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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Nice deflect - you are not from Kelty :lol:

Chop, chop :P

You were wrong about my dealings with the club and you were wrong about Willie Dunn. I don't think we can believe anything you write now :rolleyes::lol:

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my view of willie dun was he wasn't the deputy leader of the council. Of course he's still there, but not got as much power as he did the last time Livi were in admin - i knew i should have keept u on ignore.

As for your dealings. Its there for all to see. You make it up as you go along & to be honest who really cares.

Back to ignore :mellow:

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my view of willie dun was he wasn't the deputy leader of the council. Of course he's still there, but not got as much power as he did the last time Livi were in admin - i knew i should have keept u on ignore.

As for your dealings. Its there for all to see. You make it up as you go along & to be honest who really cares.

Back to ignore :mellow:

Aye, whatever :rolleyes: You're the one making it up as you go along :lol: :lol: :lol:

You said "Ps nice to see in one of your anti Livi posts that you still have your anti West Lothian Council agenda going even although your big mate Willie Dunn isnae there anymore"

You should have said "your big mate Willie Dunn is there but not got as much power as he did the last time Livi were in admin " then. Tell the truth for once and admit you were wrong :lol:

Edited by MCL
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Well no, not really. Damned if you screw over the creditors and maintain a full time squad that you cant possibly afford. Damned for "ripping up players full time contracts", yes probably. Damned for making the players redundant to cut costs, therefore being able to pay back the creditors and at least look like the club is taking the financial plight seriously? Er, no.

One thing at a time FFS, first priority was getting the debt sorted to get out of admin, they did that by taking the option of a CVA, not popular but heyho needs must and all that, wasn't them that ran up the debt, so unfair to have a go at them about it, was Flynn and Massone who were the guilty parties, all they did was save our club, lots of you will think that in itself is reason enough to hate them right enough. :lol:

But you cant rely on it. If the club is seriously basing its finances, and I dont think for a minute that they are, on selling youth players every year, then you're even more screwed than we thought!

Selling a player wont do any harm though will it, someone mentioned Airdrie being full time, surely if they can do it then Livi can, their att isn't much more than ours and none of their players is worth selling. ;)

Presumably, Livy have a decent youth set-up, then, given the players that have come through? How much does this cost a year to run? Im not sure you'd get a lot of change from £125k

Its not just the full time squad though, is it? As a couple of people have pointed out, even paying players minimum wage, Livy would still be running at a loss on the current crowds + guestimate off pitch revenue. Doesnt this worry you, even slightly? Do you not wonder where the money is coming from and on what terms?

Yes it worries me, i've mentioned it a few times on the LL, as mentioned by a Cowdenbeath fan though, McDougal isn't a stupid man, he's been here before with them, so i have some faith he'll pull us out of the shite and get things sorted soon. I'll be watching out for next season to see what he's done with the players we've got that IMO need punting though.

People have accused this thread of being anti-Livy, but I dont see it that way at all. OK, the motivation and, probably, sentiment from a lot of people, is anti-Livy, but the questions being asked are the same questions we would be asking of our own clubs in the same position. But, strangely, none of the Livy fans seem to know the answers, or worse care!

Perhaps you'd see it differently if you were a Livi fan. :lol:

It doesnt really matter what you're view on Airdrie or Cowden's vote might have been - in fact, didnt they not vote anyway, due to a conflict of interest. The simple fact is that you were told to play the game and didnt. You're using your opinions to try and justify why livy broke the rules. Im afraid it doesnt work that way

I was referring to the teams that were allowed to vote and had played the 3 teams involved, at least you're admitting Airdrie and Cowdenbeath had a conflict of interest, but obv so did all the teams that played games against them, and that's my point.

Yes i'm using my opinions, also it's my opinion the SFL rules are ambiguous to the point they can justify whichever action they want, so we were always on a hiding to nothing going up against them. Doesn't really matter now anyway, they won and can give out whatever punishment they see fit, also irrelevent if you all disagree at them fining Livi (that's if they have).

Oh, and I know its Livi ;)

Yes i know you do, well done for writing it down correctly for once. :)

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Christ it's like a social club on this thread! Too many topics going on at the same time, I can't be arsed joining in them all so I'll come back later in the hope that it's more streamlined. :blink:

I agree - think it's time to let people make Livi threads outside of this one. As soon as any thread mentions them it's shoved in here.

Perhaps you should have your own forum ;)

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I agree - think it's time to let people make Livi threads outside of this one. As soon as any thread mentions them it's shoved in here.

Perhaps you should have your own forum ;)

:lol: Yep, just above the OF forum.

Edited by EdinburghLivi
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Which will hopefully coincide with scumdee hitting the skids again, then we can all head over together to the 'Dundee Death' thread & carry on in the usual manner. ;)

Dundee is a sustainable club.

Livi (cheating scum) is not.

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Odd characters these Dundonians: long memory, short penis.

An evolutionary throwback no doubt to the days when they had to remember where they'd stored the berries without having a large appendage getting in the way of climbing the tree.


Nice to have you back BTW Charles :D

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