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Had a re-sit today and I slept in and missed it. E-mailed the course co-ordinator but I don't expect him to go out his way to offer me another one (don't blame him).

Any Stirling people had a credits shortfall before? Is it just a case of picking up an extra module next semester, or two half modules over two semesters?

I realise it's my own fault but I'm feart in case they turn round and tell me to get to f**k.

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Had a re-sit today and I slept in and missed it. E-mailed the course co-ordinator but I don't expect him to go out his way to offer me another one (don't blame him).

Any Stirling people had a credits shortfall before? Is it just a case of picking up an extra module next semester, or two half modules over two semesters?

I realise it's my own fault but I'm feart in case they turn round and tell me to get to f**k.

Just pass every module between now and the end of 4th semester. I fucked up one in autumn there and managed fine.

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Received 5 unconditionals to study Journalism this year.

After careful consideration, I decided that with the financial constraints involved in moving to Edinburgh, Glasgow Caledonia would be my best option. Anyone sat the course?

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"Congratulations, you have successfully completed your programme and the Programme Board of Examiners has great pleasure in awarding you:

Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours (1st Division) in Building Surveying"

Well isn't that lovely of them, 2:1 confirmed today, not that it was in any doubt. No doubt I'll still be grumbling about my double group module screwing up my chances of a first when I retire!!

Congratulations! A 2:1 is harder to get than some folk think.

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Getting even more nervous with every passing day

Attended a DegreePrep at RGU on Monday & yesterday. Looking even more forward to going but there's a niggling part of my mind that keeps trying to convince me I won't get in.

Completed & passed all my Interactive Media at college, just waiting on the results of my graded unit. Need to get a B or more to get into the Multimedia Development course.

Trying not to think about it but my mind keeps asking "What's the backup plan if you don't get the B or better?", so far I don't have one apart from pick up much more hours at work

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My sister is graduating in absentia today as she's doing that Camp America thing. Thank f**k, I couldn't be arsed sitting through all that shite again. At least when I was graduating I got bopped on head by James Naughtie.

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Got a 2:1 in Economics which is nae bad but fell literally 2% in total grades short of a first class degree...nice to get a first for the dissertation though.

There is a huge gap between a high and a low 2:1...any 2:1 is a good grade but when you put 23.5% of people into the same degree classification its a bit screwy! Frustrating to know you could have done half the work and walked away with the same outcome...oh well.

The gap between a first and a 2:1 isn't that important unless you do something like law...for all business/social science subjects you just need to make sure you get your 2:1...a 2:2 is workable but you will not be landing your dream job any time soon.

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Just pass every module between now and the end of 4th semester. I fucked up one in autumn there and managed fine.

Aye? I've fired them an e-mail to see what I need to do but that sounds good if I'm honest. Really can't afford to pick up another full module next semester because of work.

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Had a re-sit today and I slept in and missed it. E-mailed the course co-ordinator but I don't expect him to go out his way to offer me another one (don't blame him).

Any Stirling people had a credits shortfall before? Is it just a case of picking up an extra module next semester, or two half modules over two semesters?

I realise it's my own fault but I'm feart in case they turn round and tell me to get to f**k.

I was in Stirling for my first degree and failed one of my modules in first year (didn't do the re-sit as is arrogantly assumed I would pass so booked a holiday without bothering to check the re-sit day, wasn't willing to cancel my holiday so I didn't bother with the exam).didn't have to repeat the module or make any up later on (I actually ended up 10 credits over the requirement), but that was for an 'outside' subject that I chose on a whim and had nothing to do with my degree. If it's part of your degree programme it may be different, but otherwise you should be OK.

Only time I ever needed a re-sit and the only time I have ever been unavailable on re-sit day. Typical. Who needs economics anyway?

Edited by jmothecat
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Anyone got anyone on Facebook that goes to St Andrews. Unbelievable how every single picture they post is full of bow-ties, tweed jackets and chinos. Makes me feel physically sick.

To be fair Glasgow and Edinburgh are both full of that as well, though with Glasgow I think they might be doing it 'ironically' and as part of some strange hipster takeover.

Though any night out in the GUU (which I tried once, never to be repeated) had an unbelievable amount of privately educated chino wearing twats with a born to rule type arrogance permanently fixed on their face.

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Anyone got anyone on Facebook that goes to St Andrews. Unbelievable how every single picture they post is full of bow-ties, tweed jackets and chinos. Makes me feel physically sick.

Yup, got quite a few. It's not nice to look at.

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To be fair Glasgow and Edinburgh are both full of that as well, though with Glasgow I think they might be doing it 'ironically' and as part of some strange hipster takeover.

Though any night out in the GUU (which I tried once, never to be repeated) had an unbelievable amount of privately educated chino wearing twats with a born to rule type arrogance permanently fixed on their face.

I imagine that's the case at a lot of the older universities up and down Britain. I knew a quite a lot of folk who studied law at Aberdeen, and while some of them were normal enough, a lot of them were the kind of people that caused the French Revolution.

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The sheer number of privately educated people at university surprised me when I first went to Glasgow Uni. I expected a few, but there seemed to be so many.

My sister, who went to a fancier university than I did, lived in halls and in her entire corridor she was the only person who went to state school, out of 18 of them.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a privately educated person, but having gone my entire life never knowing any, to suddenly being surrounded by them did focus how unequal our society is in some respects. I don't necessarily agree with abolishing private schools (can't see how that would help those in state education), but the inequality of it all bothers me. No idea what the solution is though.

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