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  1. Surely the fat goalie coach got involved too ?
  2. Sorry for the late response ladies, just back from Sunday Service. Haven’t been paying attention as thought you would be enjoying your well earned victory rather than biting on here.
  3. Maybe stop being a bunch of arrogant twats and you will find people will be nice back ?
  4. It’s EK ! If you go to one of their away games, watch how their staff and management behave and their interaction with others.
  5. So you should be given the dosh he pumps in !
  6. Why ? Two takeaways from today EK are a good side and Mick showed himself to be the p***k we all know he is. Happy to say barring an unfortunate cup draw, we won’t need to endure the EK circus again this season. Can look forward to the rest of the season now.
  7. The last game at Cowden, Ferry was on his phone during the game from the dugout !
  8. The GK coach is a Ned ! im maybe tainted by one guy in a EK jacket who was just obnoxious the whole game. I think it’s the same guy who is on Twitter being obnoxious and posts more about Celtic than EK. Don’t know if he is a fan or official.
  9. We are still struggling with injuries so not hoping for much. Just glad to get the game out the way and get past another visit by the ignorant p***ks that are EK and back to enjoying the football alongside decent fans.
  10. If he comes under pressure, he will walk rather than be sacked. They probably have a replacement lined up given they were on the phone for Calum 30 mins after sacking Robbie Horn.
  11. Not a good look for Chris Ewing or Ricky Little who seem to be the Edusport arm of the Braves and the main financial beneficiaries of this “venture” Wonder if they will respond ?
  12. A National conference would be the best option if SFA and SPFL actually provided some finance to support it but not sure HL would be interested, they like what they have whereas LL Clubs just continually bleat about automatic promotion while doing nothing to improve the competition or facilities.
  13. I was never a fan of B Teams or the proposed conference that was proposed by SFA but I’m increasingly being persuaded that the LL isn’t fit for purpose as a 5th tier of Scottish football. Teams now joining the Junior Cup and some nonsense “European” competition with the fixture issues it will cause makes the LL a Mickey Mouse competition not fit to be in the professional game. Not sure what the answer is to a meaningful 5th tier but it’s not the LL in its current form.
  14. Textbook Calum, quickly makes his mind up he wants a player and gets him in then he has a poor or mediocre game and he bins them for the next golden boy he wants. Worked fine in the LL but not sure how it will play for him with SPFL windows.
  15. Anyone want this weeks lottery numbers ? #MysticMeg
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