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question- how do they make the soft scoop ice cream easy to scoop out unlike other ice creams when its solid as frozen?

My guess would be that it's mixed more thoroughly so that the ice crystals are smaller than normal ice cream.

Edited by Gordon EF
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Where in Europe is warmest in January? I've got a week off at the turn of the new year and i'm going to go get me some sun.

Looked at places like Malaga but that said it was an average of 16c - am I going to struggle to get better then that?

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Where in Europe is warmest in January? I've got a week off at the turn of the new year and i'm going to go get me some sun.

Looked at places like Malaga but that said it was an average of 16c - am I going to struggle to get better then that?

The Canary Islands is a good bet for winter sun.

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I'm not sure if they still do as I think it closes down later now :ph34r:

Dammit! I've had in stuck in my head for the last hour, but I can't remember all the words so I wanted to watch it. :lol:

Plus, I do love Kevin and Blue. I thought I was going to get to watch the one where they sang that song that names all the planets (something else I can't remember all the words to), but it was just about night and day. I was gutted.

Edit to add: I tried YouTube, but I couldn't find Kevin, it was just the American one. That's not the same at all. He's a twat! I want Kevin! :angry:

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Dammit! I've had in stuck in my head for the last hour, but I can't remember all the words so I wanted to watch it. :lol:

Is it the Jimmie Jammers one

I much preferred the Lunch Munch one.

Edited by Ayrgirl
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Guest Garibaldi

How do you check how many words you've written on a document in Microsoft Office Word, without counting each bloody word yourself.

If someone could tell me sooner rather than later I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers.

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English counties are normally referred to in their abbreviated form.

E.g Lincolnshire is Lincs,Bedfordshire is Beds,Berkshire is Berks,etc,etc

So why is Hampshire abbreviated to Hants,surely it should be Hamps ???

Even worse is Shropshire, which you would think would be 'Shrops', but is, in fact, 'Salop'.

As far as Hampshire is concerned, the abbreviation 'Hants' dates back to the Olde English name, 'Hantum'. When the Domesday book was written, the area was known as 'Hantescire', which has evolved to 'Hampshire', but the abbreviation still keeps the older tradition going.

Similarly with Shropshire, the old name was Scrobbesbyrigscīr (I kid you not), and due to the difficulty in the pronounciation, the Normans altered it to 'Salopesara'.

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Scrobbesbyrigscīr :lol: Imagine saying that on the phone to your bank...

On the subject. Was down at Alton Towers during the summer, and was convinced that 'Uttoxeter' was pronounced a different way. I told my mates but they were having none of it.

How is that pronounced?

Towcester is 'toaster', for example.

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On the subject. Was down at Alton Towers during the summer, and was convinced that 'Uttoxeter' was pronounced a different way. I told my mates but they were having none of it.

How is that pronounced?

Towcester is 'toaster', for example.

It's pronounced "oxter".

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