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How the f**k do you get yourself banned from an SU? I know lads that get kicked out of the big cheese every other Saturday and yet are always allowed in in the first place

Didn't think it was possible to get chucked out of big cheese. I've seen a guy basically puke up on a bouncer's shoes and then stand with his mates laughing at the person whose job it was to clean up.

Fucking can't wait for the cheese to start up again.

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Didn't think unions have a shit about 17 year olds students drinking. I've seen them do the different coloured wristbands thing; but once you're in they don't seem to give a f**k (I remember being told that police aren't allowed to go on university properties unless they're actually summoned, so effectively they can get away with selling to underagers as long as no one grasses them in)

Giving a rugby boy a kicking confirms you as a top class boi though

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I had my membership card taken off me, but I could walk in during the day easily enough.

The boy was from Cowdenbeath, but went to some private school in Edinburgh. He had something worse than a Glasgow uni accent. His girlfriend spat on me for because I said 'f**k sake' when she gave me a fair barge as she was walking past. He took exception to the volley of abuse I aimed her way and started throwing punches. He was in one of my classes and from that day forth I walked past him every day with a Gregg Wallace type grin.

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Didn't think it was possible to get chucked out of big cheese. I've seen a guy basically puke up on a bouncer's shoes and then stand with his mates laughing at the person whose job it was to clean up.Fucking can't wait for the cheese to start up again.

That is the shittest night out in Western Europe.

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That is the shittest night out in Western Europe.

Thought that until everyone I know started going. Male/female ratio is exceptional and elsewhere on a Saturday in Edinburgh is generally shite except Castle Clvb.

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Everywhere in Edinburgh is fucking terrible on a Saturday. Never been to Castle though. Everywhere is either too busy or full of old c***s(ie Cav). The Cheese is the only place to go on a Saturday.

Why Not Monday

Can Vol Tuesday (I'm too tall to go to Lulu's)

Opal Wednesday

Silk Thursday

Liquid Rooms Friday

Big Cheese Saturday

Cav Sunday

and Hive if you're too drunk to go anywhere else

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I had my membership card taken off me, but I could walk in during the day easily enough.

The boy was from Cowdenbeath, but went to some private school in Edinburgh. He had something worse than a Glasgow uni accent. His girlfriend spat on me for because I said 'f**k sake' when she gave me a fair barge as she was walking past. He took exception to the volley of abuse I aimed her way and started throwing punches. He was in one of my classes and from that day forth I walked past him every day with a Gregg Wallace type grin.

Did ye aye?

Shat it and stormed off NAP.


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Everywhere in Edinburgh is fucking terrible on a Saturday. Never been to Castle though. Everywhere is either too busy or full of old c***s(ie Cav). The Cheese is the only place to go on a Saturday.

Why Not Monday

Can Vol Tuesday (I'm too tall to go to Lulu's)

Opal Wednesday

Silk Thursday

Liquid Rooms Friday

Big Cheese Saturday

Cav Sunday

and Hive if you're too drunk to go anywhere else

That's pretty much nailed it tbh. Although I despise Cab Vol so make a concerted point of never going there now. It's also amazing how much the places change in their cheap nights, especially Why Not. For all it's George Street wankyness at times, only place where I've ever started slurring my words to the point of not understanding and still got somewhere. Plus it was Christmas, so everyone was very festive, albeit my jumper stood out!

It's a shame PictureHouse closed down, whilst it was never the best, it's where me and mates used to end up sometimes and it was always a decent laugh. Especially if there was someone decent on. Actually, it was probably the first club night I ever went to.

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For all those who want to penalise private school students...what about all the academies/grammar schools which are often better than the private schools? Shouldn't they be penalised even more so?

Think the true answer is to make people sit a GMAT like they do in the states: a test which is virtually non-revisable and tests pure skill/ability. That would surely be fairest.

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The best way to hurt private schoolers would be to make state education mandatory between say 5 and 17. It would cost a prohibitive amount though, and would only lead to rich parents hiring private tuition for evenings and weekends

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Have any Stirling Uni folk on here had dealings with Grant Property before?

I'm moving into my new digs on the 27th of August and they're looking for the first month's rent up front. I get paid 2 days later and would prefer to give them it then, would they be sound with this? Not a huge issue as I've put the money aside out of this month's wage but it's a bit of a b*****d not being able to touch it when I'm getting paid again 2 days after the lease starts.

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Have any Stirling Uni folk on here had dealings with Grant Property before?

I'm moving into my new digs on the 27th of August and they're looking for the first month's rent up front. I get paid 2 days later and would prefer to give them it then, would they be sound with this? Not a huge issue as I've put the money aside out of this month's wage but it's a bit of a b*****d not being able to touch it when I'm getting paid again 2 days after the lease starts.

I'd tell you it's a bad move but unfortunately there's not a great deal of choice for flats in Stirling if you don't want to go with Grant. I've got loads of horror stories but everything usually works out in the end. The pick of the bunch is when Grant sold the flat I was moving into to another letting agent and didn't even tell us.

In your case I imagine they'll kick up a stink but I'd call them and explain the situation really. If you really don't want to pay it on time and it's just two days I'm sure one of your flatmates, yer Maw, whoever would be willing to give a two day loan.

Whereabouts are you moving to? I stayed in halls first year, Fraser in second then in town in third year; Living off campus is so much better.

Edited by Paco
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Everywhere in Edinburgh is fucking terrible on a Saturday. Never been to Castle though. Everywhere is either too busy or full of old c***s(ie Cav). The Cheese is the only place to go on a Saturday.

Why Not Monday

Can Vol Tuesday (I'm too tall to go to Lulu's)

Opal Wednesday

Silk Thursday

Liquid Rooms Friday

Big Cheese Saturday

Cav Sunday

and Hive if you're too drunk to go anywhere else

Silk is massively over rated and isnt exactly cheap. Compared to Glasgow (Cav aside) Edinburgh seriously lacks a decent nightclub. Hive is brilliant though.

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I'd tell you it's a bad move but unfortunately there's not a great deal of choice for flats in Stirling if you don't want to go with Grant. I've got loads of horror stories but everything usually works out in the end. The pick of the bunch is when Grant sold the flat I was moving into to another letting agent and didn't even tell us.

In your case I imagine they'll kick up a stink but I'd call them and explain the situation really. If you really don't want to pay it on time and it's just two days I'm sure one of your flatmates, yer Maw, whoever would be willing to give a two day loan.

Whereabouts are you moving to? I stayed in halls first year, Fraser in second then in town in third year; Living off campus is so much better.

Honestly mate I don't think I want to hear anymore horror stories about this mob :lol:.

I'll probably not bother, I have the money saved away and if I need to spend it before then my girlfriend has offered to loan me it until the 29th so it's not a really big deal.

I was on campus last year in Polwarth and this year I'm moving into the City Centre. Looking forward to the proximity to Tesco/Pubs but you couldn't beat living on campus when you woke up 10 minutes before a lecture and made it on time :lol:

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Likewise if it's the same as Grant Management in Dundee - avoid.

Looked at my timetable for next semester and I'm only in 4 hours a week, not including the odd dissertation workshop every so often. Plenty of time to work on my dissertation but a bit worried due to my inability to study without a deadline/pressure on me.

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