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Wasn't paying full attention to Homes Under The Hammer & there's a shithouse for sale in Fife but I'm sure the presenter said that Robinson Cruesoe was from there, fae Fife? 

Is that correct?


Kind of. A lot of people believe that Robinson Crusoe was based on the story of Alexander Selkirk, who was from Fife.
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Not aiming to be pedantic, just a wee bit info, Alexander Selkirk was from Fife (Largo, indeed) and apparently Robinson Crusoe is based on his life.
Originally from Fife and it's finally come in useful. And I've seen the wee statue/monument thing of Andrew Selkirk in Largo, fairly pish.

Edit: he's from Lower Largo but I'm sure you could walk down the hill...
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6 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Failed mine. Had to sit and hatwatch all the other kids go up and collect their badges from the minister at the end of term service. Still hurts. Put me off religion too. Shower of c***s. 

Is that you Frasier?

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4 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Not aiming to be pedantic, just a wee bit info, Alexander Selkirk was from Fife (Largo, indeed) and apparently Robinson Crusoe is based on his life.
Originally from Fife and it's finally come in useful. And I've seen the wee statue/monument thing of Andrew Selkirk in Largo, fairly pish.



Edit: he's from Lower Largo but I'm sure you could walk down the hill...


Juan Fernandez Island, that's where he was marooned.

I've always meant to go and see that wee statue thingy, ever since I read (and was captivated by!) my dad's old Dudley D. Watkins illustrated Robinson Crusoe. A marvellous story.

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11 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Not aiming to be pedantic, just a wee bit info, Alexander Selkirk was from Fife (Largo, indeed) and apparently Robinson Crusoe is based on his life.
Originally from Fife and it's finally come in useful. And I've seen the wee statue/monument thing of Andrew Selkirk in Largo, fairly pish.


Edit: he's from Lower Largo but I'm sure you could walk down the hill...


Lower Largo was the exact location. The fellae built his 2 bed hoose, total price ended up £149,000 & he could just about get his money back if he was to sell it. 

Next time I'm over that way, I wanna get to that statue though. 

Everyday is a school day eh? 


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2 minutes ago, Grim O'Grady said:

Lower Largo was the exact location. The fellae built his 2 bed hoose, total price ended up £149,000 & he could just about get his money back if he was to sell it. 

Next time I'm over that way, I wanna get to that statue though. 

Everyday is a school day eh? 


I'm sensing a yearning for a life on the ocean waves Grimbo. Must be that healthy sea air at Granton. 

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Lower Largo was the exact location. The fellae built his 2 bed hoose, total price ended up £149,000 & he could just about get his money back if he was to sell it. 

Next time I'm over that way, I wanna get to that statue though. 

Everyday is a school day eh? 


Seems reasonable. It's a nice enough part of Fife, still Fife though.
The statue is pretty lacklustre but he's obviously got quite an interesting story behind him.
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24 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Seems reasonable. It's a nice enough part of Fife, still Fife though.
The statue is pretty lacklustre but he's obviously got quite an interesting story behind him.

Oh cheers NJ, I'll have a look behind the statue now as well, it's this kind of inside knowledge you can't get anywhere else. Marvellous. 


ETA yes it's a gag, I'm not that much of a thicko 

hit the red button if you think I'm a genius.

hit the green button if you think I'm a thicko. 

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I've read a biography of Alexander Selkirk that claimed that during the time Alexander Selkirk was marooned on Juan Fernandez Island, he shagged goats. She was absolutely insistent about this "fact", even though he was on his own on the island, so nobody was about to witness it. Now to be fair, if you're stuck on an island for years, you might be tempted to see what it's like, but you're hardly likely to tell everyone about it when you get home.

Would you tell anyone?

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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2 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I've read a biography of Alexander Selkirk that claimed that during the time Alexander Selkirk was marooned on Juan Fernandez Island, he shagged goats. She was absolutely insistent about this "fact", even though he was on his own on the island, so nobody was about to witness it. Now to be fair, if you're stuck on an island for years, you might be tempted to see what it's like, but you're hardly likely to tell everyone about it when you get home.

Are you? (that's my question)

I wouldn't come home and bleat about it.

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Oh cheers NJ, I'll have a look behind the statue now as well, it's this kind of inside knowledge you can't get anywhere else. Marvellous. 


ETA yes it's a gag, I'm not that much of a thicko 

hit the red button if you think I'm a genius.

hit the green button if you think I'm a thicko. 

Greenied as I got a wee smile at your pun. It's the type of shite I've come to expect from P&B and it never lets me down.
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8 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I've read a biography of Alexander Selkirk that claimed that during the time Alexander Selkirk was marooned on Juan Fernandez Island, he shagged goats. She was absolutely insistent about this "fact", even though he was on his own on the island, so nobody was about to witness it. Now to be fair, if you're stuck on an island for years, you might be tempted to see what it's like, but you're hardly likely to tell everyone about it when you get home.

Would you tell anyone?

Maybe he brought her back home with him & made an honest goat of her, did they have any kids? 

I bet they called the lad Billy, no imagination these herders eh? 

Lower Largo is Latin for goat shagger (according to Facts You Made Up pish).


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Used to drink in there in it's former incarnation (or maybe the one before that?) not a big fan of the sign outside the door exclaiming how great they are for not selling Tennents and other generic brands. Fair enough selling decent varieties of booze but don't be a pretentious dick about it.

Agreed, massively wanky
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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

I'm sensing a yearning for a life on the ocean waves Grimbo. Must be that healthy sea air at Granton. 

If I can ever be ersed setting up an alias it's going to be The Pilton Pirate. 


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