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Livingston - all the threads merged

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It really is time to pull the plug on meadowbank, ferranti, livvy or whoever they are now.

Despicable treatment of mcdougall. He has run that Club on his own for about the last two years. He even agreed to take his substantial loan in monthly installments

. In effect he was working his ass off every day and being paid with his own money !!! And his reward is to get shafted as the new rankin puppet decides to blow money on players instead of displaying some honour and ethics.

Come on SFA! Grow a pair and kill this joke of a Club off.

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Another cash crisis again, what's the Sfa ,sfl doing? Being an outsider looking in basically McDougall agreed a deal with the other board members to be repaid back £2000 a month approx he loaned the club which has been defaulted for the last 6 months, yet Mr Ford would rather spend all McDougals cash on the playing squad . How does a a team like Alloa feel when they lose 2 of there best players to livi Buchanan/ Gordon ? They are financially prudent ! It's obvious that Livi can't offered the players they are signing if they can't pay a legally binding repayment plan. Doesn't seam a level playing field to me.

Being a supporter of another championship team( not Alloa) I'm becoming increasingly frustrated that my club continue to sign players within a strict budget yet it seams Livi continue to live beyond there means and continually refuse to cut there cloth accordingly.

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I'm becoming increasingly frustrated that my club continue to sign players within a strict budget yet it seams Livi continue to live beyond there means and continually refuse to cut there cloth accordingly.

Good. Hope we take 12 points off you and finish 20 points ahead of you. Finishing another one of your players careers would make it even sweeter.

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Another cash crisis again, what's the Sfa ,sfl doing? Being an outsider looking in basically McDougall agreed a deal with the other board members to be repaid back £2000 a month approx he loaned the club which has been defaulted for the last 6 months, yet Mr Ford would rather spend all McDougals cash on the playing squad . How does a a team like Alloa feel when they lose 2 of there best players to livi Buchanan/ Gordon ? They are financially prudent ! It's obvious that Livi can't offered the players they are signing if they can't pay a legally binding repayment plan. Doesn't seam a level playing field to me.

Being a supporter of another championship team( not Alloa) I'm becoming increasingly frustrated that my club continue to sign players within a strict budget yet it seams Livi continue to live beyond there means and continually refuse to cut there cloth accordingly.

It was the SFA that started the cash crisis when they fucked Livi5 over dumping Livi into the 3rd div and McDougall et al had to dig into their pockets to cover 1st div wages they were having to pay to players now in the 3rd div.

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lol at Lex's frothing.

Agree with Afro though. The squad is too big to suggest 2k a month isn't payable.

I wonder what they offered him, says in the club statement they made him 2 offers.

What I find strange is him waiting till Rankine was gone before saying anything, why didn't he say something when his first payment was missed 6 months ago when the guy who made the agreement with him was still here. His timing is just great too, the week leading up to our first competitive game and have just assembled our squad.

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Hope your next shite is a hedgehog.

Btw when are your owners paying Rankine back the money they owe him for the sale of Dumbarton, maybe they should be doing that instead of paying players money they can't afford.

We live within our means every year.

Keep trying.

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It was the SFA that started the cash crisis when they fucked Livi5 over dumping Livi into the 3rd div and McDougall et al had to dig into their pockets to cover 1st div wages they were having to pay to players now in the 3rd div.

Thats not really correct is it. LFC (Massone) started the crisis by breaching SFL rules on insolvency. The punishment was to put the club into division 3 which allowed them the chance to sufvive rather than throwing you straight out of the league as they could, and judging by subsequent events maybe should have done.

That the club then had to honour its existing contracts is your own problem and could be construed as part of the punishment. I'm sure it was probably discussed as part of the decision making process.

You need to get your head out of the sand as do the current owners. Seems as soon as someone takes over at Livi they think debts don't have to be repaid. Wouldn't surprise me if Gordon Brown is the next chairman.

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What I find strange is him waiting till Rankine was gone before saying anything, why didn't he say something when his first payment was missed 6 months ago when the guy who made the agreement with him was still here. His timing is just great too, the week leading up to our first competitive game and have just assembled our squad.

I think the timing of this is based on the fact that the other board members only gave him the 'Ruud Gullit' the other day. He's not a malicious man.

It is another sad tale though of someone coming in to take over a football club in financial turmoil and they equally have no cash to solve it. Maybe I should ask Ford to transfer his shares over to me?

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Hope your next shite is a hedgehog.

Btw when are your owners paying Rankine back the money they owe him for the sale of Dumbarton, maybe they should be doing that instead of paying players money they can't afford.

Dumbarton Football Club owe Rankine absolutely hee haw. Try another deflection.

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Can't believe the Livvy fans. Learned nothing and happy to support a board again spending money they don't have, or in this case, someone else's money who has a legal agreement to be paid £2k a month till 2023.

All aboard the Livvy roller coaster. Oblivion beckons yet again !

Meanwhile, other Clubs live within their means. The SFA are a joke. What if every club did what Livvy are doing.

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I can defend the indefencible, that statement from us last night is a major concern particularly this sentence.

"The club believe that a strong playing squad which brings success on the field, will in turn, generate financial success off the field"

We done that in the past when we were on the way up and that ended badly, what makes them think it will end differently this time when we are on our way down ?

Why when we know we have this contractual agreement in place do we continue to sign players, surely a prudent thing to do would be to have a smaller squad and leave room in the budget for this payment to Gordon McDougall.

I really despair, things looked good for a few weeks but already this and already I've lost any kind of faith in the new regime because of the above statement.

If there is 1 man that doesn't deserve to be shafted by the club it's Gordon McDougall, he worked tirelessly, 7 days a week trying to make it work, this is a shambles once again.

Edited by andylivi1
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Can't believe the Livvy fans. Learned nothing and happy to support a board again spending money they don't have, or in this case, someone else's money who has a legal agreement to be paid £2k a month till 2023.

All aboard the Livvy roller coaster. Oblivion beckons yet again !

Meanwhile, other Clubs live within their means. The SFA are a joke. What if every club did what Livvy are doing.

What if every club did what we do? Every club do you absolute mutant. Not 1 club will be debt free because there is constant debt after debt of running a football club. The fact that we get a bit more publicity than most is why people like you keep greeting about it.

But please tell me what "livvy" fans can do about this new board? Boycott games? - no money in to the club.... write a letter? - not going to achieve anything.

Protest? - whats a protest going to do?

I understand it may be frustrating that a diddy club like Cowdenbeath as youve just been relegated after a few years of punching above your weight, but please settle down and stop your moaning.

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What if every club did what we do? Every club do you absolute mutant. Not 1 club will be debt free because there is constant debt after debt of running a football club. The fact that we get a bit more publicity than most is why people like you keep greeting about it.

But please tell me what "livvy" fans can do about this new board? Boycott games? - no money in to the club.... write a letter? - not going to achieve anything.

Protest? - whats a protest going to do?

I understand it may be frustrating that a diddy club like Cowdenbeath as youve just been relegated after a few years of punching above your weight, but please settle down and stop your moaning.

We live within our means and don't have debts but feel free to post any evidence of your assertions that all clubs have debts.
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