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Who's Going To Uni?

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I may have referenced former Ross County players and seasons they played in during exams. Quite straightforward when you can go: Bullock (2008), (Cowan, 2005), McCunnie (2004). In moments of blank mindedness I did end up using foreign players like (Ciani, 2006) and Tomei (2007).

I tried to go back a few years, just in case the marker was an avid Scottish football fan.

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I may have referenced former Ross County players and seasons they played in during exams. Quite straightforward when you can go: Bullock (2008), (Cowan, 2005), McCunnie (2004). In moments of blank mindedness I did end up using foreign players like (Ciani, 2006) and Tomei (2007).

I tried to go back a few years, just in case the marker was an avid Scottish football fan.

[Vennegoor of Hesselink, 2008]

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Does anyone at Strathclyde know about staying in the uni buildings in the evening/night? I've heard that you need to "book in" so that the security people know you're there if there's a fire or whatnot but at what time can you stay into before needing to notify them? And is there a place on campus that you sign in or is it done individually by the building/departments?

I can imagine I'll need to be in late on one of Tuesday or Wednesday because the project I've got due for Friday has to use a specific program that only 16 people can use at a time (and there's about 100 who'll need to use it between now and around Thursday) so I figured I'd go in at like 4/5ish and use it when the computer labs will be dead but I've no idea how to go about telling the uni I'll be in late.

Figured I'd ask here first before going in and asking someone tomorrow.

edit: found the answer. Operating hours are from 8am-6pm and I need to contact the head of my department for a red card or something.

Edited by forehead7
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Had a meeting with my dissertation supervisor earlier today, he seemed happy enough with my literature review. He mentioned that the information was quite dated, with few sources from the last five years. I told him that there didn't seem to be much new information on my chosen subject. He had a look and agreed, and as my subject area is a fairly large one, he has asked me to consider doing a PhD.

I've never considered a PhD before, the very thought of it brings me out in a cold sweat. I understand a few from on here have went down this avenue. Did you find it worthwhile? How difficult is it? What sort of job can I get at the end of it all?

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Had a meeting with my dissertation supervisor earlier today, he seemed happy enough with my literature review. He mentioned that the information was quite dated, with few sources from the last five years. I told him that there didn't seem to be much new information on my chosen subject. He had a look and agreed, and as my subject area is a fairly large one, he has asked me to consider doing a PhD. I've never considered a PhD before, the very thought of it brings me out in a cold sweat. I understand a few from on here have went down this avenue. Did you find it worthwhile? How difficult is it? What sort of job can I get at the end of it all?

What's your dissertation topic? I have to start thinking about that soon. I hate having to choose a topic, I would rather I was just given one.

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What's your dissertation topic? I have to start thinking about that soon. I hate having to choose a topic, I would rather I was just given one.

The level of staff turnover in the call centre industry.

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Had a report due in today at noon, I handed it in at 12:20. Any other Caley folk handed in something late? I'm guessing 10% deduction or something.

I haven't personally but I've heard the 10% figure mentioned for it. Probably best to get in touch with your facilitator and asking and/or completing a mitigating circumstances form and seeing if you can get away with it.

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What's your dissertation topic? I have to start thinking about that soon. I hate having to choose a topic, I would rather I was just given one.

I had to pick mine within the first few weeks of the semester (though we had to do our proposal for the end of November), we were given a list of about 100 or so topics (split into the different subjects I've done in the Civil Engineering course throughout the 3 years) and we were to pick 5, in order of preference, and the person overseeing the dissertations would divvy them out. You could select your own topic if you had an idea.

Have you been given no possible suggestions? That seems a bit harsh. I would've struggled without ideas, getting one with the right amount of depth is what I'd struggle with.

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Guest honestrae95


Get it up ye. You're doing Law though, eh? Should have done a diddy course and you'd be sitting with a beer celebrating your team going top of the league like me ;)

Aye, Law, the joys. Even my flatmates doing Medicine have done sweet f**k all in the way of work, meanwhile I've been swatting away like a sack. Still, has to be done. My other flatmate doing Sports Science has been to 4 or 5 lectures this whole semester, f**k knows what'll happen with him.

Yeah, Bonksy, as Ad Lib said they've changed the Delict course about. We do Contract Law in second semester.

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We got told to have a dissertation question in before the end of third year with the expectation that people would make a start of literature reviews over the summer. They then dropped the bomb on us that the deadline had been brought forward to January rather than March.

First draft due on Thursday/Friday for me. I've pretty much been told to create my own question and find my own stuff, no help given - even on literature (observation rather than complaint).

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Yeah we've got to come up with a question/topic all by ourselves for the dissertation. It's not due until end of March, but we have had a module on it this semester. It basically told us how to go about it, I'm still stumped however with it and I'd quite like my lit review done by New year. Better get my skates on and work over the festive period.

Ohhh aye and I've got my only exam on Wednesday and although I've done some work for it, probably not enough. That said nobody has any real idea what's going to come up. The lecturer has been told to make it easier the past 3 years. *gulp* not that it's a massively complex subject, I just cannae remember regulations and government proposals in reference to sustainable development.

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