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  1. This has to be one of the worst Rangers sides ever. They were poor last year and look even worse. The weakest position was striker and haven't even bothered to prioritise a new signing there. Top scorer (from right back) on his way out. What a shambles. Clement will walk out by October
  2. Have to say, really disappointed in how Camelon (off the park) have handled themselves in these last couple of months. Huge gamble and blunder to sack the manager. From the outside seemed completely unnecessary and a reaction to a hurt ego, rather than a sensible footballing decision.
  3. Seen the a few times this season. Very difficult when you get used to getting beat every week. Dropping down a league won't all of a sudden make them competitive. Something needs to happen within the club to break the cycle. Is there any ambition to improve? Or happy just to exist?
  4. Please define a 3G cage Burnieman? Your main affiliation is with Blackburn, who play on a 3G within a cage. I think that ground is a good model for how small clubs cam evolve. D9 you want to take this away?
  5. Crazy how close the middle grouping of 6th to 12th is. So much underlined that there is potential for Blackburn to have been 6th at start of this week and 11th by next weekend. Of that grouping, Leith ath is the best I've seen
  6. You cannot underestimate the benefits and positivity that is generated from a good infrastructure and community set up. Dunipace have been the best team in the league, albeit a wee bit off the boil recently. People can cry as much as they want about 3G pitches but I would definitely say it improves the standard of football on show. Rather a 3G than watching games on some of the cowfields in the league. Speaking of which, dunipace WILL be joined by Whitburn in the prem, who would probably be a better team if they didn't play on a cowfield.
  7. With Stoneyburn getting a small 3G training pitch built currently, they should maybe have saved a bit more and get the full pitch done.
  8. St Andrews result probably the only surprise in the league today. The others probably went as expected.
  9. Whitburn seem to be actually winning without playing much in the last few weeks. Obviously they need to win those games in hand and that park does them no favours but they could be in a decent position here.
  10. It will be upsetting for sellick fans that Beaton ended up helping them out by keeping Maeda and Johnson on the park when they both should have had second yellows. Otherwise, he had a good game.
  11. Unfortunately, down at that level I can't see any benefits from it. It is a poor league.
  12. Having read your post before the video, I expected to see something different. The goalie went down and the ball was in the net about 2 seconds later. Cannot blame the ref or striker for that. Play just never gets stopped instantly. So it's an obvious goal and the ref has no justification to chop it off. No controversy there, for me. However, what happens next... We have seen a quite small number of instances where teams have allowed the opposition to wander up and score. This should be seen as extraordinary sportsmanship, rather than an expectation. And they usually occur if there has been an injustice or a mistake made by the scoring team. I don't think that applies here. Although they could have done it. But you can't expect it. Maybe teams that score a goal when they know it was offside should let the other team walk up to score?
  13. That Camelon result is huge I think. Didn't see that one coming. Fair play to Lochore after a tricky spell of results. Other games pretty much to form today. Good weekend for Whitburn without kicking a ball.
  14. What's going on at Broxburn? Feeling the pressure? Crapped the bed? Even when they have been getting results recently, it's kind of sneaking over the line and comebacks. Can they be caught?
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