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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Guest StevenC

Perhaps with the realisation that there are so many pissed off creditors, they are finally seeing they need to pay people off to get on local businesses good sides again?

Or maybe it's just good propaganda for tonights open fans forum?

We'll see :)

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A valiant attempt by club official X to stave off administration. Don't know what he'll do when the Inland Revenue come calling though.

Probably try to say that by utilising his own credit card to pay one creditor that he was not accepting personal responsibility for the company's debts.

Will be interesting if the club does fold and the DTI investigates as directors must act in the best interests of all creditors.

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Perhaps with the realisation that there are so many pissed off creditors, they are finally seeing they need to pay people off to get on local businesses good sides again?

Or maybe it's just good propaganda for tonights open fans forum?

We'll see :)

To be fair they have gone from "no debt", to some debt, to 100 (-1) creditors, to owing tax and rent as well. But it is okay as they are paying it all. "There is no problem".

Interesting that Massone claimed the council arrested the bank account the day after he took control, he changed to the Bank of Scotland on the day he took over, so the council couldn't have moved so quickly. Massone is a Liar!!

Time to admit that it needs more finance than they have available to stem the losses and stabalise the club, but nope they continue to pedal the "SPL (and bankruptcy) Dream"

Propoganda? Yep, three good news stories including a new manager to parade in front of the blind, sorry I mean faithfull. :D

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Perhaps with the realisation that there are so many pissed off creditors, they are finally seeing they need to pay people off to get on local businesses good sides again?

Or maybe it's just good propaganda for tonights open fans forum?

We'll see :)

My view is that they didn't have a choice.

I had left it as long as possible but with creditors appearing all over the place and actions at the Sheriff Court, virtually on a daily basis, I had to act to get in first.

If he hadn't paid then the place would have been stripped of everything that wasn't required for them to keep the business going and sold at auction.

Some other non-Livi supporting creditors might take a different route and apply for a winding up order.

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'Officers from collection firm Alexander Adamson in Falkirk turned up at the club with an attachment order, which gave legal permission to remove goods and sell them at auction to recoup outstanding debts.'

Had they not got the credit card, what would have been on your wish list?

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My view is that they didn't have a choice.

I had left it as long as possible but with creditors appearing all over the place and actions at the Sheriff Court, virtually on a daily basis, I had to act to get in first.

If he hadn't paid then the place would have been stripped of everything that wasn't required for them to keep the business going and sold at auction.

Some other non-Livi supporting creditors might take a different route and apply for a winding up order.

They wouldn't have removed the stuff on the day, it doesn't work like that.

It will come to a winding up order, they dont have the finances nor cashflow to pacify the amount of creditors knocking on their door, question is who is gonna be prepared to throw another £2k down the drain?

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'Officers from collection firm Alexander Adamson in Falkirk turned up at the club with an attachment order, which gave legal permission to remove goods and sell them at auction to recoup outstanding debts.'

Had they not got the credit card, what would have been on your wish list?

One of those big tellys in the lounge would have been nice and all the trophies would be nice keepsakes. Hearts gave a silver salver with the details of the first ever SPL game at Almondvale and Rangers & Celtic both gave trophies for their first visits. Vaduz & Sturm Graz gave stuff for the UEFA Cup meetings.

I would only have got it if I had bought it at auction though.

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They wouldn't have removed the stuff on the day, it doesn't work like that.

It will come to a winding up order, they dont have the finances nor cashflow to pacify the amount of creditors knocking on their door, question is who is gonna be prepared to throw another £2k down the drain?

Not sure about the technicalities. I was under the impression that it was an old fashioned poinding and that stuff would have been removed on the day since they had had two previous visits from the Sheriff's Officers trying to enforce the court decree.

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Not sure about the technicalities. I was under the impression that it was an old fashioned poinding and that stuff would have been removed on the day since they had had two previous visits from the Sheriff's Officers trying to enforce the court decree.

Nah, very very rare for them (Officers of Court) to remove stuff prior to auction but never ever known us to do it on the day of attachment.

Most folks if they "don't" have the cash at the time of attachment will pay up to redeem the articles in the prescribed timescale, not many auctions ever take place.

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Less than 24 hours notice isn't very good when I suggested it should be on the OS on here more than a week ago. I was fobbed off with pre and post match reports nonsense. And how can Livi fans be "reminded" of something that was never mentioned in the first place ?

No wonder I have little faith :P

Anyway, I don't need to go cos I'm sorted :D

The meeting is open for all Livi fans, so why don't you go anyway. I am not a creditor, but would not want to miss this. Delighted you have got your money by the way. :D

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Are you saying they only have 300 odd fans? :P

Ha, good one! Realistically we are down to the 'hard-core' of supporters now - I reckon about 800-1000 at best. It was only a few years ago we have 4,000 season ticket holders, but that's fickle fans for you, I'm sure other clubs could tell you similar stories.

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Ha, good one! Realistically we are down to the 'hard-core' of supporters now - I reckon about 800-1000 at best. It was only a few years ago we have 4,000 season ticket holders, but that's fickle fans for you, I'm sure other clubs could tell you similar stories.

So it aint really "open to all fans" then? :P

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The meeting is open for all Livi fans, so why don't you go anyway. I am not a creditor, but would not want to miss this. Delighted you have got your money by the way. :D

I'm delighted too :P

I can't make it tonight anyway but I will have eyes and ears there in my place :lol:

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Guest StevenC

A precedent has now been set. I along with 100 (-1) others await payment in the next couple of weeks.

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Ha, good one! Realistically we are down to the 'hard-core' of supporters now - I reckon about 800-1000 at best. It was only a few years ago we have 4,000 season ticket holders, but that's fickle fans for you, I'm sure other clubs could tell you similar stories.

Other clubs have long histories and generations of fans. You only have a franchised football club and a load of gloryhunters! :P

I think MCL could have made a killing selling Livie the Dream Italian Ultras flags and scarves. There's probably still a load of Gretna Living the dream merchandise at Gretna Sunday market every week. :lol: Glad he got his money, must have cost quite a few quid on debt advice/agencies to get a couple of grand back though?

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Glad he got his money, must have cost quite a few quid on debt advice/agencies to get a couple of grand back though?

Costs are added to the final bill paid by the club. There is no cost to the creditor unless the club goes into administration. I got all I was due plus late payment fee and interest at 13.5%.

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