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Watty Replacing Berti


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Another Ruggy exclusive :rolleyes:

I am told that Herr Berti will be out the door next week, and Walter Smith is poised to replace him.

Strachan, although initially saying he wants the job, later backtracked and said he wasn't ready. Smith will bring him in at some point further down the line, with a view to taking over from Watty after four years or so.


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Yep, he had the players playing for him and eachother when he was at Rangers, which is what Scotland need. At Everton one of the failings was the fact of the constant boardroom problems, which still go on nowadays.

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Yep, he had the players playing for him and eachother when he was at Rangers, which is what Scotland need. At Everton one of the failings was the fact of the constant boardroom problems, which still go on nowadays.

On the flip side though, Rangers won 9 in a row up against one of the worst Celtic teams in recent years, and were the only team in Scotland who could spend serious money on players. Once Celtic brought in a decent manager (Wim Jansen I think it was), the run ended. :unsure:

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Given a straight choice between him and Vogts I would go for him, but that isn't saying much. Not convinced by him as a manager. Christ, with the amount of money going around at Ibrox compared to everywhere else when he was successful, Claude Anelka could have won them the league. Even Berti Vogts might have had a decent chance. He got found out when he went to the English Premiership.

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On the flip side though, Rangers won 9 in a row up against one of the worst Celtic teams in recent years, and were the only team in Scotland who could spend serious money on players. Once Celtic brought in a decent manager (Wim Jansen I think it was), the run ended. :unsure:

So what? No-one could deny that he restored dignity to Rangers after Graeme Souness left. He's honest, compassionate and tolerant - someone Scotland needs. Unlike Berti who publicly criticizes players (David Weir), then makes them not want to play for their country again.

Celtic only won the league by two points and mainly because the Rangers team knew they were breaking up and cared more about their personal circumstances than each other.

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Guest Guinness_Alan

If Walter Smith is the answer it must be a f'kin stupid question! :angry:

Smith is not the man to take Scotland forward. He won nothing at Everton, and as codfish said, only won the league with Rangers coz Celtic were so poor and he had millions to spend. You can't buy success in international football.

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FFS hes not even got the job and everyones hounding him. As has been said, its not the manager but more the players. He may be able to get everyone back playing for eachother....... but to have a go saying hes not the man before hes even got the job is crazy.

What if Strachan came and made an even bigger pigs ear of it>? Remember he had a poor record with Coventry.......

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Could someone tell me why there is such a big hoo-ha about Gordon Strachan then? What has he won as a manager - nothing. The strangest reason I've heard in support of Gordon Strachan being the next Scotland manager is "Coz he's funny in interviews". Is that it then - are we going to get someone like him in because he's comical and thinks he's a bit of a smart a**e.

We'd be better off with Jim Jeffries, who is less "interesting", and has at least been most impressive when working within limited budgets (Hearts Scottish Cup 1998). Though I still think Walter could do a better job than him.

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What if Strachan came and made an even bigger pigs ear of it>? Remember he had a poor record with Coventry.......

His record at Coventry is comparable to Smith's at Everton. The only difference was that Everton sacked Smith before he was allowed to relegate them. You could ask what if Smith took the job and was worse than Vogts? It's as equally a pointless question as yours. Any manager could make an arse of any managerial job but you still have to appoint someone.

Smith's best years were when he inherited the best team in the Scottish Premier, kept them at the top but, apart from one year, failed miserably in Europe. Strachan's best years were with a small club who competed against, and beat, better teams. Strachan is more suited to the Scotland job.

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Could someone tell me why there is such a big hoo-ha about Gordon Strachan then? What has he won as a manager - nothing. The strangest reason I've heard in support of Gordon Strachan being the next Scotland manager is "Coz he's funny in interviews". Is that it then - are we going to get someone like him in because he's comical and thinks he's a bit of a smart a**e.

We'd be better off with Jim Jeffries, who is less "interesting", and has at least been most impressive when working within limited budgets (Hearts Scottish Cup 1998). Though I still think Walter could do a better job than him.

I've not made a 'hoo-ha' about any candidates for the job, mainly because up until full time on Wednesday night, I was still 100% behind the current holder of the post. To be perfectly honest though, I don't reckon that there are many, if any at all, managers available that could do a better job than Berti himself has - the resources just don't seem to be there. :unsure:

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To be perfectly honest though, I don't reckon that there are many, if any at all, managers available that could do a better job than Berti himself has - the resources just don't seem to be there. :unsure:

The argument about our players not being good enough simply doesn't wash with me. Even last night with a squad full of injuries and suspensions we were able to field a team consisting of players from the English Premiership, English First Division and SPL. We're not on course for world domination any time soon but surely with a bit of organisation and passion we should be capable of grinding out a few more results than we have been at present. If you want a prime example look at Greece.

