is just like everyone else that has touched Livi. Hunter, Keane, Flynn, Massone, and now Nixon. Everyone of them left Livi looking to buy a new shirt and not many of them with any cash to do so. The only thing they have in common is Livi and it's losses.

Ged Nixon back in court tomorrow for another sequestration hearing Livi Sherrif Court

What happened to all those supporters who promised to keep a close eye on the financial dealings at LFC?

#15035 - Posted 25 August 2011 - 11:59



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