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I read about this an hour or so ago on the Evening Times website. Some exclusive :lol:

I didn't know that actually, but then I'm not the one failing as a journalist :P

Do you have an auto email that contacts you when the word "exclusive" is used? :lol: You only appear at such times, :P;)

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His record at Coventry is comparable to Smith's at Everton. The only difference was that Everton sacked Smith before he was allowed to relegate them. You could ask what if Smith took the job and was worse than Vogts? It's as equally a pointless question as yours. Any manager could make an arse of any managerial job but you still have to appoint someone.

Smith's best years were when he inherited the best team in the Scottish Premier, kept them at the top but, apart from one year, failed miserably in Europe. Strachan's best years were with a small club who competed against, and beat, better teams. Strachan is more suited to the Scotland job.

What im saying is that you cant criticise a manager until he gets a chance with the job. THe problems that went on at everton must have been unsettling for a manager, something that Strachan never got at Southampton. As for his record at southampton, was it that great? He had an abysmal start to his career, they went about 4 months without winning at home. The only reason that he did do as well was Beattie, if you took him out then they would have struggled. He managed to get a great signing in Niemi, but some of his other signings were awful. *Delgado*. Yes hell add fire and wont take crap, but will Smith not be able to do that?

The only reason that people are all on the Strachan bandwagon is the fact hes committed, but didnt he turn down the job before? Shows great commitment to the cause.

What you have to face is that we are a crap team and dont have the players. Walter Smith was always able to get things organised when he was at Rangers, look at all the 1-0 wins he got against what was a decent celtic team at the end of his career..... Scrapping out important wins.

Just because Celtic werent that great at the time doesnt mean he isnt a good manager, what you have to do is give him time when he gets the job and see what he can do. As was said for Vogts, if Smith cant get us to Euro 2008, then Strachan can get his chance.

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As for his record at southampton, was it that great?

In his first season, they finished 11th and in his second, they finished 8th and made the final of the FA Cup. Smith did have to work with difficulties but Strachan had to work for Rupert Lowe.

The only reason that he did do as well was Beattie, if you took him out then they would have struggled.

Beattie was excellent when Strachan was the manager. Surely that's an example of how Strachan got the best out of his players? It also shows that he was able to use him to make the team more successful. Ferguson, Fletcher and McFadden all have talent yet aren't being used properly

He managed to get a great signing in Niemi, but some of his other signings were awful. *Delgado*.

Every transfer is a gamble. Walter Smith made some abysmal transfers when he was at Rangers, although signing players isn't something an international manager does and it's not quite equatable to picking players for international squads.

The only reason that people are all on the Strachan bandwagon is the fact hes committed, but didnt he turn down the job before? Shows great commitment to the cause.

Have you got a link to where it says Strachan turned the job down? I wouldn't say that the only reason people want Strachan is because he's committed. People can judge that Strachan has ability, as shown by his spell at Southampton. I don't care what he's like in interviews. I believe he's the most qualified for the job and deserves to be 1st choice.

What you have to face is that we are a crap team and dont have the players.

I agree that we are a crap team but I don't agree that we don't have the players. Craig Brown didn't have players that were hugely better than the current ones yet he was able to make us into a relatively successful side. Under the right manager, we would have a decent team that is hard to beat. We have players that are good enough to get us second in the group. Norway and Slovenia aren't any better than us.

As for Strachan's poor record at Coventry, here's his records at Southampton and Coventry and Smith's at Everton.

                 GP   W   L   D   Win %

Strachan (Sot) 110  39  39  32   35.5

         (Cov) 215  70  89  56   32.6

Smith    (Eve) 168  53  65  50   31.5

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I'm sure i've heard Strachan talking about how Scottish football needs a complete overhaul. If he was given the job as manager of the national team he would want to ensure that the structure of the game in Scotland was sorted out. This would mean that in a few years time we wouldn't be talking about how there are no decent Scottish players.

IMO this is exactly what needs to happen just now and exactly why the SFA won't give him the job. The same reason that the English FA didn't appoint Brian Clough when they had the chance.

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Beattie was excellent when Strachan was the manager. Surely that's an example of how Strachan got the best out of his players? It also shows that he was able to use him to make the team more successful. Ferguson, Fletcher and McFadden all have talent yet aren't being used properly

Every transfer is a gamble. Walter Smith made some abysmal transfers when he was at Rangers, although signing players isn't something an international manager does and it's not quite equatable to picking players for international squads.

He also made some brilliant transfers Andy Goram for example one of the best scottish keepers. He also turned ally mccoist from a bench warmer to a top goal scorer. Smith is a capable manager and like what people have said earlier will bring a fair bit of unity to the team

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